Le Hub National Portugal facilite la tâche des acteurs locaux et régionaux en fournissant à la communauté WestMED une expertise sur l’économie bleue, en aidant les porteurs de projets à trouver les bons partenaires grâce à leur vaste réseau sur les deux rives de la Méditerranée occidentale, en soutenant le développement d’idées de projets, en aidant à rédiger les demandes d’appels d’offres et en donnant des conseils sur les opportunités de financement les plus applicables.
Le Hub national (co-)organise des événements pour aider à mener des discussions sur différents sujets maritimes et peut être trouvé lors de réunions liées à l’économie bleue (en ligne) pour partager son expertise.
Contactez le Hub national Portugal pour plus d’informations et voyez comment il peut vous aider.
Rui Azevedo
Secretário-geral, Fórum Oceano – Associação da economia do Mar (desde 2010) | Consultor, Conferência das Regiões Periféricas Marítimas da Europa (CPMR) (2008 a 2013) | Consultor, Comissão de Coordenação da Região do Norte (2007-2012) | Perito junto da Direção Geral do Ordenamento do Território e do Desenvolvimento Urbano para a Elaboração do “First Action Programme for the Implementation of the Territorial Agenda of the European Union (2007) | Diretor, Célula de Prospetiva da Conferência das Regiões Periféricas Marítimas da Europa (1999-2007) | Sócio fundador (1990), Diretor Geral (1991 a 1993); Administrador-Delegado (1994 a 1995); Presidente do Conselho de Administração (1996 a 1999), Quaternaire Portugal, S.A. | Vice-Presidente, Comissão de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento da Região Norte (1989 a 1991) | Técnico Superior, Chefe de Divisão, Comissão de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento da Região Norte (1981 a 1989).
Lorella Ciuti
Graduate in International Relations with specialization in Japan and Korean Peninsula, with more than 6 years of experience as a Japanese and Korean professor, she has also been a university professor in Argentina of International Politics with a focus on Japan. Skilled, autonomous and very dynamic person with a high predisposition to teamwork in a multilingual context, she has been involved in organization of seminars, meetings, events, and has participated in conferences on politics, society, language, economics and oriental culture.
Being part of the International Relation Department in Forum Oceano – Portugal’s Blue Economy Cluster, she has a supporting role in the Atlantic Strategy and WestMED initiative, is managing the participation of Forum Oceano in the CallmeBlue project and participates in several projects dedicated to promote the cooperation in the Atlantic and Mediterranean areas to boost the sustainable blue economy like Smartdeck, Marmed and MedBAN
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