The European Maritime Day (EMD) 2024 is taking place again as a fully-fledged physical event, in Svendborg, Denmark on 30-31 May 2024. As every year, this will not be the only action to celebrate our seas and oceans and the sustainable blue economy.
EMD In My Country 2024 events will also take place all over Europe from 1 April till 31 October 2024.
In 2023, EMD In My Country was again, another great success, with almost 500 virtual, physical and hybrid events, covering all the sea basins of the EU!
Are you ready to submit your event(s) for 2024?
Fill in the online application form before 29 February 2024 and bring European Maritime Day 2024 to your country!
EMD In My Country 2024 will include physical, virtual and hybrid events that will take place from 1 April to 31 October 2024.
EMD In My Country is a key part of the wave of ocean awareness and activism that has been rising steadily in recent years: the events under its brand have become more and more popular, attracting more thousands of participants every year. Local activities such as beach clean ups, guided tours of ports, art exhibitions, workshops, conferences, seminars, exhibitions on maritime themes, ocean literacy actions, eco-tours and walks in areas with significant maritime heritage, boat excursions, visits to maritime museums, ships, aquaria, shipyards etc. aim to a wide audience across Europe, with a “fun and game” component directly appealing to a younger public.
How will the event be promoted?
By registering your event, it will be prominently featured on the European Maritime Day website through an interactive map. Event organisers will also receive a communication package (visuals) and social media material to help them disseminate their event(s), as well as a certificate of participation from the European Commission. team team2023-12-19 11:23:322024-03-01 09:16:14Bring European Maritime Day to your country in 2024!
On 26 On January 2023, CINEA together with DG MARE, launched the ‘Community of Practice on Maritime Spatial Planning for the Mediterranean’, with the support of the WestMED Initiative, the MSP Assistance Mechanism and Union for Mediterranean.
This is a voluntary, enthusiastic group of experts from EU and non-EU countries working on MSP in the Mediterranean.
It was established based on a growing need from the MSP Community for a continuous and structured dialogue at sea basin and sub-sea basin level.
The main objective of this MED-MSP-CoP is to establish a permanent exchange between MSP practitioners across borders (i.e. planners, technical experts, researchers), to share knowledge and relevant experiences in the region, reach a shared perspective on MSP topics of common interest and enhance the cooperation between the north and the south shore of the Mediterranean.
In its first year, 3 workshops and 4 thematic webinars have been organised – mostly online. Participants indicated the added value of this platform and plans are underway to continue with these meetings in the years ahead.
If you want learn more and/ or join this Community of Practice, all information can be be found on the MED-MSP-COP webpage team team2023-12-19 05:06:432023-12-19 14:26:41MED MSP Community of Practice: experts from across the Mediterranean unite to share experiences and align perspectives
Maritime industry leaders and enthusiasts gather in Marseille from 30 January to 1 February 2024, to discuss the latest developments in the maritime and river sectors at EUROMARITIME which has been both a showcase and a business accelerator since its creation in 2020.
The event serves as a vibrant forum for stakeholders to engage in discussions surrounding current issues, technical advancements, and political developments. EUROMARITIME provides a unique platform for economic, industrial, political, and institutional players to address the challenges and opportunities within maritime transport, shipbuilding, ship repair, port economics, and the future of maritime technologies with the end goal of developing a sustainable and low carbon Blue Economy.
It will also mark the launch of the first EurAfrican Maritime Forum (FoMEA), dedicated to promoting blue economy and maritime development in Africa and is therefore strongly linked to the activities of the WestMED Initiative on the Southern shore of the Mediterranean.
This event within an event, which will bring together African maritime players with projects, institutions, port authorities and shipping company managers, will take place on Thursday 1st February 2024.
Visit us for new maritime project ideas, collaborations, and initiatives
Fully aware of the growing importance of sustainable practices within the maritime industry and following the previous attendance from the WestMED French National Hub in 2020 and 2022 editions, the EU Sea Basins Assistance Mechanism – France (representing the WestMED Initiative and the Atlantic Action Plan) will be exhibitor at EUROMARITIME. With various maritime sectors transitioning towards sustainability, the European Commission has recognized the need for concerted efforts in fostering a safer, smarter, and more resilient blue economy.
Supporting and implementing strategic blue economy initiatives for the Atlantic, the Western Mediterranean, and the Black Sea, the EU Sea Basins Assistance Mechanism brings together maritime experts from all these sea basins. These experts offer practical support to SMEs, research institutions, policymakers, and academia, in the different steps to develop their blue sustainable projects, both in terms of accessing potential EU funding and finding project partners.
Workshop by the French national hub of the EU Sea Basins Assistance Mechanism | 30 January (14:00-17:00)
On 30 January (afternoon), the French national hub of EU Sea Basins Assistance Mechanism will organise a national event at the EuroMaritime. This will take the form of a dedicated workshop highlighting their activities with a focus on 2 main topics:
French regions’ Blue actions ; in particular Region Sud and its cooperation with Southern Shore Mediterranean countries
The role of the two EU Sea Basin strategies (WestMED Initiative and Atlantic Action Plan) and building on their synergies, to facilitate new projects and cooperation
It will be also the opportunity to recall opportunities and discuss blue project ideas supporting the EU strategies for both seabasins.
Key Activities of the EU Sea Basins Assistance Mechanism:
Supporting project development: The mechanism actively supports blue projects by facilitating partner searches for consortiums and providing guidance on securing EU funding. This assistance aims to propel projects from conception to implementation. This comes to live through the implementation of the Sea Basins Initiatives, followingthe goals set in the two Ministerial Declarations from each Sea Basin that were approved in 2023 (further information can be found in the Atlantic Ministerial Declaration and WestMED Ministerial Declaration).
Driving Blue Thematic Stakeholder Discussions: To foster sustainable transitions, the Assistance Mechanism initiates and moderates discussions among stakeholders. These discussions contribute to the development of innovative solutions and best practices for a more sustainable and resilient blue economy.
Strengthening Blue Policies at All Levels: Working at the local, national, regional, and EU levels, the Assistance Mechanism advocates for robust blue policies that encourage synergies within and between Sea Basins, following the objectives of the Sea Basin Initiatives. By aligning policies with sustainability goals, the mechanism aims to create an enabling environment for the development of blue projects.
As EUROMARITIME unfolds in Marseille, the convergence of maritime industry leaders and the presence of the EU Blue Economy Assistance Mechanism promise to spark new ideas, collaborations, and initiatives that will shape the future of the maritime industries.
For those eager to explore the forefront of maritime innovation and sustainability, visit the official EUROMARITIME website
Meet the EU Sea Basins Assistance Mechanism at the stand of Pole Mer Mediterranee (B06).
Follow us online for the latest information regarding planned exhibition activities:
This 2023 special edition of the GFCM’s flagship publication, The State of Mediterranean and Black Sea Fisheries, updates statistics and figures on the status and management of fisheries in the region and includes, for the first time, an overview of regional indicators on the aquaculture sector in Mediterranean and Black Sea countries.
It aims to deliver useful and reliable data to a wide audience as an essential source of information on fisheries and aquaculture in the region and a key tool to support decision-making and monitor progress towards the goals set by the GFCM.
The fifth instalment of its series, this publication covers topics of regional importance in the fisheries and aquaculture sectors over the course of seven chapters. Fleet status and capture fisheries production are the focus of the first two chapters, which include figures on fishing capacity and landings by country and fleet segment.
Chapter three captures the human dimension behind the region’s fisheries through socioeconomic data on revenue and employment. In chapter four, information on discards is updated and categorized for the main fishing fleets in each GFCM subregion, along with details on the species that make up this important component of the catch.
Chapter five reviews the status of fisheries resources, especially regional trends and trends in priority species, while chapter seven summarizes relevant existing and new adopted measures towards the sustainability of key fisheries and the protection of vulnerable ecosystems. Aquaculture is included in this edition for the first time, described in terms of volume and socioeconomic indicators in chapter six. team team2023-12-15 14:35:382023-12-19 08:45:26The State of Mediterranean and Black Sea Fisheries 2023
The Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Sciences de la Mer et de l’Aménagement du Littoral (ENSSMAL) recently hosted a noteworthy event exploring the crucial intersection of the blue economy and climate change.
This event brought together more than 80 participants, including high level experts, from various corners, with a major input by the WestMED Initiative, all united by a common purpose: safeguarding the well-being of our seas in the face of a changing climate.
The blue economy encompasses the sustainable utilization of sea resources for economic growth and development. It includes a broad spectrum of activities, ranging from fisheries and tourism to shipping and renewable energy generation. As a vital force in the regional economy, the blue economy sustains millions of livelihoods worldwide.
However, the blue economy’s prosperity is jeopardized by numerous challenges, including the ever-present threats of climate change, pollution, and overfishing.
Climate change’s influence on rising ocean temperatures has triggered concerning consequences, from coral bleaching and diminishing sea ice to altered fish stocks.
Pollution, particularly the alarming prevalence of plastic waste, poses a significant threat to sea health. Furthermore, unsustainable fishing practices exert immense pressure on numerous fish populations, threatening their long-term viability.
Main topics
The ENSSMAL conference served as a crucial platform to brainstorm solutions for these pressing challenges. The engaged participants, including prominent specialists from the WestMED Initiative, made a collaborative effort to foster sustainable development across the Western Mediterranean region and delved into various pertinent topics:
Understanding the Blue Economy: The panel of experts delved into the blue economy’s fundamental concepts, focusing on sustainable use of sea resources for economic growth, improved livelihoods, and jobs while preserving the health of sea ecosystems.
Climate Change impacts on marine Ecosystems: Discussions revolved around the latest research on how climate change is affecting marine biodiversity, sea levels, and oceanic weather patterns.
Innovative solutions and policies: Explore cutting-edge approaches and policy frameworks that can support the growth of a sustainable blue economy while mitigating the impacts of climate change.
Networking opportunities: Connect with professionals, academics, and policymakers from various sectors to exchange ideas and forge partnerships for future collaborations.
Harnessing the blue economy’s potential for job creation and economic growth
The event’s success can be attributed to the insightful discussions, collaborative spirit, and valuable contributions from the diverse range of participants. It provided a much-needed platform to exchange knowledge, share best practices, and forge partnerships for future endeavors.
Emphasising crucial aspects
Beyond the aforementioned key points, the ENSSMAL event further emphasized the following crucial aspects:
The critical role of international collaboration in effectively addressing the challenges facing the blue economy.
The urgent need for increased investment in research and development to discover innovative solutions for sea conservation.
The importance of raising public awareness and fostering education initiatives to cultivate a collective understanding of the significance of protecting our seas.
The ENSSMAL event’s success lies in its emphasis on collaboration, knowledge sharing, and action-oriented solutions. It provided a valuable platform for experts, policymakers, and stakeholders to connect, forge partnerships, and develop concrete strategies for tackling the impact of climate change. Hub Algeria Hub Algeria2023-12-15 10:51:012023-12-15 11:58:45WestMED experts join ENSSMAL’s 2nd International Conference in Algiers on Blue Economy and Climate Change
Launched as part of the Smart Specialisation Platform, the S3 CoP Observatory is a collaborative initiative involving DG REGIO G1, DG REGIO country desks, and the S3CoP Secretariat. Leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools such as Generative AI and entity extraction, the project team extracted and classified Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3) priorities from regions’ and member states’ documents. The AI tools facilitated exercises like categorising strategies and priorities across different taxonomies, identifying keywords, and classifying priorities.
The Observatory invites regional/national institutions or bodies responsible for managing smart specialisation strategies to engage with them for rectifying or integrating information by contacting
Find out everything about the S3 CoP Observatory HERE!
As part of the WestMED Initiative, Mauritania’s national hub, in close coordination with the Ministry of Fisheries and Maritime Economy, organized the 4th national WestMED event at the Nouakchott Hotel on Tuesday, October 31, 2023. This important meeting was chaired by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Fisheries and Maritime Economy and in the presence of the Secretary General of the Ministry of the Environment.
In addition to Mauritania’s national hub and the national coordinator of the WestMed Initiative in Mauritania, the event was attended by the representative of the WestMed Initiative’s Assistance Mechanism, Mr. Matteo Bocci, representatives of the main national institutions concerned, representatives of the private sector, socio-professional organizations and civil society, representatives of the main scientific research institutions at national level, and representatives of the main technical and financial partners. A total of 55 people participated.
The event attracted extensive media coverage, with the presence of all the official national press (Agence Mauritanienne d’Information, Télévision Nationale Al Mauritaniya, Radio de Mauritanie), private television channels and Internet press platforms. The event was featured as one of the main news items on official and private channels in French, Arabic and national languages broadcast on the evening of 31/10/2023.
In his opening address to the workshop, Mr. Sidi Ali Sidi Boubacar, Secretary General of the Ministry of Fisheries and Maritime Economy, began by thanking the participants and recalling the context and objectives of the WestMED initiative for the promotion of the blue economy. He pointed out that the efforts undertaken by the national coordination, with the support of the national hub, have enabled Mauritania to participate actively in all regional projects aimed at promoting the blue economy in the Mediterranean area, particularly in the fields of fishing, aquaculture, sustainable tourism and renewable energies. These sectors are considered priorities for Mauritania’s co-presidency of the WestMED initiative for 2023.
Mr. Sidi Ali Sidi Boubacar also mentioned that the organization of this event takes place in a particular context, marked by the growing challenges currently facing our marine and coastal zone (exploitation of hydrocarbons: gas and oil, intensification of fishing activities and maritime transport, urbanization, etc.), which requires new, more integrated management approaches to guarantee the sustainability of our resources and the effective preservation of our environment. Consequently, the promotion of a blue economy has become one of the priorities of the national strategy for the fisheries and maritime economy sector.
Following the official opening session, Mr. Mohamed Lemine Abdel Hamid (national hub) presented the program for the event.
The floor was then given to Mr. Matteo Bocci (Ecorys expert), who presented an overview of the WestMED initiative and the main projects underway. He placed particular emphasis on the CallMeBlue project, which aims to promote maritime clusters in the Mediterranean area, and which is due to start up next month, and in which Mauritania is involved through the Mauritanian Maritime Cluster (CMM).
After this presentation, the floor was given to Mr. Hamadi Baba Hamadi, President of the Mauritanian Maritime Cluster (CMM), who presented the progress made in setting up the Mauritanian maritime cluster and the roadmap for its operationalization.
Mr. Tommaso Scavone, Coordinator of the REBOOT MED project, then gave a detailed presentation of the project.
Following these presentations, participants were divided into three thematic groups for round-table group discussions to share their views and to identify ideas related to the following topics:
Group 1: Fisheries and aquaculture, moderated by Dr. Mohamed Lemine Abdel Hamid
Group 2: Hydrocarbons and renewable energies, moderator: Mr Matteo Bocci
Group 3: Sustainable tourism and maritime spatial planning (MSP), moderator: Mr. Tommaso Scavone.
Each group spent two hours discussing opportunities and challenges, and identifying possible solutions in the form of regional/national project ideas to be submitted to the 5th Arab Summit for Economic and Social Development that is planned for 2024
The event was featured on the news the same night by Télévision Nationale Al Mauritaniya with the opening statement by Mr Sidi Ali Sidi Boubaccar General Secretary of the Ministry of Fisheries and National coordinator for Mauritania of the WESTMED Initiative Hub Mauritania Hub Mauritania2023-12-10 21:51:062023-12-20 11:08:094th national WestMED event for the Promotion of the Blue Economy in Mauritania
The guide is set tosupport the sectors through EU funding under the 2021-2027 financial framework and NextGenerationEU. The comprehensive guide aims to elucidate diverse funding options for the energy transition by targeting a broad audience, including enterprises, public administrations, research institutions, and civil society organisations. It distinguishes itself by offering a tailored approach, swiftly aiding stakeholders in identifying and assessing applicable EU funding sources. Covering areas like vessel innovation, energy-efficient gear, and aquaculture management, the guide complements existing European Commission tools and undergoes regular updates to incorporate newly identified funds.
This year marked the first edition of the Sun&Blue Congress; an international conference and exhibition focused on Blue Tourism Innovation. It took place in Almería, Spain from 15-17 November 2023.
Marta Pascual (WestMED National Hub Spain) has been very much involved in both the preparation of this event, as part of the Technical Committee, as well well as its execution. She organised and participated in multiple workshops to promote and facilitate the sustainable Blue Economy within the tourism sector.
The WestMED Iniatiative was given a special Award Mention for having helped on the Internationalization of the entire SUN&BLUE Congress. Also the ‘Maritime Tourism’project, supported by the WestMED Initiative was awarded with a special mention award for Sustainability
This conference provided an excellent platform to promote the WestMED Intiative within the tourism sector resulting in numerous requests for support. It also resulted in a major step forward regarding the creation of a National Marine Tourism Network and led to a first encounter with the city of CEUTA authorities as a basis for possible follow-up.
Here is an overview of the different WestMED Sun&Blue events:
Turismo Marinero (16 November 2023) Within the framework of WestMED, and more specifically from its Spanish National Hub, work is done to establish a National Maritime Tourism Network. Its main objective is to promote sustainable maritime tourism and the diversification of fishing activity towards other activities that promote the economic development of coastal and marine areas when, for various reasons, they cannot carry out their fishing activity.
This network seeks to diversify fishing activities to promote authentic and environmentally friendly experiences. By doing so, it is intended to contribute to local economic development, the conservation of marine ecosystems and the promotion of fishing culture and tradition in the Western Mediterranean region. Hand in hand with this important initiative of the European Commission, we will learn about the importance of maritime tourism and all the development it is having at the European and national level.
This session served to present 3 examples of Spanish companies and/or initiatives around Maritime Tourism with Pablo Mariño (Bluscus); Shonia Cruz (La Mar Consultoras-LMC) and Inmaculada Torres (GALPEMUR). This to understand what they offer and what opportunities and barriers they have encountered when developing their activities.
WestMED Initiative presentation This presentation kicked off with explaining to a large audience what the WestMED Initiative is, what the work areas are and the activities carried out so far. Also opportunities for collaboration and financing for blue economy were elaborated on.
After the presentation a number of participants approached Mrs. Pascual to inquire about support for their project ideas. The most concrete ones are currently being followed through to assess needs and possibilities.
Blue Breakfast session (17 November 2023)
This was an invitation only event attended by public and private organisations. After explaining the Initiative and funding opportunities, Mrs Pascual provided direct guidance on where to find funding for their work and future interests. It also led to some project ideas that are currently being reviewed for further support by the National Hub.
Reunión / Workshop: Presentación Proyecto de “Red Nacional de Turismo Marinero” (17 November 2023) This private meeting/workshop brought together the main fishing political agents (MAPA), national fishing agents, local Fishing Action Groups (FLAGs), fishermen’s federations, fishermen’s guilds, fresh fish producer organizations, companies of marine tourism and foundations related to marine tourism. At the meeting, the idea/project of creating a National Marine Tourism Network, its vision, objectives, values, lines of action, activities, and governance proposals for said network were presented.
The meeting served as a starting point for the creation of this network and its subsequent presentation within the framework of the European WestMED Initiative as a good example and practice to potentially be replicated in other countries of the Western Mediterranean.
There will be a follow-up to create and launch of the Red Nacional Turismo Marinero in Spain, through bi-lateral discussions on each of the axes proposed for the network.
The meeting was exclusive for those in the field of marine tourism and required registration.
Exhibition stand
For the duration of the event, the WestMED exhibition stand drew many visitors to pick up a leaflet, watch the project video and inquire about possibilities.
Press coverage This event has received a lot of press coverage like these articles in the national newspaper El Mundo and La Voz de Almería.
Or this video on the opening from Ayuntamiento de Almería: Hub Spain Hub Spain2023-12-08 17:37:022023-12-21 07:59:22WestMED Initiative receives internationalization award at the Sun and Blue Congress 2023
For the first time in the five years of Technical Assistance, the WestMED Assistance Mechanism experienced a national Blue Economy event in Libya on Nov 30th 2023. This was done upon the initiative of the National Coordinators, Mr Ali Shagruni and Ms Masauda Abuarosha, with the organization and support by the National Project of Aquaculture and the assistance from WestMED’s Italian National Hub.
With the aim of gathering the main stakeholders of the Blue Economy, the organizers could also rely on the participation of more than 60 operators in presence and of high level institutional representatives: the Deputy Minister of Marine Wealth, Saber Al Azzabi, the Deputy Head of EU Delegation to Libya, Horia Nagacevschi and the Deputy Ambassador of Italy to Libya, Riccardo Villa.
Qualified speakers for the main sectors of the Blue Economy could represent the current situation of the country in each field, also disclosing their potential role of participants to the WestMED Technical and Working Groups like Maritime Clusters Alliance, Green Shipping, Aquawest. Also participants from Italy and Tunisia, intensified the international meaning of this WestMED event, as a confirmation of the centrality of Libyan role in the Mediterranean basin.
Indeed, beside a remarkable and frank interaction on topics related to the fishery sector, the description of the opportunities represented by the Technical Assistance provided by WestMED Assistance Mechanism and those EU funded programmes accessible for Libyan stakeholders, was an important point to encourage stakeholders to join partnerships and project proposals.
This becomes a fundamental way to increase the inclusion of Libyan organizations in the Mediterranean ecosystem: the successful examples of projects like REBUILD, TAMSALL, POWER4MED, MAWEGO were mentioned.
In this perspective, the participation of HORIZON EUROPE’s National Contact Point for Libya was also an added value for liaising with raising opportunities of partnership in the coming months.
It was commonly perceived the impression that, in this phase, a more intense stakeholders’ engagement from the WestMED Assistance Mechanism could easily produce fruitful results, given the very strong expectations of Libyan stakeholders towards all forms of EU support. team team2023-12-08 06:48:302023-12-18 20:05:22Major Blue Economy Milestone in Libya with its First WestMED National Stakeholder Event