
  • WestMed Initiative shifts Focus towards Key Areas

    14 September 2016 Egbert Hoogstad

    After extensive discussions with stakeholders and after having studied numerous policy and research papers, it was concluded that a slight change in course is required for this initiative. Phase I was meant to establish the added value of an overall maritime approach for the Western Mediterranean. And, whether there is enough support from the most […]

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  • Results Phase 1 public

    4 July 2016 Egbert Hoogstad

    We are pleased to announce that the first two reports that were produced during Phase 1 of the project have been officially approved by the EC and are available online. Report 1: Non paper based on the context analysis This non-paper is a discussion document that provides both a context analysis and impact assessment. The objective […]

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  • Green light for phase 2

    3 July 2016 Egbert Hoogstad

    Phase 1 of the project has officially ended in June. The final reports covering this phase were approved by the European Commission. At the same time it was concluded that there are enough benefits to be gained to move forward into phase 2. Agreement was reached on a, slightly renewed, focus of this initiative and […]

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  • WestMedStrat Twitter account activated

    9 February 2016 Communication team

    The WestMed strategy project team that develops a maritime strategy for the Western Mediterranean has activated a dedicated project twitter account. The objective is to share regular updates on the project’s developments with all those people and organisations who are interested in the future of this sea basin. Our updates will include topics such as […]

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  • Project website launched

    Communication team

    A new project website has been created and launched in close cooperation with web builders Web Design in Tunis The website has  a different focus at each phase of the project. In phase I (up until April 2016), it will primarily be informative; to provide background information on the project, share the first reports and generate basic […]

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