announcement marterra call

MarTERA Call 2021

Deadline: 26 March 2021
Budget: EUR 8.5 million
Countries: Malta

  • Maritime Technology/ Innovation

MarTERA has launched a fourth joint call for transnational research and innovation projects. This call is initiated by ministries/funding organisations from 9 countries: Belarus, Belgium, Germany, Malta, Norway, Poland, Romania, South Africa and Turkey. The total funding budget is EUR 8.5 million.

The call covers the following priority areas:

  • Priority Area 1: Environmentally friendly maritime technologies
  • Priority Area 2: Innovative concepts for ships and offshore structures
  • Priority Area 3: Automation, sensors, monitoring and observations
  • Priority Area 4: Advanced manufacturing and production
  • Priority Area 5: Safety and security

Apply before the 23rd of March 2021!

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