Women play active roles throughout the fisheries value chain in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, including participating in pre-harvest activities like vessel and gear construction and maintenance, harvest activities both on board fishing vessels and from shore, and post-harvest activities such as sorting, cleaning, processing and marketing the catch, as well as in activities associated with running the fishing business, such as bookkeeping.
Furthermore, women are actively engaged throughout the region in fisheries research and fisheries administrations.
Despite the wide and varied roles played by women in fisheries, their contributions to the sector are often not captured in official statistics and can therefore go unrecognized, reinforcing existing gender inequalities and potentially leading to inadvertent discrimination.
At the same time, a lack of consideration of women working in the sector can also mean that their knowledge and experience is overlooked and not sufficiently profited from.
Recognizing the importance of taking the roles, needs and experiences of women into account when addressing social, economic and environmental issues related to the fishing sector, this study aims at narrowing research gaps in the region regarding gender and fisheries, as well as supporting the commitments of Mediterranean and Black Sea countries to promoting gender equality.
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The WestMED Initiative actively participated in the 2nd UfM Blue Economy Stakeholder Conference, which took place in Athens on February 19 and 20, 2024.
In October 2016, Foreign Affairs Ministers from Algeria, France, Italy, Libya, Malta, Mauritania, Morocco, Portugal, Spain and Tunisia encouraged further work on an initiative for the sustainable development of the blue economy, alongside the UfM Secretariat.
In the UfM Ministerial Declaration on Sustainable Blue Economy (2021), Ministers “welcome the successful completion of the launch of the ‘Initiative for the sustainable development of the blue economy in the western Mediterranean’ (WestMED)”, and “recognise both the WestMED initiative as successful examples of cooperation, focused on clear goals, priorities and measurable targets and as a catalyst for the development of sustainable blue economy projects in the region”.
The endorsing countries pursue the same priorities under the UfM Working Group and the WestMED Steering Committee: fostering the promotion of the blue economy, achieving a safer maritime space and improving the maritime governance.
Conference involvement
On the occasion of the 2nd UfM Blue Economy Stakeholder Conference, the WestMED Initiative assisted the UfM both in terms of organization and participation.
At institutional level, the new WestMED Portuguese Co-Presidency represented by Ms. Marisa Lameiras da Silva, Director General for Maritime Policy in Portugal participated as one of the key speakers in the session of marine renewable energy, providing the success case of Portugal developing offshore energy and its potential replicability in the Mediterranean.
From the Commission side, Ms. Delilah Al Khudhairy, Director for Maritime Policy and Blue Economy, Mr. Christos Economou, Head of Unit for Maritime Regional Cooperation and Mr. Manuel Pleguezuelo, policy officer and WestMED coordinator from DG MARE, participated in numerous sessions showing a strong commitment to the sustainable blue economy in the Mediterranean. The same for Ms. Anja Detant (CINEA), as project manager of the WestMED Assistance Mechanism contract, who highlighted the WestMED Initiative and the award winning projects during the ‘Spotlights on Projects’ session.
At operational level, the WestMED Assistance Mechanism participated in different workshops as experts, moderators and rapporteurs, providing technical expertise. They also supported the UfM Secretariat behind-the-scenes in the development of the Conference.
The conference served as a crucial milestone to assess progress, discuss challenges, and engage the entire Mediterranean Sustainable Blue Economy Community in shaping further deliberations at political and practical level.
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With the Russian aggression on Ukraine and the war in Gaza being prolonged over time, the Mediterranean region at large is in total turmoil.
The Policy Study entitled “Infrastructures, energy and digitalisation, pillars for the sustainable development of transport in the Western Mediterranean” aims at contributing with shared reflections and formulation of policy proposals to the challenges and strategies that the region faces in the field of promoting sustainable development in the transport sector.
To this end, the Policy Study delves into this topic from these three cross-cutting dimensions in the Western Mediterranean: infrastructures, energy and environment, and digitalisation.
Indeed, this publication released as a Policy Study comes within the framework of the Med Think 5+5 network of Western Mediterranean think tanks, a multidisciplinary platform of exchange associated with the 5+5 Dialogue, which brings together policymakers, practitioners and academics from the Western Mediterranean area.
Considering transport and logistics as one of the most relevant sectors to foster socio-economic development and regional integration in the Western Mediterranean, the Med Think 5+5 network has been committed to promoting debate and knowledge-sharing on the issue, building upon support and expertise of the CETMO as Technical Secretariat of the Group of Transport Ministers for the Western Mediterranean (GTMO 5+5).
As a matter of fact, the Med Think 5+5 convened seminars (2018, 2021) dedicated to the analysis of trends in the Western Mediterranean transport and logistics sectors, organised back-to-back with the GTMO 5+5. In this context, this Policy Study, which is part of the work programme of GTMO 5+5 under the Maltese presidency, aims at giving response to the challenges posed by climate change in the region and how the transport sector can counter it and adapt to it through digitalisation, the transformation and connection of transport with infrastructures and energy.
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Produced under the auspices of the Algerian Ministry of the Environment and Renewable Energies (MEER) in collaboration with the Ministry of Fisheries and Fish Production, with the support of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), as part of the “Protection of the Environment and Biodiversity of the Algerian Coastline (PEBLA)” project.
This guide has been developed as a tool to provide decision-makers and aquaculture producers with practical recommendations for reducing the impact of aquaculture activities on the environment. Its content is based on current technical and scientific knowledge for the sustainable management of farmed species.
Topics covered include environmental protection, product quality, labour standards, consumer safety and animal welfare.
https://westmed-initiative.ec.europa.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/aquaculture.report.2compr.jpg9601920National Hub Algeriahttps://westmed-initiative.ec.europa.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/new-westmed-ec-enfold-logo-website-def2.pngNational Hub Algeria2024-02-27 14:37:192024-02-29 08:17:21Guide to good environmental practice for sustainable marine aquaculture
On February 12, 2024, the Algerian National Hub of the WestMED Initiative, in coordination with the Ministry of Fisheries and Fisheries Production, organized their national event focused on on ‘Green Shipping in Algeria.’ This took place in Oran, Algeria.
The event was embedded in a two day international workshop organised by Power4Med – an EMFAF* funded project that supports operators of smaller ships and marinas on the path towards carbon neutrality
The event brought together over 80 participants and representatives from various sectors, including government bodies, industry experts, academics, students, and international researchers.
It focused on strategies for green shipping and ports in Algeria as well as the Western Mediterranean region as a whole, emphasizing best practices, innovative technologies, and policy frameworks that contribute to a more sustainable and prosperous maritime sector. The event also raised awareness about the WestMED Initiative and its relevance to Algeria, while fostering dialogue and collaboration among stakeholders in developing a sustainable blue economy.
During the event, speakers shared insights and experiences on the advantages and opportunities of green shipping, highlighting the use of liquefied natural gas (LNG) as a fuel for bunkering ships. They also discussed the new regulations of the International Maritime Organization, which have significantly reduced sulfur content in marine fuels, leading to a cleaner and greener maritime environment.
Algeria’s experience in developing green shipping and ports was showcased, emphasizing its potential as a catalyst for the development of the blue economy in the country. The event provided a platform to exchange knowledge and experiences among West Mediterranean countries, including an overview of the work done by the Green Shipping Technical Group created under the WestMED Initiative and coordinated by WestMED’s Italian National Hub.
Financing opportunities and partnerships with the European Union were also explored, underlining the support offered to SMEs, research institutes, academia and authorities by the WestMED Assistance Mechanism and their respective National Hubs. The event encouraged stakeholders to identify financing mechanisms that would match their project idea(s) and to collaborate with regional and international partners to accelerate the transition to a sustainable blue economy.
The event’s outcomes were highly impactful, with increased awareness among stakeholders about the opportunities and challenges of developing a sustainable blue economy in Algeria. The discussions on green shipping and ports provided valuable insights into best practices and innovative technologies, paving the way for enhanced environmental performance and efficiency in the maritime sector.
As we move forward, the event strengthened collaboration and partnerships among stakeholders, both at the national and international levels. The commitment to implement concrete actions and initiatives to promote a sustainable blue economy in Algeria has been reaffirmed, ensuring a brighter and greener future for our maritime industry.
* European Maritime Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund
Visit the event webpage for the background and the agenda of this event with the respective speakers.
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The workshop started with opening remarks, setting the stage for discussions on aquaculture in the Mediterranean basin in the context of climate change.
Esteemed speakers shared their insights, beginning with Rita Lecci from the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC) Foundation in Italy, who highlighted the relationship between aquaculture and climate change. The presentation emphasized the need for sustainable aquaculture development to promote a resilient blue economy in the region.
Samir Bachouche, representing the national hub of the WestMED Initiative in Algeria, shed light on the importance of sustainable aquaculture in the Western Mediterranean and its contribution to a sustainable blue economy and highlighted the workk of WestMED thematic stakeholder group on aquaculture: AquaWest. Javier Ojeda from the Federation of European Aquaculture Producers (FEAP) shared European fish farmers’ perspectives on climate change, providing valuable insights into the challenges they face.
The workshop then delved into innovative tools and strategies to address climate change challenges in aquaculture. Alessio Bonaldo from the University of Bologna in Italy presented strategies for climate change mitigation and adaptation in aquaculture, emphasizing the need for innovative approaches. Curzio Pagliari, also from the University of Bologna, discussed the use of green propulsion systems for more sustainable aquaculture, highlighting the importance of reducing environmental impact.
Jose Diaz Salinas of Skretting, Norway, joined the discussion online and addressed the feed challenge in aquaculture in the face of climate change. His insights shed light on the importance of sustainable and efficient feed production practices.
In the afternoon session, the focus shifted to climate change resilient farming systems. Soufiane Bensalem from the University Kasdi Merbah Ouargla Salem in Algeria presented Saharan aquaculture as a model of farming resilient to climate change. Elisa Ravagnan from NORCE, Norway, explored the concept of integrated multi-tropic aquaculture as a potential solution for climate change resilience. Enric Gisbert from the Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology (IRTA), Spain, shared insights into a saltwater aquaponics system for mullet and Salicornia production.
The workshop concluded with a fruitful discussion among participants, addressing the challenges and opportunities of climate change resilient aquaculture. The insights gained from the workshop will contribute to the development of effective mitigation strategies and promote sustainable aquaculture practices in the Mediterranean basin.
Visit the event webpage for more information on the background and the agenda
A new strategic agreement between Greek and Tunisian maritime clusters represents an official gateway to boost the blue economy between the western and eastern Mediterranean.
On 19 February 2024, During the 2nd Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) Stakeholders Conference in Athens, the Cluster Maritime Tunisien (CMT) and Greek Strategis Maritime ICT Cluster (SMICT), signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to establish a systemic collaboration framework for common projects and initiatives.
The Cluster Maritime Tunisien is a non-profit organisation created in March 2019. Its objective is to secure the interests of all activities in the maritime and sea sectors in Tunisia. This maritime cluster also aims to re-establish international relations, create blue-economy lobbying and chart a sustainable strategy in all maritime sectors by strengthening links between the North and the South of the Mediterranean. The CTM is represented by its founder president, Captain Ezzeddine Kacem.
Strategis Maritime ICT Cluster was established in December 2016 as a private, non-profit organisation with the vision of becoming a world-class maritime cluster & technology flagship of the Greek Shipping industry. Its mission is to create innovative business ecosystems in digital shipping and the blue economy, expand the competitive advantage of Green shipping and contribute to the sustainable development of the marine and maritime sectors in south-east Europe and the Mediterranean. SMICT is represented by its founder and managing director, Dr. Gregory Yovanof.
The MoU is based on the principles of cooperation by strengthening and expanding networking opportunities between both clusters as well as collaborating in initiatives and alliances on innovation and internalisation of blue economy in a broader sense. The exchange of information, knowledge and collaborative innovation ideas, is another key pillar of this joint initiative.
Maritime clusters are pivotal in implementing the Blue Economy agenda in the Mediterranean. They are essential actors in aggregating local SMEs and large companies across a range of sectors in the blue economy, including through synergies with enterprises involved in in-land activities across complex value chains.
In this context, the WestMED Initiative has facilitated cluster cooperation in the maritime sectors and will continue to support this through the WestMED Maritime Clusters Alliance. A clear opportunity exists for the WestMED Initiative to further help build stronger alliances between the most active Maritime Clusters in the western Mediterranean, and beyond.
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As of 2024, Portugal will co-chair the WestMED Steering Committee for 2 years. It will do so together with Mauritania that had already assumed this position in 2023. This will be in accordance with the principle of rotation among the participating countries of the WestMED Initiative. Portugal will take over the baton from Malta that has successfully co-chaired the Initiative for the past 2 years.
We asked Marisa Lameiras da Silva, Director General for Maritime Policy and Portuguese Co-chair of the Westmed Initiative, for her views on the task ahead.
What will be the main focus of the Portuguese Co-Presidency, to further build on what was accomplished in these past 5 years of the WestMED Initiative?
The Portuguese and Mauritanian WestMED Initiative co-chairs have a great responsibility to move forward the work of this sub-basin strategy.
The focus within the Steering Committee is to operationalize these three topics. With France as chair of the Atlantic Strategy Committee we are going to work on synergies between the two sea basins. The WestMED Initiative Steering Committee must therefore understand the goals of the Atlantic Action Plan and decide in which areas synergies can work.
Another priority is related to the Report from the Commission on the implementation of WestMed Initiative, which includes a section that needs to be addressed: “Raising awareness and enhancing visibility.” A key focus for 2024 is to debate and decide on how to operationalize this topic.
Next to the WestMED Initiative, Portugal is also involved in the other EU Sea Basin Strategy: ‘the Atlantic Action Plan.’ Given the fact that there are many common challenges between the 2 sea basins, how do you foresee strengthening the synergies between the two?
The Western Mediterranean and the Atlantic are bordering maritime areas. Both sea basins have a legal and operational framework to unlock the blue economy potential and in the WestMED Initiative Steering Committee and Atlantic Strategy Committee, member states are very active to achieve this goal.
Portugal is aware that these two sea basins have much in common but also things that separate them. The idea of synergies between the work of these two sea basins is very positive. As a Committee, we must identify these common areas and collaborate on them with our Atlantic partners.
The Steering Committee plays a crucial role in these endeavours, and we look forward to receive constructive feedback and contributions from our member states colleagues.
What is your main message to the WestMED Blue Economy Stakeholder Community?
Allow us to quote the 2017 Communication from the Commision to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions ‘Initiative for the sustainable development of the blue economy in the western Mediterranean’:
“The maritime economy of the western Mediterranean region has huge potential for development in all related sectors. The region has 200 ports and terminals and nearly 40 % of all goods (by value) pass through the Mediterranean. The western Mediterranean region attracts the largest number of tourists in the Mediterranean basin, in part because of its art and cultural wealth. It is a biodiversity hotspot, with 481 marine protected areas, including Natura 2000 sites. The region is a rich fishing ground, accounting for over 30 % of the total value of landings at first sale in the Mediterranean and providing more than 36 000 direct jobs on fishing vessels.”
The 2023 report on the implementation of WestMED released an important information relevant for all stakeholders: “The WestMED initiative has supported member countries in developing project proposals, many of which were successful in obtaining funding. This has been greatly appreciated by the countries. So far, 79 projects ideas have been actively supported by the initiative’s central team and national hubs. They are worth a total of about EUR 92 million. Additionally, more than 160 projects are aligned with the initiative and involve around 600 partners from the member countries.”
The main message is that the potential of the Blue Economy in the region of Western Mediterranean is a reality and everyone can play an important role. The Western Mediterranean is an opportunity for economic growth, job creation, investment, research, partnerships and cooperation.
https://westmed-initiative.ec.europa.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Portugal.new-co-presidency7headercompr.jpg6301500Communication teamhttps://westmed-initiative.ec.europa.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/new-westmed-ec-enfold-logo-website-def2.pngCommunication team2024-02-20 11:22:032024-02-28 16:59:41The WestMED welcomes its new Portuguese Co-presidency – A message from the co-chair
The European Blue Forum consisting of stakeholders from all 5 EU sea basins has published its first 2 Position papers related to key issues concerning the European Seas
Paper 1: What do we need from European Seas by 2030, and are we asking too much?
Paper 2: What does a fossil fuel free sustainable blue economy look like? How can we as a community support this transition?
These 2 papers, crafted collaboratively by European Blue Forum members through insightful discussions over the past 10 months are now accessible.
The documents are set to serve as a significant statement on maritime and coastal stakeholders’ common issues, challenges and future expectations for our European Seas. They gather the needs of the European Blue Forum members and provides the main axes of action for the years to come.
The papers will be presented during a public meeting of the inter-parliamentary group SEARICA in Brussels on 7th March 2024.
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Project Funding support
In the Mediterranean region, the main sources of investments in the sustainable blue economy include public funding opportunities offered by international organisations, governments, Multilateral Development Banks and “green funds”.
Such funding is offered in the form of grants or lending instruments aimed at co-financing projects and providing support to infrastructure development, start-ups and SMEs.
Project Acceleration support
In addition to regular funding, the government and private sector can support entrepreneurs through other means such as coaching services, incubators/accelerators and technical support to feasible business ideas.
Accelerator programs are emerging in recent years as a new model of startup assistance.
A startup accelerator is a mentor-based program that provides guidance, support and limited funding in exchange for equity. The role of incubator/accelerator programmes is key to reinforce the entrepreneurial capacity-building by offering skills, knowledge, experience and investment, helping to increase the number of startups and the creation of jobs.
Acceleration at EU level At European level, EU BlueInvest, enabled by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund, boosts innovation and investments in sustainable blue economy technologies. To do so, it supports readiness and access to finance for early-stage businesses, Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) and scale-ups.
Acceleration at WestMED level
At the western Mediterranean level, the WestMED Maritime Clusters Alliance was established in 2021 to accelerate cooperation and joint actions under intersectoral dialogue, to boost the development of southern clusters (according to the Malta roadmap adopted in 2022), to upgrade management skills, and to provide a platform for investments in innovative SMEs through initiatives such as the MedBAN project.
In 2021 the WestMED initiative awarded the Algerian Accelerator ‘Algeria Startup Challenge’ with the WestMED Award. In 2023 the honour went to GALATEA
During its 36-month existence (2020-2023) Galatea helped accelerate innovative projects and develop new cross-sectoral and cross-border industrial value-chains along 4 high potential Blue Growth domains: Smart Ship, Smart Port, Smart Shipyard and Maritime Surveillance. It did so in 3 sea basins: the Atlantic, the Baltic and the Mediterranean.
Clémence le Corff, GALATEA’s project coordinator, summarises the essence of the project:
“Ports, ships, shipyards and maritime surveillance face high-level challenges nowadays and need green and digital technologies to tackle them. GALATEA facilitated the match between needs and innovations, while at the same time supporting the development of these innovative technologies in a European environment with clusters as key players.”
GALATEA integrated technologies and know-how from 7 ICT, Aerospace and Maritime clusters, 1 research and technology organisation from 5 European countries (France, Greece, Poland, Romania and Spain)
It directly financed 23 innovative projects (project catalogue) involving 42 SMEs from 5 different countries. More than €2.21 million has been distributed.
In addition, 49 services have been provided to 30 SMEs, 4 workshops have been conducted and a Guide for funding has been disseminated.
The GALATEA approach can serve as a blueprint for other initiatives that aim to boost SMEs that contribute to a smarter and more sustainable maritime world
When pitching GALATEA at the 2023 WestMED Stakeholder Conference, Clémence le Corff added: “Projects with a comparable approach, offering direct financial support to SMEs for greater impacts are already launched. The GALATEA experience remains available for any other organisation willing to implement such a mechanism”
Watch GALATEA’s video on the initiative:
A successful GALATEA accelerated project: NEPH2AIR Most of the projects supported by Galatea consisted of cross-border collaborations. One such example was NEPH2AIR in the domain ‘Smart Ship’. The consortium for this project consisted of 2 SMEs from France (NepTech, H2Pulse) and one from Spain (Caponetto-Hueber)
This project aimed to enhance the operational performances (speed and range) of hydrogen-powered passenger vessels thanks to a breakthrough air-injection system.
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