EEA Call | SGS #1 – Initiatives for business growth in Startups Supported | Deadline 31 May 2021
Deadline: 31 May 2021
Budget: 50.000-150.000 €
Countries: PT
- Fisheries/ Aquaculture (O2/P2)
- Marine pollution and circular economy (O2/P4)
- Maritime Renewable Energy (O2/ P5)
- Maritime Research and innovation (O2)
This Open Call aims to finance initiatives for business growth in Portuguese startups and enterprises to develop, apply and commercialize innovative products and technologies.
The main objective of this Call is to finance initiatives for business growth in startups enterprises to develop, apply and commercialize innovative products and technologies. This call will also promote cooperation between enterprises and research institutions, in order to foster user-driven research-based innovation.
Eligible promoters: SMEs established as legal persons in Portugal are considered eligible applicants of projects.
The projects supported by this call will contribute to increase competitiveness, sustainability and profitability among Portuguese startups and bring more innovation in their products, services and processes within the focus are of Blue Growth.
Eligible Sectors:
- Fisheries/aquaculture (development of innovative products and technologies in fisheries/ fish farming sector)
- Fish and seafood transformation industry
- Commercial ports
- Ocean renewable energy sector
- Maritime industry, including innovative maritime transport technologies
- etc
More information
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