International Ocean Data Conference – II | 20-21 March 2023 | Hybrid (Paris – Online)

20 March 2023 - 21 March 2023

International Ocean Data Conference 2 - announcement poster

Following the success of the previous International Ocean Data Conference, the IODC-II conference will be held at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France between 20th – 21st March 2023, with a virtual option for those who cannot attend in person.

Organised by UNESCO and IODE, this conference will address previous conclusions on the topic of ‘global ocean digital ecosystem’ in the framework of the UN Ocean Decade by focusing on the implementation of commitments and recommendations. Furthermore, it will also report on obstacles, solutions, identified challenges, and new knowledge.


  • Session 1: Implementing the fair and care principles for ocean science and sustainable development
  • Session 2: Community engagement and capacity development in data literacy
  • Session 3: Global ocean digital ecosystem
  • Session 4: Interdisciplinarity, societal needs

For more information and registration, visit the event website