Actualités Portugal

bridge of ship with navigation equipment

The year ahead for the WestMED Initiative

A new Technical Group on Aquaculture, a Maritime Clusters cooperation scheme, a webinar with a focus on blue skills and another WestMED Stakeholder Conference. These are some of the main activities foreseen in 2021. So, stay tuned! During the last WestMED Steering Committee meeting, on December 16, 2020, its members outlined a roadmap of activities […]

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Renewed partnership with the Southern Neighbourhood – A new agenda for the Mediterranean

Press release: EEAS (European Union External Action Service) | 9-2-2021 Twenty-five years ago the European Union and the Southern Mediterranean partners committed to turning the Mediterranean basin into an area of dialogue, exchange and cooperation, guaranteeing peace, stability and prosperity. The 25th anniversary of the Barcelona Declaration reminds us that a strengthened Mediterranean partnership remains […]

poster tourism webinar with camels on beach

WestMED – BlueMed webinar focuses on strengthening ties and opportunities with Southern Partners

Context/introduction  The WestMED Assistance Mechanism is promoting a series of webinars in partnership with BlueMed initiative aimed at bringing stakeholders in the Mediterranean together to address common challenges and support the development of sustainable blue growth. The intention behind this collaboration is to create increasing synergies between the two initiatives. A first webinar was organised […]

announcement poster business to sea conference

WestMED priorities 2021 discussed at Business2Sea event

The Portuguese National Hub, Fórum Oceano, in cooperation with WestMED Central Team, and with the collaboration of other National Hubs, organised a webinar under the 10th edition of the international event Business2Sea. The session took place on the 17th of November, gathering around 50 stakeholders from different countries, such as Portugal, Spain, France, Malta, Italy, […]

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The WestMED initiative pushes for the Blue Economy in Spain, Morocco and Portugal

During the last quarter, two WestMED National Events have taken place online in Spain and Morocco, and a dedicated workshop on the initiative was held within the Business2Sea conference organized by Fórum Oceano.   WestMED National Event Spain | 23 September 2020 The event “Opportunities for the Blue Economy in the Western Mediterranean” was held […]

Déclaration à l’issue du 7è Sommet des Pays du Sud de l’Union européenne

L’Initiative OuestMED a été mentionné dans la déclaration à l’issue du septième Sommet des Pays du Sud de l’Union européenne, le 10 septembre 2020. Le texte intégral a été publié sur le site de la Présidence de la République française et est disponible ci-dessous. 10 SEPTEMBRE 2020 – DÉCLARATION 1 – Nous, chefs d’État et […]