Improving scientific knowledge to strengthen the science-basis of management decisions under the Common Fisheries Policy | Deadline 19 September 2023
Deadline: 19 September, 2023
Budget: €2.600.000
Countries: France, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Spain
The priorities related to this call are the reinforcement of policy-oriented fisheries science, the better use of the collected scientific data, the improved cooperation between scientists and the fisheries sector, and the contribution in supporting the EU scientific community in developing and maintaining the relevant expertise to provide high quality scientific advice.
Projects should focus on at least one of the themes listed below:
- Improve or update the available scientific knowledge to advise the European Commission on proposing new fisheries conservation and management measures or reviewing the existing ones within the CFP context, including its international dimension.
- Optimise the collection and use of samples and collected scientific data under the Data Collection Framework or under any other data collection or monitoring initiatives at national/regional or EU level.
- Adapt the scientific advice currently provided for the CFP to the upcoming challenges affecting fisheries management such as climate change, and related changes in ecosystems.
- Improve methodological aspects of the design, collection and/or management of the data collected that will benefit the scientific advisory process.
- Strengthen scientific knowledge to assess and monitor the impact of fisheries on the structure, function and dynamics of marine ecosystems, and their associated services.
- Increase understanding of stock structures, life histories, food webs and multi-species interactions.
- Increase understanding and operationalization of an ecosystem approach to fisheries management (EAFM) to further develop capacity to provide advice using environmental, social and economic information, including through quantitative analysis.
- Strengthen scientific and operational knowledge to monitor and assess the impact of fisheries on vulnerable and sensitive species with a view to identify biologically sensitive areas, hot-spots by-catch areas and mitigation measures to monitor and control mortalities.
- Support the EU scientific community, in developing and maintaining the relevant expertise to provide high quality scientific advice to inform fisheries management.
- Support the involvement of policy stakeholders and citizens in the provision of fisheries data, the process of the production of scientific advice, and the communication of scientific results.
- Increase monitoring and understanding on the impact of other human activities and threats to fisheries stocks and linked ecosystems.
More information on the dedicated page of the the Funding and Tender opportunities page from the European Commission