
  • ARLEM Report: The Blue economy for local and regional authorities in the Mediterranean

    22 October 2020 Communication team

    It is our greatest pleasure to bring to your attention the recent ‘Report on the Blue economy for local and regional authorities in the Mediterranean’, adopted by the Euro-Mediterranean Regional and Local Assembly (ARLEM) in January 2020. The publication is available in English, French and Arabic at the Mediterranean Blue Economy Stakeholder Platform ( ).

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  • 2020 Festival of Sustainable Development: WestMED Initiative webinar on the Blue Economy for the territories

    9 October 2020 National Hub Italy

    Within the framework of the Festival of Sustainable Development (, and thanks to the collaboration with the Municipality of Gioia del Colle and Rete Antenna PON Puglia, we woud like herewith to invite you to the Westmed webinar on “The Blue Economy, as an opportunity for the sustainable development for the territories”, which has taken […]

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  • 2020 WestMED National Event Spain

    29 September 2020 National Hub Spain

    Version en Espanol On September 23, 2020, the event ‘Opportunities for the Blue Economy in the Western Mediterranean’ was held virtually, the first national event that the WestMED Initiative Assistance Mechanism has organized in Spain through its executing arm in the country (Spanish National Hub- Dra. Marta Pascual) and in collaboration with the Spanish Maritime […]

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  • Déclaration à l’issue du 7è Sommet des Pays du Sud de l’Union européenne

    21 September 2020 National Hub France

    L’Initiative OuestMED a été mentionné dans la déclaration à l’issue du septième Sommet des Pays du Sud de l’Union européenne, le 10 septembre 2020. Le texte intégral a été publié sur le site de la Présidence de la République française et est disponible ci-dessous. 10 SEPTEMBRE 2020 – DÉCLARATION 1 – Nous, chefs d’État et […]

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  • WestMED Initiative contribution to 4HELIX+ webinar: It’s time for the Blue Economy

    16 September 2020 National Hub Italy

    Ten partners, 30 months duration, Euro 480.000 vouchers allocated to selected BLUE MED MSMEs and START-Ups for implementing their innovation projects under the guidance of Knowledge Providers, are the main indicators of a success, whose lessons learned could be indicated in: -transnational co-operation at regional level; -digital innovation as a key factor for SMEs resilience; […]

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