
Ufm Mediterranean pavillion stand with people passing by at an exhibition

UfM and Interreg NEXT MED renew commitment to tackling regional challenges together

12 March 2025, Barcelona – The Union for the Mediterranean and Interreg NEXT MED, the largest EU-funded transnational cooperation programme promoting socioeconomic development and environmental initiatives in the Mediterranean Basin, have reached an agreement formally extending collaboration between both parties for at least another three years.

The Memorandum of Understanding, which highlights how both Euro-Mediterranean institutions strive to reinforce political, socioeconomic, and cultural ties in the region, was signed by UfM Secretary General Nasser Kamel and Director General of the Interreg NEXT MED Programme Giovanna Medde. The agreement, significantly, foresees mutual participation in events and conferences and, when relevant, extends invitations to participate in internal meetings as observers. It will also see the organisations continue to exchange information on projects of common interest, identify joint coordination actions and raise awareness of regional challenges together.

“The UfM and Interreg NEXT MED are united by the common goal of enhanced dialogue and cooperation between Mediterranean countries. The indisputable success of our partnership over the years is a positive sign for the future,” said UfM Secretary General Nasser Kamel. “The UfM remains convinced of the long-term constructive influence of this alliance and looks forward to three more years of shared accomplishments.”

The long-standing partnership between these Euro-Mediterranean institutions has resulted in a multitude of impactful actions including Interreg NEXT MED’s participation in the UfM-sponsored Mediterranean Pavilion at the latest three United Nations Climate Change Conferences, its commemoration of the anniversary of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, and involvement in thematic UfM forums on youth empowerment or the blue economy, among others.

“The UfM-Interreg NEXT MED agreement has been instrumental in enhancing coordination between both institutions,” said Giovanna Medde, Director General of the Interreg NEXT MED Programme. “It is essential for developing and implementing jointly-owned solutions to the complex challenges our region faces. I am confident that renewing it will help us move closer to achieving our common goal of a more integrated, peaceful and prosperous Mediterranean.”

Source UfM website

WestMED event Libya: Investing in the Sustainable Blue Economy

This event took place on February 8, 2025 in Benghazi, and was organised in cooperation with the Ministery of Investment. Its main focus was to highlight and discuss investment opportunities in the blue economy and their role in sustainable development, while at the same time  highlighting Libya’s participation in the WestMED Initiative and its significance in fostering regional collaboration.

The workshop opened with welcoming remarks and appreciation for the organizing committee. The Minister of Investment delivered the keynote speech, stressing the importance of cooperation between institutions and the need to diversify Libya’s economy beyond oil through sustainable investments. He also reaffirmed his support for the WestMED Initiative and its role in strengthening regional partnerships.

This was followed by remarks from Dr. Abeer Al-Awami, Director of Strategic Planning and Investment at the Ministry, and Masauda Abuarosha, Libya’s National Hub Representative, who introduced the WestMED Initiative and emphasized Libya’s role in advancing the blue economy. The Italian National Hub Representative, Mr. Leonardo Manzari, delivered an insightful presentation outlining the initiative’s objectives, providing real-world examples, and showcasing key achievements. His presentation was well-received by attendees.

Throughout the event, 18 presentations were delivered, covering various topics related to the blue economy, investment opportunities, and sustainable development. The discussions were engaging, highlighting both challenges and promising prospects for Libya in this sector.

The event gathered 56 attendees representing academia, research organizations, government ministries, international representatives, media, and NGOs. Notable participants included universities such as Benghazi, Tobruk, and Omar Al-Mukhtar, research bodies like the Libyan Authority for Scientific Research, representatives from multiple government ministries, the Benghazi Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and diplomatic representatives from Italy and Morocco. also from the League of Arab States.

At the conclusion of the event, certificates of appreciation were awarded to all participants, and a shield of gratitude was presented to Mr. Leonardo Manzari and Dr Masauda Abuarosha. The Minister of Investment hosted an official lunch for all attendees in recognition of their contributions.

The workshop resulted in several key recommendations, including the need to strengthen investment in the blue economy, support the private sector, enhance vocational and higher education, secure financial backing for projects, and ensure environmental sustainability.

The next workshop is planned for after Ramadan (most likely April 2025), continuing efforts to advance Libya’s blue economy.


For more information on this event, contact Masauda Abuarosha (WestMED National Hub Libya)


Confrence hall filled with participants for the WestMED event in Libya on Blue Economy investments - February 2025

slider poster with vector of project people holding puzzle pieces

Mises à jour régulières des activités des groupes thématiques de parties prenantes de WestMED (technique)

Le mécanisme d’assistance WestMED (WM-AM) a lancé plusieurs plates-formes de discussion thématiques. Les développements maritimes actuels et futurs sont discutés avec les principales parties prenantes des pays participants sous la direction des facilitateurs du MMAM, en mettant l’accent sur des actions concrètes – souvent sous la forme de développement de projets conjoints.

Afin de donner un aperçu des objectifs et des activités de ces groupes de parties prenantes, des mises à jour régulières seront fournies sous la forme de courtes présentations. Ces présentations sont disponibles sous forme de fichier pdf sur les pages des groupes de parties prenantes thématiques respectifs :

Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus ou envisager de vous inscrire, il vous suffit de prendre contact avec les centres nationaux WestMED mentionnés sur chacune de ces pages.

Ali Shagrune meeting the miister of Tourism and traditional industries

The libyan Minister of Tourism and Traditional Industries Meets with the Head of the Libyan Maritime Cluster/ WestMED’s national coordinator to Promote the Blue Economy

The Minister of Tourism and Traditional Industries, Nasreddine Milad Al-Fazzani, held a meeting today, Wednesday, January 22, 2025, with the Head of the Libyan Maritime Cluster and WestMED’s National Coordinator, Eng. Ali Shagrune, to discuss enhancing the direction toward the blue economy. The meeting was attended by the Minister’s Advisor, Eng. Khaled Mohamed, and the Director of the Industries Department, Najib Al-Habshi.

During the meeting, discussions focused on intensifying efforts to promote the blue economy, considering the Ministry of Tourism and Traditional Industries as one of the key sectors in this field. The Minister emphasized that tourism is one of the primary sources for supporting the national economy and transitioning from a rent-based economy to a diversified economy that contributes to sustainable development for current and future generations. His Excellency stressed the importance of supporting blue economy-related projects, describing them as the optimal pathway for economic development in Libya, following the example of other nations. The meeting also  addressed the mechanism for establishing the Maghreb Maritime Cluster , encompassing all Maghreb countries, to facilitate the exchange of expertise among these nations.

Eng. Ali Shagrune highlighted the significance of establishing the Libyan Maritime Cluster as a platform aimed at developing the economy and encouraging investment in various tourism sectors, such as coastal tourism, marine excursions, and the construction and development of recreational ports. He also emphasized the importance of training and development to create a skilled workforce in the tourism field. The Libyan Maritime Cluster is expected to serve as a central platform for coordinating policies, attracting investment, and supporting sustainable growth in the blue economy, ultimately positioning Libya as a leading tourism hub in the Mediterranean region.

At the conclusion of the meeting, the Minister expressed his gratitude to the Head of the Maritime Cluster for his dedication and interest in the Libyan Maritime Cluster platform and the blue economy project. He reaffirmed his unlimited support for the success of such programs and meetings aimed at advancing the blue economy in Libya and fostering a diversified and sustainable economy.


Text/ photo: based on facebook post: Ministry of Tourism and Traditional Industries – Libya


white blue city sidibou-said,tunisia with blue sea in the background

La Tunisie assure la coprésidence de l’initiative WestMED

La République tunisienne, représentée par le ministère des Affaires étrangères, de la Migration et des Tunisiens à l’étranger et le Secrétariat général de la mer, assure la coprésidence de l’initiative WestMED pour une économie bleue durable en Méditerranée occidentale de janvier 2025 à décembre 2026.

Compte tenu de son fort engagement en faveur des principes et des valeurs de coexistence pacifique et de développement durable entre les peuples de la région, la Tunisie coprésidera l’initiative avec le Portugal en 2025, puis avec l’Espagne en 2026, conformément à la coprésidence tournante de l’initiative. La Tunisie a pris le relais de la Mauritanie qui a assumé ce rôle au cours des deux dernières années.

La coprésidence tunisienne sera l’occasion de refléter les préoccupations et les attentes des Etats du Sud membres de l’Initiative à travers des stratégies et des politiques de coopération en faveur d’une économie bleue durable visant à harmoniser le développement entre les deux rives de la Méditerranée occidentale, notamment dans les domaines du transport vert, des compétences bleues, du tourisme durable, de la pêche et de l’aquaculture durables, ainsi que de la préservation et de l’autonomisation des zones et des communautés côtières.

A cet égard, la Tunisie a l’intention de travailler avec ses partenaires de l’Initiative WestMED sur des questions visant à :

  • Souligner la nécessité d’une coopération plus forte entre les membres de l’initiative pour atteindre les objectifs de décarbonisation et de transport maritime vert.
  • Créer des synergies entre les pays du nord et du sud de la Méditerranée afin d’assurer une transition énergétique en douceur de la flotte commerciale et de la flotte de pêche.
  • Promouvoir des pratiques de pêche durables et atténuer les impacts de l’aquaculture sur l’environnement marin.
  • Remédier aux disparités dans le développement des infrastructures portuaires entre les pays du nord et du sud de la Méditerranée.
  • Assurer la transition vers des pratiques plus durables dans le secteur du tourisme.
  • Développer des programmes de formation aux compétences bleues et faciliter la coopération entre les deux rives de la Méditerranée occidentale pour partager le savoir-faire et renforcer les capacités et les carrières dans l’économie bleue, en particulier en termes de durabilité et de décarbonisation.
aerial from container ship at sea with TG Green shipping logo

Launch of S3 Thematic partnership “Shipbuilding Propulsion Systems Alliance” with 26 partners from 3 EU sea basins

Maritime transport and Ports probably represent the core sector, to win the challenge of sustainability of the Blue Economy, considering its impact in terms of Gross Value Added (GVA) and jobs creation across the EU and its neighbouriung regions.

Greening the EU maritime transport is therefore pivotal to ‘green’ the EU blue economy at large (including tourism, aquaculture, biotechs, marine renewable energy).

But a green transition for the EU maritime transport sectors requires a common vision to equip ports and fleets in a coherent way, within a network capable to ensure their operativity.

Therefore, within the work of the WestMED Technical Group on Green Shipping,the strong need emerged to re-configurate the shipbuilding supply chain and create the production capacity to equip the fleets with propulsion systems, using alternative fuels.

Shipbuilding Propulsion Systems Alliance
For this reason the WestMED Technical Group on Green Shipping, the EU Seabasin Assistance Mechanism, promoted by CINEA and DG Mare, have supported a dedicated Smart Specialisation (S3) Thematic Partnership in this area, encountering the interest of the impacted territories where shipbuilding operations are mostly located, and involving different stakeholders – authorities, research and innovation centres, businesses and investors.

 The newly launched S3 Thematic partnership “Shipbuilding Propulsion Systems Alliance”, led by Region Liguria, Região capital de Portugal, Region Attica, brings together 26 partners – including Regional Bodies, Businesses, Cluster Organisations, Research & Innovation Centres and Civil Society Organisations – from 5 EU Member states  and 4 non EU partner countries spread across 3 EU Sea basins (Mediterranean Atlantic, Black Sea).

 The initiative, more specifically, aims at:

  • Speeding  up the modernisation and renewal of the supply chains related to the production/refitting of propulsion systems, as well as to the delivery of the fuel, for each type of alternative fuel.
  • Accelerating the replacement/refitting of traditionally propelled fleets to diversify, renew, revitalise the sector across Europe and its neighbourhoods;
  • Fostering the adoption of innovative fiscal and financial schemes, to allow shipowners, shipbuilders and related stakeholders to achieve greater impact and sustainability for their investments.


For more information on this Partnership, visit the  S3 Community of Practice page of the European Commission

WestMED Steering Committee members sitting around a larfge conference table in Portugal, October 1, 2024

WestMED Stakeholders gather in Portugal for a 3-day agenda on the Blue Economy

Three full days have been dedicated to enhancing synergies among key actors in the Mediterranean basin: The WestMED Steering Comittee (SC) on October 1, The UfM Regional Platform on the Blue Economy on October 2, and the WestMED Hackathon on October 3, 2024.

WestMED Steering Committee
The WestMED Steering Committee (SC) was hosted by the Region of Algarve and the Portuguese Co-Presidency.

The meeting gathered representatives from the WestMED countries, as well as the Observers, DG MARE, CINEA, UfM and the team of the Assistance Mechanism.

A key milestone was presented at the SC meeting in terms of cooperation and clustering within the Mediterranean region. On 29 September 2024, the first maritime cluster has been officially established in Libya with the support of the WestMED Initiative. This maritime cluster will be rolled out in the coming months. (see article on this announcement).

Updates on the WestMED Technical Groups (TGs) were presented by the Assistance Mechanism, in particular to the recently approved TG on Sustainable Tourism. There has been a call for Tourism experts to join, and there has already been a stakeholder group meeting on September 6 and an advisory group meeting on September 18 to prepare for the official launch at the Sun&Blue Conference on November 21.

The WestMED countries are fully committed  towards a more sustainable and resilience tourism section in the Mediterranean. Some countries are working to promote more environmental-friendly tourism alternatives such as pesca-tourism and sustainable scuba diving at artificial reefs.

In view of the willingness of the WestMED Initiative towards enhancing more synergies and cooperative dialogue with the African countries, DG MARE presented the Strategic Dialogue on the Africa-Europe Ocean Economy. A scoping report has been produced outlining way to strengthen cooperation between Africa and Europe on ocean governance and blue economy, from which to forge a mutually beneficial roadmap for the two continents in line with the 2030 UN Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals and the African Union’s Agenda 2063.

UfM Regional Platform on Sustainable Blue Economy

Back-to-back to the WestMED Steering Committee, the UfM Regional Platform took place on 2 October 2024

The UfM Secretariat introduced the most recent advancements on the update of the Roadmap for the implementation of the 2021 UfM Ministerial Declaration on Sustainable Blue Economy. On the monitoring, reporting and evaluation mechanism, an exhaustive exercise is being done based on 657 actions, activities and projects of regional cooperation in the Mediterranean.

The UfM is going to shortly launch the new edition of the UfM Sustainable Blue Economy Publication, which provides an update on the status of the key blue economy sectors in the Mediterranean, including transversal aspects such as blue skills, marine research and funding frameworks. The previous edition of this 2021 publication can be found here.

On this occasion, the UfM Regional Plan for Transport was presented by Francesc Carbonell. Further synergies are being sought between the WestMED Technical Group on Green Shipping and Ports and the UfM Regional Plan for Transport, to address the common challenges of the sector in the Mediterranean.

Further updates were presented in terms of the Community of Practice on MSP (Smart Specialization Strategies – S3, Mission Restore Our Oceans by 2030 and BlueMissionMed, Interreg Euro-Med and strategy dialogue on the Africa-Europe Ocean Economy.

On the funding opportunities, updates were presented in the Blue Mediterranean Partnership, Interreg Next-MED and the Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership.

WestMED Hackaton 2024

On 3 October 2024, 85 stakeholders from more than 20 countries met in Vilamoura, Portugal to discuss project ideas and possible funding sources. This was already the 3rd hackathon after previous sessions in Palermo (2019) and Malta (2022).

Read the full article

Download the agenda

Watch all WestMED Hackathon ’24 presentations: dedicated playlist on WestMED’s YouTube channel


Marisa Lameiras da Silva (Portugal) and Demba Diawara (Mauritania) co-chairing the WestMED Steering Committee | Copyright photos: DGPM

WestMED Libya Blue economy event at Al-Mukhtar University - 29 sept 2024

WestMED Libya announces the country’s first Maritime Cluster at the Omar Al-Mukhtar University, during ‘Blue Economy Research & Innovation’ workshop

Today on September 29 2024, at the Faculty of Agriculture Hall, the Omar Al-Mukhtar University hosted a workshop titled “advancing  the Blue Economy in Libya through Research and innovation” with the support of the Al-Mukhtar Center for Research, Consulting, Educational Services, and Training.

This workshop was organized in collaboration with the WestMED Initiative for the Development of the Blue Economy and the Marine Biology Organization.

The workshop was led by Dr. Masauda Abouarousha, the Libyan National Coordinator for the initiative, and was attended by prominent figures, including the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, and a number of faculty members from the Faculties of Science, Agriculture, and Natural Resources. Additionally, the event saw the presence of the Director of the International Cooperation Department at the University and the Director of the Environmental Sanitation Department at the Ministry of Environment.

The event also included notable participation via online platforms from:

  • Eng. Ali Al-Shaqrouni, Head of the Libyan Maritime Cluster
  • Captain Ezzedine Kacem, Head of the Tunisian Maritime Cluster
  • Mr. Leonardo Manzari, Italian WestMED National Hub

During the workshop, the formation of the Libyan Maritime Cluster was officially announced. This entity will serve as an umbrella organization uniting all stakeholders engaged in various maritime activities related to the blue economy, with a particular focus on research and innovation (see presentation)

The workshop played a pivotal role in engaging researchers at Omar Al-Mukhtar University with international research platforms specializing in the blue economy, enhancing Libya’s participation in regional and global initiatives.

There will be a series of seminars, workshops and focus groups emanating from this workshop.

At the conclusion, several recommendations were made:

1- Urging Omar Al-Mukhtar University to partner with the steering committee initiative represented by the Al-Mukhtar Centre for Research, Consultancy, Scientific Services and Training, as Libya is a member of this initiative.
2- Establishing a unit within the Mukhtar Centre for Blue Economy, which is concerned with spreading awareness of the importance of the blue economy through seminars, workshops and meetings as an alternative economy.
3- Holding qualification courses for interested parties and stakeholders and preparing human cadres capable of engaging in this field.
4- The Mukhtar Centre adopts the idea of establishing a special board for research in the various fields of the blue economy and distributing it to colleges as houses of expertise containing academics, researchers and interested parties, and then selecting distinguished research proposals and through the Centre and its agreements, financial support is provided for these researches through donor agencies and organisations for funding.


With this workshop, the path is paved for more strategic partnerships and capacity-building initiatives, ensuring that Libya contributes actively to the regional blue economy agenda.

Download the analysis framework paper detailing the Libyan Maritime Cluster

For more information contact Masauda Abuarosha:

WestMED Libya Blue economy event at Al-Mukhtar University - 29 sept 2024


poster call for tourism experts

CALL for Experts: WestMED Technical Group on Sustainable Tourism | Deadline 15 September 2024 (EOB)

Deadline to register for this 1st Call for experts: 15 September 2024 (EOB). Only applications submitted within the deadline will be accepted.
This call is currently  closed – but will open again in the future. Please check our X/ Twitter account . Alternatively you can contact Marta Pascual (National Hub Spain) or Stepanie Vella (National Hub Malta) for the latest developments.

About the Technical Group on Sustainable Tourism

Given the fact that tourism plays such a significant role in the Western Mediterranean as one of the key contributors to both the upside gains as well as the downside risks of the blue economy, there is an urgent need for enhancing eco-tourism in the region. To address the challenges of the sector in the Mediterranean, we should enhance EU and external territorial cooperation (including non-EU WestMED countries as partners such as Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco and Tunisia) and promote active knowledge sharing amongst stakeholders from both the northern and southern shore, to multiply results.

Addressing these needs will lead to the rapid development and transformation of the tourism industry particularly  to a more modern sector by adopting digital platforms, digital marketing and information technologies such as the internet of things, augmented reality and virtual reality.

The overall objective of the Sustainable Tourism TG within the WestMED Initiative is to serve as a technical forum to discuss trends and opportunities towards sustainable tourism within the region and to provide support to participants to develop project ideas around the topics already set at EU level with regards to the tourism-related topics of green transition, digitalization, promotion of social inclusion, governance, and skills.

With this information, we would like to officially launch the Technical Gtoup (TG) on Sustainable Tourism and this call for experts to partake and engaged in an active role!

We are looking for technical stakeholders of tourism initiatives including: partners of the Interreg Euro MED Sustainable Tourism Mission; partners from previous EU tourism projects; Mediterranean Tourism Stakeholders from the public and private sector; Non-EU Associated Partners; Travel Foundation; Associations; Networks; Tourism businesses; research and innovation centers; technological centers; universities; ports and their representatives; townhalls; yachting/small cruising; nautical sector, etc.



Role: This expert group will suggest project proposals and be the main contact point for establishing consortia and projects for future EU funding opportunities around sustainable tourism. The expert group will also serve as the main forum to discuss specific topics of interest to the group.

Requested involvement: This group will also gather periodically to be informed about opportunities, recent developments and discuss on specific topics of their choice. We envision to have 3-4 online meetings with the expert group per year.

For questions: contact Marta Pascual from the WestMED National Hub Spain or Stephanie Vella from the WestMED Nation Hub Malta

Check the Online webinar on 16 October 2024
event announcement poster with diver

Check the dedicated Sustainable Tourism Technical Group page

coastline Mediterranean with sea and olive tree on the rocks


WestMED Steering Committee meeting in Brussels with representatives sitting at a round table on June 26 2024

Members and observers of the WestMED Steering Committee gather in Brussels to discuss latest developments

The primary objective of this WestMED Steering Committee meeting that took place on June 26 in Brussels, was to assemble the representatives of the 10 WestMED countries and observers in-person to provide them with an overview of the latest advancements on the implementation of the WestMED Initiative, the latest funding opportunities, and to approve the establishment of the new Technical Group on Sustainable Tourism.

The meeting was co-chaired by the Portuguese and Mauritanian Co-Presidencies, with the support from DG MARE and the UfM (Union for the Mediterranean).

Significant visibility of the Initiative
In recent months, the WestMED Initiative has achieved significant visibility and dissemination, as highlighted by Iglika Yakova (DG MARE). The WestMED Initiative has actively participated in various events, including the UfM Stakeholders Conference (19-20 February), the WestMED side event at the Our Ocean Conference (15-17 April), Deportibus (11 May) the European Maritime Day (30-31 May), Posidonia (7 June), the Macro-Region and Sea Basins Strategies Days (12-13 June).

National events, such as the national Dialogue in Morocco, the involvement of Libyan representatives in various Technical Groups (TGs), and the consolidation of the Mauritanian maritime cluster, further underscore the Initiative’s visiblity and success.

Another significant step to establish synergies was the participation of WestMED as Observers in the MedLab Annual event organized by Interact, held back-to-back with the WestMED Steering Committee meeting. The MedLab Annual event focused on the Post-2027 debate and regional cooperation.

Establishment of a new WestMED Technical Group on Tourism
Tourism in the Mediterranean region is expanding, making the industry a crucial employment sector. The WestMED Initiative aims to enhance the coastal tourism sector’s competitiveness and sustainability while protecting the environment through eco-tourism, digitalization, and cross-border cooperation.

The establishment of a new Technical Group (TG) by the WestMED Assistance Mechanism addresses a priority identified by the WestMED Initiative and will serve as an informal forum for discussing sustainable tourism needs, focusing on green transition, digitalization, governance, and skills. The TG will comprise a core group, an advisory body, and a technical group. The Steering Committee is currently in the process of approving the Terms of Reference for this new Technical Group

Overview of Funding opportunities
Several funding opportunities were highlighted:

  • EU Mission Ocean, Seas, and Waters: The Work Programme 2024 includes two call topics. Call 1 covers thematic topics aligned with Mission objectives such as restoration and a sustainable blue economy, while Call 2 targets support for actor communities like waterfront cities and islands. The overview also includes several Horizon calls within these Mission calls, focusing on topics like Blue Parks and MPAs, reducing fisheries’ impact in EU sea basins, and community-led ocean and water restoration. Additionally, it highlights opportunities for third parties to join ongoing projects, particularly Calls for Associated Regions, aiming to enhance capacity for implementing innovative solutions in neighboring regions.
  • Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership: Four priority areas have been identified for the transnational call launched in February 2024: regional sea-use management, multi-use marine infrastructures, blue bioresources, and regional-scale Digital Twins of the Ocean (DTOs). To enhance global visibility and foster new collaborations, the call is co-branded by the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, coordinated by UNESCO. All Mediterranean countries are eligible for EU contributions, whether they are EU Member States, Associated countries, or low-to-medium-income countries.
  • Interreg NEXTMED: The first call for proposals, closed in May 2024, was divided into nine Specific Objectives. Among 631 proposals, most projects targeted « Growth and competitiveness of SMEs, » « Education and training, » and « Climate Change adaptation. » Projects were categorized into three clusters: Thematic, Youth-oriented, and Governance, with 90% falling under the Thematic cluster. Most participating organizations were from Italy, Greece, and Spain within the EU, and from Turkey and Tunisia outside the EU. Participants included public legal bodies (30%), NGOs (27%), private companies (13%), and regional/local public administrations (10%). A second call for proposals, focusing on Green Transition, is set to launch in November 2024.
  • Interreg EURO-MED: The 1st and 3rd calls focused on Governance projects, selecting 8 projects that began in January 2023. The 2nd call targeted Thematic projects, resulting in 56 projects that started in January 2024. The 4th call, which closed in June 2024, will see 20 Thematic projects begin in spring 2025, addressing the four main thematic areas: sustainable economy, environmental protection, green living, and sustainable tourism. The upcoming 5th call will focus on Thematic Strategic Territorial projects for rural, mountain areas, and islands, emphasizing innovative solutions for waste reduction and water scarcity. The presentation concludes with an overview of the 1st call’s Governance projects in the field of the Sustainable Blue Economy.

Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) Regional Platform meeting on Blue Economy

Back-to-back to the WestMED Steering committee this UfM Regional Platform Meeting on Blue Economy took place on June 27, with many of the key players from the day before.

The UfM Secretariat introduced the most recent advancements on the update of the Blue Economy Roadmap and the activation of the SBE (Sustainable Blue Economy) Monitoring, Reporting, and Evaluation Mechanism; highlighted progress on the multi-partner and multi-donor investment fund ‘Blue Mediterranean Partnership’; and recalled the series of two webinars held during the first semester of 2024 on blue food and sustainable tourism, as well as the  third webinar (July 1 2024) on MRE (Marine Renewable Energy)/licensing/MSP (Maritime Spatial Planning).

The UfM shared an update on the harmonization exercise of UfM Regional Platforms. The UfM operates under a consolidated action-driven methodology creating links between political mandate, multi-stakeholder dialogue, and tangible projects and initiatives. This methodology comprises three pillars: Policies, Platforms, and Projects – the so-called ‘3 Ps’. As part of the ongoing UfM reform efforts to enhance efficiency and in an effort to harmonize the relevant terminology, the ‘UfM Working Group on Blue Economy’ is henceforth renamed as the ‘UfM Regional Platform on Sustainable Blue Economy’.

UfM Blue Economy platform meeting in Brussels-June 27 with a group of people discussiong at a round table

Visit the UfM website for more information on the UfM Regional Platform on Blue Economy

Next meeting
The 16th meeting of the UfM Regional Platform on Sustainable Blue Economy will take place in Algarve, Portugal, in October 2024, back-to-back with the next WestMED Steering Committee and the 3rd WestMED Hackathon.