
panel of speakers sitting at a table during the westmed in my country 22 event in Mauritania

WestMED Evènement de la Mauritanie : Vers la création d’un cluster maritime Mauritanien

Dans le cadre de l’initiative WestMED, le hub National de la Mauritanie, en étroite coordination avec le Ministère des Pêches et de l’Economie Maritime a organisé le lundi 27 juin 2022, à l’hôtel de Nouakchott, un atelier national dédiée à la discussion de l’opportunité de créer un cluster maritime mauritanien. Cette importante rencontre, présidée par le Secrétaire Général du Ministère des Pêches et de l’Economie Maritime et en présence des secrétaires Généraux du Ministère de l’Environnement et du Développement Durable et du Ministère du Pétrole, des Mines et de l’Energie, fait suite au webinaire organisé le mardi 27 juillet 2021 et s’inscrit dans le cadre de « WestMED in my country ».

Ont pris part à cette conférence, en plus du hub national de la Mauritanie et du coordinateur national de l’initiative WestMed en Mauritanie, des représentants des principales institutions nationales concernées, des représentants du secteur privé, des organisations socio-professionnelles et de la société civile, des représentants des principales institutions de la recherche scientifique au niveau national, Monsieur Matteo Bocci de l’équipe technique de l’initiative WestMED et Mme Amna Soholji, Secrétaire Générale du Cluster Maritime Tunisien.

Lors de cet atelier, les participants ont suivi trois exposés : le premier a été fait par M. Matteo Bocci (expert Ecorys) et a concerné la présentation des types et pratiques existants des clusters maritimes et une analyse de leur potentiel pour stimuler une croissance durable et des emplois dans le bassin méditerranéen. Le deuxième, fait par Mme Amna Sohlobji, Secrétaire Générale du Cluster Maritime Tunisien est relatif à l’expérience du cluster tunisien. En fin, le troisième exposé, fait par Dr. Mohamed Lemine Abdel Hamid du Hub National de la Mauritanie, a été focalisé sur la présentation des principaux éléments de réflexion, issus d’un benchmarking, relatifs à la création du cluster maritime mauritanien.

A l’issue de ces exposés, un débat riche a été ouvert entre les participants. Au cours de ce débat, les participants ont jugé nécessaire le démarrage immédiat du processus de création du cluster maritime mauritanien. Ainsi, un comité technique ad hoc (de 10 personnes), composé des représentants des principales institutions publiques, de la recherche scientifique, des organisations socioprofessionnelles et de la société civile, et des opérateurs économiques a été désigné par les participants et dont la mission est de proposer les modalités pratiques pour la création du cluster (format, composition, aspects juridiques, etc.). Ce comité devra achever son travail d’ici fin octobre 2022. Le deadline pour la création du cluster maritime mauritanien est fixé pour fin 2022. Dans ce cadre, les participants ont souligné la nécessité de l’assistance technique et financière de l’initiative WestMED et des partenaires techniques et financiers de la Mauritanie pour accompagner le processus du cluster maritime.

Notons que la réunion a été marquée par une couverture médiatique très importante, avec la présence de tous les organes de la presse officielle nationale (Agence Mauritanienne d’Information, Télévision Nationale Al Mauritaniya, radio de Mauritanie), des télévisions privées et des plateformes de la presse Internet (Al Minasa, El Moubasher Bi El Hassaniya, Agence Nabaa, Agence Azougui). L’évènement a été présenté parmi les éléments principaux dans le journal d’information des chaines officielles et privées en français, en arabe et en langues nationales, diffusés dans la soirée du 27/06/2022. De même, des extraits des discussions ont été diffusés en direct sur Facebook. Les agences d’information publiques et privées ont également diffusé des interviews en français et en arabe avec le responsable du Hub National (Dr. Mohamed Lemine Abdel Hamid). Lors de ces interviews le responsable du HN a présenté l’initiative WestMED, et les objectifs et les résultats attendus de l’organisation de l’atelier, et a souligné que l’atelier d’aujourd’hui constitue un pas important vers la concrétisation de la création d’un cluster maritime mauritanien.


Téléchargez la présentation par Dr. Mohamed Lemine Abdel Hamid : Eléments de réflexion relatifs à la création d’un Cluster maritime mauritanien

Pour plus d’informations contactez:

panel seated at table at national event italy 2022 in naples

A new Blue Economy support ecosystem proposed during Italy’s WestMED National Event in Naples

Within the beautiful setting of the new museum Darwin Dohrn in Naples, on May 26th and 27th 2022, the WestMED National Coordinators and the National Hubs organized the Italian ‘WestMED in my country’ event: “Blue Accelerators & Incubators: the main challenge for Blue Growth in Italy”.

With the practical support of Cluster Tecnologico Nazionale Blue Italian Growth and Federazione del Mare, the endorsement of the Department of Cohesion within the Presidency of Council of Ministers and of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this was also recognized as an official EMD in my country 2022 event.

It was opened with speeches from the Mayor of Naples, Gaetano Manfredi (former Dean of the University Federico II) and the Regional Counsellor for Research, Innovation and Start-ups of the Campania Region, Valeria Fascione.

Based on a structural gap in the Italian Blue Economy ecosystem, the idea proposed was implementing a national supply chain of support for innovation, new entrepreneurship and employability, based on an alliance that consists of Maritime Clusters, Accelerators & Incubators and Investors & Fund Managers (public & private).

Such a supply chain could facilitate and expedite the search for partners & financial resources by the promoters of a Blue Economy initiative, while national and regional maritime clusters could help mitigate the risks taken by investors and accelerators/ incubators. They could do so by helping to identify the most deserving and really innovative initiatives.

This two-day event gave the opportunity for Italian stakeholders to:

  • become further acquainted with the WestMED Initiative activities in Italy and in the sub-basin over the last four years;
  • become aware of the strategic agreement among the two national maritime clusters (proposed and supported by the WestMED National Coordinators and Italian National Hub) and the excellent results already achieved;
  • network and meet, (Italian and foreign) representatives in-person from over 50 clusters, accelerators and incubators, venture capital companies, start-ups, research institutes, EU platforms, EU funds managing authorities.

More than 70 experts and professionals from the whole country joined in-person with an average of 40 participants who followed  the event online.

To complement the programme,  the visitors were treated to a guided tour of the museum by Prof Ferdinando Boero, who described the 150 years history of Stazione Anton Dohrn where he highlighted the significant contribution of the two scientists Dohrn and Darwin to marine zoology and their studies preserved in this museum, as well as drawing attention to the Gulf of Naples, as being the richest marine biodiversity site

All participants who joined in-person, received a free conference kit.

As a follow-up, the WestMED National Coordinators and Italian National  Hub are already undertaking the steps subsequent to the opportunities that emerged during this event.

For further info, contact Leonardo Mazari (National Hub Italy) :


people meeting at event bridging the gap in Malta 2022

Bridging the Maritime Skills Gap. Succesful WestMED event helps identify possible solutions in Malta

Today the WestMED Initiative (Malta) in collaboration with the Malta Maritime Forum organised an event entitled “Blue Skills: Bridging the Skills Gap through Education and Ocean Literacy”.

The event was successful in bringing together the views of the captains of industry and academia who identified skills shortages and possible solutions to the skills gap shortages that are afflicting the industry.

The event sought to strengthen cooperation between all stakeholders in order to address labour market frictions that hamper employers from their much-needed talent and skills that sustain their business models.

Moreover the event also focused on the important role of ocean literacy in order to bridge the gap highlighting the importance of engaging youths, students as well as NGOs within the industry.

The work conducted by the Union for the Mediterranean on blue skills was also presented in the event and colleagues from the Atlantic Assistance Mechanism presented the work conducted on blue skills and ocean literacy in the Atlantic.

The event was purposely timed to coincide with Maritime Day and enjoyed official recognition as a ‘European Maritime Day (EMD) In My Country’.

Besides key industry and academia representatives, other participants in the event included the Hon Aaron Farrugia, Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Capital Projects; the Hon Ivan Castillo, Shadow Minister for the Maritime Sector; Perit Karmenu Vella, former European Commissioner for the Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries; and Mr Joseph Bugeja, Chairperson and CEO of Transport Malta.

More information: contact Stephanie Vella or Annabel Vella at our WestMED National Hub Malta

euromed academy poster

E-Learning program launched: “Fostering and managing Blue growth Potential in the Mediterranean

Source: Interreg Mediterranean-Blue Growth

In the context of the INTERREG EURO-MED Academy, the Blue Growth Community is launching the next 16th of May 2022, the online programme “Fostering and Managing Blue Growth Potential in the Mediterranean ».

This e-learning programme is addressed to the next Generation of Mediterranean Leaders on Inclusive and Sustainable Development both from the Northern and Southern shores. This entails a very wide audience having a direct relation to the Blue Growth sector, from young people involved in the blue economy governance to young entrepreneurs and practitioners working in business support organizations (BSOs), NGOs, research institutions, etc.

Therefore, all stakeholders coming from the public/private sectors and civil society interested on Blue Growth will have the opportunity to benefit of this free learning programme that offers a global coverage of all thematic areas of Blue Economy.

Using different training tools such as 7,5h of pre-recorded lectures, available side material for studying (documents, videos, links, etc.), assessment tools (short tests and an exercise), one live webinar and a final event (with key-note speeches and selected presentations of the participants and students), this programme will offer:

  • Modules: 10 short modules structures in the following thematic:
    1. Potential of Blue Economy in the Mediterranean
    2. Marine Renewable Energy (1st part)
    3. Marine Renewable Energy (2nd part)
    4. Sustainable Tourism
    5. Greening the Ports
    6. Fisheries & Aquaculture
    7. Unlocking the potential of Blue Bioeconomy through biotechnologies
    8. Maritime Security & Maritime Surveillance
    9. Maritime Spatial Planning
    10. How to reconcile Blue Economy and Marine Environmental protection


  • Course duration: 5 weeks (recommended)


Through a dedicated section under each Module, the participants will have the opportunity to overview innovative results and tools produced by the projects of the Blue Growth Community and beyond.

The Blue Growth Community e-learning program “Fostering and Managing Blue Growth Potential in the Mediterranean” will take place from the 16th of May to the 11th of July 2022.

Find more information here.


underwater ray of light

Survey for Nautical Companies to Understand Potential of Innovative Marine Robotics


Blue Roses is an EU funded project, developed by a consortium of research institutions and companies (Navigo and Aninver – IMC Worldwide among them), to use state-of-the-art marine robotics to develop innovative and sustainable underwater services for marinas and leisure boats.

The aim of the project is to facilitate access to the underwater environment through the use of Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) and associated ICT. This ‘new dimension’ will help marinas attract and grow interest from diversified users. The robots can be used in a variety of functions, including yacht hull monitoring, remote access to underwater sites, monitoring of sea beds and many other applications.
The three scenarios considered by the project, in which we seek to identify and analyze innovative services and business models, are:
1. Remote access to naturalistic and/or cultural underwater sites (Pilot 1)
2. Robotic-based waters and seabed monitoring inside marinas (Pilot 2)
3. Robotic-based monitoring of yacht hulls for security and support to refit and dismantling

This survey is part of the research to understand the potential of innovative marine robotics services and business models. Your collaboration is highly appreciated. Your personal data will only be used for statistical purposes and none of the consortium members will store or further use this information.

Take me to the survey here

salem miladi ifm radio 2022

Salem Miladi (WestMED National Hub Tunisia) talks about the Blue Economy on National Radio IFM

On Saturday April 16, 2022 Salem Miladi from the WestMED National Hub in Tunisia was invited by Radio IFM; a popular national commercial radio station in Tunisia. In the program L’univers Marin,’ hosted by Wael Beji,  he was interviewed for 50 minutes  about the blue economy, the WestMED initiative and the situation in Tunisia with its main opportunities and challenges for blue growth.

There was a lot of response after the show – including high viewership of the recording on YouTube.  It was also referenced to in a follow-up meeting with  Secretary of State for the Sea, Asma S’hiri Laabidi who agreed to open the Tunisian WestMED National Event on June 2 by announcing the Tunisian government’s commitment to promote the blue economy and present the first elements of the Blue Economy Strategy

You can watch the full recording here  (in Arabic)


EU and Mauritania announce the conclusion of negotiations for a new fisheries agreement

Source: EC.Europa website  | 29 July 2021

The European Union and the Islamic Republic of Mauritania have concluded on Wednesday 28 July 2021 the negotiations for the renewal of the bilateral agreement on sustainable fisheries.

Fishing boats, Mauritania @ Patrick CHAZOT / Adobe Stock
This new agreement, which replaces the one in force since 2008, contributes to further strengthening the political partnership between the EU and Mauritania and confirms several decades of cooperation in the field of fisheries, a key sector for the development of Mauritania’s economy and one of the pillars of European blue growth.

Consistent with the European fisheries policy, the new agreement comes after a long negotiation, which took place in a phase of reform of Mauritania’s fisheries management and incorporates the priorities of the new national sectoral strategy recently adopted.

The Implementation Protocol accompanying the new agreement was concluded for a period of five years and aims at a gradual alignment of the fishing opportunities offered to Union vessels operating in Mauritanian waters with their actual activity, taking into account the best scientific advice in the context of increased monitoring of the state of the fisheries resources concerned. For this reason, the protocol includes, inter alia, a review clause before the third year of application in order to allow the possible adjustment of the fishing opportunities and the financial contribution paid by the Union in the light of the actual use made of these possibilities by Union vessels.

The new protocol contributes to responsible fishing and sustainable management of fisheries resources under improved technical and operational conditions and transparency. It aims in particular to minimise the impact of fishing on marine ecosystems and respects the activities of Mauritanian coastal and artisanal fleets.

The protocol provides for access by the European fleet to Mauritanian waters for the fishing of crustaceans, demersal fish, tuna and small pelagics, for a total of approximately 290.000 tonnes per year. For the first years of application of the protocol, in addition to the catches paid by European fishermen, the EU will devote EUR 57,5 million per year to this partnership. The European Union will pay Another EUR 16,5 million, spread over the duration of the protocol, as sectoral support to accompany the implementation of the Mauritanian national strategy by measures approved jointly.


Read the full news announcement on the ec.europa website

westmed cluster alliance logo

The WestMED Maritime Cluster Alliance helps pave the way for establishing a Mauritanian Maritime Cluster

In the framework of the activities of the WestMED Maritime Clusters Alliance, and thanks to the organization of the WestMED Mauritanian National Coordinator and National Hub, the first event aimed at the establishment of a Maritime Cluster in Mauritania, has shown the importance of such a process in the growth and consolidation of local ecosystems for the Blue Economy and beyond.

Taking inspiration from the good practices from Tunisia, with its CMT (Cluster Maritime Tunisien), the participation of the Secretary General of the Union of Arab Maghreb and the President of the Central African Francophone Maritime Cluster (together with the main European networks of maritime clusters – ENMC, ECA), well represents the significance of a joint undertaking of the same challenge at regional level.

Countries where this process is at its early stage, find a strong support in this common effort and the requests expressed by the Mauritanian actors, during the networking session, have clearly underlined the need for support: institutional anchoring, sustainable model for clusters establishment and development, financial resources to encourage research &i nnovation, progressive inclusion of local ecosystems in European supply chains (towards Euro-Mediterranean ones).

The WestMED Maritime Clusters Alliance, through its inclusive activities, is going to ensure and facilitate suitable answers to this capacity building demand, within South-South and also North-South through actions/partnerships/projects.

The next event related to this topic, during event during the SEAFUTURE 2021, will mark another step of this ongoing process, in the same direction.

More information
Contact the National Hub Italy for more information

event announcement poster with a 3 people working on a project proposal

Élaboration Efficace de Propositions de Projets pour le Financement de L’UE | 29 juin 2021 | En ligne

Cette session de formation pilote est destinée aux acteurs de l’Économie Bleue du sud de la Méditerranée qui souhaitent acquérir des connaissances et des compétences de base pour le développement de propositions de projets européens.

La formation comprendra des sessions sur l’approche du cadre logique, les choses à faire et à ne pas faire dans la préparation de ce type de projets, la création d’un consortium, ainsi que des exemples concrets de projets en cours liés à l’économie bleue, avec la présence de partenaires du sud de la Méditerranée.

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mediterranean beach

WestMED Asistance Mechanism highlights importance of transferability of Sustainable Tourism Initiatives to Southern Shore Countries

The Assistance Mechanism participated in an event on May 6, 2021 organised by the Sustainable Tourism Community where the importance of replicability and transferability of EU funded projects and was highlighted – including the importance of strengthening ties and opportunities with Southern partners. It was also noted that the Assistance Mechanism is actively engaged in supporting stakeholders to extend the benefits that are coming out of a number of projects on sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean.

The MED Sustainable Tourism Community counts on a group of 17 Associated partners (networks, actors participating in Mediterranean initiatives, tourism stakeholders, academia) with the role of ensuring links with other initiatives and to enlarge the impacts and the scope of the dissemination, transferring and capitalisation activities. The main questions discussed the event are:

  1. The identification of synergies with existing initiatives of participating  organizations
  2. Identification of collaboration among organization and the MED Community
  3. Involvement in the the transferring & capitalization of activities

Read the news article on the Interreg Med Sustainable tourism


For more information, please contact:
– Stephanie Vella:
– Mohamed Lemine: