En Andalucía, los agentes de la Economía azul recalcan su importancia para la región y destacan por la diversidad de usos marítimos

El pasado 10 de julio de 2019, se celebró en Málaga el evento ‘Oportunidades de la Economía Azul en Andalucía’, primer roadshow que el Mecanismo de Asistencia de la Iniciativa WestMED ha organizado en España a través de su brazo ejecutor en el país y en colaboración con el Clúster Marítimo Marino de Andalucía (CMMA).

Durante la última parte del evento, los representantes de cada entidad mantuvieron un interesante intercambio de ideas basado en las siguientes preguntas:

  • Experiencias de su institución/organismo/empresa en Economía Azul en el pasado y presente.
  • Experiencias que se desean elaborar/abordar/impulsar desde su institución/organismo/empresa para un futuro.
  • Necesidades de asistencia (financiación, búsqueda de socios, etc.) de su institución/organismo/empresa en temas deseados alrededor de la Economía Azul.

Este documento recoge las principales ideas de proyectos o líneas de trabajo de los asistentes al evento.

La imagen siguiente recoge el mapeado de agentes presentes en el evento:


Si observamos un mapeado de los agentes que asistieron al evento de acuerdo con sus áreas de experiencia y trabajo en el pasado/presente, observamos que el evento consiguió cubrir todos los sectores de la Economía Azul importantes en Andalucía. También se pudo determinar a qué se dedicaban dichos agentes y sus experiencias previas en dichos sectores marinos.

Entre los asistentes pudimos observar dos tipologías de agentes: (i) aquellos con experiencias previas en proyectos europeos y/o nacionales (Horizonte 2020, Interreg, LIFE, Fundación Biodiversidad, etc.) y (ii) aquellos sin experiencia en proyectos europeos, pero con interés en participar como socios en futuras oportunidades de financiación sobre la Economía Azul.

Por supuesto, las necesidades de asistencia (financiación, búsqueda de socios, etc.) de ambas tipologías de agentes son distintas, necesitándose una mayor asistencia en búsqueda de socios y diversificación de sus actividades por parte de los agentes con mayor experiencia en proyectos europeos, y una asistencia de orientación en oportunidades de financiación a las que pudiesen ajustarse sus ideas por parte de aquellos agentes con una menor experiencia en proyectos europeos. Sin embargo, ambas tipologías de agentes recalcaron la necesidad de la existencia de foros de discusión entre actividades marítimas de cara a una mayor cooperación inter-sectorial tanto a nivel nacional como transfronteriza.

Toda la información recogida durante el evento sirvió para obtener un mapeo mental de los agentes, sus intereses, experiencias y necesidades el cual puede accederse mediante el siguiente enlace (ver Mind Map).

Nos gustaría finalizar este documento recalcando un mensaje que se transmitió durante el evento:

“El medio ambiente no se puede entender como un sector más de la Economía Azul, tener un medio ambiente adecuado y su uso sostenible es un tema transversal entre los diversos sectores marinos y es la base sobre la cual se deben fundamentar las distintas actividades sectoriales que trabajan en la Economía Azul”

Agradecemos a todos los asistentes su participación en el evento así como al CMMA por su colaboración en la co-organización del mimo.

Initiative WestMED at ‘Feira do Mar’ event

Fórum Oceano, the Portuguese National Hub, presented the Initiative WestMED during the event ‘Feira do Mar’, that took place in Sines, Alentejo, Portugal, from the 12 to the 14 July 2019.

The presentation occurred in the framework of a Conference focused on Maritime Commerce: From Sines (Portugal) to the World, with the presence of Portuguese stakeholders, namely representatives of Associations, Port Authorities, the National Maritime Authority, Public Administration, Companies, Universities and R&D Centres.

Fórum Oceano aimed at explaining the Initiative’ s goals and implementation, giving some information about the activities held and the next steps. This presentation had the support of Sines Tecnopolo, regional stakeholder that is involved in WestMED.

Besides the presentation, the Initiative WestMED was also represented at the exhibition area, at the Fórum Oceano’ s booth.

WestMED participated at ADRIA4BLUE 2019

The Italian National Hub took the occasion of the first edition of the Croatian Conference on Blue Growth, held under the patronage of European Commission DG MARE on the 6-8 June in Rijeka – Croatia, to present the WestMED Initiative, to establish a strategic partnership between SEAFUTURE and ADRIA4BLUE, and to join some important seminars on the role of Maritime Clusters, and on Clean Transport and Alternative Fuels.

The important role of the Kingdom of Norway, co-organizer of the event through its Embassy in Zagreb and Innovation Norway has given also the possibility to establish useful contacts with the Norwegian experience in sustainable maritime transport.


Oportunidades de Economía Azul en Andalucía

El evento “Oportunidades de la Economía Azul en Andalucía” es el primer “roadshow” que el Mecanismo de Asistencia de la Iniciativa WestMED organiza en España a través del Mecanismo de Asistencia Español de dicha Iniciativa.

El evento está enmarcado en los “roadshow” que son reuniones a nivel regional (comunidad autónoma) de carácter técnico cuyos principales objetivos son:

  • dar a conocer la Iniciativa WestMED y su Mecanismo de Asistencia
  • interactuar con los agentes más relevantes de la región
  • recopilar las principales ideas de proyecto y prioridades de los agentes con potencial para llevar a cabo proyectos que vayan en línea con las prioridades de la Iniciativa WestMED

En este contexto el evento del 10 de Julio de Málaga es el primero de estos “roadshow” en España y está organizado por la Iniciativa WestMED en co-organización con el Clúster Marítimo Marino de Andalucía (CMMA).

El evento se dividirá en cuatro bloques principales:

  1. Apertura: Con representantes de las administraciones locales / regionales
  2. Presentación de la Iniciativa WestMED y oportunidades existentes en Economía Azul a nivel de Mediterráneo y de Andalucía
  3. Ejemplos de proyectos existentes en Andalucía
  4. Mesa redonda/ Grupo de Trabajo para fomentar la aparición de ideas de proyectos de cara a futuro y la colaboración entre instituciones regionales donde se dará respuesta por parte de cara entidad a las siguientes preguntas:
  • Experiencias de su institución/organismo/empresa en Economía Azul en el pasado y presente.
  • Experiencias que se desean elaborar/abordar/impulsar desde su institución/organismo/empresa para un futuro.
  • Necesidades de asistencia (financiación, búsqueda de socios, etc.) de su institución/organismo/empresa en temas deseados alrededor de la Economía Azul.

Se ha confirmado ya la asistencia de unas 40 personas escogidas de entre los principales sectores de acuicultura, transporte marítimo, marinas, turismo, pesca, energías renovables marinas, universidades, arqueología sub-acuática, biotecnología y conservación marina. Entre las asistencias, destacamos la del Secretario General de Acción Exterior de la Consejería de la Presidencia, Administración Pública e Interior de la  Junta de Andalucía​ y la del Alcalde de Málaga quienes darán apertura al encuentro.

Sigue el evento con el hashtag #WestMEDAndalucia!

Le Hub national Tunisie participe au Forum Africain de l’Economie Bleue

Plus de 150 participants venus d’Afrique et d’ailleurs ont participé à la 2ème édition du Forum Africain de l’Economie Bleue qui s’est tenu à Tunis les 25 et 26 juin 2019, sur le thème “Investir dans une croissance durable”.

Le Forum était une occasion pour mettre l’accent sur l’importance de l’économie bleue pour les participants tunisiens et africains qui représentent leurs gouvernements mais aussi les universités africaines et la société civile.

Le forum était ouvert par sa fondatrice Leila Ben Hassen, et les ministres tunisiens qui ont participé à ce Forum ont souligné que l’économie bleue n’est autre que la déclinaison du concept du développement durable dans l’espace marin. De ce fait, les enjeux liés à l’économie bleue ne sont pas qu’économiques mais aussi climatiques, environnementaux et sécuritaires. Ils ont rappelé que 65% des agglomérations urbaines sont implantées sur le littoral tunisien et plus de 90% des capacités hôtelières sont de caractère balnéaire. Une grande partie de l’industrie tunisienne est également localisée sur cette partie du littoral.

La première journée était une opportunité de discuter plusieurs thèmes, en particulier  les opportunités du partenariat public-privé pour  accélérer le développement d’une économie bleue durable, le rôle de la femme dans le secteur maritime, la pêche et aquaculture, l’énergie océanique, les meilleures pratiques pour assurer la sécurité alimentaire, la protection des mers et des océans de la pollution et la bonne gestion des ressources.

La deuxième journée du forum  s’est focalisée sur la réforme de l’éducation afin de sensibiliser les jeunes sur les opportunités de l’économie bleue, le transport maritime et les ports et les meilleurs moyens d’assurer un commerce durable et la présentation de solutions innovantes du financement pour stimuler l’investissement dans l’économie bleue.

Le projet WestMed  était représenté par  Mr Slim Jerbia , membre du Hub National Tunisien, ce qui a permis de participer aux débats  et faire connaitre  les opportunités que présente l’initiative WestMed.


Plus d’information sur le Forum Africain de l’Economie Bleue.

Information days Horizon 2020 Calls | 16-17 September 2019 | Brussels

This event, organised by EASME, targets potential applicants to the 2020 calls for project proposals under the Horizon 2020 Challenge 5 “Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials”.



Organisers aim to keep, to the best level possible, equilibrium between applicants from different countries and organisations by screening registration requests before accepting them. You are kindly requested to limit participation to maximum two people per organisation.  Organisers reserve the right to refuse registrations if there are too many participants from the same organisation/institution. Priority will be given to those who register early.

Only one e-mail address per participant can be registered in the system. You are free to choose the sessions you are interested in and design your own programme.



From 3 July onwards, you will have the option to schedule bilateral meetings and present your interests in certain topics, your expertise on specific matters and/or your project ideas to possible project partners.

A matchmaking event is a quick and easy way to meet potential cooperation partners to judge a possible future collaboration. People meet and greet at high speed.  A few minutes are usually enough to build connections, then the bell rings and the next meeting starts.


Register here

EU promotes sustainable fisheries in the Mediterranean at high-level conference on MedFish4Ever initiatives

Karmenu Vella, Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, who is representing the Commission at the conference, said: “Fisheries are a source of food and livelihoods for thousands in the Mediterranean. This is why two years ago, together with our partners, we delivered the MedFish4Ever Declaration setting political commitments to turn around the struggling and critical state of most fish stocks. We have made significant and concrete progress towards delivering our ambition to achieve sustainable fisheries. We must keep up the direction and the speed, committing to do even more in the coming years”.

Adopted in 2017, the Declaration sets in motion a new drive towards sustainable development of Mediterranean fisheries and aquaculture. Riparian countries have committed to a roadmap with concrete actions for the coming 10 years, and significant progress has since been achieved, including ambitious fisheries management measures, protection of biodiversity, improved research and control, and a stepped-up fight against illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing (IUU). All these achievements were possible thanks to close regional cooperation as well as to the reinforced capacities in the EU and in the neighbouring countries of the Mediterranean region. Despite improvements in fisheries management, the Mediterranean remains in a critical state and further action is urgently needed to secure the future of fishing communities. In order not to lose momentum, the high-level conference will take stock of the common achievements and renew the commitment to live up to the full promises of MedFish4Ever.

Source: DG MARE

Coast Guard Experts discuss burning issues in the Mediterranean

Illegal migration, fisheries control, maritime surveillance, environmental protection, oil spill response are just some of the challenges the coast guards have to deal with in their daily work. The eighth Mediterranean Coast Guard Functions Forum plenary meeting held in Casablanca on 12-13 May 2019, addressed some of these issues and highlighted the importance of close cooperation among Coast Guards.

Representatives from the participant countries (Croatia, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Malta, Monaco, Morocco, Portugal, Spain, Tunisia, Turkey) and organisations (European Commission, EFCA, EMSA, Frontex, INTERPOL) agreed on the need to adopt a common approach in enforcing international conventions and instruments.  The first step is to share information and best practices among European Coast Guard Functions Forum, Black Sea Cooperation forum, Atlantic Coast Guard Forum and Asian Coast Guard Agencies. A useful cooperation tool would be to develop guidelines to better support the implementation of sea basin and sub sea-basin strategies and initiatives.

Knowledge is best spread though participating in trainings and exchange programs organised by national maritime authorities in the region. A dedicated workshop on multipurpose operations will be co-organised with the EU coast Guard Agencies in spring 2020.

Source: DG MARE (note: link removed/ page inactive)

Horizon 2020 | Empower SME clusters to bring SMEs ‘across the valley of death’ | 4 April – 4 September 2019

4 April – 4 September 2019

The call opened the 4th of April 2019 and it is classified as a Bio-based Industries Coordination and Support action (BBI-CSA)

CSA: actions consisting primarily of accompanying measures such as standardisation, dissemination, awareness-raising and communication, networking, coordination or support services, policy dialogues and mutual learning exercises and studies, including design studies for new infrastructure, and may also include complementary activities of networking and coordination between programmes in different countries.



The specific challenge is to design the appropriate tools and system to build the capacity of SME clusters so that they can train SMEs to devise excellent projects that are scalable, investment ready and which convey these qualities to potential investors.

Identify possible systems for enabling SME clusters to set up a platform where SME entrepreneurs in the bio-based industry and investors can exchange expertise and business opportunities that could lead to successful cooperation. The scope includes the necessary steps to ‘train the trainers’ as well as practical steps SMEs can use when preparing and presenting projects with a high level of investment readiness and building the capacity of SME clusters to build links with investors.

Proposals should devise a framework that can be used to select the best projects through a competition in which investors evaluate and select winning SME proposals at regional level. If the winner’s reward is a cash prize, its value is not an eligible cost in the framework of the grant agreement.

Proposals should also set the basis for a European final of regional winners, and hence, proposers should link up with relevant and interested regional authorities.

The Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC) will set up an industry and market expert group from among its members to provide expertise on the implementation and follow-up of the different tasks and help organise meetings. This expert group is not to be a part of the proposal, but will be offered to the project consortium to assist as needed.


More information

Horizon 2020 | Apply microorganisms and/or enzymes to resolve end-of-life issues of plastic | 4 April – 4 September 2019

4 April – 4 September 2019

The call opened the 4th of April 2019 and it is classified as a Bio-based Industries Research & innovation actions (BBI-RIA).

RIA: are actions primarily consisting of activities aiming to establish new knowledge and/or to explore the feasibility of a new or improved technology, product, process, service or solution. For this purpose they may include basic and applied research, technology development.


Microorganisms and/or enzymes can be applied to biodegrade/decompose plastic waste, one of the major threats to our ecosystem. This is a key focus area to apply the concept of the circular economy, besides changing human behaviour and production systems.

Scope: Select and apply the appropriate microorganisms and/or enzymes to address one or both of the following issues:

▪ convert waste streams containing non-biodegradable polymers;

▪ remove non-biodegradable polymers from the environment.

Proposals may include tailored microorganisms and/or enzymes for co-digestion or co-fermentation of different feedstock, provided that the developed solutions result in sufficient yields in terms of: (i) breaking down the feedstock; and/or (ii) conversion into valuable products.

Proposals should address all requirements for RIA as shown in Table 3, pp.24-25, in the Introduction of the Annual Work plan 20199. The technology readiness level (TRL) at the end of the project should be  4-5 for the bio-based value chain in question. Proposals should clearly state the starting and end TRLs of the key technology or technologies targeted in the project. Industry participation in the project would be considered as an added value


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