Entries by Communication team

Routine monitoring of Mediterranean boats and marinas could help protect ecosystems from invasive alien species

This article was first published in the Science for Environment Policy biweekly News Alert. It is fully available here. A survey of over 600 private boats docked in marinas throughout the Mediterranean showed that 71% are carrying non-indigenous species. In certain cases, non-indigenous species can become ‘invasive’ and have enormous and long-lasting impacts on ecosystems. […]

WestMED : Towards a Maritime Innovation Technologies Platform

WestMED organized on the 16 April a Hackathon dedicated to Maritime Innovation Technologies Platform.   Technological Innovations for an improved management of the sea Technological innovations have emerged through time in relation to high-techs and digitalization (e.g. smart devices, robotics, informational computing, big data, marine “internet of things- IoT”, machine learning, artificial intelligence, machine-to-machine interaction). […]

Launch of an interactive tool to map initiatives addressing small-scale fisheries in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea

Source: MedPAN An interactive online tool has been implemented to map initiatives and projects addressing small-scale fisheries (SSF) in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea region. This mapping tool has been developed by the GFCM, in collaboration with the Friends of SSF partner organizations: the WWF Mediterranean Marine Initiative, the Black Sea Advisory Council (BlSAC), CIHEAM-Bari, the Low Impact Fishers of […]

Questionnaire: Addressing the Covid-19 impact in Mediterranean MPAs

Source: MedPAN newsletter   The coronavirus outbreak is causing an unprecedented global health emergency and a global economic slowdown. Across the globe, MPA communities are sharing challenges and approaches on how to address the virus impact on MPA planning and management. We would like you to share your approaches with the MedPAN network so that […]

Appel à projets 2020 – Forum de Paris sur la Paix

Rebondir vers un monde meilleur En 2020, le monde est confronté à une crise sanitaire internationale inédite qui met en évidence l’urgence de mieux nous organiser collectivement. L’action multilatérale est plus que jamais nécessaire pour faire face aux diverses implications de la pandémie mondiale à laquelle nous faisons face. Cette année, compte tenu du contexte […]

Appel à projets | Avenir Littoral

Dans le contexte sanitaire actuel et une situation économique fragilisée, l’État, la Région Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée et la Caisse des Dépôts souhaitent d’ores-et-déjà préparer l’avenir. A ce titre, l’innovation constitue un levier essentiel de développement du littoral. C’est pourquoi, dans le cadre du Plan Littoral 21, signé en mars 2017, ils lancent en 2020 la […]

Biannual Flash News on Blue Economy

The 8th issue of the biannual flash news on blue economy in the Mediterranean region is out! Read the most updated information related to the work of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) and its partners to promote the blue economy in the Mediterranean region here.      

ENICBC MED funds 22 new projects to drive cooperation forward across the Mediterranean

This article was first published by ENI CBC Med Programme on 20 April 2020. The Joint Monitoring Committee, decision-making body of the ENI CBC Med Programme, has approved 22 projects under the call for strategic projects out of the 198 proposals submitted. The projects, worth €78.8 million, have the ambition to produce long-lasting and far-reaching effects, […]