Sustainable Aquaculture in the WestMED: strengthening ties with southern partners | 11 December 2020 | Webinar
11 December 2020 - 11 December 2020
The WestMED Assistance Mechanism is promoting a webinar on ways to support knowledge and technology transfer towards southern Mediterranean countries in the area of innovative and sustainable (small-scale) aquaculture. The idea behind it is to support greater uptake in the south of existing projects and practices, and discuss ways forward to use EU bilateral cooperation funding to support further developments with each (and across) southern countries.
Objectives of the initiative
The objective of the webinar is to investigate some pivotal areas for further project development and support the exchange between existing projects and funding opportunities in southern countries across the (western) Mediterranean The specific objectives will be to identify way forwards so that existing streams funding in bilateral cooperation between the EU and southern countries could be mobilised to foster innovative and sustainable (small-scale) aquaculture.
Overall structure and dynamics foreseen
The webinar will be centred on the showcase of some relevant project initiatives, across different areas of challenges and opportunities for the sector – towards a fully sustainable and innovative aquaculture in the western Mediterranean. Priority will be given to the sectoral project directly supported by the WMAM but also other valuable regional projects – identified also in partnership with Plan Bleu, and Programmes (e.g. INTERREG MED).
The presentations will suggest potentials for follow-up/capitalisation of such projects, so to address emerging/enduring challenges/opportunities for a fully sustainable and resilient aquaculture sector across the Mediterranean.