
  • Launch of a new initiative on Maritime Spatial Planning

    9 February 2019 Egbert Hoogstad

    UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) and the European Commission will launch, MSPGlobal, a new global project on maritime spatial planning, on 11 and 12 February at UNESCO Headquarters. The project aims to promote better maritime spatial planning with a view to avoiding conflicts and improving the governance of human activities at sea such as aquaculture, […]

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  • First call for proposals: 41 projects approved for funding

    7 February 2019 Egbert Hoogstad

    During its last meeting which took place for the very first time in Cairo (Egypt) on 29-30 January 2019, the Joint Monitoring Committee (decision-making body of the ENI CBC Med Programme composed of the representatives of 13 participating countries) approved a list of 41 projects recommended for funding by the Projects Selection Committee. Based on the […]

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  • Le Comité National de l’Economie Bleue (CNEB) s’installe

    5 February 2019 National Hub Algeria

    Le coordinateur national et le Hub national sur l’économie bleue de l’initiative WestMED ont été officiellement présentés. Les principales attentes vis à vis de la CNEB qui a un rôle à jouer dans le processus WestMED  en cours, mais plus globalement pour les questions relatives à l’économie bleue en Algérie ont été discutées.

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  • The Maltese National Hub kicks off its activities

    21 January 2019 Communication team

    On January 14th, 2019, the Maltese National Hub has held a meeting with the Malta Council for Science and Technology (MCST) which is tasked with coordinating several funding programmes, including the Joint Programme Initiatives (JPI) – Oceans and the Horizon 2020.

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  • Fórum Oceano assegura ponto focal nacional do Mecanismo de Assistência WestMED

    27 December 2018 Communication team

    No âmbito do Mecanismo de Assistência Técnica ao Programa de Cooperação Inter-regional do Mediterrâneo Ocidental (WestMED), a Fórum Oceano assegura o ponto focal (National Hub) do Programa para Portugal, em resultado de um processo concursal lançado pela Comissão Europeia, ganho pelo consórcio liderado pela empresa ECORYS, que a Fórum Oceano integrou. Nesse sentido, compete à Fórum Oceano assegurar […]

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