Towards an EU Strategy for Sustainable Tourism: building forward smarter and greener in the EU coastal & insular regions | 1 October 2021 | Online
01 October 2021 -
The event will be organised in an online interactive format, as a virtual exchange between members of the EU Parliament, representatives from CPMR coastal and insular regions belonging to different sea basins of Europe, the European Commission and key territorial stakeholders.
Session I – 11.00-13.00 // Towards an EU Strategy for Sustainable Tourism: building forward smarter and greener in the EU coastal regions – Exchange between the European Commission, CPMR Regions and MEPs
Session II – 14h00-16h30 // Focus on sustainable tourism and integrated management in the Islands – Interventions by MEPs, territorial stakeholders, key organisations and participants, Presentation of key results from the WINTER MED project
- Jointly assess the situation of the tourism sector in EU coastal regions after the conclusion of the summer season in relation with the progressive way out of the pandemic crisis;
- Feed into the medium-long term reflection on an EU Strategy for Sustainable Tourism towards a smarter, greener and more resilient sector;
- Contribute to the EC’s targeted consultation on “Scenarios towards co-creation of transition pathways for tourism for a more resilient, innovative and sustainable ecosystem”;
- Reflect on sustainable tourism and integrated management in the Islands, capitalise results from EU projects into policy and look into new cooperation opportunities.
With the participation of MEP Tonino Picula, Chair of the SEArica Intergroup, MEP Josianne Cutajar, SEArica Member, and MEP Vangelis Meimarakis, SEArica Vice-Chair for Tourism and Mediterranean.
More info about the event: visit the event page
Registrations: click here