underwater ray of light

Survey for Nautical Companies to Understand Potential of Innovative Marine Robotics


Blue Roses is an EU funded project, developed by a consortium of research institutions and companies (Navigo and Aninver – IMC Worldwide among them), to use state-of-the-art marine robotics to develop innovative and sustainable underwater services for marinas and leisure boats.

The aim of the project is to facilitate access to the underwater environment through the use of Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) and associated ICT. This ‘new dimension’ will help marinas attract and grow interest from diversified users. The robots can be used in a variety of functions, including yacht hull monitoring, remote access to underwater sites, monitoring of sea beds and many other applications.
The three scenarios considered by the project, in which we seek to identify and analyze innovative services and business models, are:
1. Remote access to naturalistic and/or cultural underwater sites (Pilot 1)
2. Robotic-based waters and seabed monitoring inside marinas (Pilot 2)
3. Robotic-based monitoring of yacht hulls for security and support to refit and dismantling

This survey is part of the research to understand the potential of innovative marine robotics services and business models. Your collaboration is highly appreciated. Your personal data will only be used for statistical purposes and none of the consortium members will store or further use this information.

Take me to the survey here

salem miladi ifm radio 2022

Salem Miladi (WestMED National Hub Tunisia) talks about the Blue Economy on National Radio IFM

On Saturday April 16, 2022 Salem Miladi from the WestMED National Hub in Tunisia was invited by Radio IFM; a popular national commercial radio station in Tunisia. In the program L’univers Marin,’ hosted by Wael Beji,  he was interviewed for 50 minutes  about the blue economy, the WestMED initiative and the situation in Tunisia with its main opportunities and challenges for blue growth.

There was a lot of response after the show – including high viewership of the recording on YouTube.  It was also referenced to in a follow-up meeting with  Secretary of State for the Sea, Asma S’hiri Laabidi who agreed to open the Tunisian WestMED National Event on June 2 by announcing the Tunisian government’s commitment to promote the blue economy and present the first elements of the Blue Economy Strategy

You can watch the full recording here  (in Arabic)

screenshot of ec.europa news article with image of Mauritanian boat on beach

EU and Mauritania announce the conclusion of negotiations for a new fisheries agreement

Source: EC.Europa website  | 29 July 2021

The European Union and the Islamic Republic of Mauritania have concluded on Wednesday 28 July 2021 the negotiations for the renewal of the bilateral agreement on sustainable fisheries.

Fishing boats, Mauritania @ Patrick CHAZOT / Adobe Stock
This new agreement, which replaces the one in force since 2008, contributes to further strengthening the political partnership between the EU and Mauritania and confirms several decades of cooperation in the field of fisheries, a key sector for the development of Mauritania’s economy and one of the pillars of European blue growth.

Consistent with the European fisheries policy, the new agreement comes after a long negotiation, which took place in a phase of reform of Mauritania’s fisheries management and incorporates the priorities of the new national sectoral strategy recently adopted.

The Implementation Protocol accompanying the new agreement was concluded for a period of five years and aims at a gradual alignment of the fishing opportunities offered to Union vessels operating in Mauritanian waters with their actual activity, taking into account the best scientific advice in the context of increased monitoring of the state of the fisheries resources concerned. For this reason, the protocol includes, inter alia, a review clause before the third year of application in order to allow the possible adjustment of the fishing opportunities and the financial contribution paid by the Union in the light of the actual use made of these possibilities by Union vessels.

The new protocol contributes to responsible fishing and sustainable management of fisheries resources under improved technical and operational conditions and transparency. It aims in particular to minimise the impact of fishing on marine ecosystems and respects the activities of Mauritanian coastal and artisanal fleets.

The protocol provides for access by the European fleet to Mauritanian waters for the fishing of crustaceans, demersal fish, tuna and small pelagics, for a total of approximately 290.000 tonnes per year. For the first years of application of the protocol, in addition to the catches paid by European fishermen, the EU will devote EUR 57,5 million per year to this partnership. The European Union will pay Another EUR 16,5 million, spread over the duration of the protocol, as sectoral support to accompany the implementation of the Mauritanian national strategy by measures approved jointly.


Read the full news announcement on the ec.europa website

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The WestMED Maritime Cluster Alliance helps pave the way for establishing a Mauritanian Maritime Cluster

In the framework of the activities of the WestMED Maritime Clusters Alliance, and thanks to the organization of the WestMED Mauritanian National Coordinator and National Hub, the first event aimed at the establishment of a Maritime Cluster in Mauritania, has shown the importance of such a process in the growth and consolidation of local ecosystems for the Blue Economy and beyond.

Taking inspiration from the good practices from Tunisia, with its CMT (Cluster Maritime Tunisien), the participation of the Secretary General of the Union of Arab Maghreb and the President of the Central African Francophone Maritime Cluster (together with the main European networks of maritime clusters – ENMC, ECA), well represents the significance of a joint undertaking of the same challenge at regional level.

Countries where this process is at its early stage, find a strong support in this common effort and the requests expressed by the Mauritanian actors, during the networking session, have clearly underlined the need for support: institutional anchoring, sustainable model for clusters establishment and development, financial resources to encourage research &i nnovation, progressive inclusion of local ecosystems in European supply chains (towards Euro-Mediterranean ones).

The WestMED Maritime Clusters Alliance, through its inclusive activities, is going to ensure and facilitate suitable answers to this capacity building demand, within South-South and also North-South through actions/partnerships/projects.

The next event related to this topic, during event during the SEAFUTURE 2021, will mark another step of this ongoing process, in the same direction.

More information
Contact the National Hub Italy for more information

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Pêche et aquaculture: près de 2400 diplômés du secteur pour l’année scolaire 2020-2021

Source: www.aps.dz 

ALGER – Le nombre de diplômés des instituts et des écoles de formation relevant du secteur de la Pêche et des Productions halieutiques s’est élevé à 2360 étudiants au titre de l’année scolaire 2020-2021, indique samedi un communiqué de la tutelle.

En dépit de la conjoncture sanitaire particulière que traverse le pays, en raison de la propagation de la pandémie de Corona, les instituts et les écoles du secteur ont pu assurer la formation de plus de 10.000 étudiants, dont plus de 2360 diplômés dans les spécialités en lien avec la pêche et l’aquaculture, a précisé la même source.

Read more on the website of aps.dz

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Deux projets d’éoliennes flottantes vont émerger en Méditerranée

Source: Econostrum

Les régions Occitanie et Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur vont accueillir deux projets de parcs éoliens flottants de 250 MW chacun. Un débat public débutera en juillet 2021 pour valider leur opportunité, les impacts, les caractéristiques et définir leurs localisations. La France est ambitieuses dans ce secteur, mais malgré des premiers appels d’offres voici neuf ans, ne compte encore aucun parc d’éoliennes flottantes sur ses quatre façades maritimes.

Le débat public sur les projets de parcs éoliens flottants EOS (pour EOliennes flottanteS) en Méditerranée se déroulera du 12 juillet au 31 octobre 2021. “Il se tient en amont de la décision de poursuivre ou non le projet, et permettra au public de questionner son opportunité, ses impacts et ses caractéristiques, dont la localisation. La Commission qui porte le débat public est indépendante et neutre vis-à-vis du porteur de projet. Elle veillera à ce que l’ensemble des acteurs concernés (professionnels de la mer, du tourisme, industriels, associations, acteurs de la recherche et de la formation, etc…) comme le grand public puissent être informés du projet et donner leur avis“, commente une source proche du dossier, interrogée par econostrum.info.

En lire plus sur le site Econostrum

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FAO: l’Algérie intensifie la lutte contre la pêche illicite

Source Le expression.dz

L’Algérie intensifie la lutte contre la pêche illicite, non déclarée et non réglementée, en œuvrant à assurer des inspections en mer dans l’ensemble de la région méditerranéenne en partenariat avec l’Agence européenne de contrôle des pêches (AECP), a indiqué l’Organisation des Nations-Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO) sur son site web.

Dans le cadre des activités de la Commission générale des pêches pour la Méditerranée (CGPM), l’Algérie œuvre en partenariat avec l’AECP et les inspecteurs de l’Albanie, la Bosnie-Herzégovine, la Libye, le Monténégro, la Tunisie et l’Ukraine afin d’assurer des inspections en mer consistantes dans l’ensemble de la région, fait savoir la même source.

En lire plus sur le site le expression.dz


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Pour une unification des stratégies sectorielles dans plusieurs secteurs du domaine maritime

Source: webmangercenter.com

La secrétaire générale chargée des Affaires maritimes, Asma Shiri, a indiqué, mercredi 9 juin 2021, qu’elle souhaite achever le diagnostic de l’espace maritime en Tunisie avant la fin de l’année 2021.

Lors d’une visite effectuée dans le gouvernorat de Mahdia, elle a ajouté qu’un comité de pilotage, comprenant des représentants de tous les ministères concernés, œuvre à finaliser ce diagnostic, dans l’objectif de concevoir une stratégie nationale dédiée au domaine maritime.

En lire plus sur le site webmanagercenter


screenshot econostrum website with article on clusters

Les start-up et les transfers de technologie, nouveau souffle pour les clusters méditerranéens

Source: Econostrum

Arrivés voici une vingtaine d’années dans les pays méditerranéens, avec comme pionniers les incubateurs d’El Ghazala (Tunisie), Berytech (Liban) et Casablanca Technopark (Maroc), les écosystèmes d’innovation se sont rapidement développés dans ces régions. Les parcs technologiques (souvent baptisés technoparks) ou clusters (grappe d’entreprises en français), spécialisés dans des secteurs précis, sont venus compléter le maillage en mutualisant les compétences entre entreprises du même secteur d’activité ou de la même filière.

En lire plus

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Malta Maritime Forum says more direction needed through an updated maritime policy

Source: Malta independent

The Malta Maritime Forum has urged the need for more direction through an updated maritime policy for the sector.

The interests of the maritime industry were discussed with the Leader of the Opposition and the Shadow Minister for Transport during a regular meeting which the Malta Maritime Forum (MMF) seeks to hold with the country’s policy makers.

Read the full article on the website of the Malta independent