Bluemed hackathon event poster

BlueMed Hackathon: call for ideas and solutions for a Healthy Plastic Free Mediterranean Sea

In the frame of the Pilot Action on marine litter, BlueMed launches a Hackathon team challenge to develop ideas and solutions for a Healthy Plastic Free Mediterranean Sea, to promote sustainable blue growth and circular bioeconomy in the Mediterranean.

The Hackathon is dedicated to 18-30 years old Master and PhD candidates or graduates in STEM disciplines, designer/creatives and marine science young professionals with no restriction on geographical origin. This team challenge will contribute to identify and propose solutions to plastic pollution and promote sustainable blue growth in the Mediterranean.

The BlueMed Hackathon will virtually start on May 18th; candidates have to fill out the online form at before 10th May 2021.

Winners will be announced during the Final Event in June 2021 and will get access to a training phase for the development of their project idea into a business plan to be presented during ECOMONDO Exhibition in October 2021. ECOMONDO (Rimini, Italy) is the most important event in Europe for technological and industrial innovation for circular economy and winners will have the chance to meet companies, investors and plan business with them.

More information
 Visit the event page on the BlueMed website .

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Mauritanie-Algérie : ouverture d’une ligne maritime stratégique pour l’export

Source: Financial Afrik

La Mauritanie et l’Algérie ont procédé lundi 12 avril au port d’Alger, à l’ouverture officielle d’une nouvelle ligne maritime entre Alger et Nouakchott. Ce premier axe maritime  est destiné essentiellement à faciliter  l’export des produits algériens vers la Mauritanie, mais également en Afrique.

D’après la fiche technique, ce trajet est géré par la société « Anisfer Line » spécialisée dans le transport maritime. L’entreprise organise tous les 20 jours un nouveau voyage sur cette ligne pour exporter divers produits algériens vers la Mauritanie ainsi que vers les autres pays africains voisins. Cette nouvelle route, indique-t-on, réduira le délai d’exportation vers la Mauritanie à cinq  jours.

S’exprimant à cette occasion, le directeur général de la société, Mustapha Hamadou, a  mentionné que l’ouverture de cette ligne maritime constitue la première ligne directe vers l’Afrique. Elle permettra, souligne le responsable, à l’Algérie d’exporter ses différents produits vers le continent africain dans un délai record.

En lire plus
visitez la page Web Financial Afrik



offshore wind farm

Maritime Spatial Planning: most countries late, offshore wind must remain a priority

Source: wind europe

Only 6 EU countries met the deadline for the submission of the final Maritime Spatial Plans.  Others will need to ensure that their Plans are aligned with EU climate goals and allow for the development of offshore wind.

Offshore wind will play a central role in helping the EU meet its climate goals and decarbonise its economy. The EU Commission see offshore wind being 30% of Europe’s electricity by 2050. The EU Offshore Renewable Energy Strategy (ORES) set a target of 300 GW offshore wind for the EU by 2050, 25 times more than what the EU has today.  But many activities already take place in the sea: shipping, fisheries, sand extraction, military activity, etc.  And many areas are protected for marine conservation.  To ensure that all these different activities take place in an efficient, safe and sustainable way, governments and stakeholders do Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP).  MSP allows governments to plan and decide on the spatial and temporal distribution of activities and uses in the sea.

The EU Maritime Spatial Planning Directive requires coastal Member States to submit their Maritime Spatial Plans to the Commission by 31 March 2021.  However only 6 of them met the deadline: Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, Finland, Latvia, and Portugal.  The other 16 failed to send in their Plans on time: Germany, France, Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovenia, Sweden, Romania, Bulgaria and Spain.

Read the full text here

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Algerian-Italian fisheries partnership | نحو شراكة جزائرية ايطالية في مجال الصيد البحري

نحو شراكة جزائرية ايطالية في مجال الصيد البحري

إستقبل السيد سيد أحمد فروخي، وزير الصيد البحري و المنتجات الصيدية، يوم الاثنين 08 مارس 2021 ، سعادة سفير ايطاليا بالجزائر السيد جيوفاني بوقلياز، بمقر الوزارة

وسمح اللقاء باستعراض سبل تطوير التعاون و الشراكة ما بين البلدين في ثلاثة مجالات، تخص كل من صيانة و بناء سفن الصيد البحري، صناعة تربية المائيات و تسمين التونة الحمراء

كما إتفق الطرفان على تنظيم لقاءات عبر تقنية التحاضر المرئي عن بعد ما بين المهنيين و مجهزي السفن الجزائريين و الايطاليين، لتطوير مشاريع شراكة و استثمارات اقتصادية في عدة مجالات ذات الاهتمام المشترك


Meeting between Mr. Ahmed Ferroukhi, Minister of fisheries, and Mr the Ambassador of Italy in Algeria, Mr. Giovanni Bouklyaz. The meeting allowed a review of ways to develop cooperation and partnership between the two countries in three areas, related to each of the maintenance and construction of fishing vessels, the aquaculture industry and red tuna fattening. The two parties also agreed to organize a virtual meeting between Algerian and Italian professionals and ship suppliers to develop partnership projects and economic investments in several areas of common interest.



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Pesceinrete: Le imprese ittiche della Mauritania aderiscono alla fiera di Assoittica

Source: Pesceinrete/ Domenico Letizia
Original article:


Nel Paese le opportunità legate alla pesca sono tantissime e le imprese locali vogliono inseguire innovazione e sostenibilità.

Anche la Mauritania aderisce alla fiera ittica virtuale mondiale di Assoittica Italia, la fiera Digital Seafood Trade Show. In Mauritania, la piccola pesca è minacciata da un sistema invasivo e legato alle vecchie logiche industriali: le flotte industriali, spesso straniere, razziano il mare ricco e pescoso a discapito delle comunità locali dove il pesce viene trasformato e non solo è fonte fondamentale di sostentamento, ma anche di reddito.

Tuttavia, nel Paese le opportunità legate alla pesca sono tantissime e le imprese locali vogliono inseguire l’innovazione e la sostenibilità per riscrivere le logiche dell’industria ittica nazionale. Il settore ittico è uno dei settori più importanti per l’economia del Paese. Le particolari condizioni climatiche permettono alla Mauritania di essere considerata uno dei paesi con aree costiere maggiormente produttive. Il maggior centro economico del Paese, Nouadhibou, è sede di pesca industriale e artigianale, ed è considerato un centro strategico per la sua posizione geografica ma anche perché è il centro decisionale del paese.  Il fenomeno rende Nouadhibou una delle regioni più ricche al mondo in termini di risorse ittiche. La Mauritania è considerata una delle poche aree al mondo in cui il settore ittico presenta ancora importanti margini di crescita.

Ben diciassette sono le imprese ittiche della Mauritania, raggruppate attorno alla Fédération de pêche des mareyeurs exportateurs, distributeurs et collecteurs (FPMEDC), che parteciperanno ai lavori del Digital Seafood Trade Show. La FPMEDC, presieduta da Moustapha Sidi Mohamed, è un sindacato professionale mauritano che riunisce la maggior parte degli operatori del settore della pesca, gestito da un team di professionisti e imprenditori. Aumentare il reddito dei pescatori  locali e contribuire a facilitare un positiva integrazione economica dei protagonisti ittici del Paese per una buona gestione dello sfruttamento delle zone costiere è tra gli obiettivi della storica organizzazione che aderisce alla Fiera ittica virtuale di Assoittica Italia. Le aziende della Mauritania che aderiscono alla fiera virtuale sono SMMCS Sarl, Valencia Fri60, Mauritania Peche, Interpesca Frigo, Est Ndm, Cosm Frigo, Mhamed Taleb, Nord Fish, Ico Peche, Union Trarza, Ecab, Muritanibest, Ets Khalifa, Tl-Peche, El Mansour Peche e Fleur De Tatlantic. Il Governo della Mauritania nel 2013 ha inaugurato una Free Zone nella regione. L’obiettivo strategico del progetto è quello di attrarre gli investimenti esteri e contribuire al consolidamento di partnership per colmare il gap infrastrutturale e favorire lo sviluppo sostenibile della pesca.

Samir Grimes

El Watan publication – edition economie: interview avec Samir Grimes (Hub National OuestMED Algérie)/pêche et l’aquaculture

Article complet: Samir Grimes. Expert en environnement et développement durable : «Revoir les mécanismes de soutien au développement de la pêche et de l’aquaculture»


Pourquoi le secteur de la pêche tarde à se développer et à contribuer à la croissance économique dans un pays qui compte 1600 km de côté et où le poisson reste inaccessible pour les consommateurs ?

La production halieutique nationale se situait entre 2001 et 2009 entre 130 000 et 145 000 avec une année exceptionnelle en 2006 où l’on a frôlé les 160 000 tonnes. Cette production s’est stabilisée de 2001 à 2019 autour de 100 000 tonnes avec un ratio moyen de consommation des produits de la pêche oscillant entre 4,5 et 5 kg/habitant/an, encore loin des standards de l’OMS. Durant cette même période, le nombre de navires de pêche a plus que doublé passant de 2500 unités à près de 5800 unités, dont 62% fonctionnelles.

Cela nous interpelle sur le fait que les efforts fournis par les pouvoirs publics pour améliorer les conditions des pêcheurs et augmenter les capacités de pêche n’ont pas été suivis par une amélioration de la production et de la consommation. Un faisceau de raisons expliquant cela, d’abord il existerait des quantités qui pourraient être appréciables, notamment de la pêche «dite» de plaisance et des débarquements qui sont faits par les petits métiers sur des plages d’échouages non comptabilisées.

Ensuite, la population algérienne a augmenté et la demande nationale en produits de la mer a «explosé» dans certaines wilayas, notamment de l’intérieur. La région de Bordj Bou Arréridj-Sétif, par exemple, est devenue en l’espace de quelques années un hub pour la commercialisation des produits de la pêche. Par ailleurs, la pollution, y compris par les macro déchets, même localisée, contribue directement à la réduction des prises, ce problème ne doit pas être occulté. Tout comme, on ne doit pas occulter la surexploitation de certains stocks et certaines zones de pêche, cela est lié principalement à la concentration de l’effort de pêche au niveau des régions côtières. L’utilisation de techniques et d’engins de pêche non conventionnels ont également contribué à affaiblir les stocks exploitables.

La situation de la pêcherie algérienne est également liée la gouvernance maritime. Il faut savoir que le secteur de la pêche ne gère pas les ports de pêche, ce qui constitue, de mon point de vue, un problème fonctionnel, de même que la concentration des investissements jusqu’ici, sur le cœur de l’activité, soit la production/exploitation sans avoir une véritable approche de «chaînes de valeurs» a fait que les autres forces motrices de l’activité ont été négligées en termes d’investissements. Je pense en particulier à la réparation et à la construction navale, aux intrants, comme les engins de pêche, mais également aux circuits de commercialisation et aux questions liées au contrôle qualité et assurance qualité.

Enfin, le système de subvention tel qu’il a été mis en œuvre a montré son caractère «toxique» pour le développement de l’activité. Il est donc essentiel de revoir les mécanismes de soutien au développement de la pêche et de l’aquaculture en Algérie qui doivent être adaptés en considérant l’innovation et la durabilité comme éléments moteurs. On devrait s’attendre à une amélioration de la gouvernance de la pêche si le Plan d’aménagement et de gestion de la pêche algérienne est mis en œuvre de manière intégrale et intégrée.

En lire plus

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Take part in the Seabed 2030 survey – closes end of April 2021

Source: NLA International on behalf of Seabed 2030

Last year NLA International Ltd working on behalf of Seabed 2030, launched an online survey to find out more about the status and potential of mapping the ocean floor. The survey collected views from across all interested sectors to help us better understand issues such as:

  • Why stakeholders feel it is important to map the seabed.
  • How interested parties are estimating the environmental, social and economic value of seabed mapping.
  • Where are the most urgent priorities for seabed mapping.

All of this will help us to corroborate – or challenge – existing thinking, and hopefully identify any areas of the seabed that may benefit from a more joined-up / collaborative approach.

We have been really delighted with the responses thus far – we have received nearly 470 detailed responses to date – and are currently hard at work analysing the initial findings.

However, it is not too late to have your say! We will be keeping the survey open until the end of April, and we would be very grateful if you could contribute your views.

To access the survey, please click here.

More information

Read the article: Marine Geospatial Data: the Cornerstone of the Blue Eonomy

Read more about the seabed 2030 Initiuative:  100% of Ocean Floor mapped by 2030

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A new agenda for the Mediterranean: the Council approves conclusions on a renewed partnership with the Southern Neighbourhood

Press release:  Council of the EU

The Council approved conclusions affirming the EU’s determination to renew and strengthen its strategic partnership with its Southern Neighbourhood. The objective is to address common challenges, take advantage of shared opportunities and unlock the region’s economic potential for the benefit of its people.

Spurring sustainable long-term socio-economic recovery and job creation in the Southern Neighbourhood is a key shared priority and the innovative cornerstone of the new Agenda for the Mediterranean. Working together, the EU and its Southern Neighbourhood partners can turn climate and environmental challenges, and digital transformation, into major opportunities for sustainable development, contributing to a just and inclusive green transition. The EU will use all its available instruments, including the NDICI-Global Europe and the European Fund for Sustainable Development plus (EFSD+), and engage with financial institutions to achieve this objective, paying particular attention to the human dimension and opportunities for young people.

Good governance, the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, democratic institutions and the rule of law are also considered to be essential for long-term stability, security and sustainable development in the region. The EU will step up its engagement on these issues, and renew its efforts on conflict prevention and resolution, as well as on cooperation on security, migration and the preparedness and response capacities of healthcare systems.

The EU intends to strengthen the political dialogue across the Mediterranean by setting up annual meetings of EU member states’ and Southern Neighbourhood partners’ foreign ministers to review progress in the implementation of the new Agenda for the Mediterranean.

Read more on the EU Councils press release webpage

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Report: The future of Mediterranean tourism in a (post) covid world

Mediterranean tourism is now at a crossroad. Severely impacted by travel restrictions due to the COVID19, its future is now decided and faces a fundamental question: back to Mass Tourism or leapfrog towards Sustainability?

Download the report that has been prepared by the Eco-Union. This can also be found on a dedicated page of Eco-Union’s website.

TFNEWS – Italian press coverage ‘La cooperazione nel cuore del Mediterraneo e lo sviluppo della logistica portuale’