Entries by National Hub Italy

AIDARA is born: the association for desalination and reuse of water

The Italian Association for Desalination and Reuse of Water (AIDARA) is born in Bari on 20 December 2024. Thanks to the teamwork of 11 founding members and the Technical Assistance from WestMED Italy, Italy can finally equip itself with an aggregation of skills and operators in the field of desalination and reuse of purified water, […]

WestMED Italy 2024 Roadshow on Innovation and Internationalisation for Sustainable Fisheries during the G7 in Siracusa, Sicily

On 27 September 2024,  thanks to the Regione Sicilia Fishery Department (represented by Director General, Alberto Pulizzi) and the Sicilian Fishery and Blue growth cluster COSVAP (represented President Nino Carlino), the WestMED National Hub organised a roadshow focused on Innovation and Internationalisation for a new Sustainable model for Fisheries. This roadshow was programmed as a […]

WestMED National Hub Italy organises succesful desalination event at the BluePlanet Economy Forum 2023

On 11 October 2023 WestMED’s Italian National Hub organised a highly succesful event on desalination together with BIG (Blue Italian Growth) and Federazione del Mare at the BluePlanet Economy Forum 2023 in Rome. The focus was on the urgency and importance of desalination in the Mediterranean with a specific focus on the Italian supply chain. […]

Joint Italian-Maltese WestMED national event in Catania boosts blue opportunities in the Mediterranean

For the first time since the launch of the WestMED Initiative and the set-up of the Westmed Technical Assistance Mechanism, a joint national event was coordinated by the Italian and Maltese National Hubs, in Catania on Oct 4-6 2023. Substantial support This event was also made possible through the support by the respective National Coordinators, […]

WestMED Maritime Clusters Alliance presenting major achievements and developments at SeaFuture 2023

LaSpezia, 8 June 2023 With the support of the WestMED (WM) Assistance Mechanism and the Italian national clusters CTN BIG and Federazione del Mare, the Maritime Clusters Alliance organised an event during SeaFuture 2023 in LaSpezia Italy focused on the WestMED Maritime Cluster Alliance The main objective was to provide an overview of the cooperation […]

A new Blue Economy support ecosystem proposed during Italy’s WestMED National Event in Naples

Within the beautiful setting of the new museum Darwin Dohrn in Naples, on May 26th and 27th 2022, the WestMED National Coordinators and the National Hubs organized the Italian ‘WestMED in my country’ event: “Blue Accelerators & Incubators: the main challenge for Blue Growth in Italy”. With the practical support of Cluster Tecnologico Nazionale Blue […]

Pesceinrete: Le imprese ittiche della Mauritania aderiscono alla fiera di Assoittica

Source: Pesceinrete/ Domenico Letizia Original article: https://www.pesceinrete.com/le-imprese-ittiche-della-mauritania-aderiscono-alla-fiera-di-assoittica/   Nel Paese le opportunità legate alla pesca sono tantissime e le imprese locali vogliono inseguire innovazione e sostenibilità. Anche la Mauritania aderisce alla fiera ittica virtuale mondiale di Assoittica Italia, la fiera Digital Seafood Trade Show. In Mauritania, la piccola pesca è minacciata da un sistema invasivo e legato alle vecchie logiche […]

2020 Festival of Sustainable Development: WestMED Initiative webinar on the Blue Economy for the territories

Within the framework of the Festival of Sustainable Development (https://festivalsvilupposostenibile.it/2020), and thanks to the collaboration with the Municipality of Gioia del Colle and Rete Antenna PON Puglia, we woud like herewith to invite you to the Westmed webinar on “The Blue Economy, as an opportunity for the sustainable development for the territories”, which has taken […]