
WestMED's Samir Bachouche presenting at the University of Chlef aquaculture workshop

Samir Bachouche (WestMED National Hub) presenting ‘the development of aquaculture in Algeria’ at the University of Chlef

On September 25, 2023, Samir Bachouche was a keynote speaker at the University of Chlef event ‘Aquaculture in Algeria: investment opportunities and challenges.’

Samir Bachouche is an expert in the field of Aquaculture and fisheries. Next to his involvement as WestMED’s National Hub, he is also a marine scientist at the National Centre for Research and Development of Fisheries and Aquaculture (CNRDPA) in Algeria.

This is an excerpt of his presentation on the’ development of aquaculture in Algeria between challenges and opportunities’

Aquaculture in Algeria has seen steady growth over the past few decades but still faces many challenges to realize its full potential. Aquaculture production increased from 7,500 tonnes in 2000 to 18,000 in 2020. The main species farmed are seabream, seabass, oysters, mussels, and shrimp. While Algeria has favorable conditions for aquaculture development, including a long coastline and abundant water resources, the sector still needs to be developed compared to its regional counterparts.

The Algerian government has identified aquaculture as a priority economic diversification and growth sector. However, several constraints have hindered the expansion of aquaculture in Algeria. These include lack of financing and investment, limited technical capacity, inadequate infrastructure, and difficulties accessing land and water resources. Stringent regulations and bureaucracy have also impeded the growth of the sector.

At the same time, rising seafood demand coupled with declining wild catches represents a significant opportunity for the growth of Algerian aquaculture. Adopting innovative technologies and production methods could boost yields and competitiveness. There is also potential to expand aquaculture into inland and desert areas using recirculating aquaculture systems and integrating aquaculture with agriculture.

More research, training, and public-private partnerships are needed to develop Algeria’s modern, sustainable aquaculture sector. Key focus areas include improving regulatory frameworks, access to financing, integration with global value chains, and developing hatcheries and feed mills to improve productivity and biosecurity. If challenges can be properly addressed, aquaculture has bright prospects to provide Algeria with food security, employment and economic opportunities.

For more information on this event, aquaculture or the Sustainable Blue Economy, contact Samir Bachouche (WestMED National Hub Algeria)

Group picture with Samir Bachouche at the Aquaculture event organised by the University of Chlef

infographic on the Blue economy in Algeria


WestMED Success Story: EMFAF Flagship Projects Accelerating Tourism Sustainability

The popularity of the Mediterranean sea and its coastal regions amongst tourists remains at an all time high. After a temporary covid dip, the latest figures show that numbers of tourists have already reached pre-pandemic levels and are further on the rise.

Traditional model no longer viable

Traditional ‘sun, sea and sand’ tourism has resulted in improved livelihoods for many local communities, averaging 11.5% of total employment in Mediterranean countries. It is therefore, one of the leading sectors of the economy in the region.

At the same time, it also puts tremendous pressure on the environment. Mass tourism is one of the main causes of increased pollution and a driver for uncontrolled building along the coastlines. This, coupled to a growing demand for water, food and energy and the structurally rising temperatures (sea and land), severely impacts the region’s resources, and is therefore not viable in the long run.

Additionally, these same pressures lower the attractiveness of tourist destinations in the Mediterranean.

Sustainable blue economy at the heart

The European Commission is actively addressing many of these issues to safeguard the connection between economic welfare and the environment with the ‘Sustainable blue economy’ concept.

This has been an ongoing process since 2013 – as part of the Commission’s targeted approach for several European Sea basins with dedicated blue strategies for the Atlantic (Atlantic Action Plan), the Black Sea (Common Maritime Agenda) and the Western Mediterranean (WestMED Initiative).

Flagship projects lead the way

In 2021 the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) decided to fund so-called flagship projects (pilot strategic initiatives) for each of the sea basin strategies with 5.5 million euro to accelerate achievement of their respective goals.

For the Western Mediterranean the main objective of this EMFAF flagship funding  was to ‘strengthen the competitiveness and sustainability of the coastal and maritime tourism sector, as part of a smart and resilient blue economy – one of the key goals of the WestMED Initiative.  This, by preserving the marine and coastal environment as well as marine cultural heritage, and contributing to the attractiveness of coastal areas by means of ecotourism, digitalisation and mobilising private-public investments.’

Eco-tourism, cross-border cooperation and multiplying results

Given the fact that tourism plays such a significant role in the Western Mediterranean as one of the key contributors to both the upside gains as well as the downside risks of the blue economy, three projects that function as a catalyst for change, were selected for co-financing.

All three are focused on enhancing eco-tourism in the region, cross-border cooperation (including non-EU WestMED countries as partners such as Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria and Mauritania) and actively sharing knowledge amongst stakeholders from both the northern and southern shore, to multiply results.

These projects are also examples of the rapid development and transformation of the tourism industry to a more modern sector by adopting digital platforms, digital marketing and information technologies such as the internet of things, augmented reality and virtual reality.

The three  Flagship projects:


This project boosts new managerial, blue, green and digital skills to pave the way for an eco-friendly, zero-impact cruising sector.

The project designs innovative, sustainable and smart theme-based cruising packages targeting Millennials and Gen Z, aimed at minimising the impact of large groups of visitors.

The project also develops and delivers a specialised capacity building programme, enabling cross-border cooperation, exchange of good practices and unlocking new business opportunities around the eco-cruise sector.

The target group consists of small and medium sized companies in the West Mediterranean area, as well public and private stakeholders in charge of the promotion of EU and West European coastal and maritime destinations.

According to project coordinator Marika Mazzi Boém from X23, the company leading the project, the timing after Covid is critical for the cruise industry to reinvent itself:

“Rather than focusing on strategies to grow tourism, what we need now is to implement actions for containing mass tourism in favour of sustainability. So innovation is key at different levels: in technology, to increase environmentally friendly practises and reduce carbon footprint; in the travel experience, as personalization is a must; and in business modeling, to bring tangible economic and social benefits to local communities”.

More info about ECO-CRUISING FU_TOUR
Budget Overall: €990 222

EU Contribution: €792 178


Partners/ Countries Coordinator: X23 The Innovation Bakery (Italy)

Italian Tourist Board-ENIT (Italy)

Celestyal Ship Management (Greece)

Cyprus Marine and Maritime Institute (Cyprus)

Green evolution (Greece)

Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Tunisia-CCIT (Tunisia)

Leancubator (Algeria)

Tanger City port management Company – SGPTV (Morocco)

ASCAME (Spain)




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Duration 1 September 2022- 31 December 2024


This project supports local tourism SMEs and involves them in the creation and delivery of eco-tourism packages targeting the growing school-trip tourism market.

It will do so, by creating immersive ‘learning by visiting’ school trips for the ‘new generations’: primary and secondary school students in three age ranges; 6-10 years, 11-13 years, and 14-16.

Schooltrip tourism is beneficial as it not only helps to reduce seasonal peaks but also diversifies the market, increasing awareness of the value and vulnerability of Western Mediterranean marine ecosystems, coastal destinations and culture.

Claudia Iglesias, Project Design and Policy Specialist from X23 is clear on the benefits of this approach:

“Benefits will go two ways: children will have the opportunity to learn, by visiting beautiful landscapes and to contribute preserving the fragile and unique ecosystems; and local tourism SMEs will be actively involved at destination, crucial players to the new value chain that we want to create”.


More info about EU WeMed_NaTOUR
Budget Overall: €995 270

EU contribution: €796 683

Partners/ Countries Coordinator: X23 The Innovation Bakery (Italy)

Turismo de Portugal (Portugal)

Travel without plastic (Spain)

Office National de Tourisme – ONTM (Mauritania)

International Social Tourism Organisation – ISTO (Belgium)

Italian National Tourism Board-ENIT (Italy)

Balearic Marine Cluster (Spain)

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Duration 1 July 2022 – 31 October 2024


REBOOT MED (Recovering, Experiencing and Boosting eco-tourism in the WestMed area) is a project that encourages public-private partnership, co-defining Blue Economy Action Plans for the Recovery of the tourism sector, and to incubate, accelerate and test eco/blue economy tourism products and packages in Mauritania, Tunisia, Morocco, Spain, Italy and France.

This is done by engaging local multi-stakeholder clusters that have been created in 6 WestMed countries and 10 pilot areas as well as accompanying ecotourism ideas to be tested in real conditions.

Tommaso Scavone, project designer and project manager from Petra Patrimonia Corsica, is proud of the results achieved so far:

“We are demonstrating that when citizens, public stakeholders and private actors are willing to co-develop long-term visions, it is possible to activate sustainable processes at all levels. On the ground there are several ideas and initiatives carried out by pioneers – women, youth, start-uppers – looking for collaboration and partnerships: all of them are linked together by a ‘fil rouge’ that is “the love for their territories. And we as partners are there – on the ground – to support all of them and to try together to reboot ecotourism in the WestMed area!”


More info about Reboot Med
Budget Overall: €1 200 000

EU Contribution: 999 380

Partners/ countries ·         Coordinator: Coopérative Petra Patrimonia Corsica (France)

·         PRISM Impresa Sociale s.r.l. (Italy)

·         Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions-CPMR (France)

·         F.A.R. Maremma (Italy)

·         WWF Med (Tunisia)

·         Balearic Islands Tourism Agency (Spain)

·         Chamber of Commerce and Industry Tanger-Tetouan- El Hoceima (Morocco)

·         Diawling National Park (Mauritania)

·         Association of Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry – ASCAME (Spain)

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Duration 1 September 2023-31 August 2024


presentation at AquaBioTech site visit on June 23, 2023 in Malta

Aquaculture Collaboration in the Mediterranean – site visit at AquaBioTech

This site-event, back to back to the WestMED Stakeholder Conference took place on June 23, 2023, at the AquaBioTech Group in Malta.

The event was organized by AquaBioTech Group with the aim of showcasing ongoing Mediterranean aquaculture projects, objectives, and achievements in line with  WestMED’s AquaWest Technical Group goals.

The event focused on addressing the specific challenges of the Mediterranean sub-regions, exploring innovation perspectives, and establishing synergies between business ecosystems, academia, research performing organizations, and regulatory frameworks.

Three experts from WestMED Assistance Mechanism: Thanos Smanis, Leonardo Manzari and Samir Bachouche

The event started at 09:30 am and concluded at 12:30 pm. It began with a series of engaging presentations that provided insights into ongoing projects and initiatives aligned with the priorities of the WestMED Initiative.

These presentations aimed to foster collaboration between the established AquaWest Technical Group and Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOPs) across the Mediterranean region, promoting expertise, sharing and bridging research, innovation, and diversity across generations of experts and stakeholders.

In addition to the presentations, participants had the opportunity to explore AquaBioTech Group facilities through a guided tour to gain firsthand knowledge of the infrastructure and technologies used in their aquaculture operations.

One of the main outcomes of the meeting was the identification of innovative solutions to address environmental challenges associated with aquaculture.

Participants discussed the implementation of advanced technologies and best management practices to minimize the industry’s ecological footprint and enhance resource efficiency. Additionally, the event highlighted the importance of strengthening partnerships between research institutions and industry players to drive innovation and facilitate the adoption of sustainable aquaculture practices.

Furthermore, the event provided a networking session that aimed to facilitate developing future collaboration frameworks between businesses, research institutions, and policymakers in the WestMED region.

The networking session served as a platform for participants to exchange ideas, explore potential partnerships, and discuss opportunities for advancing the aquaculture sector in the WestMED region. This to drive the development of the aquaculture sector and contribute to sustainable growth.

AquaBioTech site visit with group picture of participants

Memorandum of Understanding signed between World Ocean Council and the UfM/WestMED to boost private sector engagement in the Mediterranean Blue Economy

On March 28,2023, the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) and the World Ocean Council (WOC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) at the UfM Headquarters in Barcelona. This, within  the framework of the 2021 UfM Ministerial Declaration on Sustainable Blue Economy and Roadmap for its implementation, and the WestMED Initiative, supported by the UfM and by the European Commission.

The MoU details key avenues of collaboration to promote cooperation, strong engagement, stewardship, and corporate responsibility from the business and investment communities in the maritime  sectors at Mediterranean level.

Cooperation will mainly focus on blue business development and entrepreneurship (incl. blue skills, careers, jobs and employability) and blue investments i..e the blue finance process in the Mediterranean. This via joint promotion and possible co-organisation of events, helping connect political to business apirations, exchanging expertise etc.

The WestMED Assistance Mechanism and the WOC are currenly exploring practical plans for joint development and cooperation in 2023.

Announcement poster stakeholder conference with photo of La Valetta in Malta

Join us on 22 June in Malta for the 2023 edition of the WestMED Initiative stakeholder Conference

After the successful 2021 WestMED Stakeholder Conference in Rome and the 2022 Hackathons on project development in Malta, we invite you to the 2023 edition of the WestMED Stakeholder Conference.

The Conference will be held on Thursday, 22 June 2023 in Malta. The event is open to all stakeholders that are contributing to improve the sustainable blue economy in the region.

So, whether you are a business owner, an entrepreneur, a scientist, an investor, a lecturer, a local or regional authority or a policy maker, this will be a day for you.  Learn the latest developments, meet new inspirational people, and consult the (national) blue economy experts from the WestMED Initiative in-person.

This year’s focus will be on the four main thematic areas that the WestMED Initiative actively supports:  Sustainable Aquaculture, Green Shipping and Ports, Maritime Clusters and Marine Spatial Planning.

We will share with you the results achieved so far and discuss the challenges that lie ahead.

The format will be interactive. Based on your level of expertise, you can both contribute to the discussion or ask fellow experts to help you in your activities.

Next to this, we plan to give you the latest updates and insights into the most relevant funding opportunities for your project ideas.

As a bonus, we are looking at the possibility of including a unique on-site visit, to learn from success stories on blue economy development in Malta.

The Stakeholder Conference will be followed by an (invitation only) official Ministerial meeting on June 23. On this occasion, Ministers from the 10 member countries will sign a new Ministerial Declaration with a commitment to reconfirm and streamline priorities for boosting the blue economy in the Mediterranean region.


For more information and registration  Visit the conference 2023 page

EMD in my country poster

Boost your maritime event with EMD in my country 2023

Last year, over 600 EMD In My Country events took place all over Europe and beyond!

It is time to break a new record to celebrate our blue planet this year!

Any blue event between 1 April and 31st October 2023 can apply.

There is no limitation: from beach clean-ups to educational tours or seafood fairs, all events promoting sustainable ocean and blue economy are welcome.

As a token of our gratitude for your action, you will receive promotional material for the participants in your event, which will be featured on our website. Make sure you indicate the number of participants in your application to receive enough goodies.

Now it’s up to you! Fill in the application form before 15 March 2023 and bring European Maritime Day 2023 to your country!

Visit the maritime day event website here

Submit your application here

Finger pressing search bar

New domain name for WestMED website and emails

The WestMED Initiative has received a new domain name for all its communications:

It means that both the website, as well as the email addresses have changed. The website can now be accessed through:

All emails will receive the extension. So the new email for Algeria for instance is now:

Below you will find an overview of all new email addresses

The new  domain name  is the official domain for the  European Commission. It meant that the website had to undergo a major transformation in order to comply with the EC standards which relate to elements such as accessibility, security and privacy. At the same time, also some pages have been redesigned to be more user friendly.

At the backend, the website servers have also been updated to comply with strict security standards as required by the EC.

Here is a list of all new email addresses:

National Hub Algeria
National Hub France
National Hub Italy
National Hub Malta
National Hub Mauritania
National Hub Morocco
National Hub Portugal
National Hub Spain
National Hub Tunisia


Emails sent to the old email address will be forwarded for a period of 6 months until June 30, 2023.

Lighthouse Chania after sunset

A landmark document: Roadmap for the implementation of the 2021 UfM Ministerial Declaration on Sustainable Blue Economy (SBE) in the Mediterranean

Source: based on article UfM stakeholder platform

Following the adoption by the 43 member countries of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) in February 2021 of the 2nd UfM Ministerial Declaration on Sustainable Blue Economy (SBE), the UfM countries, Co-Presidency, and Secretariat, agreed to create a Roadmap for the implementation of the 2021 Ministerial.

This, with a view to produce an in-depth overview and analysis of the joint needs, gaps and opportunities for future support, funding, and implementation for each of the 10 priorities set by the Declaration.

This landmark document includes a sketching out of ongoing initiatives, programmes, and projects, while linking to and formulating promising pathways, processes, and actions to be launched, scaled-up, and promoted from the short to the longer term. The Roadmap also foresees an easy to implement monitoring system; essential to assess progress towards the implementation of the Ministerial at regional level.

The WestMED initiative as a succesful example
In the 2nd Ministerial Declaration on Sustainable Blue Economy, the ministers of the UfM countries recognised that the WestMED Initiative is a successful example of cooperation, focused on clear goals, priorities, and measurable targets and as a catalyst for the development of SBE projects in the region.

The roadmap identifies key elements of good practice that can be replicated at regional level by some other frameworks or initiatives, especially in the topics of governance (i.e. how the actual WestMED Initiative and the macro regional strategy EUSAIR work in terms of planning and decision making) and in the key aspects on project development support through the work of dedicated Technical Groups (for instance, and in the case of the WestMED Initiative: Green shipping, Sustainable Aquaculture(AquaWEST) and the WestMED Maritime Clusters Alliance.

For more information and download of the Ministerial Declaration and the Roadmap documents, visit the Med blue economy platform

Conference room table with micrrophones

The WestMED Iniatiative welcomes the Mauritanian/ Maltese Co-Presidency in 2023

In 2023, Mauritania will co-chair the WestMED Steering Committee along with Malta in accordance with the principle of rotation among the participating WestMED countries (France, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Malta, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Mauritania).

The Mauritanian Co-Presidency will keep supporting the six priorities agreed by the countries in 2018 on the common roadmap for the development of a sustainable blue economy:

  • maritime safety and fight against marine pollution,
  • maritime cluster development,
  • skills development and circulation,
  • sustainable consumption and production,
  • biodiversity and marine habitat conservation and restoration
  • Development of coastal communities  and sustainable fisheries and aquaculture.

At national level, Mauritania has set ambitious targets on blue economy, which includes: the promotion of sustainable fisheries and aquaculture, the development of a maritime cluster that brings together all the actors of the sea, development of maritime transport and development of Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP). These topics are already included in the priorities of the new strategy for the sector in Mauritania and are at the heart of the missions of two new agencies created within the department, namely the Agency for Maritime Affairs and the Agency for Inland Fisheries and Fish Farming.

In addition, the Mauritanian National Hub along with Tunisia play an important coordination role in the WestMED technical group on Maritime Clusters Alliance, ensuring and facilitating the cooperation within South-South and also North-South through actions, partnerships and projects.

Announcement poster Salo Halieutis 2023 for WestMED presence

Meet the WestMED Assistance Mechanism at the Salon Halieutis 2023 in Agadir

The salon Halieutis is the international meeting place for the fisheries and aquaculture sector.

The WestMED Assistance Mechanism will be present at the stand of the European Union where you can meet the WestMED Hub representatives from Morocco and Mauritania.

It will offer a unique opportunity to learn about this Initiative that is funded by the European Commission and aims to strengthen a sustainable blue economy in the Western Mediterranean.

Inquire about matchmaking and funding opportunities for sustainable maritime related projects or talk about the latest policy developments that might affect you.


Join our Workshop:
“L’initiative WestMED  : Opportunités pour renforcer l’économie bleue durable en Méditerranée occidentale”

On Thursday 2 February, the WestMED Initiative will organize a workshop to give you an overview of the WestMED activities and how this could benefit you.


16:00 – 16:20 WestMED Initiative – Sustainable Blue Economy in the western Mediterranean

16:20 – 16:30 Community of Practice for Maritime Spatial Planning for the MED

16:30 – 16:40 EMFAF calls for flagships projects (DG MARE)

16:40 – 17:00 Pitch session Blue Economy projects funded by the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund and other EU funding calls

  1. REBOOT MED – Recovering, Experiencing and Boosting eco-tourism in the WestMed
  2. AFRIMED: Algal Forest Restoration In the MEDiterranean Sea
  3. E-FishMed project: virtual academy on fisheries inspection and control

17:00 – 17:30 Networking session and bilateral meetings


There is no need to make a reservation, but be early as seats are limited.

Location: Salon Halieutis 2023, Agadir |  Pole International | Union Européenne | Stand B51 B54

For more information contact: Lahbib Latrach (WestMED Hub Morocco) or Mohamed Lemine abdel Hamid

For more information on the salon visit the event website
