
L’Initiative WestMED présentée aux réprésentants tunisiens

Le 24 avril 2019 à Tunis, le hub national (M. Salem Miladi) pour la Tunisie a présenté le mécanisme d’assistance WestMED lors d’une réunion sous la présidence du coordinateur des projets PMI/CC et WestMED. Cette réunion regroupait plus de 50 personnes issues des différents ministères, administrations et instituts ayant un intérêt pour l’économie bleue de la Tunisie.

M. Miladi présentant l'Initiative WestMED

M. Miladi présentant l’Initiative WestMED


Cette présentation était inscrite dans le cadre de l’introduction des résultats de l’étude du potentiel de l’économie bleue pour la Tunisie. Cette étude a été réalisée et présentée par le cabinet Stratégies Mer et Littoral (partenaire du mécanisme d’assistance WestMED) dans le cadre du projet PMI/CC financé par l’Union Européenne (DG NEAR). La présentation des résultats a permis de partager avec les différents participants les constats de l’économie bleue nationale et surtout esquisser des recommandations et des options dans la constructions d’une stratégie nationale pour la mer et le littoral qui contribuera à la dynamique régionale de l’initiative WestMED.

A l’occasion de sa présentation le hub national a rappelé les objectifs partagés et décidés par l’Union Européenne, l’Union pour la Méditerranée et les partenaires du 5+5. Il a précisé les modalités de son action au niveau national notamment avec le coordinateur national et la Commission interdépartementale pour l’économie bleue en Tunisie, mais aussi et surtout sur ses relations avec les hubs nationaux pour identifier et soutenir le montage de projets et de partenariats entre les parties prenantes. Le hub national a enfin appelé à la mobilisation de tous les acteurs dans le cadre de l’initiative notamment avec une participation active et engagée dans la prochaine conférence régionale de Palerme, le 14 mai 2019.

Cette réunion fut l’occasion du passage de témoin entre les projets européens IMP/CC et WestMED. Elle va ainsi permettre à la Tunisie de s’engager dans le développement durable de son économie bleue en l’inscrivant dans le cadre sub régional de la Méditerranée Occidentale.

kick-off meeting with the WestMED Italian National Hub

On Monday 25 February​ the kick-off meeting with the WestMED Italian National Hub was held in Rome, at the premises of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Hosted by the WestMED National Coordinators for Italy, notably the Department of Cohesion within the Italian Presidency of Ministers and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the meeting gathered about 40 organisations amongst Regional Authorities, National Ministries and other relevant stakeholders for the Blue Economy in Italy.

The kick-off meeting was aimed to introduce the WestMed Assistance Mechanism (WMAM), its goals, functions and role, so to initiate a dialogue for the identification of the national priorities for strategic projects to be supported by the initiative. After an overview of the activities implemented, the project ideas identified in Algiers, as well as the many areas currently being « work in progress », the National Hub shared a calendar of possible events identified as a basis for the national Road-Show, and discussed the next steps foreseen for the governance of the initiative at national level.

Stakeholders involved expressed their appreciation of the work done so far, and those involved in the Algiers Stakeholders Conference confirmed the relevance of the initiative as a platform to share concrete project ideas. The Managing Authority for the ENI CBC Programme also expressed gratitude for the support given in expanding the partner countries as part of the Algiers Stakeholders Workshop. In exchange with participants, a series of follow-up actions have been identified, including the set-up of possible thematic groups charged with providing strategic advice to the National hub. Further activities will be published on the Linked-in page and the Italian section of the WMAM website

Kick-off meeting in Rome

On Monday 25 February​ the kick-off meeting with the WestMED Italian National Hub was held in Rome, at the premises of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Hosted by the WestMED National Coordinators for Italy, notably the Department of Cohesion within the Italian Presidency of Ministers and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the meeting gathered about 40 organisations amongst Regional Authorities, National Ministries and other relevant stakeholders for the Blue Economy in Italy.


The kick-off meeting was aimed to introduce the WestMed Assistance Mechanism (WMAM), its goals, functions and role, so to initiate a dialogue for the identification of the national priorities for strategic projects to be supported by the initiative. After an overview of the activities implemented, the project ideas identified in Algiers, as well as the many areas currently being “work in progress”, the National Hub shared a calendar of possible events identified as a basis for the national Road-Show, and discussed the next steps foreseen for the governance of the initiative at national level.

Upon a very large mailing and recall action, 42 organizations, among Italian ministries, regional governments, public and private stakeholders, managing authorities, local contact points of EU funding programmes, IFIs’ managers perceived the importance of such an inclusive process, giving their contribution to the discussion and underlining their appreciation of the initiative.

It was the first step towards a more integrated process to improve the access to EU funding opportunities, through orientation of suitable stakeholders towards partnerships, the issue of thematic tables as an auxiliary tool to increase the best matching between skills/experiences and project proposals/ideas, the reduction of redundant and inefficient practices, to create the basis for a qualified participation of proper stakeholders to the relevant thematic events, etc.

Stakeholders involved expressed their appreciation of the work done so far, and those involved in the Algiers Stakeholders Conference confirmed the relevance of the initiative as a platform to share concrete project ideas. The Managing Authority for the ENI CBC Programme also expressed gratitude for the support given in expanding the partner countries as part of the Algiers Stakeholders Workshop. In exchange with participants, a series of follow-up actions have been identified, including the set-up of possible thematic groups charged with providing strategic advice to the National hub. Further activities will be published on the Linked-in page and the Italian section of the WMAM website.