Horizon 2020 | Apply microorganisms and/or enzymes to resolve end-of-life issues of plastic | 4 April – 4 September 2019

4 April – 4 September 2019

The call opened the 4th of April 2019 and it is classified as a Bio-based Industries Research & innovation actions (BBI-RIA).

RIA: are actions primarily consisting of activities aiming to establish new knowledge and/or to explore the feasibility of a new or improved technology, product, process, service or solution. For this purpose they may include basic and applied research, technology development.


Microorganisms and/or enzymes can be applied to biodegrade/decompose plastic waste, one of the major threats to our ecosystem. This is a key focus area to apply the concept of the circular economy, besides changing human behaviour and production systems.

Scope: Select and apply the appropriate microorganisms and/or enzymes to address one or both of the following issues:

▪ convert waste streams containing non-biodegradable polymers;

▪ remove non-biodegradable polymers from the environment.

Proposals may include tailored microorganisms and/or enzymes for co-digestion or co-fermentation of different feedstock, provided that the developed solutions result in sufficient yields in terms of: (i) breaking down the feedstock; and/or (ii) conversion into valuable products.

Proposals should address all requirements for RIA as shown in Table 3, pp.24-25, in the Introduction of the Annual Work plan 20199. The technology readiness level (TRL) at the end of the project should be  4-5 for the bio-based value chain in question. Proposals should clearly state the starting and end TRLs of the key technology or technologies targeted in the project. Industry participation in the project would be considered as an added value


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Horizon 2020 | Produce components for various materials, including for food and feed, from microalgae | 4 April – 4 September 2019

4 April – 4 September 2019

The call opened the 4th of April 2019 and it is classified as a Bio-based Industries Innovation action – Demonstration (BBI-IA-DEMO).

Innovation actions – “Demonstration” aim to validate the technical and economic viability of a new or improved technology, product, process, service or solution in an operational environment. They contain mainly demonstrator activities corresponding to Technology Readiness Level (TRL) levels 6 to 7.


Demonstrate the efficient and sustainable cultivation, recovery and processing of microalgae and downstream production of high-value chemicals and/or materials including food and feed ingredients. The scope of this topic excludes energy carriers (such as liquid fuels or hydrogen) as the main products. Proposals should aim for large-scale continuous cultivation and recovery of microalgae, as well as separation and purification of the targeted products. Proposals should also aim at reducing inputs for microalgae cultivation such as energy, water, nutrients and CO2 (or other carbon sources in case heterotrophic microalgae are envisaged). Proposals should valorise as many as possible of the valuable compounds contained in the microalgae through a cascading approach.

Proposals should address all requirements for IA – demonstration actions as shown in Table 3, pp.24-25, in the Introduction of the Annual Work plan 2019 . The establishment of a demo-scale production facility, being it a new installation, a substantially modified existing facility, or the use of existing demo facilities is mandatory.


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Horizon 2020 | Secure societies | 14 March – 22 August 2019

14 March – 22 August 2019

The call opened the 14th of March 2019 and it is classified as a “ CSA Coordination and support action” and the focus area is: boosting the effectiveness of the Security Union (SU).

In Europe, practitioners interested in the uptake of security research and innovation are dedicated to performing their duty and are focused on their tasks.

Scope: Practitioners are invited to associate in 3 different categories of networks in the field security:

  1. [2019-2020] Practitioners (end-users) in the same discipline and from across Europe are invited to get together: 1) to monitor research and innovation projects with a view to recommending the uptake or the industrialisation of results, 2) to express common requirements as regards innovations that could fill capability and other gaps and improve their future performance, and 3) to indicate priorities as regards areas requiring more standardisation. Opinions expressed and reported by the networks of practitioners should be checked against what can be reasonably expected, and according to which timetable, from providers of innovative solutions. In 2019, proposals are invited to address the specific area of handling of hybrid threats in line with the existing EU policy framework.
  2. b.[2018] Innovation clustersfrom around Europe (established at national, regional or local level), especially those managing demonstration sites, testing workbenches, and training facilities (including those providing simulators, serious gaming platforms, testing of PPDR applications on broadband networks) are invited to establish one network 1) to establish and maintain a roster of capabilities and facilities, 2) to organise to share expertise, 3) plan to pool and share resources with a view to facilitating access to their respective facilities among collective membership when this would constitute an economy of scale and allow a more intensive use of expensive equipment, and 4) to coordinate future developments and workbenches’ acquisition.
  3. [2018] Procurement agencies, or departments, active at budgeting and implementing the acquisition of security solutions at European, national, regional or local level can get together: 1) to share investment plans, 2) to compare procurement techniques and rules, and 3) to plan for common procurements of research services as well as of innovative, off-the-shelf products.

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ENI CBC Med | Strategic Projects | April – 3 July 2019

April – 3 July 2019|

The “Strategic Projects” call started early April 2019. The Joint Monitoring Committee has selected 7 out of the Programme 11 priorities for the call for strategic projects.

The chosen priorities and related EU financial allocation are:

– A.1 Business and SMEs development:

  • A.1.1 – Support innovative start-up and recently established enterprises, with a particular focus on young and women entrepreneurs and facilitate the protection of their Intellectual Property Rights and commercialization, where applicable;
  • A.1.2 – Strengthen and support Euro-Mediterranean networks, clusters, consortia and value-chains in traditional sectors and non-traditional sectors.

– A.2 Support to education, research, technological development and innovation:

  • A.2.1 – Support technological transfer and commercialisation of research results, strengthening the linkages between research, industry and other private sector actors.

– A.3 Promotion of social inclusion and the fight against poverty

  • A.3.1 – Provide young people, especially those belonging to the NEETS, and women, with marketable skills;

– B.4 Environmental protection, climate change adaptation and mitigation:

  • B.4.1 – Support innovative and technological solutions to increase water efficiency and encourage use of non-conventional water supply;
  • B.4.2 – Reduce municipal waste generation and promote source separated collection and the optimal exploitation of its organic component;
  • B.4.3 – Support cost-effective and innovative energy rehabilitations relevant to building types and climatic zones, with a focus on public buildings.

These priorities were selected following national consultations in all participating countries and based on an updated socio-economic and environmental analysis, aiming at identifying the most relevant challenges in the Programme cooperation area.

Strategic projects are meant to foster policy-relevant innovations, as well as long-lasting and far-reaching effects that last beyond the funding of the Programme.

More information here and there.

Interreg MED l Second call for horizontal projects l 9 May – 27 June 2019

9 May – 27 June

The 2nd call for Strategic projects opened on 9 May 2019. Horizontal Projects have been established to connect and support the Modular projects’ implementation, promoting both, communication and capitalisation activities. Against this background, they act as a single interface for Modular projects providing the frame to develop synergies and scale up cooperation throughout the entire Interreg MED community including the Axis 4 platform project, PANORAMED and forthcoming Strategic Projects.

The objective of the 2nd call for Horizontal Projects (HPs) targets an Interreg MED 2nd generation of HPs explicitly focused on capitalisation, a fundamental and key cooperation principle of the Interreg MED Programme Strategic Framework. Within this call, the capitalisation principle entails a very precise content, composed of transfer, mainstreaming and strategic liaising activities. Within this context, Horizontal Projects shall embed a comprehensive set of key features capturing their three-level positioning: strategic, thematic and territorial.

This is a restrictive call with respect to the Lead Partner eligibility requirements.

More information





EMFF l Maritime Spatial Planning l 7 May – 4 September 2019

7 May – 4 September 2019

The objective of this call for proposals is to support the establishment and implementation of Maritime Spatial Plans in line with the objectives pursued in the framework of the MSP Directive. More specifically, this action intends to support Member States in setting up maritime spatial plans and ensuring plans are coherent and coordinated across marine regions concerned.

Deadline for submitting proposal 04/09/2019

More information here

Commissioner Karmenu Vella visits WestMED Initiative’ s booth at the European Maritime Day

The WestMED Initiative was represented at the European Maritime Day 2019, on 16 and 17 May 2019, in Lisbon. Fórum Oceano, which is the WestMED Portuguese National Hub, assured the presence of the Initiative at the exhibition area. After the opening ceremony session, held on 16 May, the Commissioner Karmenu Vella visited the WestMED’ s booth, exchanging some encouraging words with Frederico Ferreira, Fórum Oceano.

The European Maritime Day (EMD) it a two-day annual event that DG MARE organises since 2008. In 2019, the EMD took place at the Lisbon Congress Centre, on 16 and 17 May 2019. It was co-organised by the European Commission (DG MARE), the Ministry of the Sea (Directorate General for Maritime Policy) and the Lisbon City Council, in collaboration with Fórum Oceano, the Portuguese Maritime Cluster, which was the entity responsible for organising the exhibition area.

According to DGMARE: “with 1500 registered participants, EMD 2019 has broken all previous records, including for the biggest ever exhibition, with 105 exhibitors. (note: Linke removed/ inactive page)” The focus of the 2019 edition was blue entrepreneurship, innovation and investment to transform traditional maritime sectors and boost emerging technologies and value chains. The event comprised workshops, breakout sessions, B2B meetings, pitches and an exhibition area (EMD EXPO).

The EMD in numbers (note: link removed/ inactive page):

  1. 1500 registered participants, from 53 countries
  2. More than 150 speakers
  3. 8 breakout sessions organised by the European Commission
  4. 28 workshops organised by blue economy stakeholders
  5. 21 pitch presentations
  6. More than 140 B2B meetings have been scheduled
  7. 105 exhibitors

European Maritime Day 2019: Fórum Oceano promove workshop sobre o projeto SAFER

No âmbito do projeto SAFER – Smart Atlantic Seafood Clusters, cofinanciado pelo programa Interreg Espaço Atlântico, a Fórum Oceano irá promover o Workshop “Seafood as key sector for Blue Growth in the EU Regions”, no dia 17 de maio, pelas 09h00. A sessão enquadra-se na programação do European Maritime Day, que terá lugar no Centro de Congressos de Lisboa, nos dias 16 e 17 de maio.

O workshop tem como objetivo discutir como é que a aplicação de novas tecnologias, nomeadamente a adoção do modelo de Indústria 4.0, e a cooperação transnacional podem responder aos desafios enfrentados pela fileira do pescado. A participação na sessão é livre, mediante inscrição através do endereço: https://european-maritime-day.b2match.io/page-3871.

Focado nas oportunidades e desafios enfrentados pela fileira do pescado (aquacultura, pescas, processamento, transformação e conservação de pescado), reconhecido como setor chave para o crescimento azul nas regiões do Atlântico, o SAFER visa potenciar o nível de inovação, promovendo a adoção de novas tecnologias e o aumento da cooperação transnacional. O objetivo passa por identificar oportunidades para integração de novos processos, incrementando a eficiência e melhorando a comunicação entre os atores ao longo de toda a cadeia de valor.

Nesse sentido, o consórcio do projeto está a desenvolver uma rede transnacional de inovação, envolvendo clusters marítimos Europeus. Para testar esta rede, os parceiros do SAFER têm prevista a realização de cinco ações piloto, cujos resultados e recomendações serão posteriormente partilhados com 21 regiões do espaço Atlântico.

O SAFER reúne 9 parceiros de 5 Estados-Membro (Portugal, Espanha, França, Irlanda e Reino Unido), tendo uma duração de 36 meses e um orçamento de 1,8 milhões de euros (75% financiado pelo FEDER). Mais informação sobre o projeto em http://saferatlantic.eu/



Moderadora: Ana Carla Garcia – Science Manager, MARE, Marefoz, Universidade de Coimbra

– Björgolfur Hávardsson – Innovation Manager, NCE Seafood Innovation Cluster

– Maria Barbosa – Director AlgaePARC, Professor in Microalgal Biotechnology, Wageningen University

– Valentin Moldoveanu – Manager FLAG, Delta Dunarii (Danube)

– Jose Manuel San Emeterio – Project Leader, ERNACT – European Regions Network for the Application of Communications Technology

– Maria João Fernandes – National Delegate and Contact Point for Horizon 2020, ANI


Origem: http://www.forumoceano.pt/p278-european-maritime-day-2019-forum-oceano-promove-workshop-sobre-o-projeto-safer-pt

Le Sommet des deux rives, Forum de la Méditerranée

Fruit d’une initiative du Président de la République, le Sommet des deux rives, Forum de la Méditerranée, se tiendra à Marseille les 23 et 24 juin 2019.

Au terme d’un exercice inédit de consultation de la société civile méditerranéenne, il a pour ambition de relancer la dynamique de coopération en Méditerranée occidentale par la mise en œuvre de projets concrets en faveur du développement humain, économique et durable dans la région.


Le Sommet des deux rives s’inscrit dans le cadre du Dialogue 5+5 Méditerranée qui réunit cinq États de la rive sud de la Méditerranée (la Mauritanie, le Maroc, l’Algérie, la Tunisie et la Libye) et cinq États de la rive nord (le Portugal, l’Espagne, la France, l’Italie et Malte). L’Union européenne, l’Allemagne, mais aussi les organisations pan-méditerranéennes et les principales organisations économiques internationales présentes dans la région sont associés à cette initiative.


Une mobilisation inédite de la société civile de la Méditerranée occidentale

Le Sommet des deux rives repose sur la conviction que la société civile doit être pleinement associée à la définition d’un nouvel agenda positif pour la Méditerranée.

Pendant trois mois (d’avril à juin), la société civile de la Méditerranée occidentale des deux rives, en particulier les jeunes, les acteurs économiques, sociaux, scientifiques et culturels travailleront ensemble pour faire émerger des solutions concrètes pour la région. L’ensemble de ces réflexions et propositions d’initiatives sera partagé avec les chefs d’État et de gouvernement lors du Sommet à Marseille pour déterminer celles qui seront mises en œuvre de façon prioritaire.

Ces initiatives peuvent être de plusieurs sortes : totalement nouvelles, au stade de l’élaboration technique, nécessitant un financement, ou déjà existantes mais méritant d’être relancées. Elles peuvent prendre plusieurs formes : actions collectives, projets concrets, suggestions de politiques publiques communes, concepts communs, institutions à créer, appellations méditerranéennes, régulations, etc. Elles doivent avoir un caractère régional ou multilatéral.


« Les Cent » : cent personnalités qualifiées issues de la société civile en/de la Méditerranée occidentale

Chaque État du dialogue 5+5 a suggéré dix personnalités issues de la société civile, l’une d’entre elles dans chaque pays est désignée chef de file. Il s’agit de Madame Patricia Ricard pour la France.

Les chefs de file sont réunis en un comité de pilotage dont les travaux sont coordonnés par la cheffe de file tunisienne, Ouided Bouchamaoui.

Ces personnalités qualifiées sont appelées « les Cent ». Ils participent à l’ensemble des forums préparatoires thématiques dans une optique de restitution des débats et de recensement des idées et des projets. Ils se réuniront les 11 et 12 juin à Tunis pour un exercice de synthèse appelé « l’Assemblée des Cent » au cours duquel ils appelleront les chefs d’Etat et de gouvernement du Dialogue du 5+5 à prendre en compte leurs propositions d’actions concrètes.


Cinq forums thématiques préparatoires

Cinq forums préparatoires ont lieu en amont du Sommet de Marseille autour de cinq thématiques : les énergies ; la jeunesse, l’éducation, la mobilité ; l’économie et la compétitivité ; la culture, les médias, le tourisme ; l’environnement et le développement durable. Lors de chacun de ces forums, c’est la société civile (environ deux cents participants pour chaque événement) qui débat et propose des projets et non les acteurs institutionnels ou étatiques.

  • Forum « Energies » organisé par l’Algérie (Alger, 8 avril 2019) : « Vers un partenariat renforcé au service d’une transition énergétique durable ».
  • Forum « Jeunesse, éducation, mobilité », organisé par Malte (La Valette, 24 et 25 avril 2019) : « The Mediterranean Generation : malta’s contribution to the Summit of the two shores ».
  • Forum « Economie et compétitivité », organisé par le Maroc ( Rabat, 29 avril 2019) : « Une meilleure intégration économique entre les deux rives, vers un espace partenarial de croissance et d’innovation partagées ».
  • Forum « Culture, médias, tourisme », organisé par la France (Montpellier, 2 et 3 mai 2019) : « Impulser une nouvelle dynamique culturelle en Méditerranée occidentale ».
  • Forum « Environnement et développement durable », organisé par l’Italie (Palerme, 16 mai 2019) : « Economie Bleue, Economie Verte, Economie Circulaire : propositions de partenariats pour un développment urbain côtier durable en Méditerrané occidentale ».
  • Réunion de synthèse de l’Assemblée des Cent, Forum de Tunis, organisée par la Tunisie (Tunis, les 11 et 12 juin 2019) : « Vers un espace commun de dialogue interculturel, de production et de développement durable, inclusif et solidaire ».

Cet article a été publié sur le site de la Représentation française auprés de l’Union européenne le 3 mai 2019. Il est consultable ici.

Thematic tables in Rome

The aim of these roundtables has been to create an occasion for Italian stakeholders to know each other, exchange areas of interest, experiences and skills, projects submitted and in pipeline. In fact through a better reciprocal knowledge, they will reduce cases of overlapping projects submitted for the same call and funding programme, instead increase integration among project ideas and improve their quality, strengthen partnerships, better distribute areas of specialization and development at national level, clearer definition of stakeholders’ roles as project leaders and  partners, also considering the relevant financial capacities, to better express their views in the proper functioning of the funding programme, the call, etc.