
group photo of people celebrating launch of EMFAF projects 2023

New EMFAF Regional flagship projects just kicked off their work!

Source: CINEA website

The EMFAF Regional flagships call, with a budget of EUR 7.6 million, focused on EU sea basins cooperation; in particular the Atlantic, the Black Sea, the Mediterranean, the Baltic Sea Region and the EU Outermost Regions. Ten new projects just kicked off.

Four projects are related to the Mediterranean: Green Marine Med, POWER4MED, CALLMEBLUE and the GreenMED. The first three projects received active assistance from the WestMED Assistance Mechanism in the application process.

GREEN MARINE MED  – Mediterranean Green Shipping Network: Linking Ports, Industries, Investment and Innovation for Monitoring and Technology Foresight on Green Shipping in the Mediterranean

GREEN MARINE MED will bring together, engage and mobilise the comprehensive Mediterranean Green Shipping stakeholder community, representing the full value chain including actors from the full vessel community, ports and marinas, fuel and energy, as well as finance, investment, innovation and other stakeholders. The comprehensive Network will create the foundation to enable the most broadly supported and useful Monitoring and Technology Foresight on Mediterranean Green Shipping.

Duration: 24 months – EU contribution: EUR 932 469.91


GreenMED – Green Shipping Pathways Towards a Clean Energy Transition in the Mediterranean

GreenMED is a regionally oriented project aiming to effectively support green shipping efforts in the Mediterranean Sea basin, by promoting plausible scenario-based decarbonisation pathways. The GreenMED’s ambition is to contribute directly and actively to the emission targets established by the EU under the 2030 and 2050 milestones. This goal´s realization relies on the comprehension and integration of innovative technologies, taking into consideration the regional ship energy demands, the fuel supply chains in both shores of the Mediterranean Sea, and the variety of emerging green shipping technologies, leading to the establishment of a decarbonisation hub: the Mediterranean Sustainable Shipping Observatory (MSSO).

Duration : 24 months – EU contribution: EUR 740 868

POWER4MED – local emPOWERment of fuel transition FOR a green MEDiterranean

Transition toward carbon neutrality in maritime transport requires short & medium-term solutions, the former based on transition fuels (LNG), the latter on not yet fully available alternative fuels (green hydrogen, methanol, electricity & wind). Dealing with such complexity is difficult for the operators of smaller ships and POWER4MED has the ambition to support them by developing the POWER4MED Supporting Structure, a “Supporting Team” of multidisciplinary experts and a set of toolkits facilitating the path toward carbon neutrality of the 3 sectors targeted by the project: fishing boats, commercial vessels and marinas.

Duration: 18 months – EU contribution: EUR 638 435


CALLMEBLUE aims to strengthen existing maritime clusters alliances in the Mediterranean area in order to accelerate north-south regional cooperation processes towards the emerging of strategic maritime clusters in North Africa area (south-south cooperation). The project will aim to create a strategic vision and transferable models of interregional cooperation, by implementing concrete actions at both local and regional level in order to raise awareness on the relevance of Maritime clusters as key actors for sustainable blue economy policies such as promoting exchange of best practices and knowledge transfer between north and southern area.

Duration: 24 months – EU contribution: EUR 780 987.86

Read the full article with the other projects on the CINEA website

Joint Italian-Maltese WestMED national event in Catania boosts blue opportunities in the Mediterranean

For the first time since the launch of the WestMED Initiative and the set-up of the Westmed Technical Assistance Mechanism, a joint national event was coordinated by the Italian and Maltese National Hubs, in Catania on Oct 4-6 2023.

Substantial support
This event was also made possible through the support by the respective National Coordinators, the decisive contribution of the Region Sicily-Dept of Agriculture, Rural Development and Fishery, the Italian national clusters Federazione del Mare and CTN BIG.

With Malta and Italy both centrally located in the Mediterranean, these countries play a pivotal role in strengthening exchanges as well as synergies across the seabasin, particularly towards the Southern Shore countries.

Therefore Sicily, home of the Managing Authority of INTERREG Italy-Malta and INTERREG NEXT Italie-Tunisie, and Catania in particular (with its rich ecosystem of high tech companies, university and research centers) was  the natural place to exploit the potential of a North-South event with representatives attending from Italy, Malta, Algeria, Libya, Mauritania and Tunisia.

Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare– Laboratori Nazionali del Sud
The event took place at Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare – Laboratori Nazionali del Sud, which is a branch of the largest Italian research institution, located in Catania. The Institute has sought to valorise the opportunity offered by the WestMED in terms of networking and hosted the event on its premises. The Institute, strongly reaffirms the importance of internationalization and networking, with the national director general and INFN-LNS’s warmly welcoming all participants to the event.

The event also served to highlight the deep-sea research project currently being undertaken by the Institute (KM3NeT) and the application of this research to maritime fields. Participants also benefited from a guided tour of the INFN-LNS premises and visitor center.

Thematic sessions
Apart from the Opening Session on the 4th October, which was reserved for institutions and speakers, the following days of the event were dedicated to thematic sessions, building upon the outcomes of the technical and working groups of the WestMED, as well as the rising challenges experiences in this area of the Mediterranean. These thematic areas focused on:

  • Network of Ports and Infrastructures
  • Marine Renewables and Desalination,
  • Sustainable Fishery and related Biotech Supply Chains,
  • Oceanography-Geology-Marine Biology and Ecology
  • 2023 edition of MEDBLEUE was also discussed which included participation by CTN BIG, Maritime Tunisien and the Malta Maritime Forum.

Furthermore, the availability of EU funds, particularly the INTERREG ones, were discussed, with the Managing Authorities of Italy, Malta and Tunisia present. Presentations were delivered on the respective programmes from the Managing Authorities of EU Funding Programmes and from the Italian Agency for Cooperation Development AICS.

Many project ideas
The event also gave the opportunity to experienced entrepreneurs and researchers to present their project ideas to potential project partners.

Worth noting is the identification of project ideas stemming from Transport Malta, Port Authority of Northern Tyrrenean, INSTM Tunisia, Mauritanian Marine Cluster, SWAP-TOX project, DuWo srl and Le Vie dei Tesori, Signo Motus who are actively seeking partners and funding opportunities for their project proposals.

Forty participants took part in-person on October 4,  50 on October 5 and  30 on October 6. Between 15 to 30 participants joined remotely online each day.

Finally, the event marked the interest of INFN-LNS to join WestMED activities with the support of the WestMED’s Italian National Hub.

More information
Leonardo Mazari, National Hub Italy  |  Stephanie Vella, National Hub Malta

Press articles: La Sicilia and Catania Metropolitana


General manager Region Sicily Department of Fisheries  Libyan WestMED National Coordinator Masauda Abuarosha

overview conference room with presenter during WestMED joint Italy Malta 2023 national event in Catania Sicily

National WestMED coordinators Italy and Malta

Visit at the INFN-LNS visitor Center, guided by Prof Giacomo Cuttone and Prof Piera Sapienza








Corallo Stakeholder event july 2023 with Professor Alan Deidun

Ocean Literacy digital tools highlighted during CORRALO’s stakeholder event

Sources: Diving info MaltaInterreg Italia-Malta

On 20 July 2023, the National Hub Malta attended a stakeholder event hosted by the Corallo project in Zurrieq, Malta.

CORALLO supports the dissemination and use of the natural heritage through a diverse range of edutainment tools and non-intrusive infrastructure interventions within Natura 2000 (N2K) sites.

Through the project, state-of-the-art educational services and facilities are developed in each of the target sites, including extensive use of virtual and extended reality as well as documentaries and short video clips. In addition, the iconic species and habitats encountered at each of N2K’s target sites will be exhibited in different centers identified for intervention, thus capitalizing on the unique strengths and resources held by each site.

The CORALLO project also provides mobile awareness tools, i.e. scientific campaigns for citizens, a boat of project information, smartphone apps and games and online tools, which will allow to reach a wide range of end users.

Initiatives developed
During the event, project coordinator, Prof. Alan Deidun from the University of Malta, provided an overview of the initiatives developed to present the Natura 2000 marine sites to the general public, including people who are unable to go underwater themselves.

  • 60 degree video footage of the underwater environment for use in conjunction with VR headsets
  • 3D models of Filfla, St. Paul’s Islands and Qawra Point
  • 3D models of various marine species
  • 3d Stand-up digital banner showing marine species
  • Production of Educational TV spots that were found to be very effective with the older generations that were aired on the national broadcaster in prime time
  • Events at various locations and presence at public events
  • Interactive totem at Ghar Dalam
  • A publication titled: “Correct enjoyment (and awareness raising) of Natura 2000 locations”
  • Information boards at various Natura 2000 sites
  • Upgrades at the Dwejra Interpretation Centre
  • Corallo Mobile App (still in development but to be launched soon)

Main conclusions:

  1. Visuals motivate people. However, through feedback gained from the public, via citizen engagement and awareness events held under the auspices of this project, it has been noted that taking a more positive approach, such as showing people the beauty of the marine environment, may be more effective at engaging citizens than exposing them to negative images. Because of social media, people are becoming desensitized to negative images.
  2. It has also been noted that there is limited awareness of the environmental impact by users on Natura 2000 sites, yet there are several opportunities for educational and responsible enjoyment initiatives. Furthermore, it is observed that the use of social media for citizen engagement is crucial, yet considerable resources in time and money need to be mobilized in order to be able to maintain the momentum.
  3. Long-term citizen-science campaigns may play a dual role of awareness-raising as well as long-term data collection shared by the public via the app, that would of marine developments. It may also serve as a means for the general public to influence policy-making.

During his presentation Professor Deidun also highlighted Corallo’s presence at the WestMED Stakeholder Conference 2023, with an exhibition and presentation.

Main next steps foreseen

  1. Different actors, both scientific and non-scientific, need to work together to create an educational plan, potentially focusing on the education of children, as it has been noted that the general public is willing to engage.
  2. Look into the potential of ‘getting the sea where the sea doesn’t exist’ such as to hospitals, care homes and prison, through the use of interactive digital tools.

For more information visit visit the Corollo website
Read their booklet with information on the project and the sites

Corollo Project is part-financed through the EU Interreg Italia-Malta Programme

Corallo robot at Lets dive in stakeholder event July 2023


WestMED Success Story: EMFAF Flagship Projects Accelerating Tourism Sustainability

The popularity of the Mediterranean sea and its coastal regions amongst tourists remains at an all time high. After a temporary covid dip, the latest figures show that numbers of tourists have already reached pre-pandemic levels and are further on the rise.

Traditional model no longer viable

Traditional ‘sun, sea and sand’ tourism has resulted in improved livelihoods for many local communities, averaging 11.5% of total employment in Mediterranean countries. It is therefore, one of the leading sectors of the economy in the region.

At the same time, it also puts tremendous pressure on the environment. Mass tourism is one of the main causes of increased pollution and a driver for uncontrolled building along the coastlines. This, coupled to a growing demand for water, food and energy and the structurally rising temperatures (sea and land), severely impacts the region’s resources, and is therefore not viable in the long run.

Additionally, these same pressures lower the attractiveness of tourist destinations in the Mediterranean.

Sustainable blue economy at the heart

The European Commission is actively addressing many of these issues to safeguard the connection between economic welfare and the environment with the ‘Sustainable blue economy’ concept.

This has been an ongoing process since 2013 – as part of the Commission’s targeted approach for several European Sea basins with dedicated blue strategies for the Atlantic (Atlantic Action Plan), the Black Sea (Common Maritime Agenda) and the Western Mediterranean (WestMED Initiative).

Flagship projects lead the way

In 2021 the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) decided to fund so-called flagship projects (pilot strategic initiatives) for each of the sea basin strategies with 5.5 million euro to accelerate achievement of their respective goals.

For the Western Mediterranean the main objective of this EMFAF flagship funding  was to ‘strengthen the competitiveness and sustainability of the coastal and maritime tourism sector, as part of a smart and resilient blue economy – one of the key goals of the WestMED Initiative.  This, by preserving the marine and coastal environment as well as marine cultural heritage, and contributing to the attractiveness of coastal areas by means of ecotourism, digitalisation and mobilising private-public investments.’

Eco-tourism, cross-border cooperation and multiplying results

Given the fact that tourism plays such a significant role in the Western Mediterranean as one of the key contributors to both the upside gains as well as the downside risks of the blue economy, three projects that function as a catalyst for change, were selected for co-financing.

All three are focused on enhancing eco-tourism in the region, cross-border cooperation (including non-EU WestMED countries as partners such as Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria and Mauritania) and actively sharing knowledge amongst stakeholders from both the northern and southern shore, to multiply results.

These projects are also examples of the rapid development and transformation of the tourism industry to a more modern sector by adopting digital platforms, digital marketing and information technologies such as the internet of things, augmented reality and virtual reality.

The three  Flagship projects:


This project boosts new managerial, blue, green and digital skills to pave the way for an eco-friendly, zero-impact cruising sector.

The project designs innovative, sustainable and smart theme-based cruising packages targeting Millennials and Gen Z, aimed at minimising the impact of large groups of visitors.

The project also develops and delivers a specialised capacity building programme, enabling cross-border cooperation, exchange of good practices and unlocking new business opportunities around the eco-cruise sector.

The target group consists of small and medium sized companies in the West Mediterranean area, as well public and private stakeholders in charge of the promotion of EU and West European coastal and maritime destinations.

According to project coordinator Marika Mazzi Boém from X23, the company leading the project, the timing after Covid is critical for the cruise industry to reinvent itself:

“Rather than focusing on strategies to grow tourism, what we need now is to implement actions for containing mass tourism in favour of sustainability. So innovation is key at different levels: in technology, to increase environmentally friendly practises and reduce carbon footprint; in the travel experience, as personalization is a must; and in business modeling, to bring tangible economic and social benefits to local communities”.

More info about ECO-CRUISING FU_TOUR
Budget Overall: €990 222

EU Contribution: €792 178


Partners/ Countries Coordinator: X23 The Innovation Bakery (Italy)

Italian Tourist Board-ENIT (Italy)

Celestyal Ship Management (Greece)

Cyprus Marine and Maritime Institute (Cyprus)

Green evolution (Greece)

Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Tunisia-CCIT (Tunisia)

Leancubator (Algeria)

Tanger City port management Company – SGPTV (Morocco)

ASCAME (Spain)




Social media







Duration 1 September 2022- 31 December 2024


This project supports local tourism SMEs and involves them in the creation and delivery of eco-tourism packages targeting the growing school-trip tourism market.

It will do so, by creating immersive ‘learning by visiting’ school trips for the ‘new generations’: primary and secondary school students in three age ranges; 6-10 years, 11-13 years, and 14-16.

Schooltrip tourism is beneficial as it not only helps to reduce seasonal peaks but also diversifies the market, increasing awareness of the value and vulnerability of Western Mediterranean marine ecosystems, coastal destinations and culture.

Claudia Iglesias, Project Design and Policy Specialist from X23 is clear on the benefits of this approach:

“Benefits will go two ways: children will have the opportunity to learn, by visiting beautiful landscapes and to contribute preserving the fragile and unique ecosystems; and local tourism SMEs will be actively involved at destination, crucial players to the new value chain that we want to create”.


More info about EU WeMed_NaTOUR
Budget Overall: €995 270

EU contribution: €796 683

Partners/ Countries Coordinator: X23 The Innovation Bakery (Italy)

Turismo de Portugal (Portugal)

Travel without plastic (Spain)

Office National de Tourisme – ONTM (Mauritania)

International Social Tourism Organisation – ISTO (Belgium)

Italian National Tourism Board-ENIT (Italy)

Balearic Marine Cluster (Spain)

Follow Website

Social media





Duration 1 July 2022 – 31 October 2024


REBOOT MED (Recovering, Experiencing and Boosting eco-tourism in the WestMed area) is a project that encourages public-private partnership, co-defining Blue Economy Action Plans for the Recovery of the tourism sector, and to incubate, accelerate and test eco/blue economy tourism products and packages in Mauritania, Tunisia, Morocco, Spain, Italy and France.

This is done by engaging local multi-stakeholder clusters that have been created in 6 WestMed countries and 10 pilot areas as well as accompanying ecotourism ideas to be tested in real conditions.

Tommaso Scavone, project designer and project manager from Petra Patrimonia Corsica, is proud of the results achieved so far:

“We are demonstrating that when citizens, public stakeholders and private actors are willing to co-develop long-term visions, it is possible to activate sustainable processes at all levels. On the ground there are several ideas and initiatives carried out by pioneers – women, youth, start-uppers – looking for collaboration and partnerships: all of them are linked together by a ‘fil rouge’ that is “the love for their territories. And we as partners are there – on the ground – to support all of them and to try together to reboot ecotourism in the WestMed area!”


More info about Reboot Med
Budget Overall: €1 200 000

EU Contribution: 999 380

Partners/ countries ·         Coordinator: Coopérative Petra Patrimonia Corsica (France)

·         PRISM Impresa Sociale s.r.l. (Italy)

·         Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions-CPMR (France)

·         F.A.R. Maremma (Italy)

·         WWF Med (Tunisia)

·         Balearic Islands Tourism Agency (Spain)

·         Chamber of Commerce and Industry Tanger-Tetouan- El Hoceima (Morocco)

·         Diawling National Park (Mauritania)

·         Association of Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry – ASCAME (Spain)

Follow Website

Social media



Duration 1 September 2023-31 August 2024


collage of University of Malta representatives at the WestMED stakeholder conference 2023

Three different projects involving the University of Malta presented at WestMED stakeholder conference

Source: website University of Malta

The BlueSchoolsMed, CORALLO and ANDROMEDA projects, which all feature the University of Malta as a partner or even as a Coordinator (as in the case of the CORALLO project), were all recently presented at the high-profile WestMED Stakeholder Conference.

Prof. Alan Deidun, resident academic within the Oceanography Malta Research Group (OMRG) of the Department of Geosciences, and Prof. Mark Mifsud, resident academic within the CEER (Centre for Environmental Education and Research), presented, as panellists, the BlueSchoolsMed project. The Blue Schools network, which forms part of the EU4Ocean Coalition, seeks to foster a greater element of ocean literacy within schools by encouraging them to pursue marine educational activities, so-called ‘Blue Challenges.’ These Blue Challenges are co-created between educators, students and project partners and could address any thematic related to the sea, including food from the ocean, climate and the ocean, landscape and ocean, a healthy ocean, migration and the ocean, maritime culture and heritage as well as communication and the ocean. Once designed, Blue Challenges need to be implemented within the school in question, with its impact being evaluated on a regular basis, leading eventually to the formal Blue Schools recognition. In November 2022, the first batch of four Maltese schools joined the network.

The WestMED stakeholder Conference was held on 22 June 2023 and was open to all stakeholders that are contributing to improve the sustainable blue economy in the region, featuring business owners, entrepreneurs, NGOs, scientists, investors, lecturers, local and regional authorities and policy-makers. This year’s focus was on the four main thematic areas that the WestMED Initiative actively supports: Sustainable Aquaculture, Green Shipping and Ports, Maritime Clusters and Marine Spatial Planning. During the same conference, the CORALLO and ANDROMEDA projects were also showcased through an ad hoc stand and demonstration held on the margins of the conference set up by Dr Adam Gauci, from the OMRG. Prof. Deidun, in his vest as Board member of the EU Commission’s Mission Starfish, also had the opportunity to meet up with Ms Charlina Vitcheva, Director General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, European Commission.

Read full article (website University of Malta)

brochures on displayed at table

Change starts with you! Citizen Science Campaign on plastic in the ocean

This is the message which was conveyed to a number of students attending an ocean literacy event in Malta (EMD) organised by Prof. Alan Deidun and his team at the Department of Geosciences (University of Malta) on May 16 2023. The event is part of a citizen science campaign on plastic in the ocean.

Further information on two projects which the Department is currently working on can be found here:

More information on Blue Economy projects on Malta and the Western Mediterranean region? Contact the WestMED National Hub Malta

room filled with students

Memorandum of Understanding signed between World Ocean Council and the UfM/WestMED to boost private sector engagement in the Mediterranean Blue Economy

On March 28,2023, the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) and the World Ocean Council (WOC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) at the UfM Headquarters in Barcelona. This, within  the framework of the 2021 UfM Ministerial Declaration on Sustainable Blue Economy and Roadmap for its implementation, and the WestMED Initiative, supported by the UfM and by the European Commission.

The MoU details key avenues of collaboration to promote cooperation, strong engagement, stewardship, and corporate responsibility from the business and investment communities in the maritime  sectors at Mediterranean level.

Cooperation will mainly focus on blue business development and entrepreneurship (incl. blue skills, careers, jobs and employability) and blue investments i..e the blue finance process in the Mediterranean. This via joint promotion and possible co-organisation of events, helping connect political to business apirations, exchanging expertise etc.

The WestMED Assistance Mechanism and the WOC are currenly exploring practical plans for joint development and cooperation in 2023.

Announcement poster stakeholder conference with photo of La Valetta in Malta

Join us on 22 June in Malta for the 2023 edition of the WestMED Initiative stakeholder Conference

After the successful 2021 WestMED Stakeholder Conference in Rome and the 2022 Hackathons on project development in Malta, we invite you to the 2023 edition of the WestMED Stakeholder Conference.

The Conference will be held on Thursday, 22 June 2023 in Malta. The event is open to all stakeholders that are contributing to improve the sustainable blue economy in the region.

So, whether you are a business owner, an entrepreneur, a scientist, an investor, a lecturer, a local or regional authority or a policy maker, this will be a day for you.  Learn the latest developments, meet new inspirational people, and consult the (national) blue economy experts from the WestMED Initiative in-person.

This year’s focus will be on the four main thematic areas that the WestMED Initiative actively supports:  Sustainable Aquaculture, Green Shipping and Ports, Maritime Clusters and Marine Spatial Planning.

We will share with you the results achieved so far and discuss the challenges that lie ahead.

The format will be interactive. Based on your level of expertise, you can both contribute to the discussion or ask fellow experts to help you in your activities.

Next to this, we plan to give you the latest updates and insights into the most relevant funding opportunities for your project ideas.

As a bonus, we are looking at the possibility of including a unique on-site visit, to learn from success stories on blue economy development in Malta.

The Stakeholder Conference will be followed by an (invitation only) official Ministerial meeting on June 23. On this occasion, Ministers from the 10 member countries will sign a new Ministerial Declaration with a commitment to reconfirm and streamline priorities for boosting the blue economy in the Mediterranean region.


For more information and registration  Visit the conference 2023 page

EMD in my country poster

Boost your maritime event with EMD in my country 2023

Last year, over 600 EMD In My Country events took place all over Europe and beyond!

It is time to break a new record to celebrate our blue planet this year!

Any blue event between 1 April and 31st October 2023 can apply.

There is no limitation: from beach clean-ups to educational tours or seafood fairs, all events promoting sustainable ocean and blue economy are welcome.

As a token of our gratitude for your action, you will receive promotional material for the participants in your event, which will be featured on our website. Make sure you indicate the number of participants in your application to receive enough goodies.

Now it’s up to you! Fill in the application form before 15 March 2023 and bring European Maritime Day 2023 to your country!

Visit the maritime day event website here

Submit your application here

Stephanie Vella at MMF event - 16 february 2023

Dr. Stephanie Vella zooms in on the importance of sea basin partnerships at ESG Conference

On 16 February, 2023  a conference was organised by the Malta Maritime Forum tackling ESG from every angle including the legal, economic, banking, industry and financing implications. Dr. Stephanie Vella (WestMED National Hub Malta) was part of the panel providing an insight into the economic aspect of ESG and the use of EU funds in order to tackle in particular the environmental and social elements of ESG. Dr Vella highlighted the importance of building networks and partnerships over the sea-basin and the role of the Westmed in this regard.

There can be little doubt that ESG is changing the shape of business across all economic sectors and the maritime industry is certainly no exception. The industry and all players within it must be adequately prepared to ensure it can face the challenge and responsibilities in an effective manner. In this way, ESG becomes an opportunity rather than a cost because it gives the operator an edge over the competition.


For more information, contact Stephanie Vella at  National Hub Malta