Salem Miladi presenting at WestMED national event in Tunis on November 4, 2024

WestMED, RebootMED and BlueMissionMED boost sustainable blue economy efforts amongst stakeholders in Tunis

On 4 November 2024, the WestMED National Event in Tunisia on the blue economy was organised in partnership with the REBOOTMED project and the BlueMissionMed project. The objective was  to enhance synergies between three major European projects that focus on strenghtening the sustainable blue economy in the region and discuss major developments related to specific fields: greeen shipping,  fisheries & aquaculture and tourism.

This event was also organised in close collaboration with the Tunisian national coordinator of the WestMED Initiative, the General Secretariat for Maritime Affairs, the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries.

The event brought together more than 130 guests, including the EU delegation in Tunis, sectoral managers involved in the different themes, national authorities, researchers, universities and civil society.

Regarding green shipping, The WestMED presentation focused on Tunisia’s progress in implementing the energy transition in the Tunisian maritime fleet and adapting port infrastructure to this transition. Discussions in the afternoon workshop highlighted the need to draw up a roadmap for adapting ships and port infrastructure to the new regulatory requirements of the IMO and the European Union.

Participants insisted on the urgency of developing this roadmap, if the deadlines required by these regulations are to be met. The multitude of alternative fuel choices available requires the collaboration of transport and seaport stakeholders to make this transition a success with minimal negative effects.

The second theme discussed was the development of sustainable aquaculture and fisheries and the need to use new technologies in this field, while preserving the environment and ecosystems. The workshop worked in four sub-groups to determine how the fisheries and aquaculture sector contribute to the achievement of all the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as well as the measures to be taken to overcome the difficulties and challenges hindering the achievement of the SDGs in this sector. (overview outcomes)

The third theme was Sustainable tourism. The Ministry of Tourism presented its vision for Tourism 2035 (see press article), as well as new initiatives for developing sustainable tourism; in particular thematic routes and the Destination Management Organisation (DMO). Next to this, the Ministry of the Environment presented its roadmap for the blue economy, detailing the priority actions to be implemented to ensure sustainable blue tourism. The Sahel and Sahara Observatory also highlighted the contribution of Ecosystem Accounting of Natural Capital. Closing the session on tourism, the Agence du Tourisme de Corse presented the best practices adopted by the region to encourage the transition towards sustainable and responsible tourism.

These are some of the main recommendations that came out of the ensuing discussion:

  • EU: Allocate specific funding for sustainable tourism and prioritise green practices.
  • Programmes and initiatives, including the new WestMED Technical Group on Sustainable Tourism: Improve project and programme coordination, promote nature tourism throughout the year, and develop legal frameworks for pescatourism.
  • Regional involvement: Empower regions to define and implement sustainable tourism strategies.
  • Public-private partnerships: Strengthen partnerships to foster innovation, resilience, and adaptation to climate change.

Guests representing both public and private sectors, including the the Tunisian National Tourist Office, the Mauritanian Ministry of Tourism, the Sicilian Region, and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of CAP BON (TN), shared insights on how these recommendations fit into their strategies, emphasising product diversification, local capacity building, and off-season tourism promotion.

The event underscored the need for continued collaboration to integrate these recommendations across the Mediterranean and a good example of how three Blue EU initiatives can bundle their collective efforts to help make this happen.






Memorandum of understanding between the Algerian incubator ‘Leancubator’ and the Tunisian Maritime Cluster

As part of the Blue Economy Conference held on 15 October in Algiers, an agreement was signed by Mr Harizi, Managing Director of the Algerian incubator ‘Leancubator’ , and Mr Ezzedune Kacem, Chairman of the Tunisian Maritime Cluster. The signing took place in the presence of the Minister for the Knowledge Economy, Start-Ups and Micro-Enterprises, and the Inspector General of the Ministry for Fisheries and Fish Production.

According to Mr Harizi, the agreement provides for ‘the creation of opportunities for Algerian players in the blue economy, through international cooperation, the exchange of expertise between the two countries and support for innovation between them, with joint projects to be launched in the coming months.

For his part, Mr Kacem stated that the aim of these agreements was to create maritime clusters in all the countries of North Africa, and then to establish an organisation bringing together all the clusters in the region. He stressed the need for collaboration between the Tunisian cluster and its Algerian counterpart, which is currently being set up.

For further information, please contact Salem Miladi (WestMED National Hub Tunisia):


people sitting on stage during callmeblue event in Tunisia on 14 October 2024

WestMED Tunisia presents maritime cluster actions during CallmeBlue event

On 14 October 2024, WestMED’s National Hub Tunisia particpated in a workshop organised by the Cluster Maritime Tunisien, titled  ‘Maritime clusters, catalysts for the development of the blue economy’.

This workshop was part of the European CallmeBlue project, which aims to strengthen synergies between maritime clusters in the North and South and to promote regional maritime dynamics.

The event brought together players from the maritime sector to strengthen opportunities for collaboration, identify innovative projects, encourage collaboration between public companies and institutions and private companies, and involve environmental protection institutions and civil society in the debate on the blue economy.

The National Hub presented the objectives and priorities of the Westmed project and outlined the results of the work of the technical and discussion groups, emphasising the cluster’s role in developing relations between the various players in the maritime world in order to create synergies and development opportunities.

The Secretary General for Maritime Affairs presented the objectives and priorities of the national strategy for the blue economy and emphasised the role of the maritime cluster as a catalyst for the development of the blue professions.


group picture with all participants from the WestMED Hackathon 2024

WestMED Hackathon 2024: Crafting Sustainable Blue Economy Projects

On 3 October 2024, 87 practioners and policymakers from 15 countries met in Vilamoura, Portugal to discuss project ideas and possible funding sources. This was the 3rd WestMED hackathon after previous succesful sessions in Palermo (2019) and Malta (2022).

This year’s Hackathon with the title ‘Crafting Sustainable Blue Economy Projects’ was hosted and co-organised by Portugal, Mauritania and DG MARE/ European Commission.

After the opening remarks by the Sea Basins Assistance Mechanism Team Leader from Ecorys (Javier Fernández), the Portuguese and Mauritanian co-presidencies (Lídia Bulcão and Demba Diawara) and a welcome word by the European Commission (Christos Economou), WestMED’s project coordinator (Celia Murcia) took the floor to explain the proceedings for the day and introduced the speakers that each detailed different EU financial instruments with current and upcoming funding opportunities such as Interreg NEXT MED, EMFAF, BlueInvest and Erasmus+.

These instruments have proven to be a vital part to support the implementation of ideas, projects and creation of partnerships that promote co-operation, collaboration and co-ordination between the economic agents of the countries that are part of the WestMed Initiative. This funding part was completed by a presentation detailing 2 practical Portuguese examples that have been supported by the WestMED National Hub and can be replicated: MEDBAN (Mediterranean Blue Acceleration Network) and HUBAZUL.

After the funding part, six blue projects took the stage to tell their story, five of whom have received EMFAF funding.  These projects (CALLMEBLUE, WeMED NA_TOUR, WINBIG, GREEN MARINE MED , BlueAquaEdu and Blue Skills) served as an inspiration for the five Project Development Labs that followed shortly after.

Each lab consisted of approximately 15-20 stakeholders with two moderators and were focused on some of the main themes that have been prioritised within the WestMED Initiative:  Aquaculture, Blue Skills and careers, Maritime clusters, Green shipping and ports, and Sustainable tourism.

The outcomes of these discussions were presented in a plenary session and the next steps briefly outlined with enough ideas to be further explored.

The day was concluded by Marisa Lameiras da Silva, Director General for Maritime Policy in Portugal who shared her reflections and conclusions noting the remarkable amount of energy that she had found with the participants engaging in the different Labs.  Manuel Pleguezuelo Alonso from DG MARE brought this event to an end by highlighting how some of the ideas from the hackathon 2 years ago have now come to fruition, emphasising the importance of “policies through projects,” and thanking all participants who have made this possible. 

Download the hackathon report

Download the agenda

Watch all WestMED Hackathon ’24 presentations: dedicated playlist on WestMED’s YouTube channel

WestMED Hackathon 2024conference room filled with stakeholders

WestMED Hackathon 2024. people discussing Sustainable Tourism project ideas

Le cluster maritime libyen créé avec le soutien du cluster maritime tunisien

Dans le cadre de la création du Cluster Maritime Maghrébin, Mr Ezzedine Kacem, président du cluster maritime tunisien a participé à l’adoption des statuts définitifs du Cluster Maritime Libyen par son assemblée constituante le 18/09/2024.

La déclaration officielle de cette création a été annoncée le 29 septembre 2024 à l’Université Omar El Mokhtar El Baida (Lybie) réunissant 14 membres fondateurs spécialistes des différents secteurs maritimes en Lybie. Le Président fondateur est Mr Ali Shagrouni et la Présidente du conseil d’administration Dr Masauda Abuarosha, tous deux Coordinateur et Hub National libyens du projet Westmed.

Cette réalisation des parties prenantes Libyennes est de nature à promouvoir l’économie bleue en Lybie et marque une étape significative dans la concrétisation de la stratégie du Cluster Maritime Tunisien (CMT) pour la création du Cluster Maritime Maghrébin et renforce la coopération entre les opérateurs de l’économie bleue dans les deux pays.

Plus d’informations sur l’annonce du Cluster maritime libyen

WestMED Steering Committee members sitting around a larfge conference table in Portugal, October 1, 2024

WestMED Stakeholders gather in Portugal for a 3-day agenda on the Blue Economy

Three full days have been dedicated to enhancing synergies among key actors in the Mediterranean basin: The WestMED Steering Comittee (SC) on October 1, The UfM Regional Platform on the Blue Economy on October 2, and the WestMED Hackathon on October 3, 2024.

WestMED Steering Committee
The WestMED Steering Committee (SC) was hosted by the Region of Algarve and the Portuguese Co-Presidency.

The meeting gathered representatives from the WestMED countries, as well as the Observers, DG MARE, CINEA, UfM and the team of the Assistance Mechanism.

A key milestone was presented at the SC meeting in terms of cooperation and clustering within the Mediterranean region. On 29 September 2024, the first maritime cluster has been officially established in Libya with the support of the WestMED Initiative. This maritime cluster will be rolled out in the coming months. (see article on this announcement).

Updates on the WestMED Technical Groups (TGs) were presented by the Assistance Mechanism, in particular to the recently approved TG on Sustainable Tourism. There has been a call for Tourism experts to join, and there has already been a stakeholder group meeting on September 6 and an advisory group meeting on September 18 to prepare for the official launch at the Sun&Blue Conference on November 21.

The WestMED countries are fully committed  towards a more sustainable and resilience tourism section in the Mediterranean. Some countries are working to promote more environmental-friendly tourism alternatives such as pesca-tourism and sustainable scuba diving at artificial reefs.

In view of the willingness of the WestMED Initiative towards enhancing more synergies and cooperative dialogue with the African countries, DG MARE presented the Strategic Dialogue on the Africa-Europe Ocean Economy. A scoping report has been produced outlining way to strengthen cooperation between Africa and Europe on ocean governance and blue economy, from which to forge a mutually beneficial roadmap for the two continents in line with the 2030 UN Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals and the African Union’s Agenda 2063.

UfM Regional Platform on Sustainable Blue Economy

Back-to-back to the WestMED Steering Committee, the UfM Regional Platform took place on 2 October 2024

The UfM Secretariat introduced the most recent advancements on the update of the Roadmap for the implementation of the 2021 UfM Ministerial Declaration on Sustainable Blue Economy. On the monitoring, reporting and evaluation mechanism, an exhaustive exercise is being done based on 657 actions, activities and projects of regional cooperation in the Mediterranean.

The UfM is going to shortly launch the new edition of the UfM Sustainable Blue Economy Publication, which provides an update on the status of the key blue economy sectors in the Mediterranean, including transversal aspects such as blue skills, marine research and funding frameworks. The previous edition of this 2021 publication can be found here.

On this occasion, the UfM Regional Plan for Transport was presented by Francesc Carbonell. Further synergies are being sought between the WestMED Technical Group on Green Shipping and Ports and the UfM Regional Plan for Transport, to address the common challenges of the sector in the Mediterranean.

Further updates were presented in terms of the Community of Practice on MSP (Smart Specialization Strategies – S3, Mission Restore Our Oceans by 2030 and BlueMissionMed, Interreg Euro-Med and strategy dialogue on the Africa-Europe Ocean Economy.

On the funding opportunities, updates were presented in the Blue Mediterranean Partnership, Interreg Next-MED and the Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership.

WestMED Hackaton 2024

On 3 October 2024, 85 stakeholders from more than 20 countries met in Vilamoura, Portugal to discuss project ideas and possible funding sources. This was already the 3rd hackathon after previous sessions in Palermo (2019) and Malta (2022).

Read the full article

Download the agenda

Watch all WestMED Hackathon ’24 presentations: dedicated playlist on WestMED’s YouTube channel


Marisa Lameiras da Silva (Portugal) and Demba Diawara (Mauritania) co-chairing the WestMED Steering Committee | Copyright photos: DGPM

WestMED Libya Blue economy event at Al-Mukhtar University - 29 sept 2024

WestMED Libya announces the country’s first Maritime Cluster at the Omar Al-Mukhtar University, during ‘Blue Economy Research & Innovation’ workshop

Today on September 29 2024, at the Faculty of Agriculture Hall, the Omar Al-Mukhtar University hosted a workshop titled “advancing  the Blue Economy in Libya through Research and innovation” with the support of the Al-Mukhtar Center for Research, Consulting, Educational Services, and Training.

This workshop was organized in collaboration with the WestMED Initiative for the Development of the Blue Economy and the Marine Biology Organization.

The workshop was led by Dr. Masauda Abouarousha, the Libyan National Coordinator for the initiative, and was attended by prominent figures, including the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, and a number of faculty members from the Faculties of Science, Agriculture, and Natural Resources. Additionally, the event saw the presence of the Director of the International Cooperation Department at the University and the Director of the Environmental Sanitation Department at the Ministry of Environment.

The event also included notable participation via online platforms from:

  • Eng. Ali Al-Shaqrouni, Head of the Libyan Maritime Cluster
  • Captain Ezzedine Kacem, Head of the Tunisian Maritime Cluster
  • Mr. Leonardo Manzari, Italian WestMED National Hub

During the workshop, the formation of the Libyan Maritime Cluster was officially announced. This entity will serve as an umbrella organization uniting all stakeholders engaged in various maritime activities related to the blue economy, with a particular focus on research and innovation (see presentation)

The workshop played a pivotal role in engaging researchers at Omar Al-Mukhtar University with international research platforms specializing in the blue economy, enhancing Libya’s participation in regional and global initiatives.

There will be a series of seminars, workshops and focus groups emanating from this workshop.

At the conclusion, several recommendations were made:

1- Urging Omar Al-Mukhtar University to partner with the steering committee initiative represented by the Al-Mukhtar Centre for Research, Consultancy, Scientific Services and Training, as Libya is a member of this initiative.
2- Establishing a unit within the Mukhtar Centre for Blue Economy, which is concerned with spreading awareness of the importance of the blue economy through seminars, workshops and meetings as an alternative economy.
3- Holding qualification courses for interested parties and stakeholders and preparing human cadres capable of engaging in this field.
4- The Mukhtar Centre adopts the idea of establishing a special board for research in the various fields of the blue economy and distributing it to colleges as houses of expertise containing academics, researchers and interested parties, and then selecting distinguished research proposals and through the Centre and its agreements, financial support is provided for these researches through donor agencies and organisations for funding.


With this workshop, the path is paved for more strategic partnerships and capacity-building initiatives, ensuring that Libya contributes actively to the regional blue economy agenda.

Download the analysis framework paper detailing the Libyan Maritime Cluster

For more information contact Masauda Abuarosha:

WestMED Libya Blue economy event at Al-Mukhtar University - 29 sept 2024


alberto Pulizzi, Regione Sicilia Fishery Dept at G7 in Siracusa on 27 sept 2024

WestMED Italy 2024 Roadshow on Innovation and Internationalisation for Sustainable Fisheries during the G7 in Siracusa, Sicily

On 27 September 2024,  thanks to the Regione Sicilia Fishery Department (represented by Director General, Alberto Pulizzi) and the Sicilian Fishery and Blue growth cluster COSVAP (represented President Nino Carlino), the WestMED National Hub organised a roadshow focused on Innovation and Internationalisation for a new Sustainable model for Fisheries.

This roadshow was programmed as a side event to the  G7 Ministerial meeting on Agriculture and Fisheries  that was held in Syracuse from 26 to 28 September 2024 with a great Exposition and many activities on agriculture and fishing throughout the city.

Prof Franco Andaloro, a world renown international expert on sustainable fisheries kicked off with an inspiring introduction. He mentioned the need for a complete new approach and model to Fisheries, focusing on the role of fishers, as protagonist and not as problem.  He also detailed the main challenges to be tackled, if we really want to promote Sustainable Fisheries model(s).

This was followed by multiple experts who shared their views and experiences: Giovanni Borsellino ( FLAG GAC Il Sole e l’Azzurro ) presented its traceability system for fishery. Leonardo Manzari then presented his experiences as part of the WestMED Assistance Mechanism with a focus on  Technological innovation and internationalisation as indispensable tools to propose solutions and apply technologies and systems at the service of a new sustainable model for artisanal fishing, deep sea fishing, and aquaculture.

Luca Mirabelli from AS Labruna presented its hybrid Power systems for small and large fishery vessels and Prof Concetta Messina explained the contribution of INTERREG NEXT Italie-Tunisie ARIBIOTECH to the extraction of bioelements from fish waste and the network of specialized labs developed between Sicily and Tunisia.

DuWo presented its smart fish packing boxes, equipped with RFID traceability chip and their box washing machines

For more information contact Leonardo Manzari (WestMED National Hub italy):


Leonardo Manzari, WestMED Italy moderating session at G7 in Siracusa on 27 sept 2024





Forum Mondial de la Mer Biserte 2024

WestMED Tunisia highlights the future of Green Maritime Transport at Forum Ocean de la Mer 2024

On  13 September 2024, for its 7th edition, Forum Mondial de la Mer in Bizerte (Tunisia) set the agenda for  one of the planet’s most iconic and threatened natural treasures, facing a severe crisis endangering its biodiversity and sustainability, the Mediterranean Sea basin.  Researchers, international organizations, local authorities, professionals, and think tanks are continually reassessing their projections based on various scientific, climatic, economic, and demographic data.

Throughout this event, a number of speakers discussed the preservation of marine ecosystems and the levers for a sustainable blue economy.

Challenges and innovation in maritime and port transport
Salem Miladi (WestMED’s National Hub in Tunisia) was one of the speakers talking about the challenges and innovations of maritime and port transport. In his presentation he highlighted how the expansion of world trade, changes the way products are manufactured and distributed and how innovation and the use of advanced information and communication technologies (ITS: Intelligent Transport System), have led to profound changes in the transport system. This is reflected in the door-to-door transport, containerisation and creation of transhipment ports (deep-water ports). The new global transport model has promoted intermodality and logistics, as well as quality and speed of information (just-in-time, zero stock).        

However, with maritime transport accounting for 90% of world trade in goods,  it also consumes 250 million tonnes of heavy fuel oil obtained from the dirtiest waste products from crude oil distillation. The quantities of particles, nitrogen oxide and sulphur dioxide ejected into the atmosphere are increasingly large, and end up in the seas and oceans.

The maritime transport and port sector is one of the most polluting sectors and must comply with new environmental requirements to make freight more environmentally friendly. Various initiatives have been undertaken to reduce the impact of this pollution on the seas and oceans, such as the MARPOL Convention, which provides for the reduction of the amount of sulphur contained in marine fuels to 0.5%, and the IMO’s (International Maritime Organization) revised strategy, which aims to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions from international shipping to zero by 2050.

As part of his presentation Salem also introduced the Westmed Initiative and talked about the ‘Green Shipping Technical Group’ that consist of stakeholders from the Mediterranean shipping and port industry. The main objective of this group is to find funding and carry out projects related to feasibility studies and pilot experiments aimed to promote the widespread use of clean energy by ships and ports – particularly in cooperation with partners from the the southern shore of the western Mediterranean.

The road to Nice :  preparing for the United Nations Ocean Conference 2025
Javier Férnandez (Director EU Sea Basins Assistance Mechanism) and Salem Miladi (WestMED National Hub Tunisia) both attended the Forum Mondial de la Mer.  Especially because this event formed part of the agenda for the preparation and consultation at Euro-Mediterranean level of the United Nations Ocean Conference that will take place in Nice on 9-13 June 2025. This Conference (UNOC3) will be  organised by France and Costa Rica, and is expected to be the biggest international gathering ever organised around ocean issues.


For more information contact Salem Miladi (westMED Hub Tunisia):


Salem Miladi at Forum Mondial de la Mer 2024 in Bizerte

Copyright: Forum Mondial de la Mer

poster call for tourism experts

CALL for Experts: WestMED Technical Group on Sustainable Tourism | Deadline 15 September 2024 (EOB)

Deadline to register for this 1st Call for experts: 15 September 2024 (EOB). Only applications submitted within the deadline will be accepted.

About the Technical Group on Sustainable Tourism

Given the fact that tourism plays such a significant role in the Western Mediterranean as one of the key contributors to both the upside gains as well as the downside risks of the blue economy, there is an urgent need for enhancing eco-tourism in the region. To address the challenges of the sector in the Mediterranean, we should enhance EU and external territorial cooperation (including non-EU WestMED countries as partners such as Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco and Tunisia) and promote active knowledge sharing amongst stakeholders from both the northern and southern shore, to multiply results.

Addressing these needs will lead to the rapid development and transformation of the tourism industry particularly  to a more modern sector by adopting digital platforms, digital marketing and information technologies such as the internet of things, augmented reality and virtual reality.

The overall objective of the Sustainable Tourism TG within the WestMED Initiative is to serve as a technical forum to discuss trends and opportunities towards sustainable tourism within the region and to provide support to participants to develop project ideas around the topics already set at EU level with regards to the tourism-related topics of green transition, digitalization, promotion of social inclusion, governance, and skills.

With this information, we would like to officially launch the Technical Gtoup (TG) on Sustainable Tourism and this call for experts to partake and engaged in an active role!

We are looking for technical stakeholders of tourism initiatives including: partners of the Interreg Euro MED Sustainable Tourism Mission; partners from previous EU tourism projects; Mediterranean Tourism Stakeholders from the public and private sector; Non-EU Associated Partners; Travel Foundation; Associations; Networks; Tourism businesses; research and innovation centers; technological centers; universities; ports and their representatives; townhalls; yachting/small cruising; nautical sector, etc.



Role: This expert group will suggest project proposals and be the main contact point for establishing consortia and projects for future EU funding opportunities around sustainable tourism. The expert group will also serve as the main forum to discuss specific topics of interest to the group.

Requested involvement: This group will also gather periodically to be informed about opportunities, recent developments and discuss on specific topics of their choice. We envision to have 3-4 online meetings with the expert group per year.

For questions: contact Marta Pascual from the WestMED National Hub Spain or Stephanie Vella from the WestMED Nation Hub Malta

Check the Online webinar on 16 October 2024
event announcement poster with diver

Check the dedicated Sustainable Tourism Technical Group page

coastline Mediterranean with sea and olive tree on the rocks