Entries by National Hub Portugal

WestMED-Atlantic national event 2024 | Digital Transformation and Sustainable Blue Economy: Strategic Cooperation for Innovation

This Portuguese WestMED-Atlantic sea basin strategy national event took place on December 16, 2024 at the Hydrographic Institute – Lisbon, Portugal and online. It was attended by over 60 participants representing a wide range of stakeholders from public as well as private organisations. Key aspects and conclusions: The Sea Basins Event brought together experts, policymakers, […]

WestMED priorities 2021 discussed at Business2Sea event

The Portuguese National Hub, Fórum Oceano, in cooperation with WestMED Central Team, and with the collaboration of other National Hubs, organised a webinar under the 10th edition of the international event Business2Sea. The session took place on the 17th of November, gathering around 50 stakeholders from different countries, such as Portugal, Spain, France, Malta, Italy, […]

Covid-19: European Commission approves €20 million Portuguese credit line scheme to support fishery and aquaculture sectors

The European Commission has approved a Portuguese scheme to support the Portuguese fishery and aquaculture sector, through the provision of loans worth up to €20 million at subsidised interest rates to small and medium-sized enterprises struggling with the Covid-19 Pandemic effects. This credit line scheme will help these companies cover their immediate liquidity needs and […]

Portuguese stakeholders contribute to feed in the cooperation process in the western Mediterranean

Fórum Oceano, the Portuguese National Hub, promoted the WestMED Initiative National Event, on the 27 February, in Lisbon. The event, entitled “Journey for Interregional Cooperation between Atlantic and the Western Mediterranean”, counted on with the collaboration of DGPM and the Atlantic National Hub, gathering more than 35 Portuguese stakeholders. The Journey aimed at promoting the […]

Portugal National Hub plans meetings with regional stakeholders

Fórum Oceano, the Portuguese National Hub, is organising, in collaboration with the Regional Coordination and Development Commissions of Lisbon, Alentejo and Algarve, a series of meetings to bring together the regional stakeholders. These sessions will happen during February and aim to raise awareness on the WestMED’ s progress and implementation, to discuss ongoing proposals and […]

WestMED Initiative represented at Business2Sea event

The 9th edition of Business2Sea, organised by Fórum Oceano, the WestMED Portuguese National Hub, in collaboration with CETMAR Foundation, took place between the 11th and 13th of November 2019, at Alfandega Porto Congress Centre, in Oporto. This year, the event was dedicated to the main theme “Healthy Oceans and the Sustainable Use of Marine Resources”, under the framework of the Sustainable Development Goal 14: “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development”.

WestMED at Business2Sea event

The 9th edition of Business2Sea will take place between the 11th and 13th of November 2019, at Alfandega Porto Congress Centre, in Oporto. This year, the event is being organised by Fórum Oceano in collaboration with CETMAR Foundation (www.cetmar.org), from Galicia, Spain, and it is dedicated to the main theme “Healthy Oceans and the Sustainable Use of Marine Resources”, under the framework of the Sustainable Development Goal 14: “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development”.