Calls for Funding

Check the source pages of each of these calls for more information. You can also ask the National Hub in your country to check what funding and matchmaking opportunities might be applicable to your project(idea).

Pilot Project on a demonstrator fishing vessel to promote energy transition in the fisheries sector | Deadline 11 June 2024

Deadline: 11 June 2024
Budget: € 2.2 million
Countries: EU Member States (including overseas countries and territories (OCTs)
More information:   funding and tender opportunities portal by the European Commission 


A new EUR 2.2 million call for proposals has opened for a Pilot Project on a demonstrator fishing vessel to promote energy transition in the fisheries sector (PPPA-2024-FISHVESSELDEMO). The call seeks to finance a pilot project on a demonstrator fishing vessel that will be retrofitted with alternative propulsion technologies and other solutions to improve energy performance, cut emissions and reduce underwater noise.

This call for proposals contributes to the aims of the February 2023 European Commission Communication on the Energy Transition of the EU Fisheries and Aquaculture sector, setting a framework for diversification from fossil fuels and improving energy performance. The aims are to improve the environmental sustainability of fisheries and reduce the vulnerability of the sector to increases in energy prices, which have created uncertainty for the sector and affected its profitability.

A virtual Info Day took place on 18 March, You can watch the recording here.

The call is open for applications from 20 February 2024 to 11 June 2024.

For more information, please see the CINEA news and call page.

Submit your blue school project and receive funding (SHORE) | Deadline 20 March 2024

Deadline: 20 March 2024
Budget: € 10.000 max per project
Countries: Algeria, France, Italy, Libya, Malta, Morocco, Spain, Tunisia (and more)
More information:  visit the SHORE website

SHORE Open Calls aim to enhance the ocean literacy of primary and secondary students, educators, and schools, by empowering youth to become agents of change and eco-citizens.

The SHORE – Open Call #1 is open to proposals that address at least one topic and subtopic of the open call

  • Sea-based activities
  • Biodiversity
  • Hazardous substances and marine litter
  • Climate change
  • Sustainable use of water resources

The SHORE – Open Call #1 is open to proposals which include different types of activities aimed at primary and secondary schools’ students, teachers and/or parents of the school(s) concerned. These can range from workshops, trainings and exhibitions to field trips, boat activities and loboratory testing.

The full list is of requirements and activities is available in the guide for applicants  on the SHORE website

Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership’s second joint transnational call | Deadline 10 April 2024

Deadline: pre-proposals: 10 April 2024 | full proposals: 6 Nov 2024
€ 40.000.000
More information: 
visit the Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership website

Note: 10 brokerage sessions of two hours will be organised from 26 February to 8 March. Sessions are scheduled between 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM or 02:00 PM and 04:00 PM CET

The Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership is pleased to announce its second joint transnational call entitled “Unified Paths to a Climate-Neutral, Sustainable, and Resilient Blue Economy: Engaging Civil Society, Academia, Policy, and Industry”.

The vision of the Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership, a European partnership under the Horizon Europe Programme, is to design, steer and support a just and inclusive transition to a regenerative, resilient, and sustainable blue economy. This EU Partnership aims to boost the transformation needed towards a climate-neutral, sustainable, productive, and competitive blue economy by 2030 while creating and supporting the conditions for a sustainable ocean for the people by 2050.

This second co-funded call aims to support transnational research and innovation projects of 36 months duration, addressing one of the four priority areas below (subject to funded priority areas by participating funding organisations, see Annex):

  • Digital Twins of the Ocean at regional sub basin scale
  • Blue economy sectors, development of marine multi-use infrastructures
  • Planning and managing sea-uses at the regional level
  • Blue Bioresources

Projects in this co-funded call must be impact-driven contributions to the transformation into a blue economy for a more resilient future and towards carbon neutrality targets, following an impact pathway approach.

2nd Call for Small Projects to strengthen the level of effective protection in Mediterranean MPAs | Deadline 21 January 2024

Deadline: 21 January 2024
Max €25.000 (single MPA) to €45.000 (3 MPAs or more that cooperate)
Spain, France, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia,Greece, Cyprus, Malta,Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, the Palestinian Territories, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Monaco,
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Albania,
More information: 
website MedPAN


The MedPAN Association is launching a Call for Small Projects for Mediterranean MPAs for the period 2024-2025.

The aim of this call is to strengthen the level of effective protection in Mediterranean MPAs, with fully or highly protected areas.

This Call for Small Projects is open to :

  • Organizations in charge of managing an MPA in the Mediterranean,
  • As well as other organizations (NGOs, private companies, scientific institutions, etc.) collaborating with MPA management authorities.

MPA managers and organizations wishing to apply must submit their grant application online no later than January 21, 2024.

Full details of the eligibility of participants or the types of projects that will be selected, as well as the selection process, are set out in detail in the Rules for the Call for Small Projects.

To apply for a grant, please :

  1. Read the Call Rules carefully to assess whether your project meets the criteria.
  2. Download and fill in the Grant Application form (GAF).
  3. Submit your Application (GAF and supporting documents) in the dedicated section below

Please contact the MedPAN Secretariat ( if you have any questions.

For more information visit the MedPAN website

Interreg NEXT MED: first call for proposals for transnational cooperation projects | New deadline 30 May 2024

Deadline:  30 May 2024 (= extended/ was 30 April and 28 March)
€ 103.600.000
Cyprus, Greece, France, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Spain and Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Tunisia and Türkiye.
More information:
website | extension message


The Managing Authority of the EU-funded Interreg NEXT MED Programme, in agreement with the representatives of the 15 participating countries, is pleased to announce the launching of the first call for proposals.

With a substantial budget of €103.6 million, this call represents a unique opportunity to fund transnational cooperation projects aimed at catalyzing positive transformations and encouraging sustainable and inclusive development throughout the Mediterranean area.

In view of making the region smarter and more competitive, greener and climate resilient, more social and inclusive, the call focuses on pivotal themes for both shores of the Mediterranean: these encompass boosting research and innovation capacities, fostering SME growth, advancing renewable energy solutions, bolstering climate change adaptation measures, promoting educational opportunities, ensuring access to quality healthcare, and enhancing local governance processes, among others.

Geographical coverage of the call extends to over 100 territories from 7 EU and 8 partner countries, namely Cyprus, Greece, France, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Spain and Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Tunisia and Türkiye.

Recognizing the unique added value of working together beyond borders for the development of the Mediterranean area, each project has to be submitted by a partnership representing a minimum of 3 organizations from 3 different eligible countries, including at least one Mediterranean Partner Country. A diverse array of stakeholders, including national and regional public authorities, municipalities, non-profit/civil society organizations, universities, research organizations, private companies and other relevant entities may participate in the call.

Depending on the type of projects foreseen for this call – thematic, youth-oriented and governance – the EU financial support will range from €500,000 to €2.5 million. The EU contribution cannot exceed 89% of the project total eligible costs and the project co-financing must be at least 11% of the total eligible costs.

The launching of the call will be supported by a series of information events and other activities dedicated to interested organizations to be organized across the cooperation area and online. Foreseen iniatives and dates will be announced soon on this website.

The deadline for submitting project proposals is 30 April 2024 .

Interested organisations are encouraged to carefully read the application pack of the call for proposals available here.

MEDTOUR announcement poster

Note: Interreg NEXT MED organizes a  series of national info days designed to ensure interested organizations are thoroughly prepared and well-informed for effective participation in this first call for proposals. Visit the MEDTOUR page for the events near you

Maritime Spatial Planning projects (EMFAF-2023-PIA-MSP) | Deadline 27 February 2024

Deadline: 27 February 2024
Budget: € 4.000.000
Countries: Algeria, France, Italy, Malta, Mauritania, Morocco, Portugal, Spain, Tunisia
More information:   funding and tender opportunities portal by the European Commission 



The objective of this call for proposals is to facilitate the implementation of Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) in the EU, including through the effective application of Directive 2014/89 establishing a framework for MSP. This call is intended to fund projects developing innovative responses to tackle specific challenges that EU Members States might encounter when putting into effect, monitoring and/or revising their maritime spatial plans.

Many of these challenges are common to coastal Member States. Therefore, there is a shared interest in developing innovative responses that can apply within a sea basin and/or across sea basins. This means that projects should bring together participants from different Member States, located in a sea basin, or from different sea basins. To meet these challenges Member States will have to:

  • Reflect and align their maritime spatial plans to the ambition of the European Green Deal and the related initiatives in areas such as climate change mitigation and/or adaptation, biodiversity, food, mobility, energy transition, alongside established activities and interests.
  • Cater for cumulative impacts of ocean stressors: promote the use of an ecosystem-based approach, including Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs), strengthen the process of the Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEAs), which are an integral part of MSP and promote environmental monitoring to collect data and asses impacts (e.g. on offshore renewable energies).
  • Reinforce the sea basin dimension of MSP: meeting the above-mentioned challenges, and integrating the new EU initiatives, will require greater cooperation in planning activities in the different sea basins.
  • Making MSP digital and pan-European: The aim of this “digitalisation” is to harmonise data and to disseminate the contents of these plans through a common or shared digital platform – the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet).

Maritime ports: studies, works or mixed | Deadline: 30 January 2024

Deadline: 30 January 2024
€ 2.800.000.000
France, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Spain
More information:
Funding and tender opportunities portal by the European Commission


The objective is to develop transport infrastructure projects in maritime ports on the Core Network of the TEN-T.


Studies and / or works on core maritime ports, related to:

• port access aiming at providing safe maritime access in the form of breakwaters, access channels, fairways, locks and navigational aids (e.g. radar, buoys);
• basic port infrastructure, which are not covered under section 6.2.2 ‘Actions related to sustainable and multimodal mobility’ of the Work Programme, and with a priority on:

– development of zero or low-emission multimodal solutions;
– development of ports´ capacities and facilities in relation with the transportation activities of the offshore wind farms. The involvement of the maritime port in the transportation activities of the offshore wind farms and the need for the basic port infrastructure for those activities should be demonstrated in the proposal; or,
– improving connectivity of remote, insular or outermost regions or of Member States with no land border with another Member State.

Such basic port infrastructure may be in the form of turning basins, quay walls, berths, jetties, backfills, land reclamation, which improve the efficiency of the maritime ports and their integration within the TEN-T network. The backfills and land reclamation could be supported as interventions to create space for construction of other basic port infrastructure, e.g. a berth, quay walls, etc, but should not lead to significant added capacity (i.e. increased surface of or creation of new terminals, logistics/cargo handling areas, etc.).

• shore-side electricity supply (including an upgrade of electrical grid within the port if it is needed for the shore-side electricity supply);
• port reception facilities for oil and other waste (including residues from exhaust gas cleaning systems) to meet environmental requirements;
• ensuring year-round navigability by means of capital dredging and icebreaking facilities. The capital dredging will be supported only as an intervention to remove bottlenecks for the EU short sea shipping;
• providing or improving inland waterways/road/rail access and connections within maritime ports. The rail access could cover rail infrastructure e.g., new rail tracks, upgrade of existing rail tracks, adaptation for 740 meter long trains and connections within the maritime ports.

Works projects may include on-site renewable energy generation (synergetic element in accordance with Section 10.6 of the Work Programme), such as photovoltaic power plants, wind turbines etc. that is primarily used for example for the shore-side electricity supply, for the need of the basic port infrastructure and for diverse port operations. Such synergetic elements must improve the socioeconomic, climate or environmental benefits of the project and may not exceed 20% of the total eligible costs of the project.

EU Aquaculture Assistance Mechanism | Deadline: 7 December 2023

Deadline: 7 December 2023
Budget: €2.600.000
Countries: European
More information:   funding and tender opportunities portal by the European Commission 


The subject of this call for tenders is the provision of support to the Commission, Member States, the aquaculture industry and other stakeholders in the implementation of the Communication “Strategic guidelines for a more sustainable and competitive EU aquaculture for the period 2021-2030″ by providing logistic, administrative and technical support and by enhancing cooperation between Member States and stakeholders for the development of sustainable aquaculture in the EU.

Demonstrations of innovative floating wind concepts | Deadline: 21 January 2025

Deadline: 21 January 2025
Budget: €30.000.000
Countries: Algeria,France, Italy, Malta, Mauritania, Morocco, Portugal, Spain, Tunisia
More information:   funding and tender opportunities portal by the European Commission 


The overall aim is to accelerate the cost-effective construction and deployment of floating wind farms, facilitating their rapid and sustainable deployment across Europe and lower their overall costs.

The transition of the energy system will rely on reducing the overall energy demand and making the energy supply side climate neutral, in current and future climate conditions. R&I actions will help to make the energy supply side cleaner, more secure, and competitive by boosting cost performance and reliability of a broad portfolio of renewable energy solutions, in line with societal needs and preferences. Furthermore, R&I activities will underpin the modernisation of the energy networks to support energy system integration, including the progressive electrification of demand side sectors (buildings, mobility, industry) and integration of other climate neutral, renewable energy carriers, such as clean hydrogen.

Project results are expected to contribute to all of the following expected outcomes:

  • Increased knowledge about design, construction, assembly and operation and maintenance of floating wind farms.
  • Improved overall constructability, reliability, installability, operability and maintainability of floating offshore wind systems.
  • Demonstrated efficient, low-cost and sustainable emerging technologies for floating wind turbines; reduction of the LCoE.
  • Reinforced European offshore wind turbine value chain and skills.
  • Data for future optimisation of industry scale commissioning of the floater, mooring and anchor system.


Circular bioeconomy start-up villages | Deadline: 28 February 2024

Deadline: 28 February 2024
Budget: €2.500.000
Countries: Algeria,France, Italy, Malta, Mauritania, Morocco, Portugal, Spain, Tunisia
More information: funding and tender opportunities portal by the European Commission 


Applicants should demonstrate how they will provide innovative circular, sustainable and socially fair bioeconomy solutions for:

  • food systems transformation;
  • bio-based sectors, covering biological waste/residues and bio-based materials and products;
  • employing digital technologies and approaches.

Applicants should address only one of the thematic areas above, and clearly indicate it in their proposal.

Proposals are expected to contribute to the creation and support of a thematic network of start-up villages based on bioeconomy concepts, including all of the following activities:

Provide assistance and advisory support for the development and linking of startup villages and raise awareness of the rural innovators on sustainable and circular systemic bioeconomy solutions.

Develop the Start Up Village Forum initiative through a community of practice to support active engagement of all relevant actors (local and regional authorities, entrepreneurs, investors, rural cooperatives, rural communities and others) in the start-up villages and foster knowledge exchange and mutual learning between them, as well as share research, data and analytical findings.

Develop a list of case studies of local and regional start-up villages focusing on bioeconomy including sustainable food systems and bio-based solutions, identifying and presenting the respective strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities.

These case studies could be used for replication and dissemination across Europe in the context of the Startup Village Forum. Proposals should involve at least three start-up villages from three different Member States / Associated Countries, ensuring geographical coverage of different regions.

Identify the challenges and development pathways for developing and scaling up of start-ups and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) for a sustainable bioeconomy, including businesses linked to agriculture, food, forestry, bio-based innovation and non-agricultural activities in rural areas related to the community-led local development strategies.
Address the challenges of Europe’s fragmented start-up scene and of entrepreneurship education and capacity building.
Assess possible options and create guidelines and recommendations for policy makers, investors and rural innovators summarizing, sharing and presenting existing best practices and innovations to enable replication of successful cases across Europe.

The proposals should build on the knowledge and tools already generated by the BioeconomyVentures[2] and Pilots4U[3] projects developed under Horizon 2020, as well as seek complementarities with related actions and existing[4] and upcoming[5] relevant projects on bioeconomy governance and ensure inclusiveness and engagement of all actors. It is also relevant to cooperate and establish links with the Circular Bio-based Europe (CBE) JU, and relevant EIT KICs.
Seek synergies and complement the knowledge and cooperation activities of the Startup Village Forum. Cooperate with “Rural networks” (soon to become the CAP networks) including the European innovation partnership on agriculture productivity and sustainability (EIP-AGRI) and the European Network for Rural Development (ENRD), and Horizon Europe Partnership Sustainable Food Systems.

Proposals should explore all available financing instruments on a European level, including relevant regional instruments (Cohesion Fund, CAP, ESF and others). Proposals should also describe how they plan to complement the ongoing activities of bodies such as the European Innovation Council, the Circular Bioeconomy Investment Platform, and the Enterprise Europe Network and European Institute of Technology (EIT) initiatives.

Social innovation is relevant for this topic as it contributes to strengthened rural innovation ecosystems and to find solutions for rural communities when the solution is at the socio-technical interface and requires social and behavioural change, new social practices, social ownership or market uptake. Proposal should contribute to improve the quality of life and long-term socio-economic prospects of rural and coastal communities, including women (especially supporting women-led SMEs and start-ups), youth and the most vulnerable groups like indigenous people or minorities and refugees.

This topic requires the effective contribution of SSH disciplines.