Entries by Communication team

Call for participants online training on blue jobs and cross-cutting skills for young professionals and graduates of the Med countries

14-15 April 2021 | Limited places available Blue Skills required in the future are diverse: soft, technical, digital, social media, environmental, security, entrepreneurial, socio-economic, multi-disciplinary, languages, statistics, law, maritime spatial planning. This programme will be useful for students and young graduates from a wide range of academic backgrounds, and will cover topics relevant for a […]

EMFF Call | Algae and Climate | Deadline 31 May 2021

Deadline: 31 May 2021 Budget: 250.000 euro Countries: ES, FR, IT, MT, PT Participation in this call is also open to all natural and legal persons established in a third country, which has a special agreement with the European Union in the field of public procurement on the conditions laid down in that agreement Themes: […]

Call for ideas | Detection and Tracking Marine Pollution and Litter

Deadline: 30 April 2021 Budget: N/A Countries: All Themes: Maritime pollution and circular economy The van Allen Foundation launched a new Call for innovative ideas for the detection and monitoring of marine litter in the western Mediterranean The van Allen Foundation, a partnership foundation of the University of Montpellier, and IEEE (Institute of Electrical and […]

The year ahead for the WestMED Initiative

A new Technical Group on Aquaculture, a Maritime Clusters cooperation scheme, a webinar with a focus on blue skills and another WestMED Stakeholder Conference. These are some of the main activities foreseen in 2021. So, stay tuned! During the last WestMED Steering Committee meeting, on December 16, 2020, its members outlined a roadmap of activities […]

Our WestMED website address will change… slightly

The WestMED initiative’s website is currently undergoing a migration process to the Europa.ec domain. This means that the website will receive a new domain-name as off early March 2021. As a result of this process, the website will be designed in a way so that it is compliant with accessibility standards of the European Commission. […]

Call for consultation for the preparation of a new GEF project

Deadline: 15 March 2021 Budget: 85.000 euro Countries: All westMED countries Themes: Marine Protected Areas In collaboration with MedPAN, The MedFund is launching a call for tender for the preparation and drafting of the project document and approval file for the project entitled “Build back a blue and stronger Mediterranean” funded by the GEF. Based on the concept note […]

GALATEA – Blue Growth Accelerator

Deadline: 31 March 2021 Budget: 1.308.000 euro Countries: Spain, France, Greece Themes: Maritime Technology/ Innovation The project aims at developing new cross-sectoral and cross-border industrial value-chains integrating technologies and know-how from aerospace and ICT communities to 4 key Blue Growth domains: Smart Port, Smart Ship, Smart Shipyard and Maritime Surveillance. Under the Voucher scheme, SMEs […]

Renewed partnership with the Southern Neighbourhood – A new agenda for the Mediterranean

Press release: EEAS (European Union External Action Service) | 9-2-2021 Twenty-five years ago the European Union and the Southern Mediterranean partners committed to turning the Mediterranean basin into an area of dialogue, exchange and cooperation, guaranteeing peace, stability and prosperity. The 25th anniversary of the Barcelona Declaration reminds us that a strengthened Mediterranean partnership remains […]