2020 Festival of Sustainable Development: WestMED Initiative webinar on the Blue Economy for the territories

Within the framework of the Festival of Sustainable Development (https://festivalsvilupposostenibile.it/2020), and thanks to the collaboration with the Municipality of Gioia del Colle and Rete Antenna PON Puglia, we woud like herewith to invite you to the Westmed webinar on “The Blue Economy, as an opportunity for the sustainable development for the territories”, which has taken place on October 7, 2020.

This is an occasion to put in evidence achievable synergies and advantages that public administrations, economic operators and local communities could reach, if they focus development strategies, practices and behaviours, towards sustainable and replicable models.

The event puts in touch experts who have skills, experiences and knowledge on the main topics (circular supply chains, energy communities, industrial development and diversification allowed by “community based policies”, Maritime Spatial Planning), with a possible counterpart like RETE ANTENNA PON Puglia.

The same promoter/founder/coordinator, Arch. Michele Lastilla is also replicating this experience with Municipalities of Basilicata Region, through RETE ANTENNA PON Basilicata.

Please find herewith the agenda and the recording of the event, which has also been streamed on the Facebook page of the Municipality of Gioia del Colle: https://www.facebook.com/gioiacittasostenibile

Click for full recording of the event on WestMED’s YouTube channel

Click here for the agenda

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