Spain News

screenshot efishmed website

e-FishMed engaged in the Blue Economy and the fight against IUU fishing

The European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) supports and implements the project “Mediterranean virtual regional training academy on fisheries control and inspection (e-FishMed)“, initiated by the European Commission and financed by the European Union under the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF). This project was launched in 2022 and is a follow-up to the “FIUUFRA” […]

Matteo Bocci moderating discussion panel on synergies at macro-regional and sea basin strategies days 2024

Synergies between the 7 EU regional cooperation strategies highlighted during joint DG Regio and DG Mare event

There are four macro-regional strategies in the EU, fostering cooperation in approx 75% of all EU member states. In addition, there are three EU sea basin strategies, which are cooperation structures for protecting the sea basins. These strategies come from different origins but share similar goals and the view that some challenges cannot be solved […]

screenshot from the explainer video on EU sea basin strategies with a geograhical map showing the logos of all three initiatives

Explainer video Sea Basins Strategies and the Assistance Mechanism

This video showcases how the European Commission is propelling the blue economy forward through targeted Sea Basin Strategies in the Atlantic, Black Sea, and Western Mediterranean. Witness how these strategies foster innovation, competitiveness, and inclusivity within the sector, supported by essential enablers like blue skills and sustainable investments.

EMD 2024 workshop maximising synergies with moderator Matteo Bocci and panellists posing

EU Sea Basin Asistance Mechanism explores synergies between cross-cutting EU Blue Initiatives at EMD 2024

This workshop that took place on May 30, 2024 during the European Maritime Day in Svendborg Denmark, was  aimed at exploring how the EU Sea Basins Assistance Mechanism can further enhance  effective cooperation with strategic blue economy initiatives promoted by the EU in the ‘cross-cutting’ areas of research and innovation, ocean literacy and green energy […]

Group of people discussion in Mahon Menorca during WestMED national event on 17 april 2024

WestMED España organiza una interesante jornada participativa para abordar ideas concretas de prototipos para la descarbonización de puertos, buques pesqueros y recreativos en Mahón, Menorca

English version El pasado 17 de Abril de 2024 se celebró de 10.00 a 14.00 horas en Mahón el evento ‘Prototipos para la descarbonización de Puertos, Buques pesqueros y Recreativos. ’ (ver agenda) Este evento Nacional que el Mecanismo de Asistencia de la Iniciativa WestMED ha organizado en España a través de su brazo ejecutor […]

Group of people discussion in Mahon Menorca during WestMED national event on 17 april 2024

Decarbonizing ports, fishing and recreational vessels. Expert proposals at participative WestMED Spain workshop in Mahón, Menorca

Haga clic aquí para el español On April 17, 2024, the workshop ‘Prototypes for the decarbonization of Ports, Fishing and Recreational Vessels‘ took place in Mahon, Menorca (see agenda). This Spanish National Event was organized by the Spanish National Hub of the WestMED Initiative Assistance Mechanism of the  in collaboration with the Maritime and Logistics […]