Actualités Italie

Ufm Mediterranean pavillion stand with people passing by at an exhibition

UfM and Interreg NEXT MED renew commitment to tackling regional challenges together

12 March 2025, Barcelona – The Union for the Mediterranean and Interreg NEXT MED, the largest EU-funded transnational cooperation programme promoting socioeconomic development and environmental initiatives in the Mediterranean Basin, have reached an agreement formally extending collaboration between both parties for at least another three years. The Memorandum of Understanding, which highlights how both Euro-Mediterranean […]

group pucture decarbonisation conference  Valencia port February 2025

WestMED participates in the Fundación Valenciaport conference « Innovation initiatives for decarbonising the Mediterranean”

On 11 February 2025, Fundación Valenciaport organised the conference “Innovation initiatives for decarbonising the Mediterranean” in Valencia. The main objective was to present the many initiatives in which it participates, related to energy transition and decarbonization. The event brought together more than fifty representatives of the port community with national and international speakers specialised in […]

aerial from container ship at sea with TG Green shipping logo

Launch of S3 Thematic partnership “Shipbuilding Propulsion Systems Alliance” with 26 partners from 3 EU sea basins

Maritime transport and Ports probably represent the core sector, to win the challenge of sustainability of the Blue Economy, considering its impact in terms of Gross Value Added (GVA) and jobs creation across the EU and its neighbouriung regions. Greening the EU maritime transport is therefore pivotal to ‘green’ the EU blue economy at large […]

WestMED Steering Committee members sitting around a larfge conference table in Portugal, October 1, 2024

WestMED Stakeholders gather in Portugal for a 3-day agenda on the Blue Economy

Three full days have been dedicated to enhancing synergies among key actors in the Mediterranean basin: The WestMED Steering Comittee (SC) on October 1, The UfM Regional Platform on the Blue Economy on October 2, and the WestMED Hackathon on October 3, 2024. WestMED Steering Committee The WestMED Steering Committee (SC) was hosted by the […]

WestMED Libya Blue economy event at Al-Mukhtar University - 29 sept 2024

WestMED Libya announces the country’s first Maritime Cluster at the Omar Al-Mukhtar University, during ‘Blue Economy Research & Innovation’ workshop

Today on September 29 2024, at the Faculty of Agriculture Hall, the Omar Al-Mukhtar University hosted a workshop titled “advancing  the Blue Economy in Libya through Research and innovation” with the support of the Al-Mukhtar Center for Research, Consulting, Educational Services, and Training. This workshop was organized in collaboration with the WestMED Initiative for the Development of the […]

alberto Pulizzi

WestMED Italy 2024 Roadshow on Innovation and Internationalisation for Sustainable Fisheries during the G7 in Siracusa, Sicily

On 27 September 2024,  thanks to the Regione Sicilia Fishery Department (represented by Director General, Alberto Pulizzi) and the Sicilian Fishery and Blue growth cluster COSVAP (represented President Nino Carlino), the WestMED National Hub organised a roadshow focused on Innovation and Internationalisation for a new Sustainable model for Fisheries. This roadshow was programmed as a […]