
IKAT (Coastal and Maritime) Tourism Call for SMEs in Europe | Deadline: 20 April 2023

Deadline: 20 April, 2023
Budget: €3.000-€10.000
Countries: France, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Spain


Are you a European SME dedicated to maritime and coastal tourism looking to renew yourself and increase your success through innovation and internationalisation?

The First Call of the EUROCLUSTER IKAT is launched to fund services such as business modelling, acceleration support activities, increasing open innovation in these types of activities, supporting the green and energy transition of companies, as well as the implementation of the SDGs, and the most inclusive technology, bringing the company closer to non-traditional financing and supporting its internationalisation, as well as strengthening its training. Funding for these services ranges from €3.000,00 to €10.000,00 depending on the service.

We are looking for SMEs in the maritime and coastal tourism industrial ecosystem that want to:

  • Activate diversification towards new products and services.
  • Accelerate and develop new ideas.
  • Apply open innovation to their business.
  • Boost the green and digital transition in their company, as well as improve transversal aspects such as gender, CSR, among others.
  • Improve your options for obtaining financing in investment rounds.
  • Improve the internationalisation of your company.
  • Improve your knowledge and training regarding the above challenges and improvements.

More information on the dedicated call page of the IKAT website

MedPAN Call for Small Projects to strengthen the level of effective protection in Mediterranean MPAs | Deadline: 5 February 2023

Deadline: 5 February 2023
Budget: a max of €25.000 per project (category 1: çlassic) or a max of € 45.000 per project (category 2: ‘cooperation’) 
Countries: Spain, France, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Greece, Cyprus and Malta, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, the Palestinian Territories, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Monaco, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Albania.


MedPAN is launching a Call for Small Projects to support the actions led in Marine Protected Areas (MPA) in the Mediterranean. This Call aims to strengthen the level of effective protection in Mediterranean MPAs.

The MedPAN Call for Small Projects is open to:

  • Organisations in charge of the management of Mediterranean MPAs;
  • Other organisations (NGOs, private companies, scientific institutions, etc.) working with authorities that are in charge of the management of Mediterranean MPAs.

The MPA management authorities and the organisations who wish to participate will need to send the Grant Application Form to the MedPAN Secretariat by February 5, 2023 at the latest.
You will find all the details regarding participation eligibility, the type of projects targeted and the selection process in the Rules document of the Call for Small Projects.


To submit a grant request:

  1. Carefully read the Rules and assess whether your structure and project are eligible. Download the Rules of the Call for Small Projects.
  2. Fill in the Grant Application Form.Download the Grant Application Form.
  3. Send it with all the necessary documents to by February 5, 2023.

An online Q&A session will be organized on 10 January 2023 at 10:00 CET. To receive login information, please register by email at

Should you have any questions about this Call for Small Projects, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

This Call for Small Projects is made possible through the financial support of the Pew Bertarelli Ocean Legacy Programme.

Blue Careers call | Deadline: 31 January 2023

Deadline: 31 January, 2023
Budget: €7.500.000
Countries: France, Italy, Malta, Spain, Portugal, algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Mauritania


The overall aim of this Call is to contribute to the development of the next generation of blue skills and to provide opportunities for attractive, sustainable maritime careers. The objective is to develop the necessary skillsets to support the European Green Deal initiatives promoting a sustainable blue economy.

Please, note that there will be an INFO DAY event in hybrid format on 24 November, to present the details of these two Calls. Please find here the link to register on CINEA website:

More information on the dedicated funding and tender opportunities page of the European Commission

Mediterranean sea basin lighthouse – Actions to prevent, minimise and remediate chemical pollution | deadline 27 September 2022

Deadline: 27 September, 2022
Budget: €17.000.000 EURO
Countries: Algeria, France, Italy, Malta, Mauritania, Morocco Portugal, Spain, Tunisia



In line with the EU Zero Pollution Action Plan for Air, Water and Soil, proposals should demonstrate scalable breakthrough innovations (technological, business, social and governance) to prevent and minimize marine and freshwater pollution from chemical pollutants. Following the zero pollution hierarchy, proposals should focus on demonstrating replicable solutions to prevent and minimise pollution in the Mediterranean Sea including its major river catchment areas and taking into consideration land-sea interactions through measures, such as:

  • Upstream prevention of pollution from chemicals;
  • Substitutes or alternative less polluting substances and materials for the most prevalent chemical pollutants found in freshwater and at sea.

Proposed solutions for pollution prevention, elimination and remediation should not increase the level of anthropogenic underwater noise and air emissions.

Proposed solutions should be in line with the EU taxonomy regulation and delegated acts.

Proposals must:

  • Carry out demonstration activities in 3 different Member States and/or Associated Countries of the Mediterranean sea basin, involving and including in the consortium entities from these three countries;
  • Identify areas and locations where the solutions are replicable and draw up an action plan and roadmap to replicate and scale up the pollution solutions and actions.

More information on the EC Funding and Tender opportunities website

Women in the Blue Economy | Deadline 22 September 2022

Deadline: 22 September, 2022
Budget: €2.500.000 EURO
Countries: France, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Italy



This call for proposals has the following main objectives:

  1. to increase the participation and representation of women in the different sectors of the sustainable blue economy
  2. to increase knowledge and collect data on women’s contribution to the sustainable blue economy so as to efficiently foster and mainstream gender equality;
  3. to promote and advance gender equality in the sustainable blue economy (e.g., countering gender stereotypes, conscious and unconscious bias, promoting equal pay, addressing poor working conditions, etc.) including through promoting blue career opportunities to girls from early education;
  4. to promote women’s leadership, entrepreneurship and participation in governance structures and decision-making mechanisms of public and/or private organisations of the sustainable blue economy;

The actions funded under this call will help sustainable blue economy sectors e.g; fisheries, aquaculture, shipbuilding, maritime transport, offshore renewable energy, blue bioeconomy, inland and offshore aquaculture, etc., to embrace a deep and structural change to facilitate and promote the inclusion of women in the wider maritime economy.


More informaton – funding and tenders section of the website

digicirc call announcement poster with text ansd sailing boat

DigiCirc open call – Blue Economy accelerator programme | Deadline: 8 September 2021

Deadline: 8 september 2021 (extended from 3 August 2021)
Budget: 20.000 € (Phase 1)/ 5 best ranked consortia: additional 100.000 €
Countries: PT, ES, MT, IT, FR


  • Fisheries/ Aquaculture (O2/P2)
  • Marine pollution and circular economy (O2/P4)
  • Maritime Renewable Energy (O2/ P5)
  • Maritime Research and innovation (O2)
  • Shipping and Ports (O2/P4)
  • Marine and Coastal Tourism (O2/P4)



DigiCirc is looking for European SMEs/Start-ups that can use digital tools and apply cutting-edge solutions in the circular economy by addressing specific challenges in the domain of Blue Economy.


How does it work?

With the second open call, DigiCirc will select a minimum of 15 consortia, composed of at least 2 SMEs/Startups, that will develop innovative solutions focused on digital technologies by addressing the Blue Economy challenges . SMEs will be given the opportunity to use the DigiCirc Matchmaking Platform to look for other SMEs in case they need a partner to build a consortium.

The selected consortia will get a direct funding of up to €20.000 and the opportunity to integrate a highly intensive and innovative 12 weeks-long innovation support programme, divided in two phases, where they will be able to develop their business plans and adapt their solutions for the targeted area (Phase 1); and demonstrate their solutions in relevant environment as well as shape their commercial strategy (Phase 2).

At the end of the accelerator programme, the 5 best ranked consortia will be selected to receive further funding of €100.000. They will have up to 6 months to develop their prototype and make tests in an operational environment in view of a commercial launch.

More information

Visit the digicirc blue economy call website



EMFF Call | Algae and Climate | Deadline 31 May 2021

Deadline: 31 May 2021
Budget: 250.000 euro
Countries: ES, FR, IT, MT, PT
Participation in this call is also open to all natural and legal persons established in a third country, which has a special agreement with the European Union in the field of public procurement on the conditions laid down in that agreement

  • Fisheries/ Aquaculture
  • Maritime pollution and circular economy

EASME is launching this call for tenders in order to conclude a service contract for a study aimed to investigate the use of algae cultivation and its potential contribution to the EU’s climate objectives.

EASME wishes to enter into a service contract to assess the potential of algae to contribute to the EU’s climate, food and biodiversity strategies under the 2019 EU Green Deal proposal resetting the Commission’s commitment to achieving zero emissions of greenhouse gases in 2050 with economic growth decoupled from resource use.

The purpose of this service is to provide the Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries with a basic background knowledge and up-to-date information that can increase the evidence base for the contribution of the Blue Economy to the EU’s Green Deal. The focus should be put on the costs, impact and benefits of scaling up production of marine algae through aquaculture in the EU.

The services to be delivered will cover all EU Member States, including their Outermost Regions.

All information and document library available here

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Call for ideas | Detection and Tracking Marine Pollution and Litter

Deadline: 30 April 2021
Budget: N/A
Countries: All
Themes: Maritime pollution and circular economy

The van Allen Foundation launched a new Call for innovative ideas for the detection and monitoring of marine litter in the western Mediterranean

The van Allen Foundation, a partnership foundation of the University of Montpellier, and IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society, invite public and private organizations to propose ideas and suggestions aimed at addressing the issue of detection and tracking marine pollution and litter in the western part of the Mediterranean Sea.

Although the emphasis is on the contribution of space techniques, the call for ideas is thus open to studies of numerical simulation, physics of measurement, measurements in the laboratory or at sea, and the application of artificial intelligence for the recognition of polluted pixels, or the carrying of sensors of opportunity, etc.

The Call for ideas is addressed to scientists and engineers, as well as to students, working in public or private laboratories or entities in France and worldwide.

Applications must reach the Van Allen Foundation Secretariat before April 30, 2021.

Postal address: Bât. 5-IES, 860 rue St Priest, CC 06 002, 34095 Montpellier cedex 5, France.


All details at can be found in this pdf

poster tender announcement text with beach background

Multiple Framework Contract for the Provision of Scientific Advice for the Mediterranean and Black Seas

Deadline: 12 April 2021
Budget: 7.000.000 euro
Countries: FR, ES, IT, MT, PT
(It is also open to all natural and legal persons established in a third country, which has a special agreement with the European Union in the field of public procurement on the conditions laid down in that agreement)

Themes: Fisheries/ Aquaculture


The objective of this framework contract is to provide DG MARE with a flexible tool to request specific and timely scientific responses through advice and/or other specific preliminary services needed for the provision of the advice, with the help of specific contracts, which is necessary for the day-to-day policy and the management of the Mediterranean and Black Sea’s fisheries in the context of the Common Fisheries Policy and the GFCM’s objectives.

This call for tenders is launched and managed by the Executive Agency for Small and Medium sized Enterprises (EASME).

The subject of this call is a Multiple Framework Contract in cascade for the provision of specific and timely scientific advice in support of the implementation of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) in the Mediterranean and the Black Seas, including at international level within the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM).

This call for tenders is divided into three lots:

  1. Scientific advice for Western and Central Mediterranean Seas
  2. Scientific advice for Eastern Mediterranean Sea
  3. Scientific advice for Black Sea

All information and related documents available at:

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Call for consultation for the preparation of a new GEF project

Deadline: 15 March 2021
Budget: 85.000 euro
Countries: All westMED countries
Themes: Marine Protected Areas

In collaboration with MedPAN, The MedFund is launching a call for tender for the preparation and drafting of the project document and approval file for the project entitled “Build back a blue and stronger Mediterranean” funded by the GEF.

Based on the concept note approved by the GEF Board as well as on existing studies and initiatives and contributions from the main partners, the international consultant will adopt the models required by the CI-GEF implementing agency and will lead the preparation of the Safeguards Plan, ProDoc and GEF CEO Endorsement Package for the “Build back a blue and stronger Mediterranean” project.

Consult the Terms of reference here.

Applicants should submit their bids electronically to the following e-mail address:

Tenders must be received no later than 12.00 Central European Time on Monday 15 March 2021.