WestMED Hackathon ’24
for joint project development
3 October 2024 | Portugal
Help craft project ideas for sustainable blue economy projects
Build/ become part of potential consortia
Explore funding opportunities and policy developments
With 87 participants from 15 different countries we are pleased to inform that the WestMED Hackathon 2024 in Portugal has been a great success.
Current and upcoming funding opportunities have been presented and succesful projects were pitched as a basis for the participants to develop project ideas related to 5 different maritime topics.
These ideas will be further explored to establish ways of funding and look for project partners beyond those that already engaged during this event.
This event marks the 3rd edition of our interactive stakeholder Hackathon that takes place every 2 years, with its main focus on joint project development.
In case you have missed this event or would like to see the presentations again, visit the WestMED Hackathon ’24 playlist on YouTube