Minimising climate impact on aquaculture: mitigation and adaptation solutions for future climate regimes | Deadline: 22 February 2024

Deadline: 22 February, 2024
Budget: €9.000.000
Countries: France, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Spain
More information: dedicated funding page from the European Commission

Expected outcomes

  • Contribution to sustainable aquaculture systems (in marine and/or transitional, and/or fresh waters) for fair, safe, healthy, climate-resilient and environment-friendly food systems with low impact on aquatic ecosystems, supporting the European Green Deal and the farm to fork strategy, the “Strategic guidelines for a more sustainable and competitive EU aquaculture for the period 2021 to 2030[1]”, and the “Action plan for the development of organic production[2];
  • Implementation of innovations, such as dietary shifts and aspects of circularity, for a more sustainable and competitive European aquaculture enhancing aquaculture resilience to adverse consequences of climate change;
  • Positioning of European aquaculture production as the global reference for sustainability and quality, increase its competitiveness, reduce EU dependence on imports of fisheries and aquaculture products and create more jobs, especially in rural and coastal regions;
  • Contribution to aquaculture production with a reduced environmental footprint, advancing towards climate-neutrality;
  • Contribution to technologically-advanced aquaculture production (indicatively through the use of techniques such as artificial intelligence, sensors, internet-of-things and robotics), fully embedded in natural, social, ethical and economic sustainability.