Oportunidades y experiencias de descarbonización en puertos y buques pesqueros y/o recreativos | 18 dicembre 2023 | Online
18 December 2023 - 18 December 2023
This event has passed. Learn about the outcomes here – including a link to the recording
This webinar is intended to discuss about the opportunities and challenges that decarbonisation poses to recreational and fisheries ports and vessels.
As with other economic activities in the EU, there is a growing need for our maritime fleets to transition and move away as soon as possible from fossil fuels. This is not only as a contribution to the objectives of the European Green Deal, including reducing GHG emissions, but also for the sector’s profitability, sustainability, and resilience (EU Commission, 2023).
The challenges facing the fleets to undertake an energy transition, range from regulatory to technological.
The present webinar aims to discuss about the opportunities and challenges that decarbonisation poses to recreational and fisheries ports and vessels. The webinar will bring the perspective from fisheries as well as from the recreational boating industries (ports and vessels perspectives). Panellists will discuss about potential energy sources, technological solutions, regulatory frameworks and overall opportunities and challenges to move towards decarbonisation efforts.
Objective: The main objective of this webinar is to serve as a first basis to discuss about challenges and opportunities for decarbonisation in small vessels and ports.
Output: A summary report with the views of the panellists on the matter.
Target Audience: Fishing sector, marine recreational sector, marinas, small ports, technological suppliers, port infrastructure developers, researchers, etc.
Number of participants: Around 40 participants are expected.
Language: Castellano (Spanish)
Registration: This event has passed
Contact Marta Pascual (WestMED National Hub Spain) for more information