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COSME Call for proposals | Technology & SMEs

Deadline: 2 February 2021 Budget: €5.000.000 This call for proposals aims to fund two pilot projects focused on building alliances among traditional and tech-savvy SMEs through industrial cluster organisations in order to promote SME collaboration and technology adoption within specific industrial ecosystems. The final objective of this call is to contribute to a wider spreading […]

ARLEM rapport: «l’économie bleue pour les collectivités locales et régionales de la région méditerranéenne»

It is our greatest pleasure to bring to your attention the recent ‘Report on the Blue economy for local and regional authorities in the Mediterranean’, adopted by the Euro-Mediterranean Regional and Local Assembly (ARLEM) in January 2020. The publication is available in English, French and Arabic at the Mediterranean Blue Economy Stakeholder Platform (https://medblueconomyplatform.org/resources/library/ ).

Study for the implementation of regulation (EU)2015/757 | 16 October

Study for the implementation of regulation (EU)2015/757 on the monitoring, reporting and verification of CO2 emissions from maritime transport |  General information The call for tenders was published the 02/09/2020. In February 2019, the Commission adopted a proposal to revise Regulation (EU) 2015/757. The objective of this proposal is to align the EU MRV system, […]

EU | European Green Deal call

This article was first published on the European Commission’s website.   The Green Deal call will mobilise research and innovation to foster a just and sustainable societal transition aiming at ‘leaving nobody behind’. Projects are expected to deliver tangible and visible results relatively quickly and show how research and innovation can provide concrete solutions for the Green […]

EASME | Studies to Support the European Green Deal: Lot 1 Shellfish and Algae and Lot 2 Vessel Density | 30 September 2020

The Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) is launching this call for tenders for further development and maintenance of the European Marine Observation and Data Network. The European Commission’s proposal for a green deal resets the Commission’s commitment to achieving zero emissions of greenhouse gases in 2050 with economic growth decoupled from resource […]

UfM | Grant Scheme for employment promotion – Regional response to the COVID-19 pandemic | 29 October 2020

This call was first published on the UfM Secretariat’s website.   The UfM Secretariat has launched the UfM Grant Scheme for Employment Promotion in view of the COVID-19-induced economic crisis. The Grant Scheme has been set in order to support not-for-profit organizations with projects aiming at promoting employment in the UfM Region. The economic consequences of […]

DG REGIO |  Call for expression of interest for Covid-19 Response and Recovery Partnerships: Pilot Action for Interregional Innovation | 7 September 2020

This call was first published on DG REGIO’s website on the 27 July 2020.   Objective of the call Under this Call, DG REGIO seeks expressions of interest from transnational partnerships of regional authorities, including ecosystems of regional stakeholders (universities, research centres, clusters, SMEs, etc.) willing to pilot interregional innovation partnerships. The objective is to […]

EU | What’s next for the future of our ocean? EU launches consultation on international ocean governance

This article was published first in DG MARE’s website on the 15/07/2020. The European Commission and the European External Action Service have launched a targeted consultation to assess development needs and options for the EU’s international ocean governance agenda. Ocean governance concerns the international and regional processes, agreements, rules and institutions that allow the international community to coordinate […]

MPA NETWORKS va de l’avant

Cet article a été publié pour la première fois sur le site MEDPAN. L’original est disponible ici.   Malgré le contexte actuel, le projet MPA NETWORKS bat son plein. Ce projet, qui rassemble 10 partenaires et est mené par MedPAN, vise à renforcer les réseaux de gestionnaires d’Aires Marines Protégées en Méditerranée afin d’accroître l’efficacité […]