Le Hub National Italie facilite la tâche des acteurs locaux et régionaux en fournissant à la communauté WestMED une expertise sur l’économie bleue, en aidant les porteurs de projets à trouver les bons partenaires grâce à leur vaste réseau sur les deux rives de la Méditerranée occidentale, en soutenant le développement d’idées de projets, en aidant à rédiger les demandes d’appels d’offres et en donnant des conseils sur les opportunités de financement les plus applicables.
Le Hub national (co-)organise des événements pour aider à mener des discussions sur différents sujets maritimes et peut être trouvé lors de réunions liées à l’économie bleue (en ligne) pour partager son expertise.
Contactez le Hub national Italie pour plus d’informations et voyez comment il peut vous aider.
Rejoignez le Hub National Italie
Blue Challenges in the Mediterranean
Joint National WestMED event Italy and Malta
4-6 October 2023 | Cantania, Italy (Hybrid)
Blue Planet Economy Expo Forum
10-12 October 2023 | Rome, Italy
18 October 2023 | Livorno, Italy
Dr Leonardo Manzari
Leonardo is a senior economist, with a strong experience in Clusters Development, support to MSMEs, Entrepreneurship, Internationalization, Technical Assistance and Capacity Building within Industrial Co-operation activities, Business Modelling and Business Planning, Vocational Training, FDI attraction in various sectors (i.e. Railways, Logistics, Blue Economy, Farm Mechanization, Weighing and Measurement, Municipal and Industrial Vehicles, etc.).
First as a consultant, then as manager in different industrial groups, now with his consulting firm and the Institute for International Relations, he has been assisting clusters, consortia, entrepreneurial associations, institutions dedicated to the promotion of territories and local development, through EU funded projects (EU PHARE-JOPP, PHARE Institution Building Programme, TACIS, ECIIP projects in Hungary, Czech Rep., Slovak Rep., Albania, South Africa, China), national, regional and local independent initiatives and partnerships (i.e. Black Sea Economic Co-operation Organization, Marmara Group Foundation, IUST Tehran, IBSU, ICBSS, RAILMED, Consorzio Tecnomar Liguria, DLTM, SEC Mediterranea).
Along this path, since 2014 he has been co-organizing SEAFUTURE (the largest and most international-oriented Italian business convention in the Blue Economy, at its 8th edition in 2020), and is co-founder and shareholder of Italian Blue Growth srl (IBG) for the promotion of the Blue Economy in all its fields, through dedicated networking events (naval and maritime technologies, port infrastructures and intermodal logistics, technologies for prevention and management of hydrogeological emergencies, etc.).
WestMed National Hub for Italy since January 2019, he is assisting the National Coordinators, like regional and local institutions for the adoption of the sustainable and common Blue Growth agenda in the Mediterranean basin defined in the Framework for Action; gathering and supporting Italian stakeholders to increase networking and sinergies with stakeholders from WestMed countries, joining opportunities offered by EU funded programmes, participating to specific projects, leading new project ideas on themes with high-potential, planning and acting with a systemic view towards common goals, strategies and actions.
Cristian Chiavetta
Cristian Chiavetta is an Environmental Engineer graduated at the Universitiy of Bologna with a PhD on LCA of renewable energy and resource valorization as secondary raw materials.
He is a researcher at the Department for Sustainability of ENEA, the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development.
He coordinates national and international projects focusing on Sustainable Development and Ecological Transition and supports companies of the Blue Economy in their eco-innovation paths through the implementation of circular economy solutions.
He is the member of the board of expert on the blue biotechnologies of the Cluster Blue Italian Growth (Cluster BIG), has been selected as circular economy expert by the Italian Ministry for the Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) to be part of the delegation representing Italy in the Summit of 2 Shores and provides technical supports to the Italian Ministry for Economic Development (MISE) as advisor on the Green transition of the SMEs within the initiative of the Med platform of the industrial cooperation promoted by the Union for Mediterranean and European Commission.
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