Entrées par National Hub Spain

WestMED Spain presents new Technical Group at UfM webinar on Coastal and Maritime Tourism

On 20 June 2024 a webinar was organised by the Union for the Mediterranean(UfM) titled ‘Scaling up synergies and partnerships for the sustainable maritime and coastal tourism transformation in the Mediterranean’ The coastal and maritime tourism sector is of key strategic importance in the Mediterranean, concentrating 35% of global tourist arrivals, and marked by a […]

The Atlantic Action Plan, WestMED Initiative, Port of Vigo, DG MARE, MAPA and the Energy Transition Partnership streamline port and vessel decarbonization actions

On May 13, 2024 a meeting was held in Brussels to discuss concrete decarbonization opportunities for ports and vessels between some major stakeholders and EU policy makers The meeting was attended by the WestMED National Hub Spain, the Atlantic Action Plan (AAP), DG MARE, Vigo Port Authorities, the Energy Transition Partnership (ETP) and the Spanish […]

Decarbonizing ports, fishing and recreational vessels. Expert proposals at participative WestMED Spain workshop in Mahón, Menorca

Haga clic aquí para el español On April 17, 2024, the workshop ‘Prototypes for the decarbonization of Ports, Fishing and Recreational Vessels‘ took place in Mahon, Menorca (see agenda). This Spanish National Event was organized by the Spanish National Hub of the WestMED Initiative Assistance Mechanism of the  in collaboration with the Maritime and Logistics […]

Gran interés por el seminario web de WestMED España sobre la descarbonización de pequeños puertos y buques

En inglés, haga clic aquí | Vea el seminario web a continuación o en YouTube El 18 de diciembre de 2023, el Hub Nacional España de WestMED acogió un webinar titulado « Oportunidades y experiencias de descarbonización en puertos y buques pesqueros y/o recreativos« . El encuentro, organizado en colaboración con el Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y […]

Strong interest for WestMED Spain webinar on decarbonizing small ports and vessels

For Spanish, click here | Webinar recording available below or on YouTube On December 18, 2023, WestMED’s National Hub Spain hosted a webinar titled  “Opportunities and experiences for decarbonizing recreational and fishing vessels and ports”. The meeting, organised in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European […]

WestMED Initiative receives internationalization award at the Sun and Blue Congress 2023

This year marked the first edition of the Sun&Blue Congress; an international conference and exhibition focused on Blue Tourism Innovation. It took place in Almería, Spain from 15-17 November 2023. Marta Pascual (WestMED National Hub Spain) has been very much involved in both the preparation of this event, as part of the Technical Committee, as […]

Blue Strategy Proposal for the Valencian Community in Spain

Press release: Cátedra de Economía Azul, On October 20, 2023, the presentation of the Blue Strategy Proposal of the Valencian Community took place, at The Ocean Race Museum in the Port of Alicante, organized by the Càtedra Interuniversitària d’Economia Blava-UA- UMH-Generalitat Valenciana. The event has had the notable presence of numerous authorities, including the Hon. […]

Marta Pascual, WestMED Spanish National Hub, nommée membre du conseil consultatif du congrès Sun&Blue.

Marta Pascual, WestMED Hub National Espagne, a été nommée membre du Comité Consultatif du Congrès Sun&Blue 2023. Le comité consultatif est composé de représentants des secteurs public et privé de l’industrie du tourisme, avec pour objectif principal de conseiller sur le programme du congrès qui aura lieu du 15 au 17 novembre 2023 à Almería, […]

Lanzamiento convocatoria Proyecto Blue Crowdfunding

En el marco del proyecto Blue Crowdfunding – “Capacity Building of BLUE Economy Stakeholders to Effectively use CROWDFUNDING”, aprobado en el marco del programa europeo Interreg MED, la Cámara de Comercio de Sevilla lanza la presente convocatoria con el objetivo de impulsar iniciativas económicas relacionadas con el sector de la economía azul en nuestra región a […]

NH Spain highlights funding opportunities for recreational boating and the importance of cooperation

On the 6th of November 2020 the Spanish National Hub of the WestMED Initiative took part on the 3rd Symposium of Blue Economy organized by the Inter-university Department on Blue Economy along with the University of Alicante, the University of Miguel Hernández and the Consellería d´Economía Sostenible, Sectors Productius, Comerç I Treball of the Generalitat […]