EMFF l Maritime Spatial Planning l 7 May – 4 September 2019
29 May 2019 Communication team
7 May – 4 September 2019 The objective of this call for proposals is to support the establishment and implementation of Maritime Spatial Plans in line with the objectives pursued in the framework of the MSP Directive. More specifically, this action intends to support Member States in setting up maritime spatial plans and ensuring plans are coherent and […]
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Commissioner Karmenu Vella visits WestMED Initiative’ s booth at the European Maritime Day
20 May 2019 Communication team
The WestMED Initiative was represented at the European Maritime Day 2019, on 16 and 17 May 2019, in Lisbon. Fórum Oceano, which is the WestMED Portuguese National Hub, assured the presence of the Initiative at the exhibition area. After the opening ceremony session, held on 16 May, the Commissioner Karmenu Vella visited the WestMED’ s […]
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European Maritime Day 2019: Fórum Oceano promove workshop sobre o projeto SAFER
14 May 2019 Communication team
No âmbito do projeto SAFER – Smart Atlantic Seafood Clusters, cofinanciado pelo programa Interreg Espaço Atlântico, a Fórum Oceano irá promover o Workshop “Seafood as key sector for Blue Growth in the EU Regions”, no dia 17 de maio, pelas 09h00. A sessão enquadra-se na programação do European Maritime Day, que terá lugar no Centro de Congressos de Lisboa, nos dias […]
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Le Sommet des deux rives, Forum de la Méditerranée
9 May 2019 Communication team
Fruit d’une initiative du Président de la République, le Sommet des deux rives, Forum de la Méditerranée, se tiendra à Marseille les 23 et 24 juin 2019. Au terme d’un exercice inédit de consultation de la société civile méditerranéenne, il a pour ambition de relancer la dynamique de coopération en Méditerranée occidentale par la mise […]
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4 May 2019 National Hub Italy
The aim of these roundtables has been to create an occasion for Italian stakeholders to know each other, exchange areas of interest, experiences and skills, projects submitted and in pipeline. In fact through a better reciprocal knowledge, they will reduce cases of overlapping projects submitted for the same call and funding programme, instead increase integration among project ideas and improve their quality, strengthen partnerships, better distribute areas of specialization and development at national level, clearer definition of stakeholders’ roles as project leaders and partners, also considering the relevant financial capacities, to better express their views in the proper functioning of the funding programme, the call, etc.
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