EMD 2024 workshop maximising synergies with moderator Matteo Bocci and panellists posing

EU Sea Basin Asistance Mechanism explores synergies between cross-cutting EU Blue Initiatives at EMD 2024

This workshop that took place on May 30, 2024 during the European Maritime Day in Svendborg Denmark, was  aimed at exploring how the EU Sea Basins Assistance Mechanism can further enhance  effective cooperation with strategic blue economy initiatives promoted by the EU in the ‘cross-cutting’ areas of research and innovation, ocean literacy and green energy transition.

Moderation was done by Matteo Bocci, from the Sea Basins Assistance Mechanism and contributions were made by:

  • Margherita Zorgno, Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership
  • Olga Mashkina, EU4Ocean Coalition
  • Ana Peralta, EU Energy Transition Partnership
  • Gaetan Coatanroch, Mission Oceans and Waters Implementation Platform

The workshop allowed the different initiatives to share the main activities and results achieved so far in their areas of intervention, and then look ahead to identify concrete actions for further cooperation– also by building upon the results of the High-Level Panel 1 held on the same day.

Key Highlights and Outcomes of the workshop:

As concrete outcomes of this workshop, the different initiatives involved agreed to establish concrete roadmaps for cooperation in the year ahead, particularly in the area of Ocean literacy and blue skills, which emerged as a cross-cutting topic of interest to all the initiatives involved.

  • The Sea Basins Assistance Mechanism (with a concrete Pillar on the Atlantic sea basin focused on this topic) is exploring the possibility of creating a cross-sea basin working group on blue skills and ocean literacy. In this sense, it is encouraging other “blue” initiatives to feed it with practices and relevant experiences.
  • From the R&I point of view, SBEP incorporates blue skills as a cross-cutting theme within its scope of work, and has supported projects focused on, e.g., “upskilling” in the tourism sector. Moreover, the foreseen Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) on marine/water is expected to have a focus on education and skills.
  • From the angle of energy transition and decarbonisation in different maritime sectors, as highlighted by the Energy Transition Partnership, the development of a new set of “blue skills” is crucial. The blue economy is challenged by an ageing workforce (this is particularly true for the fisheries sector), and a lack of workers for many related economic activities, including in more “emerging” sectors (i.e. blue biotechnologies, marine renewable energies, etc.) In this sense, the initiative ‘Fishers of the Future’ was launched as a EU-wide participatory project to examine the future role of fishers in society up to 2050.
  • The issue of ocean literacy is the main axis of activity for the EU4OCEAN coalition, and particularly when it comes to involving the younger generations and “training the trainers”. As such, this initiative is supporting integrated outreach actions with the aim to attract and engage such groups to the vast opportunities of the Blue Economy job market. In this sense, the project “Blue Generation” has the goal to inspire and engage young people between 15 and 29 years to pursue a sustainable career in a Blue Economy sector.

In conclusion, the workshop highlighted the vital role of collaborative efforts in advancing the EU’s blue economy initiatives, particularly through focused areas such as ocean literacy and blue skills development. As a key result, the different initiatives committed to continue working together to further operationalise future joint actions.

WestMED Malta presents three blue skills project ideas at the scientific SEA-EU conference in Malta

On 10 June 2024, the multidisciplinary scientific SEA-EU conference was held  at the University of Malta in Valletta.

The Observatory for Sustainable Blue Economy (OSBE) within the SEA-EU invited the Maltese National Hub to present an overview of the WestMED initiative as part of their conference

The WestMED National hub Malta, represented by Stephanie Vella, explained the main objectives of the WestMED and highlighted the synergies which exist in terms of the research areas discussed by members of OSBE and the priority areas of the WestMED

The National Hub also presented three specific project ideas related to Blue Skills. These emanated from the WestMED hackathon held in Malta and are relevant for SEA-EU, highlighting the importance of identifying skills shortages, the role of educational institutions, as well as the importance of knowledge transfer across the Mediterranean.

The OSBE seeks to create a framework for longitudinal research projects across partners, countries and industries related to the transition of the blue economy.  The platform includes environment and human related data research and technology transfer, education, blue jobs, industry related information and the identification of best practices and case studies which are extremely relevant to Westmed stakeholders.

For more information about this presentation and the project ideas, contact Stephanie Vella from the WestMED national hub Malta: malta@westmed-initiative.ec.europa.eu

Key outcomes high-level panel discussion on EU Sea Basin Strategies at EMD 2024

On 30 May 2024, The European Maritime Day in Svendborg Denmark kicked off with a High-Level Panel focused on the EU Sea Basin strategies and  its progress made since the adoption of the EU Sustainable Blue Economy (SBE) Communication three years ago.

The panel discussed the role of the Sea Basin Strategies in implementing the SBE policy framework, the challenges faced and areas to be explored for future policy cooperation.

The session was led by Director General Charlina Vitcheva (DG MARE) and contributions were made by representatives from the chairmanships/presidencies of the respective Sea Basins:

  • Eric Banel, General Director for Maritime Affairs, Fisheries, and Aquaculture (Atlantic and Greater North Sea Initiative, France);
  • Marisa Lameiras, Director General for Maritime Policy (WestMED, Portugal);
  • Grigore Stratulat, State Secretary, Ministry for Environment (Black Sea Common Maritime Agenda, Moldova)
  • Andreas Nordseth, Director General of the Danish Maritime Authority (Greater North Sea initiative).

Key Highlights and Outcomes of the panel:

  1. The panel showcased the significant role that Sea Basin Strategies play as enablers of the Sustainable Blue Economy approach, as outlined in the 2021 EC Communication. Concrete examples of achievements in sectors such as maritime cluster development, aquaculture, green shipping, blue skills, marine spatial planning, and coastal and maritime tourism were presented. For more information on the work done by the Sea Basin Strategies, check out the recently published video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8XTiHx1bl4&t=72s , which was launched during the event
  2. Discussions emphasized the need for greater synergies and coordination among EU sea basins. Future priorities for the next five years were outlined, highlighting the importance of international cooperation and the need to build bridges between different sea basin strategies. The panel also served as an opportunity to reflect on integrating lessons learned from the other strategies’ implementation into the newly created North Sea Basin Strategy.
  3. Establishment of High-Level Group: A high-level group meeting of the chairs of the Sea Basin Strategies was announced to be held at each EMD, led by DG Charlina Vitcheva. This group will serve as an informal reflection group at the highest level to guide the future direction of the Sea Basin Strategies.

Concrete opportunities for future cooperation and synergies:

  1. Cross-sea basin thematic cooperation across key topics, particularly around the area of blue skills and ocean literacy, which is a priority for all the sea basins involved. Cooperation among existing “technical groups” will continue to be strengthened, focusing on Aquaculture in the WestMED & Black Sea; and on Green Ports/Shipping in WestMED and Atlantic.
  2. Strengthening political cooperation among National Coordinators of the initiatives, inter alia by promoting the participation of representatives of sea basin strategies member countries in each other’s Steering Committee/Group meetings.
  3. Promoting stakeholder cooperation across sea basins in upcoming regional conferences and events, such as the “Assises de l’économie de la mer” to be held on 19-20 November 2024 in Bordeaux (France), or the upcoming WestMED “Hackathon” to take place in Algarve in October.

The results of this discussion served as input for the workshop that was organised the same day : ‘Maximising synergies amongst EU “blue” initiatives’

Watch the full recording of this discussion on WestMED’s YouTube channel

Marisa Lameiras da Silva (WestMED’s Portuguese co-presidency 2024): “Coordination, collaboration and cooperation in each sea basin and between the sea basins need to be a mantra – to follow the same goals”

Marisa Lameiras de Silva at EMD 2024

summary illustration with the main points of the high level panel on sea basin strategies during EMD2024

announcement of the brochure with an mock image of the report

WestMED brochure – 6 years on!

After 6 years, The WestMED initiative has a lot to show for.

115 sustainable blue economy projects were supported by the WestMED Assistance Mechanism, with 45 projects having been awarded funding by different EU and non-EU institutions and programmes.

All these projects combined stand for a substantial 78.1 Million euro being invested in a stronger sustainable blue economy while at the same time fostering cross border relationships

In the meantime, the reach of the Initiative has spread well beyond the WestMED member countries.

Organisations from 31 different countries benefitted from the work done – basically by joining consortia that were quite often the result from the networking activities by the different WestMED National Hubs.

While the focus of the projects is still on Western Mediterranean, its effects therefore extend to the full Mediterranean region – and more.

Also at a governance level, the wheels have been turning with a new Ministerial Declaration in 2023, streamlining the priorities and a recommitment by all 10 member countries to the Initiative.

In 2022 the WestMED Initiative joined forces with two other EU Sea Basin Strategies: the Atlantic Action Plan and the Common Maritime Agenda for the Black Sea. Many of the challenges and opportunities are similar in the different basins. Actively fostering synergies will help all parties involved find quicker and better solutions.

Download the brochure by clicking on the image below to get a recap of all these major developments, results  and key statistics – including an overview of all the WestMED supported projects that have been awarded funding to see the light of day.

Download the Brochure




WestMED Initiative at POSIDONIA 2024 – the leading international shipping exhibition

With more than 32.600 visitors from 138 countries and more than 2000 exhibitors, POSIDONIA is one of world’s most prominent International Shipping Exhibitions. POSIDONIA 2024 took place in Athens from 3-7 June 2024 at the Metropolitan Expo.

Chaired by industry leaders,it was also marked by lively discussions and debates on a wide variety of topics that are relevant to the shipping industry .

Within this context the Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership organised a workshop titled “Blue Economy – The key towards Mediterranean regional Sustainability” on June 7, 2024.

This workshop was an opportunity particularly for the maritime community of the Mediterranean sea basin to learn more about what the Partnership can offer in terms of funding, networking and investment opportunities. At the same time, it was an opportunity for regional initiatives and programs to be at the same table to share experiences, best practices and possible ways of cooperation for a sustainable blue economy.

Moderated by the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), the panelists from EUSAIR, BlueMissionMed, Interreg MED, UNEP/MAP and the WestMED Assistance Mechanism promoted their objectives,  discussed how better to align their ongoing activities,  identify relevant synergies to bridge science with policy and how funding and investments can become a significant tool for sustainable development.

The WestMed Assistance Mechanism, represented by Thanos Smanis from the central team, specifically outlined the work taking place in WestMED’s three Technical Groups: Maritime Clusters, Green Shipping and Aquaculture.

He also highlighted the work done by the ‘MSP Community of Practice for the Mediterranean‘ where MSP practitioners from around the sea basin gather on a regular basis to discuss common topics, learn from one-another and align activities across borders. Thanos Smains invited the other initiatives to actively follow and build on their results.

Adriana Salazar from the UfM at Posidonia 2024 with speakers panel in background

Adriana Salazar from the UfM moderating the expert panel with a.o. Thanos Smanis from the WestMED Assistance Mechanism
Photo source: Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership

people sitting at tables listeing to a speaker during the WestMED national blue economy dialogue event on june 5 2024 in Morocco

National stakeholder dialogue in Morocco paves the way towards a national sustainable blue economy strategy

In the framework of the WestMED Initiative, the Moroccan focal point and the national hub organized the first High-level national dialogue on “The challenges of integrated governance and the roadmap for implementing blue economy in Morocco” in Rabat, June 5, 2024.

Chaired by the Department of Maritime Fisheries, focal point for the WestMED Initiative, the event drew over 50 participants from the main national institutions with a focus on the maritime sector or an interest in blue economy.

Mr. Matteo Bocci (representative of the WestMed Initiative’s Assistance Mechanism) and Mr. Leonardo Manzari (WestMED National Hub Italy) were also present and provided valuable insights into WestMED Initiative and the Blue Mediterranean Partnership in general, and in particular concerning maritime clusters, green-shipping and the newly created technical group for sustainable tourism that will be launched at the Sun&Blue Congress in November 2024 (in Almería, Spain)

In its opening address, the Department of Maritime Fisheries underlined Morocco’s commitment to the sustainable development of its maritime resources as well as its wish to play a leading role in preserving and enhancing marine ecosystems, and thanked WestMED for making the event possible and allowing the discussion of key issues for the future of blue economy in Morocco, ranging from integrated institutional governance, the Energy-Saltwater-Green Hydrogen-Biodiversity Nexus, the climate resilience of the national coastline and the fight against marine pollution, to approaches for a national blue tourism strategy.

One of the speakers was Paul Henri-Presset, Head of the Trade Section of the European Union Delegation in Rabat, who provided an overview of EU relevant policy in the support of a sustainable blue economy across EU seabasins

The results of the day’s discussions will be used contribute to strategic guidelines allowing the development of a coherent and ambitious national strategy.

The opening words also outlined the Moroccan potential for the blue economy and the importance of collaboration was stressed to maximize the impacts in favor of a prosperous and sustainable blue economy.

Four sessions were organized with a focus on integrated institutional governance:

  • Energy, Seawater Desalination
  • Green Hydrogen and Biodiversity Nexus
  • the need for climate resilience of the national coastline and the fight against marine pollution
  • approaches for a national blue tourism strategy in Morocco

Each session was followed by very constructive discussions

Conclusions and Recommendations:

  • Blue economy governance in Morocco should be supported by a robust national mechanism responsible for co-designing and monitoring the implementation of the national blue economy strategy. This mechanism should be supported at territorial level by the deployment of regional coastal maritime clusters. The deployment of two pilot maritime clusters in the regions of Tanger-Tétouan-Al Hoceima and Souss-Massa should contribute to this objective.
  • The alliance of Mediterranean clusters is an opportunity for Morocco’s coastal regions to share their experiences and create networking and knowledge-sharing connections between peers.
  • It is proposed to organize a second high-level event dedicated to regional maritime clusters with the Association of Moroccan Regions which could be scheduled for October 2024.
  • Participants stressed the need to build capacities of institutional and private stakeholders in the various areas of blue economy. They also wished for their enhanced representation in the thematic WGs of the WestMED initiative, in particular concerning Green shipping, maritime spatial planning, and sustainable tourism.
  • The Ministry of the Economy and Finance stressed the need to map existing blue financing and its eligibility criteria, to be shared with public and private institutions and local authorities in Morocco.
  • Finally, in terms of research and innovation, the participants proposed the creation of a national cross-cutting cluster on the issues and challenges of scientific knowledge of maritime and marine capital and new green technologies linked to blue economy.

Contact the National Hub Morocco for more information: morocco@westmed-initiative.ec.europa.eu


people shaking hands Hassan Agouzoul blue economy westmed national event in Rabat June 2024

Speaker presenting during blue economy westmed national event in Morocco June 2024

Speaker presenting during blue economy westmed national event in Morocco June 2024

Speaker presenting during blue economy westmed national event in Morocco June 2024

Speaker presenting during blue economy westmed national event in Morocco June 2024

Speaker presenting during blue economy westmed national event in Morocco June 2024

Speaker presenting during blue economy westmed national event in Morocco June 2024

Speaker presenting during blue economy westmed national event in Morocco June 2024


Group photo of speakers and organisers of the blue economy westmed national event in Morocco June 2024

Leonardo Manzari from WestMED Italy at Departibus 2024 on the main stage presenting results of Green Shipping technical group

WestMED at DEPORTIBUS 2024: the first European port festival

WestMED was highlighted at DEPORTIBUS 2024 ; the first European festival with 3 days celebrating port-related themes, including maritime exploration, sustainability, smart cities, and more.

Activities ranged from technical summits, guided tours and concerts to author meet-ups, regattas, and film screenings. The festival engaged at various locations across La Spezia-Italy, making it a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in the city’s maritime spirit.

This first edition took place from 12-15 May 2024 and attracted more than 3000 participants, including representatives from more than 50 insitutions, more than 80 speakers and more than 10 port authorites from different parts of the world

On Saturday 11 May 2024, Leonardo Manzari from WestMED Italy and WestMED’s Green Shipping Technical Group, presented the Initiative and its activities on the main festival stage in La Spezia, Italy. It was a unique opportuniy to present the Initiative and its activities to other professionals and the public.

The DEPORTIBUS Festival is a dynamic event that travels to different cities each year, celebrating the global connections of ports. It’s like a maritime adventure that unfolds in various locations, Keep an eye out for announcements about next year’s host city—it could be anywhere from bustling coastal hubs to hidden gems! 

Visit the DEPORTIBUS website

Contact Leonardo Manzari (WestMED National Hub Italy)

Libya takes a major step towards a national blue economy strategy with African Union support

A National Stakeholders Consultation and Validation workshop for the National Blue Economy Strategy in Libya has been held under the auspices of the African Union from May 13-15, 2024 in Mombasa, Kenya.

Many ministries incl transport and maritime transport, tourism, economy and trade, the oil sector, the Libyan Ports Authority, the General Secretariat, the National Aquaculture Project in Libya, and other sector representatives, participated in this workshop dedicated to the blue economy in Libya.

The workshop was rich with lecturers and many experts from different countries of the world. Leonardo Manzari (WestMED National Hub Italy) and Matteo Bocci (WestMED and EU Sea Basin Assistance Mechanism central team) also participated and shared valuable information on the sustainable blue economy in Africa with a focus on Libya.

Ali Shagrune (Libyan National Coordinator and member of the WestMED Steering Committee) and Masauda Abuarosha (WestMED Centre Libya) both were pivotal for the success of this event.

This workshop is part of an initiative by the African Union aimed at supporting a number of member states in Africa to develop blue economy strategies. This is made possible with funding by the Kingdom of Norway.

Outcomes of the group discussions

Group 1: Draft Strategy

Group 2: Draft Implementation Plan

Group 3: Draft Governance Coordination Mechanism

(for details see report below)

Next steps

  1. The Outline of the National Blue Economy Strategy will be disseminated to all key stakeholders present and not present at the consultative workshop to get broader views, gain the political goodwill, support, and ownership. The National consultant will follow-up and obtain feedback on views and opinions and incorporate into the National Blue Economy Strategy.
  2. The Draft National Blue Economy Strategy will be finalized and validated in a physical meeting to be held in Libya.

Full report/ Communiqué

Read the full report with all outcomes and recommendations of this workshop
See agenda

WestMED and African Union cooperation

The workshop jumpstarted discussions between the WestMED and the African Union with an open invitation to cooperate by Dr Hellen Guebama from the Union’s InterAfrican Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR) – which will be followed through – see video below

Press release on the AU-IBAR website: Blueprints for Prosperity: Libya’s Blue Economy Strategy Shaped in Mombasa

Dr Hellen Guebama from the Union’s InterAfrican Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR)


Group of people posing in an office room. decarbonsation meeting

The Atlantic Action Plan, WestMED Initiative, Port of Vigo, DG MARE, MAPA and the Energy Transition Partnership streamline port and vessel decarbonization actions

On May 13, 2024 a meeting was held in Brussels to discuss concrete decarbonization opportunities for ports and vessels between some major stakeholders and EU policy makers

The meeting was attended by the WestMED National Hub Spain, the Atlantic Action Plan (AAP), DG MARE, Vigo Port Authorities, the Energy Transition Partnership (ETP) and the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA).

Marta Pascual (WestMED & Atlantic National Hub Spain/ member of WestMED’s Technical Group on Green Shipping) and Gerardo González (Port Authority of Vigo), presented their respective decarbonization prototype reports. The observations and suggestions in these reports were based on stakeholder discussions held in Mahón, Menorca for the WestMED and Vigo, Spain for the Atlantic.

Carlos Botana, president of the Port Authotity Vigo (and  Atlantic Action Plan – Pillar 1 coordinator on ports) also presented a roadmap on potential energy sources and the prototypes needed to facilitate the energy transition of the different maritime fleets.

The discussion focused on the main challenges encountered when finding solutions for energy sources and adapting the various maritime fleets towards the energy transition needs. The proposed prototypes were analyzed,  potential funding opportunities discussed and ways of collaboration explored to increase critical mass for joint and coordinated action.

This mutual exchange was productive with specific follow-up actions agreed amongst the participants to advance these decarbonization efforts both through the WestMED Initiative and the Atlantic Action Plan.

STAY TUNED and watch this website or follow us on Twitter for the latest developments

For more information contact Marta Pascual (WestMED National Hub Spain)

Read the press release by the Port Authority of Vigo


16,00 – 16,10 Tour de table with presentations of those participating (all present)
16,10 – 16, 20 Context of both documents to be presented at the meeting


Marta Pascual – Spanish National Hub Atlantic Action Plan & WestMED Initiative

16,20 – 16,35 Presentation of the Atlantic Pillar I decarbonization prototypes report


Gerardo González – AAP Vigo

16,35 – 16,45 Presentation of the Blue Growth Strategy of Port of Vigo


Carlos Botana – President of Port Authority of Vigo

16,45 – 17,00 Presentation of the WestMED decarbonization prototypes report


Marta Pascual – Spanish National Hub Atlantic Action Plan & WestMED Initiative

17,00 – 17,10 Presentation of the needs and potential funding opportunities for such prototypes


Marta Pascual – Spanish National Hub Atlantic Action Plan & WestMED Initiative

17,10 – 17,45 Open discussion between ETP team and participants to seek for synergies, collaboration opportunities, how some of these could be embedded into the 2024 ETP roadmap, etc


All present

17,45 – 18,00 Closing remarks and closing of the meeting

 Ana Peralta – DG MARE / Carlos Botana – AAP Vigo / Francisco Manuel Fernández Martínez – MAPA / Marta Pascual – AAP & WestMED


emfaf 10 years announcement poster with two photos from a school of fish and a rocky coastline

Celebrating 10 years of EMFF/EMFAF – the European Maritime, Fisheries (and Aquaculture) Fund!

On 15 May 2014, the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) Regulation was adopted. This also marked the date when for the first time, the European Commission delegated the implementation of part of the fund to a European Executive Agency and new funding possibilities opened for beneficiaries.

In the past ten years, the fund has achieved great results, supporting fisheries science and innovative blue economy solutions for citizens, companies, fishing and coastal communities and the environment.

Since 2021, the fund is called European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF), and is managed by the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). It supports the EU Common Fisheries Policy, the EU Integrated Maritime Policy and the EU agenda for international ocean governance through a diversified portfolio of actions.

This year, CINEA will be celebrating the great achievements of the fund and give extra visibility to the projects and the fund via several actions during the year.

Would you like to join?

  • Post on your social media:
    1. explaining how the EMFF/EMFAF funding helped your innovation. In alternative, you can use the following text “We are proud to contribute to a more sustainable blue economy in Europe, thanks to the EU #EMFAF funding (or #EMFF, according to which year your project has been funded). Happy #10yearsEMFaF.”
    2. Do not forget to use #10yearsEMFaF
    3. Use this visual as it is, or in its editable form.
  • Send a testimony of how the EMFF/EMFAF funding supported your project. CINEA will be happy to promote it on their social media platforms. Use the following email address to get in touch: CINEA-COMMUNICATION-EMFAF@ec.europa.eu.
  • Talk about the anniversary at the events where you take part.


What has been achieved in 10 years?

The European Maritime, Fisheries (and Aquaculture Fund) has a total budget of EUR 12.508 billion for the period 2014-2027. Part of the fund is directly managed by the European Commission and its Executive Agency since 2014, in complementarity with the EU Member States, which manage the rest of the fund by financing national projects.

For the period 2014-2024, the Executive Agency funded more than 500 actions, with a budget of EUR 389.5 million, reaching more than 8,000 stakeholders. In only 10 years:

  • Highly innovative projects in all blue economy sectors developed new technologies and sustainable solutions, filled knowledge and gender gaps, introduced bio-based marketable products, addressed the issue of unexploded ammunitions at sea and much more. More than 1,000 beneficiaries have been supported!
  • 109 published studies provided scientific advice for fisheries, supporting policy decisions and the sustainable management of marine resources;
  • International ocean governance was fostered through dialogues and actions, including with indigenous people in the Arctic area;
  • Guidance and cross border exchanges supported EU Member States in the elaboration of their maritime spatial plans and the implementation of the EU MSP Directive, also through the establishment of the European Blue Forum;
  • 530 stakeholders benefitted from the EU Aquaculture Assistance Mechanism, aimed at supporting EU Member States, the EU aquaculture industry and other relevant economic players in implementing the “Strategic guidelines for a more sustainable and competitive EU aquaculture;
  • 472 companies and investors have benefitted from coaching, investment readiness and fundraising assistance thanks to BlueInvest since 2019;
  • The EU4Algae community, counting on 927 stakeholders, is working to scale-up a resilient and climate-friendly algae industry since 2020;
  • Through the EU4Ocean, 926 stakeholders have been involved in ocean literacy activities and 382 schools have been certified Blue Schools;
  • EMODnet streamlined access to marine data through the creation of a central portal, providing a single access point for an easy and free access to marine environmental and human activities data;
  • 3717 stakeholders networked and benefitted from events and activities under the sea basin strategy assistance mechanism for the Atlantic, WestMed and Black Sea.

These are only some of the fund’s big accomplishments and much more is to come in the coming years!