Within the beautiful setting of the new museum Darwin Dohrn in Naples, on May 26th and 27th 2022, the WestMED National Coordinators and the National Hubs organized the Italian ‘WestMED in my country’ event: “Blue Accelerators & Incubators: the main challenge for Blue Growth in Italy”. With the practical support of Cluster Tecnologico Nazionale Blue […]
https://westmed-initiative.ec.europa.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/in.my_.country-22.-italy.naples-1a.jpg633767National Hub Italyhttps://westmed-initiative.ec.europa.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/new-westmed-ec-enfold-logo-website-def2.pngNational Hub Italy2022-06-17 10:25:052022-06-17 11:55:54A new Blue Economy support ecosystem proposed during Italy’s WestMED National Event in Naples
Today the WestMED Initiative (Malta) in collaboration with the Malta Maritime Forum organised an event entitled “Blue Skills: Bridging the Skills Gap through Education and Ocean Literacy”. The event was successful in bringing together the views of the captains of industry and academia who identified skills shortages and possible solutions to the skills gap shortages […]
https://westmed-initiative.ec.europa.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/wmiyc.malta_.event_.jpg533800Communication teamhttps://westmed-initiative.ec.europa.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/new-westmed-ec-enfold-logo-website-def2.pngCommunication team2022-05-12 01:38:372022-06-17 11:58:02Bridging the Maritime Skills Gap. Succesful WestMED event helps identify possible solutions in Malta
Source: Interreg Mediterranean-Blue Growth In the context of the INTERREG EURO-MED Academy, the Blue Growth Community is launching the next 16th of May 2022, the online programme “Fostering and Managing Blue Growth Potential in the Mediterranean ». This e-learning programme is addressed to the next Generation of Mediterranean Leaders on Inclusive and Sustainable Development both from […]
https://westmed-initiative.ec.europa.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/euromed-academy-scaled.jpg17032560Communication teamhttps://westmed-initiative.ec.europa.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/new-westmed-ec-enfold-logo-website-def2.pngCommunication team2022-05-04 01:43:452022-06-17 02:13:11E-Learning program launched: “Fostering and managing Blue growth Potential in the Mediterranean
Blue Roses is an EU funded project, developed by a consortium of research institutions and companies (Navigo and Aninver – IMC Worldwide among them), to use state-of-the-art marine robotics to develop innovative and sustainable underwater services for marinas and leisure boats. The aim of the project is to facilitate access to the underwater environment […]
https://westmed-initiative.ec.europa.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/blueroses.header.image-2.jpg9031919Communication teamhttps://westmed-initiative.ec.europa.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/new-westmed-ec-enfold-logo-website-def2.pngCommunication team2022-05-01 08:50:462022-06-17 08:52:11Survey for Nautical Companies to Understand Potential of Innovative Marine Robotics
Portugal was the first Member-State to officially submit its recovery and resilience plan to the European Commission on the 22nd of April. The Plan focuses on resilience, climate, and digital transition, and it is divided into 20 main sections/areas, comprising 27 reforms and 83 investments. The Blue Economy is one of the 20 areas for […]
https://westmed-initiative.ec.europa.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/screenshot-www.portugal.gov_.pt-2021.05.13-07_33_04.png750982National Hub Portugalhttps://westmed-initiative.ec.europa.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/new-westmed-ec-enfold-logo-website-def2.pngNational Hub Portugal2021-05-13 05:37:512021-05-13 05:37:51Portugal’s recovery and resilience plan purposes €252 million for Blue Economy
Mediterranean tourism is now at a crossroad. Severely impacted by travel restrictions due to the COVID19, its future is now decided and faces a fundamental question: back to Mass Tourism or leapfrog towards Sustainability? Download the report that has been prepared by the Eco-Union. This can also be found on a dedicated page of Eco-Union’s […]
https://westmed-initiative.ec.europa.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2021.eco_.union_.report.cover_.tourism.jpg580580Communication teamhttps://westmed-initiative.ec.europa.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/new-westmed-ec-enfold-logo-website-def2.pngCommunication team2021-04-16 09:16:072021-04-21 07:07:50Report: The future of Mediterranean tourism in a (post) covid world
A new Blue Economy support ecosystem proposed during Italy’s WestMED National Event in Naples
/dans Actualités /par National Hub ItalyWithin the beautiful setting of the new museum Darwin Dohrn in Naples, on May 26th and 27th 2022, the WestMED National Coordinators and the National Hubs organized the Italian ‘WestMED in my country’ event: “Blue Accelerators & Incubators: the main challenge for Blue Growth in Italy”. With the practical support of Cluster Tecnologico Nazionale Blue […]
Bridging the Maritime Skills Gap. Succesful WestMED event helps identify possible solutions in Malta
/dans Actualités /par Communication teamToday the WestMED Initiative (Malta) in collaboration with the Malta Maritime Forum organised an event entitled “Blue Skills: Bridging the Skills Gap through Education and Ocean Literacy”. The event was successful in bringing together the views of the captains of industry and academia who identified skills shortages and possible solutions to the skills gap shortages […]
E-Learning program launched: “Fostering and managing Blue growth Potential in the Mediterranean
/dans Actualités /par Communication teamSource: Interreg Mediterranean-Blue Growth In the context of the INTERREG EURO-MED Academy, the Blue Growth Community is launching the next 16th of May 2022, the online programme “Fostering and Managing Blue Growth Potential in the Mediterranean ». This e-learning programme is addressed to the next Generation of Mediterranean Leaders on Inclusive and Sustainable Development both from […]
Survey for Nautical Companies to Understand Potential of Innovative Marine Robotics
/dans Actualités /par Communication teamBlue Roses is an EU funded project, developed by a consortium of research institutions and companies (Navigo and Aninver – IMC Worldwide among them), to use state-of-the-art marine robotics to develop innovative and sustainable underwater services for marinas and leisure boats. The aim of the project is to facilitate access to the underwater environment […]
Portugal’s recovery and resilience plan purposes €252 million for Blue Economy
/dans Actualités /par National Hub PortugalPortugal was the first Member-State to officially submit its recovery and resilience plan to the European Commission on the 22nd of April. The Plan focuses on resilience, climate, and digital transition, and it is divided into 20 main sections/areas, comprising 27 reforms and 83 investments. The Blue Economy is one of the 20 areas for […]
Report: The future of Mediterranean tourism in a (post) covid world
/dans Actualités /par Communication teamMediterranean tourism is now at a crossroad. Severely impacted by travel restrictions due to the COVID19, its future is now decided and faces a fundamental question: back to Mass Tourism or leapfrog towards Sustainability? Download the report that has been prepared by the Eco-Union. This can also be found on a dedicated page of Eco-Union’s […]