WestMED at Business2Sea event
Fórum Oceano, the WestMED Portuguese National Hub, organises since 2011 the Business2Sea event aiming to promote the development of projects and business in the different sectors of the Sea Economy. The event gathers stakeholders from various fields, namely representatives of companies and business associations, universities, research centres, public administration and others, and it comprises four main components, as follows:
- Conferences, seminars and thematic workshops to discuss different maritime issues;
- International Business Meetings (B2B meetings);
- Pitching Sessions, usually called “Curtas do Mar”;
- An exhibition area to showcase technologies, products or services.
Besides, the event counts also on moments for networking, tasting of seafood and other interactive experiences.
The 9th edition of Business2Sea will take place between the 11th and 13th of November 2019, at Alfandega Porto Congress Centre, in Oporto.
This year, the event is being organised by Fórum Oceano in collaboration with CETMAR Foundation (www.cetmar.org), from Galicia, Spain, and it is dedicated to the main theme “Healthy Oceans and the Sustainable Use of Marine Resources”, under the framework of the Sustainable Development Goal 14: “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development”.
The event is composed of a programme of conferences, seminars and workshops, an exhibition of technology and maritime services and products, a matchmaking programme, and a pitching sessions’ programme, called “Curtas do Mar”. Business2Sea will also host the 6th Atlantic Stakeholder Platform Conference and the Interreg Atlantic Area Annual Event.
The WestMED Initiative will be represented at Fórum Oceano’ s booth, where the National Hub will display the WestMED’ s pull-up and distribute the leaflet. In case you want to know more about the WestMED Initiative, please visit the Fórum Oceano’ s booth at Arquivo Hall.
Further details, programme and registration are available at www.business2sea.org.