
  • First joint WestMED and Atlantic Action Plan national event at EUROMARITIME 2024

    1 February 2024 National Hub France

    This event was the first joint national event connecting the Atlantic Action Plan and the WestMED initiative. It was organised by the French national hub for the WestMED and the Atlantic Assistance Mechanism The event kicked off with recalling the 2023 Ministerial Declarations, that serve as parties’ commitment to both sea basin strategies. It was […]

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  • Guide to good environmental practice for sustainable marine aquaculture

    National Hub Algeria

    Produced under the auspices of the Ministry of the Environment and Renewable Energies (MEER) in collaboration with the Ministry of Fisheries and Fish Production, with the support of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), as part of the “Protection of the Environment and Biodiversity of the Algerian Coastline (PEBLA)” project. This guide has been […]

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  • Report: A sustainable blue economy for the Mediterranean: challenges, opportunities and policy pathways

    Communication team

    A new policy report, commissioned by the European Commission (DG Near) to the EuroMeSCo network, and developed by eco-union under the supervision of the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed), aims to assess the status and potential of the sustainable Blue Economy in the Mediterranean region, including an analysis of socioeconomic benefits and impacts in relevant Blue Economy activities. This report not only […]

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  • Call for expression of interest for S3 partnerships on Sustainable Blue Economy

    Communication team

    Open call for expression of interest for new partnerships under the Smart Specialisation (S3) Platform on Sustainable Blue Economy. EU Regions and stakeholders interested in exploring new interregional value chains in fisheries, aquaculture, coastal and maritime tourism, blue biotechnologies, and marine renewable energy, can get involved by expressing their interest to form a new partnership. […]

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  • Portugal assumes co-presidency of the WestMED Initiative

    16 January 2024 Communication team

    Source: DGPM / Portuguese government press release Starting in January 2024, Portugal, through the DGPM – Direção-Geral de Política do Mar, has assumed the co-presidency of the WestMed Initiative for a Sustainable Blue Economy in the Western Mediterranean. It will do so jointly with Mauritania in 2024, and with Tunisia in 2025 – fully in […]

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