WestMED Steering Committee meeting in Brussels with representatives sitting at a round table on June 26 2024

Members and observers of the WestMED Steering Committee gather in Brussels to discuss latest developments

The primary objective of this WestMED Steering Committee meeting that took place on June 26 in Brussels, was to assemble the representatives of the 10 WestMED countries and observers in-person to provide them with an overview of the latest advancements on the implementation of the WestMED Initiative, the latest funding opportunities, and to approve the establishment of the new Technical Group on Sustainable Tourism.

The meeting was co-chaired by the Portuguese and Mauritanian Co-Presidencies, with the support from DG MARE and the UfM (Union for the Mediterranean).

Significant visibility of the Initiative
In recent months, the WestMED Initiative has achieved significant visibility and dissemination, as highlighted by Iglika Yakova (DG MARE). The WestMED Initiative has actively participated in various events, including the UfM Stakeholders Conference (19-20 February), the WestMED side event at the Our Ocean Conference (15-17 April), Deportibus (11 May) the European Maritime Day (30-31 May), Posidonia (7 June), the Macro-Region and Sea Basins Strategies Days (12-13 June).

National events, such as the national Dialogue in Morocco, the involvement of Libyan representatives in various Technical Groups (TGs), and the consolidation of the Mauritanian maritime cluster, further underscore the Initiative’s visiblity and success.

Another significant step to establish synergies was the participation of WestMED as Observers in the MedLab Annual event organized by Interact, held back-to-back with the WestMED Steering Committee meeting. The MedLab Annual event focused on the Post-2027 debate and regional cooperation.

Establishment of a new WestMED Technical Group on Tourism
Tourism in the Mediterranean region is expanding, making the industry a crucial employment sector. The WestMED Initiative aims to enhance the coastal tourism sector’s competitiveness and sustainability while protecting the environment through eco-tourism, digitalization, and cross-border cooperation.

The establishment of a new Technical Group (TG) by the WestMED Assistance Mechanism addresses a priority identified by the WestMED Initiative and will serve as an informal forum for discussing sustainable tourism needs, focusing on green transition, digitalization, governance, and skills. The TG will comprise a core group, an advisory body, and a technical group. The Steering Committee is currently in the process of approving the Terms of Reference for this new Technical Group

Overview of Funding opportunities
Several funding opportunities were highlighted:

  • EU Mission Ocean, Seas, and Waters: The Work Programme 2024 includes two call topics. Call 1 covers thematic topics aligned with Mission objectives such as restoration and a sustainable blue economy, while Call 2 targets support for actor communities like waterfront cities and islands. The overview also includes several Horizon calls within these Mission calls, focusing on topics like Blue Parks and MPAs, reducing fisheries’ impact in EU sea basins, and community-led ocean and water restoration. Additionally, it highlights opportunities for third parties to join ongoing projects, particularly Calls for Associated Regions, aiming to enhance capacity for implementing innovative solutions in neighboring regions.
  • Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership: Four priority areas have been identified for the transnational call launched in February 2024: regional sea-use management, multi-use marine infrastructures, blue bioresources, and regional-scale Digital Twins of the Ocean (DTOs). To enhance global visibility and foster new collaborations, the call is co-branded by the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, coordinated by UNESCO. All Mediterranean countries are eligible for EU contributions, whether they are EU Member States, Associated countries, or low-to-medium-income countries.
  • Interreg NEXTMED: The first call for proposals, closed in May 2024, was divided into nine Specific Objectives. Among 631 proposals, most projects targeted “Growth and competitiveness of SMEs,” “Education and training,” and “Climate Change adaptation.” Projects were categorized into three clusters: Thematic, Youth-oriented, and Governance, with 90% falling under the Thematic cluster. Most participating organizations were from Italy, Greece, and Spain within the EU, and from Turkey and Tunisia outside the EU. Participants included public legal bodies (30%), NGOs (27%), private companies (13%), and regional/local public administrations (10%). A second call for proposals, focusing on Green Transition, is set to launch in November 2024.
  • Interreg EURO-MED: The 1st and 3rd calls focused on Governance projects, selecting 8 projects that began in January 2023. The 2nd call targeted Thematic projects, resulting in 56 projects that started in January 2024. The 4th call, which closed in June 2024, will see 20 Thematic projects begin in spring 2025, addressing the four main thematic areas: sustainable economy, environmental protection, green living, and sustainable tourism. The upcoming 5th call will focus on Thematic Strategic Territorial projects for rural, mountain areas, and islands, emphasizing innovative solutions for waste reduction and water scarcity. The presentation concludes with an overview of the 1st call’s Governance projects in the field of the Sustainable Blue Economy.

Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) Regional Platform meeting on Blue Economy

Back-to-back to the WestMED Steering committee this UfM Regional Platform Meeting on Blue Economy took place on June 27, with many of the key players from the day before.

The UfM Secretariat introduced the most recent advancements on the update of the Blue Economy Roadmap and the activation of the SBE (Sustainable Blue Economy) Monitoring, Reporting, and Evaluation Mechanism; highlighted progress on the multi-partner and multi-donor investment fund ‘Blue Mediterranean Partnership’; and recalled the series of two webinars held during the first semester of 2024 on blue food and sustainable tourism, as well as the  third webinar (July 1 2024) on MRE (Marine Renewable Energy)/licensing/MSP (Maritime Spatial Planning).

The UfM shared an update on the harmonization exercise of UfM Regional Platforms. The UfM operates under a consolidated action-driven methodology creating links between political mandate, multi-stakeholder dialogue, and tangible projects and initiatives. This methodology comprises three pillars: Policies, Platforms, and Projects – the so-called ‘3 Ps’. As part of the ongoing UfM reform efforts to enhance efficiency and in an effort to harmonize the relevant terminology, the ‘UfM Working Group on Blue Economy’ is henceforth renamed as the ‘UfM Regional Platform on Sustainable Blue Economy’.

UfM Blue Economy platform meeting in Brussels-June 27 with a group of people discussiong at a round table

Visit the UfM website for more information on the UfM Regional Platform on Blue Economy

Next meeting
The 16th meeting of the UfM Regional Platform on Sustainable Blue Economy will take place in Algarve, Portugal, in October 2024, back-to-back with the next WestMED Steering Committee and the 3rd WestMED Hackathon.



Group of people in a conference room during MedLab annual meeting june 25 2024

WestMED Initiative strengthens synergies with MedLab and the Interreg Managing Authorities

Back-to-back to the WestMED Steering Committee meeting in Brussels, the MedLab annual meeting took place on 25 – 26 June.

Back-to-back to the WestMED Steering Committee meeting in Brussels, the MedLab annual meeting took place on 25-26 June 2024 and was hosted by Interact and TESIM.

The MedLab is a platform which aims to share and transfer Mediterranean-based knowledge and to improve synergies and complementarities between Interreg programmes and other EU funds active in the area to increase their impact in the region.

The network is particularly focused on developing these implementation synergies, considering the two geographical frameworks currently in the area. These are, the WestMED Sea Basin Initiative and the EUSAIR.

On this occasion, the meeting had a strong focus on the Post-2027 debate and discussions on maritime cooperation for Post-27 in the Mediterranean. Interact and TESIM presented the advancements on synergies from different angles, including synergies in the project assessment phase of several Interreg Programmes as well as complementary synergies between cross-border and transnational programmes and synergies with other EU funds and Initiatives.

Another important point discussed were how Interreg Programmes engage stakeholders and citizen through consultations.

Lastly, the Sustainable Tourism Multi-programme Coordination Mechanism was presented as successful programme of cooperation in the region.

After this 2-day event with fruitful and dynamic sessions, the discussion between Interreg programmes, DG Regio, and DG Mare showed that there are still different definitions and perceptions of what is understood as ‘maritime’ cooperation.

In any case, this concept is very important for Interreg programmes, that already deal with related topics such as biodiversity, climate change, sustainable approach energy (security and new resources), technology transfer, health, and blue economy.

The WestMED Initiative was invited as Observers to contribute to strengthening synergies with EU funding instruments and to align priorities with the Sea Basins strategies.

OECD report announcement with report cover

Report: The Blue Economy in Cities and Regions – A Territorial Approach

The blue economy is a major driver of urban and regional development, creating millions of local jobs in water-dependent sectors such as fisheries, tourism, and shipping. However, it can also contribute to carbon emissions and ecosystem degradation, while its reliance on freshwater, coastal and marine ecosystems exposes it to the impacts of climate change.

As the places where the blue economy takes place, creates value and provides jobs, cities and regions play a key role in unlocking the potential of a resilient blue economy that preserves the ecosystems that sustain it. Building on a global survey of 80+ cities, regions and basins, this report highlights the costs and benefits of the blue economy at subnational level, shedding light on the link between the blue economy and water security.

This analysis provides an overview of the multi-level governance of the blue economy and related gaps. It calls on cities and regions to develop resilient, inclusive, sustainable and circular (RISC-proof) blue economies by establishing the right governance conditions related to policy making, policy coherence and policy implementation. The report concludes with a RISC Assessment Framework that offers a self-evaluation tool for subnational governments.

Visit the OECD website  to read online for free.  A paid pdf version is also available

Marisa Lameiras da Silva with image of Portuguese coast in background

The WestMED welcomes its new Portuguese Co-presidency – A message from the co-chair

As of 2024, Portugal will co-chair the WestMED Steering Committee for 2 years. It will do so together with Mauritania that had already assumed this position in 2023. This will be in accordance with the principle of rotation among the participating countries of the WestMED Initiative. Portugal will take over the baton from Malta that has successfully co-chaired the Initiative for the past 2 years.

We asked Marisa Lameiras da Silva, Director General for Maritime Policy and Portuguese Co-chair of the Westmed Initiative, for her views on the task ahead.

Marisa Lameiras da Silva

What will be the main focus of the Portuguese Co-Presidency, to further build on what was accomplished in these past 5 years of the WestMED Initiative?

The Portuguese and Mauritanian WestMED Initiative co-chairs have a great responsibility to move forward the work of this sub-basin strategy.

2023 was a great year for the WestMED Initiative because in January the Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council was released on the implementation of the Western Mediterranean Initiative. Also, in June, Malta hosted the WestMED Initiative Ministerial meeting in Valetta where a ministerial declaration was adopted with a clear focus on the future. Next to this, a clear mandate was given with a new joint Assistance Mechanism inviting combined work and synergies with the Common Maritime Agenda for the Black Sea and the Atlantic Strategy.

The focus within the Steering Committee is to operationalize these three topics. With France as chair of the Atlantic Strategy Committee we are going to work on synergies between the two sea basins. The WestMED Initiative Steering Committee must therefore understand the goals of the Atlantic Action Plan and decide in which areas synergies can work.

Another priority is related to the Report from the Commission on the implementation of WestMed Initiative, which includes a section that needs to be addressed: “Raising awareness and enhancing visibility.” A key focus for 2024 is to debate and decide on how to operationalize this topic.


Next to the WestMED Initiative, Portugal is also involved in the other EU Sea Basin Strategy: ‘the Atlantic Action Plan.’ Given the fact that there are many common challenges between the 2 sea basins, how do you foresee strengthening the synergies between the two?

The Western Mediterranean and the Atlantic are bordering maritime areas. Both sea basins have a legal and operational framework to unlock the blue economy potential and in the WestMED Initiative Steering Committee and Atlantic Strategy Committee, member states are very active to achieve this goal.

Portugal is aware that these two sea basins have much in common but also things that separate them. The idea of synergies between the work of these two sea basins is very positive. As a Committee, we must identify these common areas and collaborate on them with our Atlantic partners.

The Steering Committee plays a crucial role in these endeavours, and we look forward to receive constructive feedback and contributions from our member states colleagues.


What is your main message to the WestMED Blue Economy Stakeholder Community?

Allow us to quote the 2017 Communication from the Commision to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions  ‘Initiative for the sustainable development of the blue economy in the western Mediterranean’:

The maritime economy of the western Mediterranean region has huge potential for development in all related sectors. The region has 200 ports and terminals and nearly 40 % of all goods (by value) pass through the Mediterranean. The western Mediterranean region attracts the largest number of tourists in the Mediterranean basin, in part because of its art and cultural wealth. It is a biodiversity hotspot, with 481 marine protected areas, including Natura 2000 sites. The region is a rich fishing ground, accounting for over 30 % of the total value of landings at first sale in the Mediterranean and providing more than 36 000 direct jobs on fishing vessels.

The 2023 report on the implementation of WestMED released an important information relevant for all stakeholders: “The WestMED initiative has supported member countries in developing project proposals, many of which were successful in obtaining funding. This has been greatly appreciated by the countries.  So far, 79 projects ideas have been actively supported by the initiative’s central team and national hubs. They are worth a total of about EUR 92 million. Additionally, more than 160 projects are aligned with the initiative and involve around 600 partners from the member countries.

The main message is that the potential of the Blue Economy in the region of Western Mediterranean is a reality and everyone can play an important role. The Western Mediterranean is an opportunity for economic growth, job creation, investment, research, partnerships and cooperation.

Gran interés por el seminario web de WestMED España sobre la descarbonización de pequeños puertos y buques

En inglés, haga clic aquí | Vea el seminario web a continuación o en YouTube

El 18 de diciembre de 2023, el Hub Nacional España de WestMED acogió un webinar titulado “Oportunidades y experiencias de descarbonización en puertos y buques pesqueros y/o recreativos“.

El encuentro, organizado en colaboración con el Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación y el Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, Unión Europea y Cooperación, reunió a 97 participantes con representantes de autoridades (regionales, nacionales), empresas, PYMEs, ONGs, científicos, clusters, asociaciones pesqueras, GALPs y universidades (lista de participantes)

Objetivos principales

El webinar apoya el esfuerzo para descarbonizar el sector de la pesca y la náutica de recreo en el Mediterráneo Occidental y ayudar a alcanzar los objetivos del Pacto Verde Europeo, incluyendo la reducción de las emisiones de GEI, teniendo en cuenta al mismo tiempo la rentabilidad, la sostenibilidad y la resiliencia de estos sectores.

Los principales objetivos del Webinar fueron:

  • Dar a conocer la Iniciativa WestMED y su Mecanismo de Asistencia.
  • Debatir sobre las oportunidades y desafíos que la descarbonización plantea para los puertos y embarcaciones recreativas y pesqueras
  • Aportar la perspectiva de la pesca y de la industria de la navegación de recreo (perspectivas de puertos y embarcaciones) ante los retos de la descarbonización
  • Debatir sobre posibles fuentes de energía, soluciones tecnológicas, marcos regulatorios y oportunidades y desafíos generales para avanzar hacia los esfuerzos de descarbonización
  • Dar a conocer los esfuerzos realizados por el Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación
  • Dar a conocer los esfuerzos realizados por la Dirección General de la Marina Mercante y del Ministerio de Transportes y Movilidad Sostenible
  • Interactuar con los agentes más relevantes a nivel nacional en materia de descarbonización de puertos y embarcaciones recreativas y pesqueras

Bienvenida/ Apertura
Jose Maria Solano, representante nacional de la Iniciativa WestMED del Ministerio Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación destacó los esfuerzos de descarbonización que se están realizando en España, tanto en la vertiente atlántica como en la mediterránea, donde hoy por hoy no existe aún una tecnología viable de cero emisiones que permita una descarbonización total de la flota pesquera y/o recreativa.

Objetivos y contexto de la descarbonización en el Mediterráneo Occidental
Marta Pascual, hub nacional español de la Iniciativa WestMED, explicó las oportunidades de financiación europea y de colaboración a través de proyectos europeos con el soporte de la Iniciativa WestMED y, más concretamente, bajo la asesoría del mecanismo de asistencia. Marta explicó que los resultados y materiales del webinar se enviarían al Energy Transition Partnership (ETP) para que pudiesen tenerlas en cuenta en la hoja de ruta que están desarrollando para el 2024.
(ver presentación)

Posición Española respecto a la descarbonización de la flota pesquera4.
Sr. Francisco Manuel Fernández Martínez, subdirector adjunto de la secretaría general de pesca del Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación trasladó la posición española respecto a la transición energética de la flota pesquera.
(ver presentación)

El Sr. Fernández Martínez explicó la comunicación de la comisión sobre la transición energética en el sector pesquero y de la acuicultura (21 de Febrero 2023), resaltó cual es el estado y la tipología de la flota pesquera española y reflexionó sobre cuáles son los 3 retos a los que se enfrenta el sector pesquero para poder llevar a cabo la descarbonización: las barreras tecnológicas, las barreras de conocimiento y legislativas y las barreras financieras. Entre las 4 principales áreas de actuación tenemos: 1) Mejora del marco de gobernanza y de cooperación / coordinación entre los diferentes actores implicados; 2) Superar las lagunas tecnológicas y de conocimiento existentes a través de la I&D; 3) Mejorar el entorno de negocio de la actividad, incluyendo las relativas a las oportunidades financieras; 4) Mano de obra formada y preparada en las nuevas habilidades que serán necesarias en la Transición Energética.

Descarbonización y sostenibilidad de la industria náutica
El Sr. Jordi Carrasco, director general de la Asociación Nacional de Empresas Náuticas – ANEN, comentó que el sector de la náutica de recreo es muy heterogéneo (puertos deportivos, astilleros, industria auxiliar, alquiler, etc.) pero que ya está trabajando la sostenibilidad desde un enfoque global: Avanzando en los motores con la disminución de sus emisiones, controlando la contaminación, impulsando embarcaciones eléctricas y de propulsión solar, con nuevos métodos de construcción que trabajan en la descarbonización de todo el ciclo de vida de la náutica de recreo.

El Sr. Carrasco comentó los resultados del Informe Ricardo el cual fue encargado a Ricardo plc por ICOMIA – International Council of Marine Industry Associations. Dicho informe destaca que el sector náutico representa menos del 0,1% de las emisiones totales de gases de efecto invernadero y se centra en las tecnologías de propulsión en embarcaciones de recreo de menos de 24 metros de eslora (5 sistemas de propulsión y almacenamiento de energía y 9 categorías de embarcaciones). La conclusión del informe es que no hay una solución única para reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero en la propulsión de embarcaciones de recreo y que nos debemos centrar en entender el tipo de uso de la embarcación para poder sugerir diferentes sistemas de propulsión. También se comentó que el impacto de las propulsiones alternativas en los precios de las embarcaciones de recreo del futuro aumentará previsiblemente entre el 5% y el 250%, según la tecnología utilizada. Es por ello por lo que se urge a realizar un análisis del ciclo de vida del sector con una visión integral desde el diseño y la fabricación hasta el final de la vida útil de las embarcaciones.

La descarbonización en buques pesqueros
A continuación, Miguel J. Núñez Sánchez, consejero de Transportes de la Representación Permanente de España ante la UE presentó las oportunidades y experiencias de descarbonización en buques pesqueros (pesca industrial) teniendo en cuenta la gran diferencia que existe entre buques mercantes y pesqueros ya que es un sector al que la legislación que le aplica es menor (Convenio MARPOL). Además de esto, la sostenibilidad se busca en todo el ciclo de vida, tanto en la parte de producción (pesca y cadena de transporte) como en el análisis de ciclo de vida de las embarcaciones. Sin embargo, los análisis y regulación de las emisiones en la cadena de transporte no se van a aplicar a los buques de pesca.

El Sr. Núñez también comentó las dificultades de los buques pesqueros para obtener un índice de eficiencia. Esto supone que en los barcos de pesca se hayan de generar índices de eficiencia propios que midan la mejor en la eficiencia energética en motores, calor residual, menores potencias, usos de iluminación de bajo consumo, mejor gestión del frio etc. (diferente del FuelEU Marítimo o del índice Count Emissions).
(ver presentación)

Presentación proyectos: “Estudio de la implementación de motores eléctricos en las embarcaciones de l’Albufera” y “Construcción barca piloto de l’Albufera”
Amparo Aleixandre Puchades, Gerente del GALP de Gandía Albufera presentó dos proyectos: “Estudio de la implementación de motores eléctricos en las embarcaciones de l’Albufera” y “Construcción barca piloto de l’Albufera”.

El estudio consistía en un análisis medioambiental, económico y energético y determinó y categorizó el uso y movimientos de los barcos en l’Albufera para saber cuál/es de estas embarcaciones podrían pasar de tener motores de combustión a motores eléctricos. El estudio dio lugar a una prueba piloto de un barco en l’Albufera que actualmente está en uso
(ver presentación)

Perspectivas empresariales: Torqeedo GmbH/ Proyecto CASTALIA
En la parte final del evento se dio paso a 2 empresas para que pudiesen dar su perspectiva empresarial dentro de la descarbonización y pudiesen enseñar sus soluciones de adaptación.

Carlos Martínez, Manager Iberia & Sudamérica de Torqueedo GmbH presentó sus opciones de propulsión eléctrica avanzada en agua ya que son pioneros y líderes en el mercado de la náutica de recreo. Carlos nos explicó para qué sirve la propulsión eléctrica (puro eléctrico) y para que no. No sirve para grandes esloras que quieran moverse rápido, sirve para distancias cortas y embarcaciones de 10-12m. Si miramos al ciclo de vida, las baterías contaminan y es por ello por lo que hay que mirar a la solución, pero también a su uso.

A continuación, Ramón Zubiaga de Consulmar y Samuel Gómez del Astillero SYM NAVAL presentaron sus servicios portuarios y el proyecto CASTALIA, embarcación 100% eléctrica de cero emisiones y multipropósito.

(Presentación Torqeedo)
(Presentación proyecto Castallia: folleto SYM Blue | vídeo)

Conclusiones principales del webinar

  1. No hay una solución única o universal
  2. Los combustibles alternativos son una solución de gran potencial para descarbonizar la flota recreativa actual
  3. Es necesario encontrar las mejores soluciones para cada tipo de flota para llevar a cabo la transición energética
  4. La transición energética debe estar acompañada de los fondos necesarios para la renovación de la flota para construir barcos que puedan incorporar las tecnologías de cero emisiones cuando estas están disponibles
  5. Es necesario revisar los conceptos de la Política Pesquera Común para que la normativa no sea un freno para la modernización del sector y para la transición energética
  6. El impacto de las propulsiones alternativas en los precios de las embarcaciones de recreo del futuro aumentará previsiblemente entre el 5% y el 250%, según la tecnología utilizada.
  7. Se urge a realizar un análisis del ciclo de vida del sector con una visión integral desde el diseño y la fabricación hasta el final de la vida útil de las embarcaciones ya que la cadena de suministro de materiales y su consumo de energía genera una cantidad significativa de CO2
  8. Se requiere más impulso de la I+D para que las tecnologías sean competitivas en autonomía, precio y emisiones de CO2.
  9. Se requieren protocolos de seguridad y normas específicas para las nuevas tecnologías
  10. En el sector de la pesca industrial, existe una falta de legislación sobre eficiencia a nivel europeo o de la IMO
  11. La estrategia de Gases de Efecto Invernadero de la IMO no aplica a pesqueros.
  12. Las medidas FITFOR55 no aplican a pesqueros salvo en la Directiva RED III sobre combustibles
  13. Urge mejorar la coordinación y la cooperación entre las partes interesadas
  14. Urge desarrollar las capacidades y una mano de obra adaptada a la transición energética
  15. Necesitamos mejorar el entorno empresarial, incluidas las oportunidades de financiación.

Ver la grabación completa del seminario web

The State of Mediterranean and Black Sea Fisheries 2023

This 2023 special edition of the GFCM’s flagship publication, The State of Mediterranean and Black Sea Fisheries, updates statistics and figures on the status and management of fisheries in the region and includes, for the first time, an overview of regional indicators on the aquaculture sector in Mediterranean and Black Sea countries.

It aims to deliver useful and reliable data to a wide audience as an essential source of information on fisheries and aquaculture in the region and a key tool to support decision-making and monitor progress towards the goals set by the GFCM.

The fifth instalment of its series, this publication covers topics of regional importance in the fisheries and aquaculture sectors over the course of seven chapters. Fleet status and capture fisheries production are the focus of the first two chapters, which include figures on fishing capacity and landings by country and fleet segment.

Chapter three captures the human dimension behind the region’s fisheries through socioeconomic data on revenue and employment. In chapter four, information on discards is updated and categorized for the main fishing fleets in each GFCM subregion, along with details on the species that make up this important component of the catch.

Chapter five reviews the status of fisheries resources, especially regional trends and trends in priority species, while chapter seven summarizes relevant existing and new adopted measures towards the sustainability of key fisheries and the protection of vulnerable ecosystems. Aquaculture is included in this edition for the first time, described in terms of volume and socioeconomic indicators in chapter six.


Visit the FAO website for more information and download of the report

Bring European Maritime Day to your country in 2024!

announcement poster European Maritime Day 2023

The European Maritime Day (EMD) 2024 is taking place again as a fully-fledged physical event, in Svendborg, Denmark on 30-31 May 2024. As every year, this will not be the only action to celebrate our seas and oceans and the sustainable blue economy.

EMD In My Country 2024 events will also take place all over Europe from 1 April until 31 October 2024.

In 2023, EMD In My Country was again, another great success, with almost 500 virtual, physical and hybrid events, covering all the sea basins of the EU!

Are you ready to submit your event(s) for 2024?

Fill in the online application form before 29 February 2024 and bring European Maritime Day 2024 to your country!

EMD In My Country 2024 will include physical, virtual and hybrid events that will take place from 1 April to 31 October 2024.

Submit your application – Deadline 29 February 2024

Analysis of the obstacles and opportunities for repurposing aged/unused offshore infrastructures : Deadline 20 September 2023

Deadline: 20 September 2023
Budget: € 2.400.000
Countries: France, Italy, Malta, Spain, Portugal, algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Mauritania

This topic is part of the call “Actions for the implementation of the Mission Restore our ocean and waters by 2030”, part of the Horizon Europe Framework Programme (HORIZON)

Proposals under this topic should contribute to the Mission objective 3 – Sustainable, carbon-neutral and circular blue economy and are expected to analyse different options to decommission offshore platforms, considering marine conservation and ecosystem protection. Business models are also expected to be identified as well as related implications for decision making processes and social acceptance.

More information on the EC Funding and Tender opportunities website

Innovative nature-inclusive concepts to reconcile offshore renewables with ocean protection | Deadline: 20 September 2023

Deadline: 20 September, 2023
Budget: €4.500.001
Countries: Algeria, France, Italy, Malta, Mauritania, Morocco, Portugal, Spain, Tunisia

Proposals under this topic should contribute to the Mission objective 3 – Sustainable, carbon-neutral and circular blue economy and are expected to identify existing related approaches and concepts, focus on multidisciplinary approaches and address innovative concepts, technologies and solutions, in a life-cycle perspective. Recommendations on long-term monitoring of the impacts are expected as well as biodiversity and ecosystem impact and risk assessment. The proposal should contribute to the development of standards and good practices to support decision making and planning processes.

More informationon the dedicated funding and tender opportunities page of the European Commission

Regional flagships projects supporting sustainable blue economy in EU sea basins | Deadline: 31 January 2023

Deadline: 31 January, 2023
Budget: €3.400.000
Countries: France, Italy, Malta, Spain, Portugal, algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Mauritania


The European Commission launched a new call for proposals forRegional flagships projects supporting sustainable blue economy in EU sea basins”.

After the experience of last year focused on Coastal Tourism, in this occasion there are two lines for projects promoting a sustainable blue economy the Mediterranean:

This topic aims at contributing to the Goal 2 “A smart and resilient blue economy of the strategy” (Priority Sustainable consumption and production: ports and maritime transport) of the WestMED initiative. And it is totally aligned with the work of the WestMed Technical Group on Green Shipping.

This topic aims at contributing to the Goal 2 “A smart and resilient blue economy” of the WestMED Initiative (Priority 2.2. “Maritime Clusters Development”), by building up on clusters currently cooperating (e.g. WestMED Clusters Alliance).

You can find all the details at this link https://cinea.ec.europa.eu/funding-opportunities/calls-proposals/emfaf-call-proposals-regional-flagships-projects-supporting-sustainable-blue-economy-eu-sea-basins_en


The call is financed by the European Maritime Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF).