Green light for phase 2

Phase 1 of the project has officially ended in June.

The final reports covering this phase were approved by the European Commission. At the same time it was concluded that there are enough benefits to be gained to move forward into phase 2. Agreement was reached on a, slightly renewed, focus of this initiative and the next steps to be taken.

This means  that the Consortium has started preparations to elaborate on the findings of Phase 1 in order to build a Maritime Action Plan for the Western Mediterranean.

Up until now, involvement of local and regional stakeholders have only been limited in scope. This means that the input provided is indicative but cannot be considered representative for all stakeholders across the sea-basin. Therefore, a more elaborate on- and offline Stakeholder consultation will take place in Phase 2.

For example, a number of online thematic discussions are being planned for through this website. Once available we will gladly further welcome your ideas, thoughts and questions.

Please stay tuned for further developments.

WestMedStrat Twitter account activated

The WestMed strategy project team that develops a maritime strategy for the Western Mediterranean has activated a dedicated project twitter account.

The objective is to share regular updates on the project’s developments with all those people and organisations who are interested in the future of this sea basin.

Our updates will include topics such as alerts on reports, events to be organised, discussions to be started, major milestones and other related items which may be of interest to our followers.

The account will be actively managed for the entire duration of the project by Ecorys in Brussels in close cooperation with the consortium partners Plan Bleu and Strategies Mer et Littoral.

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Project website launched

A new project website has been created and launched in close cooperation with web builders Web Design in Tunis

The website has  a different focus at each phase of the project. In phase I (up until April 2016), it will primarily be informative; to provide background information on the project, share the first reports and generate basic interest.

If the decision is made to proceed into Phase II, interactive modules will be added to actively involve the Western- Mediterranean maritime community. People will be invited to share their thoughts and ideas on specific topics in theme-based online forums.

Each forum will build on the outcomes of Phase I where specific opportunities for cooperation have been identified.

The website will remain active for the duration of this project with the option of an extra 3 years after the official end of the project.

Official start of the WestMed Strategy project

On Wednesday, December 16 2015, there was a kick-off meeting between the Executive Agency of the European Commission for SMEs (EASME),  the Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the EC (DG MARE) and an Ecorys led consortium with SML and Plan Bleu.

The meeting was also attended by the Directorate General for Research and Innovation of the European Commission.

A contract was signed which marked the start of a project to develop a maritime strategy for the Western-Mediterranean sea basin. This involves both the South European and Northern African countries bordering that region.

A combination of desk –  and field research will result in identifying several concrete options for so-called cooperation corridors that contain structural promising (economic and environmental) potential and support from key stakeholders.

The project will last 20 months and will be divided into two phases.

In the first phase, the consortium will analyse the existing literature regarding economic, social and environmental challenges and propose options for collaboration to be discussed with the most important parties involved.

In the second phase , a more in-depth analysis of the proposed options will be carried out leading to the drafting of a maritime strategy and action plan for this sea basin.

The project is characterised by a strong participatory  approach. This means that there will be regular on- and offline consultations with relevant stakeholders.

In this context, focus group meetings and events in different locations around the Mediterranean are planned, an interactive website  launched, representatives and institutions consulted and a final conference organised.

During the meeting, Ecorys presented the strengths of the consortium for building the strategy. In particular Ecorys’ experience in project management,  blue growth policies, impact assessments, stakeholder consultations and analysis;  SML’s experience in maritime strategies and governance and Plan Bleu’s experience in the implementation and monitoring of the Barcelona Process in the Mediterranean.