Ocean Health: Projects that innovate : a sample of the projects funded by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund 2014 – 2019

Source: DG MARE

As the name suggests, the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund does not just support fisheries, but also maritime policy. It is mainly national administrations who decide how to use the amounts they receive to support both fisheries and the blue economy. The European Commission also manages a small percentage of the Fund (4.5%), which goes to innovative projects and sustainable 4 activities and helps coordinate maritime cooperation across borders. Over the years, this “direct funding” has supported many new ideas all over Europe. What follows is a snapshot of some of the most intriguing projects that emerged in recent years thanks to the European Commission’s direct funding.

The document is available here.


The Minister of fisheries agreed to organize a national event in the beginning of 2020

During a hearing granted to the National Hub Manager, the Minister of Fisheries agreed to organize a national workshop under his patronage and to invite all ministers concerned (environment, petrol and mines, equipment and transport, etc.). In consultation with the national coordinator, it was considered necessary to organize the workshop in February 2020 after the completion of the fisheries strategy development process.

L’Economie bleue au service du développement durable

Le Hub national Tunisie a organisé le 14 décembre en partenariat avec l’Association pour le développement durable du gouvernorat de Sfax et l’Association tunisienne des docteurs et doctorants en sciences, un atelier sur l’économie bleue au service du développement durable en Tunisie.

Cet atelier a eu lieu à l’Institut supérieur de Biotechnologie de Sfax et a regroupé 77 participants dont des responsables régionaux, des chercheurs et enseignants, des industriels et des membres des différentes associations de la ville de Sfax.

L’objectif de ce séminaire était de faire connaitre le projet OuestMED et de clarifier les fondements de l’économie bleue et son importance dans le développement durable de la Tunisie en mettant l’accent sur, notamment, la biotechnologie marine dans ce domaine.

Trois communications ont été présentées. La première présenta un diagnostic et les enjeux de l’économie bleue en Tunisie en comparaison avec l’expérience de certains pays. Les deux autres débattirent de la biotechnologie marine en Tunisie, à travers un état des lieux et ses perspectives ainsi que son impact sur le développement durable.

Les débats ont été très riches et ont insisté sur la nécessité de la protection de l’environnement, l’organisation des activités maritime, la nécessité des clusters dans le domaine et l’urgence de planification des espaces marins.

Les participants ont mis l’accent sur l’amélioration de l’accès aux informations maritimes et le besoin de cartographier les fonds marins ainsi que la création de synergies entre les instituts de recherches et les universités d’une part et le secteur industriel d’autre part, particulièrement dans le domaine de la biotechnologie marine.

Les participants ont également insisté sur le rôle de l’Etat en tant qu’incitateur de ces synergies en vue de l’utilisation des résultats de ces recherches dans l’industrie et de la création d’emplois pour les diplômés du supérieur notamment dans les domaines pharmaceutique et cosmétique.

Les travaux ont été terminés à 14h30.

L’agenda et la présentation du séminaire est disponible ici.

Strong involvement of the national hub in the process of developing the fisheries sector strategy of Mauritania (2020-2024)

The national hub of Mauritania has been strongly involved in the process of developing the fisheries sector strategy. Indeed, the head of the national hub was approached by the Minister of Fisheries to participate in steering the process of developing the sector strategy for the period 2020-2024.

In this context, the head of the national hub has actively participated in the preparation of the communication of the Minister of Fisheries in the Council of Ministers on the start of the process of elaboration of the 2020-2024 fisheries strategy, the framework note of the process and the terms of reference of the pool of national experts responsible for developing the strategy.

This function reflects the Minister’s confidence in the skills of the national hub and will strengthen its strategic position at the level of the Ministry of Fisheries, which will have a very positive impact on the promotion of the WestMED initiative and its institutional anchoring in Mauritania. .

OuestMED France et l’innovation dans le domaine clé de la protection et la restauration du milieu marin

L’équipe du Hub national France a organisé avec le soutien de la Région Occitanie un atelier national à la Maison régionale de la mer, à Sète le 2 décembre 2019. Cette première rencontre OuestMED France a été ouverte par M. André LUBRANO, Conseiller régional et Président du Centre d’étude pour la promotion des activités lagunaires et maritimes (Cépralmar – note: link removed/ page inactive).

André LUBRANO ouvre le premier atelier national OuestMED France

André LUBRANO ouvre le premier atelier national OuestMED France

Cet événement a permis au hub national de présenter son action  et l’offre de soutien via le mécanisme d’assistance, notamment dans l’identification et le montage de projets issues des conférences des parties prenantes d’Alger en décembre 2018 et de Palerme en mai 2019, tout en tirant profit des opportunités de financement notamment européennes. L’équipe a également présenté les nouvelles opportunités de financement ouvertes en 2020 pouvant soutenir l’initiative.

Colin Ruel et Frédérick Herpers présentent l'initiative OuestMED

Colin Ruel et Frédérick Herpers présentent l’initiative OuestMED

Plusieurs porteurs de projets et d’initiatives méditerranéennes ont ensuite pris la parole pour  illustrer, de manière très concrète et opérationnelle, l’apport de l’innovation en matière de protection de l’environnement répondant ainsi localement aux objectifs de l’Initiative OuestMED.

Pierre-Yves Hardy du WWF est venu présenter Pharos4MPAs, dont l’objectif est l’amélioration de l’efficacité de la gestion et l’harmonisation des pratiques du réseau des AMP méditerranéennes. Patricia Ricard, de l’Institut Paul Ricard, a ensuite exposé un projet d’Aquaculture multitrophique intégrée. Thierry Laugier est revenu sur Holosud, un projet de création d’une écloserie/nurserie d’holothurie et de test de l’élevage sous les tables ostréicoles, dont l’IFREMER est partie prenante. Sylvain Blouet a présenté le projet Récif’lab dont l’objectif est la restauration écologique des infrastructures fonctionnelles du littoral agathois et de sa biodiversité. Gilles Lecaillon d’Ecoean a décrypté les initiatives de repeuplement marin BioRestore® et de nurseries artificielles BioHut®. Enfin, Sébastien Thorin de Creocean a clôturé ces présentations avec un Guide pour la réduction des impacts environnementaux dans le cadre des projets d’aménagement en mer.

En présence des coordinateurs nationaux de l’initiative (le Secrétariat général de la Mer et le Ministère de l’Europe et des Affaires étrangères), cette rencontre a été également l’occasion d’échanger sur les opportunités de coopération nationales et en Méditerranée occidentale, ainsi que sur les enjeux de la thématique et les challenges du montage de projet.

L’après-midi a été consacrée à la visite de la station d’Ifremer à Palavas les Flots, impliquée dans l’effort de recherche et de développement en pisciculture marine, en partenariat avec de nombreuses structures nationales et européennes. Les principales thématiques de recherche concernent la génétique, la physiologie de la reproduction, l’immuno-pathologie et la technologie des systèmes d’élevage utilisant la recirculation de l’eau. Les objectifs sont le bien être du poisson, la sécurité du consommateur et le respect de l’environnement.

Une assistance de qualité pour ce premier atelier national OuestMED

Une assistance de qualité pour ce premier atelier national OuestMED


Les présentations sont disponibles ici et aux liens ci-dessous:


Development of synergies with FAO initiative and others initiatives

The national hub took part in all the events organized at national level related to the promotion of the blue economy. He was involved in the evaluation of the 2015-2019 fisheries strategy and the development of a program for inland fisheries and fish farming in Mauritania (in collaboration with FAO). It is also involved in the ongoing evaluation of the management and development plan of the Banc d’Arguin National Park and the elaboration of a new plan for the period 2020-2024.

Sustainability of marine resources and preservation of biodiversity: Morocco on the path to a Blue Economy

This article was first published on MSP Global 2030 website.

A boat on a beach

Thirty Moroccan representatives gathered in Rabat (Morocco) on 27-28 November 2019 for the first MSPglobal national training course in the country, where they gained new knowledge, shared experience and considered next steps for Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) and the Sustainable Blue Economy.

This first inter-institutional meeting allowed stakeholders ranging from government agencies, law enforcement, academia and research to sit around the table to discuss coordination and process for MSP and the Sustainable Blue Economy.

Important questions were raised, such as the main drivers of implementation of MSP in the country, the expected social, economic and ecological benefits, as well as the obstacles/constraints for a correct MSP implementation: data, mapping and institutional coordination on national and international legislation.

Nevertheless, while MSP in Morocco is still at an early stage, the potentials and advantages of applying it are evident and were broadly recognized by the participants.

“MSP is a formidable regulatory tool that will help us to develop a blue economy through the optimal use of marine and coastal areas – by limiting conflicts of use, regulating new space requirements, while preserving ecosystems,” explained Laila Bensmail from the Department of Maritime Fisheries. “Our biggest problem is urgency. Maritime activities are increasing and there is an urgent need to implement MSP at national and regional level.”

With the support of the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the MSP Challenge game was used to simulate a planning process between three fictitious countries, during which participants were asked to define the vision, objectives, indicators, actions and stakeholders for short and long-term.

It helped to highlight issues that occur in real life during the planning process and triggered some deep discussions among participants. This training gave them more incentive to work collaboratively to develop their plans.

“These two days of training were very constructive. We have learned a lot about MSP and also put forward recommendations that can be applied in the national maritime space,” said Aomar Bourhim, Moroccan WestMED Coordinator and MSPglobal Focal Point in Morocco.

These included the establishment of marine protected areas to preserve living resources and habitats in the marine environment; more investment in renewable energy; the implementation of incentives for innovative projects linked to the blue economy and respectful of the environment; the creation of an interdisciplinary governance structure dedicated to MSP for the good governance of maritime activities and uses at sea; and awareness-raising campaigns on MSP among the private sector and the general public.

The course was co-organized with the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Rural Development, Water and Forests. It will contribute to the development of a regional roadmap for transboundary MSP and Sustainable Blue Economy in the West Mediterranean, in line with the WestMED Initiative.


The documents and the original article are available at: http://www.mspglobal2030.org/sustainability-of-marine-resources-and-preservation-of-biodiversity-morocco-on-the-path-to-a-blue-economy/

More information on MSP Global 2030 at http://www.mspglobal2030.org/.

A continuous effort to promote the WestMED Initiative at the national level

The head of the national hub has established a regular contact with the Minister of Fisheries, to make him aware of the WestMED initiative and its objectives and to obtain his agreement for the organization of the national event on the blue economy at the beginning of the year 2020. In this context, the Minister confirmed to the head of the national hub his availability to provide all the necessary support for the success of the activities of the national hub.

In other part, a mission is scheduled to Nouadhibou from 08 to 14 December, in which the head of the National Hub is involved. This mission will be an opportunity to inform the various institutions of the WestMED initiative (Nouadhibou Free Zone, fishing professionals, Nouadhibou Autonomous Port, artisanal port, Nouadhibou shipyard, etc.).

WestMED Initiative represented at Business2Sea event

The 9th edition of Business2Sea, organised by Fórum Oceano, the WestMED Portuguese National Hub, in collaboration with CETMAR Foundation, took place between the 11th and 13th of November 2019, at Alfandega Porto Congress Centre, in Oporto.

logo Business2Sea with information

This year, the event was dedicated to the main theme “Healthy Oceans and the Sustainable Use of Marine Resources”, under the framework of the Sustainable Development Goal 14: “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development”.

The WestMED Initiative was represented at the event with an exhibition booth, receiving the visit of the Portuguese Minister of Sea, Ricardo Serrão Santos, on the 12th of November. The event gathered around 700 participants and it was a great opportunity to get in contact with the Atlantic National Hub to schedule a joint session focused on the presentation of both initiatives. This session should happen in January 2020.

During the Business2Sea event, the Portuguese National Hub also took the chance to meet the new president of Lisbon Regional Coordination and Development Commission (CCDR LVT), Teresa Almeida, in order to organise a meeting in Lisbon, gathering the regional stakeholders.

Further details on Business2Sea are available at www.business2sea.org

Malta’s Vision on R&I post-2020 – Marine and Blue Biotech focus group organised by MCST

In bid to highlight the scope of the WestMED Initiative within the context of deriving policy particularly for the post 2020 period, the National Hub has participated on the 15 November in an event organised by the Malta Council for Science and Technology (MCST) on the future of smart specialisation within the marine focus group.