group photo of people celebrating launch of EMFAF projects 2023

New EMFAF Regional flagship projects just kicked off their work!

Source: CINEA website

The EMFAF Regional flagships call, with a budget of EUR 7.6 million, focused on EU sea basins cooperation; in particular the Atlantic, the Black Sea, the Mediterranean, the Baltic Sea Region and the EU Outermost Regions. Ten new projects just kicked off.

Four projects are related to the Mediterranean: Green Marine Med, POWER4MED, CALLMEBLUE and the GreenMED. The first three projects received active assistance from the WestMED Assistance Mechanism in the application process.

GREEN MARINE MED  – Mediterranean Green Shipping Network: Linking Ports, Industries, Investment and Innovation for Monitoring and Technology Foresight on Green Shipping in the Mediterranean

GREEN MARINE MED will bring together, engage and mobilise the comprehensive Mediterranean Green Shipping stakeholder community, representing the full value chain including actors from the full vessel community, ports and marinas, fuel and energy, as well as finance, investment, innovation and other stakeholders. The comprehensive Network will create the foundation to enable the most broadly supported and useful Monitoring and Technology Foresight on Mediterranean Green Shipping.

Duration: 24 months – EU contribution: EUR 932 469.91


GreenMED – Green Shipping Pathways Towards a Clean Energy Transition in the Mediterranean

GreenMED is a regionally oriented project aiming to effectively support green shipping efforts in the Mediterranean Sea basin, by promoting plausible scenario-based decarbonisation pathways. The GreenMED’s ambition is to contribute directly and actively to the emission targets established by the EU under the 2030 and 2050 milestones. This goal´s realization relies on the comprehension and integration of innovative technologies, taking into consideration the regional ship energy demands, the fuel supply chains in both shores of the Mediterranean Sea, and the variety of emerging green shipping technologies, leading to the establishment of a decarbonisation hub: the Mediterranean Sustainable Shipping Observatory (MSSO).

Duration : 24 months – EU contribution: EUR 740 868

POWER4MED – local emPOWERment of fuel transition FOR a green MEDiterranean

Transition toward carbon neutrality in maritime transport requires short & medium-term solutions, the former based on transition fuels (LNG), the latter on not yet fully available alternative fuels (green hydrogen, methanol, electricity & wind). Dealing with such complexity is difficult for the operators of smaller ships and POWER4MED has the ambition to support them by developing the POWER4MED Supporting Structure, a “Supporting Team” of multidisciplinary experts and a set of toolkits facilitating the path toward carbon neutrality of the 3 sectors targeted by the project: fishing boats, commercial vessels and marinas.

Duration: 18 months – EU contribution: EUR 638 435


CALLMEBLUE aims to strengthen existing maritime clusters alliances in the Mediterranean area in order to accelerate north-south regional cooperation processes towards the emerging of strategic maritime clusters in North Africa area (south-south cooperation). The project will aim to create a strategic vision and transferable models of interregional cooperation, by implementing concrete actions at both local and regional level in order to raise awareness on the relevance of Maritime clusters as key actors for sustainable blue economy policies such as promoting exchange of best practices and knowledge transfer between north and southern area.

Duration: 24 months – EU contribution: EUR 780 987.86

Read the full article with the other projects on the CINEA website

people on stage during WestMED desalination event 2023 at the BluePlanet expoforum

WestMED Hub National Italie organise avec succès un événement sur le dessalement lors du BluePlanet Economy Forum 2023

Le 11 octobre 2023, le Hub national italien de WestMED a organisé un événement très réussi sur le dessalement en collaboration avec BIG (Blue Italian Growth) et Federazione del Mare lors du BluePlanet Economy Forum 2023 à Rome.

L’accent a été mis sur l’urgence et l’importance du dessalement en Méditerranée, avec une attention particulière pour la chaîne d’approvisionnement italienne.

Leonardo a été interviewé lors de l’événement par la chaîne de télévision Teleambiente. Vous pouvez regarder l’enregistrement ci-dessous (YouTube) – à partir de 2:05


screenshot television interview Leonardo Manzari at the BluePlanet Economy expoforum



WestMED's Samir Bachouche presnting at the University of Chlef aquaculture workshop

Samir Bachouche (WestMED National Hub) présente ‘le développement de l’aquaculture en Algérie’ à l’Université de Chlef

Le 25 septembre 2023, Samir Bachouche a été l’un des principaux intervenants de l’événement organisé par l’Université de Chlef sur le thème « Aquaculture en Algérie : opportunités d’investissement et défis ».

Samir Bachouche est un expert dans le domaine de l’aquaculture et de la pêche. Outre son implication en tant que National Hub de WestMED, il est également chercheur en sciences marines au Centre National de Recherche et de Développement de la Pêche et de l’Aquaculture (CNRDPA) en Algérie.

Voici un extrait de sa présentation sur le développement de l’aquaculture en Algérie – entre défis et opportunités.

L’aquaculture en Algérie a connu une croissance régulière au cours des dernières décennies, mais doit encore relever de nombreux défis pour réaliser son plein potentiel. La production aquacole est passée de 7 500 tonnes en 2000 à 18 000 tonnes en 2020. Les principales espèces élevées sont la dorade, le bar, les huîtres, les moules et les crevettes. Bien que l’Algérie dispose de conditions favorables au développement de l’aquaculture, notamment un long littoral et d’abondantes ressources en eau, le secteur doit encore être développé par rapport à ses homologues régionaux.

Le gouvernement algérien a identifié l’aquaculture comme un secteur prioritaire de diversification économique et de croissance. Cependant, plusieurs contraintes ont entravé l’expansion de l’aquaculture en Algérie. Il s’agit notamment du manque de financement et d’investissement, d’une capacité technique limitée, d’une infrastructure inadéquate et de difficultés d’accès aux terres et aux ressources en eau. Les réglementations strictes et la bureaucratie ont également entravé la croissance du secteur.

Dans le même temps, l’augmentation de la demande de produits de la mer associée à la diminution des captures sauvages représente une opportunité significative pour la croissance de l’aquaculture algérienne. L’adoption de technologies et de méthodes de production innovantes pourrait stimuler les rendements et la compétitivité. Il est également possible d’étendre l’aquaculture aux zones intérieures et désertiques en utilisant des systèmes d’aquaculture en recirculation et en intégrant l’aquaculture à l’agriculture.

Davantage de recherche, de formation et de partenariats public-privé sont nécessaires pour développer un secteur aquacole moderne et durable en Algérie. L’amélioration des cadres réglementaires, l’accès au financement, l’intégration dans les chaînes de valeur mondiales et le développement des écloseries et des usines d’aliments pour animaux afin d’améliorer la productivité et la biosécurité figurent parmi les principaux domaines d’intervention. Si les défis sont correctement relevés, l’aquaculture a de bonnes chances de fournir à l’Algérie une sécurité alimentaire, des emplois et des opportunités économiques.

Pour plus d’informations sur cet événement, l’aquaculture ou l’économie bleue durable, contactez Samir Bachouche (WestMED National Hub Algeria)


Group picture with Samir Bachouche at the Aquaculture event organised by the University of Chlef

infographic on the Blue economy in Algeria


Joint Italian-Maltese WestMED national event in Catania boosts blue opportunities in the Mediterranean

For the first time since the launch of the WestMED Initiative and the set-up of the Westmed Technical Assistance Mechanism, a joint national event was coordinated by the Italian and Maltese National Hubs, in Catania on Oct 4-6 2023.

Substantial support
This event was also made possible through the support by the respective National Coordinators, the decisive contribution of the Region Sicily-Dept of Agriculture, Rural Development and Fishery, the Italian national clusters Federazione del Mare and CTN BIG.

With Malta and Italy both centrally located in the Mediterranean, these countries play a pivotal role in strengthening exchanges as well as synergies across the seabasin, particularly towards the Southern Shore countries.

Therefore Sicily, home of the Managing Authority of INTERREG Italy-Malta and INTERREG NEXT Italie-Tunisie, and Catania in particular (with its rich ecosystem of high tech companies, university and research centers) was  the natural place to exploit the potential of a North-South event with representatives attending from Italy, Malta, Algeria, Libya, Mauritania and Tunisia.

Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare– Laboratori Nazionali del Sud
The event took place at Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare – Laboratori Nazionali del Sud, which is a branch of the largest Italian research institution, located in Catania. The Institute has sought to valorise the opportunity offered by the WestMED in terms of networking and hosted the event on its premises. The Institute, strongly reaffirms the importance of internationalization and networking, with the national director general and INFN-LNS’s warmly welcoming all participants to the event.

The event also served to highlight the deep-sea research project currently being undertaken by the Institute (KM3NeT) and the application of this research to maritime fields. Participants also benefited from a guided tour of the INFN-LNS premises and visitor center.

Thematic sessions
Apart from the Opening Session on the 4th October, which was reserved for institutions and speakers, the following days of the event were dedicated to thematic sessions, building upon the outcomes of the technical and working groups of the WestMED, as well as the rising challenges experiences in this area of the Mediterranean. These thematic areas focused on:

  • Network of Ports and Infrastructures
  • Marine Renewables and Desalination,
  • Sustainable Fishery and related Biotech Supply Chains,
  • Oceanography-Geology-Marine Biology and Ecology
  • 2023 edition of MEDBLEUE was also discussed which included participation by CTN BIG, Maritime Tunisien and the Malta Maritime Forum.

Furthermore, the availability of EU funds, particularly the INTERREG ones, were discussed, with the Managing Authorities of Italy, Malta and Tunisia present. Presentations were delivered on the respective programmes from the Managing Authorities of EU Funding Programmes and from the Italian Agency for Cooperation Development AICS.

Many project ideas
The event also gave the opportunity to experienced entrepreneurs and researchers to present their project ideas to potential project partners.

Worth noting is the identification of project ideas stemming from Transport Malta, Port Authority of Northern Tyrrenean, INSTM Tunisia, Mauritanian Marine Cluster, SWAP-TOX project, DuWo srl and Le Vie dei Tesori, Signo Motus who are actively seeking partners and funding opportunities for their project proposals.

Forty participants took part in-person on October 4,  50 on October 5 and  30 on October 6. Between 15 to 30 participants joined remotely online each day.

Finally, the event marked the interest of INFN-LNS to join WestMED activities with the support of the WestMED’s Italian National Hub.

More information
Leonardo Mazari, National Hub Italy  |  Stephanie Vella, National Hub Malta

Press articles: La Sicilia and Catania Metropolitana


General manager Region Sicily Department of Fisheries  Libyan WestMED National Coordinator Masauda Abuarosha

overview conference room with presenter during WestMED joint Italy Malta 2023 national event in Catania Sicily

National WestMED coordinators Italy and Malta

Visit at the INFN-LNS visitor Center, guided by Prof Giacomo Cuttone and Prof Piera Sapienza








group picture of advisory board sun&blue congress 2023

Marta Pascual, WestMED Spanish National Hub, nommée membre du conseil consultatif du congrès Sun&Blue.

Marta Pascual, WestMED Hub National Espagne, a été nommée membre du Comité Consultatif du Congrès Sun&Blue 2023. Le comité consultatif est composé de représentants des secteurs public et privé de l’industrie du tourisme, avec pour objectif principal de conseiller sur le programme du congrès qui aura lieu du 15 au 17 novembre 2023 à Almería, en Espagne.

Le Congrès Sun&Blue est un événement annuel qui présente d’éminents conférenciers nationaux et internationaux présentant des initiatives réussies de destinations, des exemples uniques d’expériences innovantes de tourisme bleu et de nouvelles opportunités qui renforcent l’économie bleue.

Le 19 septembre 2023, le conseil consultatif s’est réuni dans les locaux de la Confederación Española de Organizaciones Empresariales (CEOE). Ils ont discuté de la transition vers le tourisme bleu, qui combine durabilité et innovation. Au cours de la réunion, le programme scientifique de la première édition du congrès Sun&Blue a été discuté.

Plus d’informations sur la visite au CEOE

Plus d’informations sur la participation de WestMED à ce congrès, y compris les thèmes et les horaires.

Lien vers le congrès Sun&Blue/ Marta Pascual

Contact Marta Pascual (WestMED National Hub Espagne)


Interreg next med poster

Interreg NEXT MED Programme announces upcoming first call for proposals : over €100 million in EU funding to tackle shared Mediterranean challenges

Source: ENI CBCMED/ Interreg NEXT MED

The Managing Authority of the Interreg NEXT MED Programme, in agreement with the representatives of the 15 participating countries, is pleased to announce the upcoming first call for proposals set to be launched by mid-November.

With a substantial budget of €103.6 million, this call represents a unique opportunity to fund transnational cooperation projects aimed at catalyzing positive transformations, nurturing collective progress, and encouraging sustainable and inclusive development throughout the Mediterranean area.

Following the broad ambition of making the region smarter and more competitive, greener and climate resilient, more social and inclusive, and better governed, the call focuses on pivotal themes for both shores of the Mediterranean: these encompass boosting research and innovation capacities, fostering SME growth, advancing renewable energy solutions, bolstering climate change adaptation measures, promoting educational opportunities, ensuring access to quality healthcare, and enhancing local governance processes, among others.

Geographical coverage of the call extends to over 90 territories from 7 EU and 8 partner countries, namely Cyprus, Greece, France, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Spain and Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Tunisia and Türkiye.

Recognizing the unique added value of working together beyond borders for the development of the Mediterranean area, each project has to be submitted by a partnership representing a minimum of 3 organizations from 3 different eligible countries, including at least one Mediterranean Partner Country. A diverse array of stakeholders, including national and regional public authorities, municipalities, non-profit/civil society organizations, universities, research organizations, private companies and other relevant entities may participate in the call (specific eligibility rules for organizations to be confirmed in the Guidelines for Applicants).

Depending on the type of projects foreseen for this call – thematic, youth-oriented and governance – the EU financial support will range from €500,000 to €2.5 million. The EU contribution cannot exceed 89% of the project total eligible costs and the project co-financing must be at least 11% of the total eligible costs.

The call is expected to be launched by mid-November 2023, provided that the first Financing Agreement with a partner country has been signed (necessary condition for partner countries to receive EU funding under Interreg NEXT MED).

The launching of the call will be supported by a series of information events and other activities dedicated to interested organizations to be organized across the cooperation area and online.

Potential Applicants are encouraged to carefully read the documents below in order to understand the main features of the call and start developing project ideas:

  • Interreg NEXT MED Programme Document, detailing the overall strategy, priorities, specific objectives and list of eligible territories (ENFR);
  • General PPT presentation about the Interreg NEXT MED Programme (ENAR);
  • Guide on project preparation with some tips and recommendations for drafting a competitive proposal, following the intervention logic set for Interreg NEXT MED Programme (ENFR);
  • Performance Framework Methodology Paper, containing the indicators, type of interventions, list of potential activities and target values;
  • PPT presentation on the main features and rules of the call for proposals (ENFR – AR).

Stay tuned on the website for further information and be ready to embark on an exciting collaborative journey toward mutual growth, sustainability, and prosperity throughout the Mediterranean region.

Learn more about Interreg NEXT MED

National event Tunisia with Salem Miladi on stage

Evénement national WestMED Tunisie 2023 : l’accent mis sur la formation à l’économie bleue

L’événement national WestMED sur l’économie bleue en Tunisie 2023, a eu lieu dans le bâtiment de la municipalité de Sfax (la deuxième plus grande ville du pays), le 29 septembre 2023.

Cet événement a été organisé en partenariat avec l’Université et la Municipalité de cette ville et a été ouverte par la Ministre chargée du Secrétariat Général des Affaires Maritimes, du Premier Responsable de la Municipalisé et du Vice-Président de l’Université de Sfax

Une cinquantaine de personnes se sont réunies, représentant les différentes activités de la mer bleue, des responsables régionaux, des universitaires et la société civile. Ils ont largement parlé de l’écotourisme marin en Tunisie et ont discuté de l’impact du développement des activités d’eau bleue sur l’environnement.

Les communications ont concernés quelques activités bleues et se sont axées principalement sur la formation dans le domaine de l’économie bleue en Tunisie et Salem Miladi (e Hub National WestMED Tunisie) a énuméré les besoins de formation dans les treize activités de l’économie bleue en distinguant les écarts entre les secteurs classiques et les secteurs prometteurs (Biotechnologies Bleues, Energies Marines Renouvelables, Désalinisation, Plaisance, Sports et Loisirs Nautiques) qui sont demandeurs d’emploi qualifié.

M. Miladi a proposé des réformes profondes au niveau de l’enseignement supérieur et de la formation professionnelle pour développer ces secteurs prometteurs et réduire les problèmes du chômage des diplômés du supérieur en Tunisie. L’économie bleue pourrait être une opportunité pour la Tunisie pour corriger son modèle de développent vers ces secteurs prometteurs.

La deuxième partie de la journée était consacrée au travail dans six groupes relatifs à la pêche, aux biotechnologies marines, à la valorisation des produits de la mer, à l’aquaculture, au tourisme et à la désalinisation de l’eau de mer. Des étudiants de l’Université de Sfax ont participé aussi à ces groupes. Les recommandations peuvent se résumer comme suit :

  • Développer ces secteurs et de créer de nouvelles opportunités de travail.
  • Promouvoir la pêche en préservant cette activité contre toute pratique illicite et en pratiquant les moyens modernes pour augmenter la production.
  • Créer des institutions spécialisées dans le domaine des biotechnologies marines en créant des mécanismes d’encouragement à créer des projets dans ce domaine notamment pour les jeunes.
  • Valoriser les produits de la mer notamment ceux destinés à l’exportation pour capter une valeur ajoutée locale plus importante.
  • Promouvoir l’aquaculture en variant plus cette activité par l’élevage d’autres espèces et en utilisant les techniques les plus modernes pour optimiser la nourriture et diminuer les déchets afin de préserver l’environnement
  • Varier le produit touristique tunisien et opter pour un tourisme durable et encourager le pescatourisme.
  • Développer la désalinisation de l’eau de mer pour réduire les effets du manque d’eau et des changements climatiques tout en évitant l’impact de l’accumulation du sel.
  • Réduire les effets négatifs de ces activités sur l’environnement et se doter des moyens les plus récents et les plus modernes pour cet objectif.
  • Vulgariser la notion d’économie bleue et la protection de l’environnement notamment au niveau des enfants et des jeunes.


Pour plus d’informations sur la journée et ses résultats, contactez notre Hub national en Tunisie. (Salem Miladi):

Voir aussi l’annonce et le programme

Visiter la page du pays WestMED Tunisie


Télécharger la présentation de Salem Miladi sur l’éducation à l’économie bleue en Tunisie – basée sur une étude portant sur 13 secteurs :


screenshot first slide powerpoint presntation with title


speaker on stahe during WestMED National event Tunisia 2023 in Sfax

students presenting outcomes of working group dusring WestMED National event Tunisia 2023 in Sfax

speaker on stage during WestMED National event Tunisia 2023

WestMED National Hub Tunisie partage ses connaissances au Forum Mondial de la Mer 2023 à Bizerte

« Le Hub National Tunisie (Salem MILADI) a assisté vendredi 22 septembre 2023 au Forum Mondial de la Mer à Bizerte consacré à l’Océan et la Méditerranée : à l’air de l’ébullition.

Cette édition intervient après l’épisode caniculaire dramatique de l’été 2023 et la déclaration du Secrétaire Général des Nations Unies qui a récemment sonné l’alarme sur ce que nous pouvons qualifier d’ère de l’ébullition climatique.

Plus de quarante experts ont intervenu sur ce phénomène alarmant qui nécessite une attention immédiate et des actions concrètes. Leurs communications étaient axées sur quelles sont nos aspirations pour l’Océan en 2050 et comment la Méditerranée évoluera-t-elle dans les décennies à venir et quelles sont les mesures qui doivent être prises pour la protéger. Dans dans son intervention, le HN Tunisie a rappelé que la Méditerranée est une mer quasi fermée qui représente moins de 1% de l’Océan et elle est bordée par 21 pays qui compte 400 millions d’habitants et abrite une grande diversité biologique.

Toutefois, cette mer subit une pression qui est en augmentation par la surexploitation des ressources marines, l’accroissement des pollutions relatives aux particules fines dégagées par les navires, aux eaux usées urbaines, aux rejets industriels, aux déchets plastiques , aux pesticides et aux impacts des changements climatiques et le manque d’eau potable.

Le Hub National a rappelé le rôle du projet Westmed, qui regroupe dix pays de la méditerranée occidentale, à promouvoir une croissance bleue durable et ce dans le cadre de six groupes consacrés :

  1. Au transport maritime vert avec la substitution du fioul lourd par une énergie propre.
  2. A une pêche et aquaculture durables en proposant la lutte contre la pêche illicite et la maitrise et l’utilisation des smart technologies dans les différents maillons de la production aquacole pour lutter contre les déchets notamment de la nourriture.
  3. A la création de clusters maritimes notamment dans les pays de la rive sud.
  4. A l’élaborant un MSP pour chaque pays pour éviter un développement spontané des activités maritimes difficilement gérable.
  5. Au développement d’un tourisme durable garantissant une gestion durable de l’eau et de l’assainissement et encourageant l’utilisation des énergies renouvelables et les infrastructures durables et innovantes et enfin :
  6. A la promotion de la formation pour subvenir aux besoins en main d’œuvre pour les secteurs bleus prometteurs

Le Hub National a conclu son intervention par un appel à sauver la Méditerranée par l’engagement des pays à l’élaboration d’un plan d’actions détaillé et programmé dans le temps.

Le Forum de Bizerte était en duplex avec Marseille et New York (Nations Unies) et était suivi en ligne par plus de 12 000 personnes »

Pour plus d’informations, contactez le Hub National WestMED (Salem Miladi):


we are blue schools announcement poster with children on paddleboards in a bay

WestMED success story on Ocean Literacy and Blue Skills. ‘We are Blue Schools’ making waves from the classrooms up!

There are many jobs in the maritime sector that cannot be filled due to the lack of trained professionals. To change this, the right groundwork needs to be established at a very early age.

Ocean literacy and Blue Skills are two sides of the same coin that holds the key to this. They are fully intertwined. Enthusiasm for the ocean, drives interest in blue education and careers.

Next to a focus on the young, as ocean aware citizens and being essential for meeting tomorrow’s blue employment demands, there is also a great need for up-and reskilling of the current maritime workforce. Sustainability, digitalisation, and innovation are now required more than ever.

In 2016, the Commission already recognised these challenges when they created a ‘blueprint for sectoral cooperation on skills’, with maritime technologies as one of the core sectors. 

During the WestMED 2023 Stakeholder Conference, Frederico Ferreira, the Portuguese National Hub for the WestMED and the Atlantic, also confirmed the importance of addressing these fields. He highlighted the benefits of cooperation as it is a common theme across borders and sea basins. Not only to promote the overall attractiveness of blue careers, but also to ensure standardisation of educational qualifications and accreditations for a more flexible mobility of workers, to stay on top of an increasingly demanding market. 

A sustainable blue economy starts with Ocean Literacy

Ocean Literacy is defined as the understanding of the ocean’s influence on us, and of our influence on the ocean’. The Ocean Literacy concept has been empowered by many institutions, including the UNESCO and the European Commission.

In 2019, EU Directorate-General Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE) launched the European Ocean Coalition ‘EU4Ocean’ aiming to “connect diverse organisations, projects and people that contribute to ocean literacy and the sustainable management of the ocean.”

‘We are Blue Schools’ (Som Escoles Blaves) from Mallorca, winner of the WestMED best project 2023 award, shares this philosophy. They promote Ocean Literacy by bringing the ocean into the classroom for students aged three to eighteen. The approach used, shows a high success rate, and offers considerable replicability potential.

A blueprint for Ocean Literacy amongst the next generation. Meet ‘We are blue schools’. 

‘We are Blue Schools’ is an Erasmus+ pilot project that brings environmental awareness and sustainability skills to young people in schools by teaching them the value of the ocean and the influence they have on the ocean.

It is based on the insights of a wide range of international Ocean Literacy experts.

Mallorca was chosen for this project as it is a confined area with shared values, culture, and language. This, to test the effects of an intensified approach in a regional setting to create a higher impact on both the schools and their surrounding communities.

The objectives are twofold:

  1. Successfully implement an inclusive and comprehensive EU Blue School Network in the confined regional area of Mallorca over the short term of 12 months and certify 100 schools by creating a true grass-roots approach that includes teachers, schools, and the local community (with NGOs, SMEs, local governments and the media)
  2. Document this approach and create a Blueprint that enables other EU and non-EU regions to follow this example and successfully recruit a large Network of European Blue Schools.

Christian Burgos project coordinator for the initiative and a secondary school teacher himself, is proud of the results achieved so far and confident about reaching the ambitious goal: « we have certified more than 60 schools, each of them with a page in the EU maritime forum, we have involved 5 NGOs to do environmental activities, 10 SMEs who are happy to help by sponsoring costs and 5 public institutions who want to help with the implementation of the projects. We have also been invited multiple times to spread the word of the project on regional radio and television shows and have more than 1.000 followers on social media”.

As it is a pilot project, it has been built from the start as a project to be replicated with a Blueprint. Talks are already underway with schools and institutions in Spain and Morocco.

When receiving the WestMED project award in Malta, Christian put out an open invitation: “We are happy to collaborate, for our approach to be replicated in other regions.  Please contact us so that we can share our model that has shown to be working.”

More info about We are blue schools
Budget Overall: approx. 65.000€

EU Contribution: €30 000

Partners/ Countries Coordinator: Sea Teach (Mallorca, Spain)


Es Lledoner (Mallorca, Spain)

CLUBE (Portugal)

Follow Website

Social media:





Duration 1 October 2022 – 31 October 2023


1) European Commission:

2) Ocean Literacy Portal (UNESCO):



Corallo Stakeholder event july 2023 with  Professor Alan Deidun

Ocean Literacy digital tools highlighted during CORRALO’s stakeholder event

Sources: Diving info MaltaInterreg Italia-Malta

On 20 July 2023, the National Hub Malta attended a stakeholder event hosted by the Corallo project in Zurrieq, Malta.

CORALLO supports the dissemination and use of the natural heritage through a diverse range of edutainment tools and non-intrusive infrastructure interventions within Natura 2000 (N2K) sites.

Through the project, state-of-the-art educational services and facilities are developed in each of the target sites, including extensive use of virtual and extended reality as well as documentaries and short video clips. In addition, the iconic species and habitats encountered at each of N2K’s target sites will be exhibited in different centers identified for intervention, thus capitalizing on the unique strengths and resources held by each site.

The CORALLO project also provides mobile awareness tools, i.e. scientific campaigns for citizens, a boat of project information, smartphone apps and games and online tools, which will allow to reach a wide range of end users.

Initiatives developed
During the event, project coordinator, Prof. Alan Deidun from the University of Malta, provided an overview of the initiatives developed to present the Natura 2000 marine sites to the general public, including people who are unable to go underwater themselves.

  • 60 degree video footage of the underwater environment for use in conjunction with VR headsets
  • 3D models of Filfla, St. Paul’s Islands and Qawra Point
  • 3D models of various marine species
  • 3d Stand-up digital banner showing marine species
  • Production of Educational TV spots that were found to be very effective with the older generations that were aired on the national broadcaster in prime time
  • Events at various locations and presence at public events
  • Interactive totem at Ghar Dalam
  • A publication titled: “Correct enjoyment (and awareness raising) of Natura 2000 locations”
  • Information boards at various Natura 2000 sites
  • Upgrades at the Dwejra Interpretation Centre
  • Corallo Mobile App (still in development but to be launched soon)

Main conclusions:

  1. Visuals motivate people. However, through feedback gained from the public, via citizen engagement and awareness events held under the auspices of this project, it has been noted that taking a more positive approach, such as showing people the beauty of the marine environment, may be more effective at engaging citizens than exposing them to negative images. Because of social media, people are becoming desensitized to negative images.
  2. It has also been noted that there is limited awareness of the environmental impact by users on Natura 2000 sites, yet there are several opportunities for educational and responsible enjoyment initiatives. Furthermore, it is observed that the use of social media for citizen engagement is crucial, yet considerable resources in time and money need to be mobilized in order to be able to maintain the momentum.
  3. Long-term citizen-science campaigns may play a dual role of awareness-raising as well as long-term data collection shared by the public via the app, that would of marine developments. It may also serve as a means for the general public to influence policy-making.

During his presentation Professor Deidun also highlighted Corallo’s presence at the WestMED Stakeholder Conference 2023, with an exhibition and presentation.

Main next steps foreseen

  1. Different actors, both scientific and non-scientific, need to work together to create an educational plan, potentially focusing on the education of children, as it has been noted that the general public is willing to engage.
  2. Look into the potential of ‘getting the sea where the sea doesn’t exist’ such as to hospitals, care homes and prison, through the use of interactive digital tools.

For more information visit visit the Corollo website
Read their booklet with information on the project and the sites

Corollo Project is part-financed through the EU Interreg Italia-Malta Programme

Corallo robot at Lets dive in stakeholder event July 2023