Entrées par Communication team

Appel à projets | Avenir Littoral

Dans le contexte sanitaire actuel et une situation économique fragilisée, l’État, la Région Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée et la Caisse des Dépôts souhaitent d’ores-et-déjà préparer l’avenir. A ce titre, l’innovation constitue un levier essentiel de développement du littoral. C’est pourquoi, dans le cadre du Plan Littoral 21, signé en mars 2017, ils lancent en 2020 la […]

Biannual Flash News on Blue Economy

The 8th issue of the biannual flash news on blue economy in the Mediterranean region is out! Read the most updated information related to the work of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) and its partners to promote the blue economy in the Mediterranean region here.      

ENICBC MED funds 22 new projects to drive cooperation forward across the Mediterranean

This article was first published by ENI CBC Med Programme on 20 April 2020. The Joint Monitoring Committee, decision-making body of the ENI CBC Med Programme, has approved 22 projects under the call for strategic projects out of the 198 proposals submitted. The projects, worth €78.8 million, have the ambition to produce long-lasting and far-reaching effects, […]

100 entities gathered by the UfM to contribute to the future of the Blue Economy in the Mediterranean

Source: UfM newsletter   More than 100 experts and representatives from international organisations participated in the UfM online consultation on the future of the Blue Economy in the Mediterranean region. Taking into account the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, they provided more than 350 recommendations in key sectors such as governance, fisheries, aquaculture, tourism, renewable energies, […]