GFCM Workshop on Advancing Climate-Resilient and Sustainable Aquaculture in the Mediterranean | 11 February | Oran, Algeria
11 February 2024 - 11 February 2024
This is a workshop organised by the GFCM (General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean). WestMED Algeria is taking an active part in organising and presenting.
It will take place during the Fisheries and Seafood Exhibition SIPA 2024, in Algeria and can be followed online by clicking here (Note: It can take a few minutes before the connection starts)
The Mediterranean basin, characterized by its rich biodiversity and ecological significance, is a focal point for aquaculture. The region faces unprecedented challenges due to the impacts of climate change, including rising sea temperatures, longer heat waves, water acidification, altered precipitation patterns and extreme weather events. These changes pose a threat to the sustainability and resilience of aquaculture practices that play a crucial role in the socio-economic development of Mediterranean communities.
The workshop represents a possibility for a collaborative and informed approach to address the complex interplay between aquaculture and climate change.
The primary goal is to facilitate a deep understanding of the challenges posed by climate change in aquaculture. The second one is to propose effective and resilient strategies for sustainable development in the sector.
Topics covered
• Climate Change Impacts on Mediterranean Aquaculture
• Policy Alignment for Climate Resilience
• Development of Green Propulsion for Sustainable Aquaculture
• Strategies for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, including new feed formultaions
This workshop is tailored for aquaculture professionals, researchers, policymakers, and stakeholders invested in proactively addressing the challenges posed by climate change in the Mediterranean aquaculture
Location: Centre de conventions Mohamed Ben Ahmed Oran /Algérie (SIPA 2024)
Read the full concept note here
Follow this link to attend online
For more infomation contact the Westmed National Hub Algeria: