Entrées par Egbert Hoogstad

European MSP Week | 22-24October 2024 | Marseille, France

Be part of European MSP Week 22nd – 24th October 2024! This series of dynamic events is dedicated to Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) and offers a unique opportunity for stakeholders from industry, civil society, the public sector, and academia to come together. Reflect on the achievements made in MSP across European seas, discuss current policies, and strategise […]

Demonstrations of innovative floating wind concepts | Deadline: 4 February 2025

Deadline: 4 February 2025 Budget:  Total €30 M Countries: European/ All WestMED countries   The overall aim is to accelerate the cost-effective construction and deployment of floating wind farms, facilitating their rapid and sustainable deployment across Europe and lower their overall costs. The transition of the energy system will rely on reducing the overall energy demand and […]

Le WestMED accueille sa nouvelle coprésidence portugaise – Un message de la coprésidente

À partir de 2024, le Portugal coprésidera le comité directeur de WestMED pendant deux ans. Il le fera avec la Mauritanie qui avait déjà assumé cette fonction en 2023. Ceci est conforme au principe de rotation entre les pays participants à l’Initiative WestMED. Le Portugal prendra le relais de Malte qui a coprésidé avec succès […]

Service Portal Mission Ocean and Waters launched!

The Mission Ocean and Waters service portal serves as a comprehensive one-stop-shop for stakeholders, offering essential tools, contacts, knowledge, matchmaking, financing, and support for the successful execution of the Mission. The platform ensures access to knowledge for all citizens while extending support and technical assistance to Mission Partners actively involved in the Mission Ocean and […]

Bring European Maritime Day to your country in 2024!

The European Maritime Day (EMD) 2024 is taking place again as a fully-fledged physical event, in Svendborg, Denmark on 30-31 May 2024. As every year, this will not be the only action to celebrate our seas and oceans and the sustainable blue economy. EMD In My Country 2024 events will also take place all over Europe from […]

The Launch of Smart Specialisation (S3) Observatory

Launched as part of the Smart Specialisation Platform, the S3 CoP Observatory is a collaborative initiative involving DG REGIO G1, DG REGIO country desks, and the S3CoP Secretariat. Leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools such as Generative AI and entity extraction, the project team extracted and classified Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3) priorities from regions’ and member states’ […]

La Commission propose des possibilités de pêche pour 2024 en mer Méditerranée et mer Noire

La Commission a adopté aujourd’hui sa proposition relative aux possibilités de pêche pour 2024 pour la mer Méditerranée et la mer Noire. Cette proposition encourage la gestion durable des stocks halieutiques en mer Méditerranée et en mer Noire et concrétise les engagements politiques pris dans les déclarations «MedFish4Ever» et de Sofia. La Commission propose d’utiliser […]

Three different projects involving the University of Malta presented at WestMED stakeholder conference

Source: website University of Malta The BlueSchoolsMed, CORALLO and ANDROMEDA projects, which all feature the University of Malta as a partner or even as a Coordinator (as in the case of the CORALLO project), were all recently presented at the high-profile WestMED Stakeholder Conference. Prof. Alan Deidun, resident academic within the Oceanography Malta Research Group […]

El Gobierno aprueba los Planes de Ordenación del Espacio Marítimo

Source: Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico   Tienen como objetivo un desarrollo sostenible de los usos del mar, con coexistencia de actividades, en las cinco demarcaciones marinas Tienen como objetivo un desarrollo sostenible de los usos del mar, con coexistencia de actividades, en las cinco demarcaciones marinas Identifican Zonas de Uso […]