Entrées par Communication team

Our WestMED website address will change… slightly

The WestMED initiative’s website is currently undergoing a migration process to the Europa.ec domain. This means that the website will receive a new domain-name as off early March 2021. As a result of this process, the website will be designed in a way so that it is compliant with accessibility standards of the European Commission. […]

Appel à consultation pour la préparation d’un nouveau projet GEF

Date limite: 15 mars 2021 Budget: 85.000 euro Pays: Tous les pays OuestMED Thèmes: Les aires marines protegees En collaboration avec MedPAN, The MedFund lance un appel à consultation pour la préparation et la rédaction du document de projet et du dossier d’approbation pour le projet intitulé « Build back a blue and stronger Mediterranean » financé par […]

GALATEA – Blue Growth Accelerator

Deadline: 31 March 2021 Budget: 1.308.000 euro Countries: Spain, France, Greece Themes: Maritime Technology/ Innovation The project aims at developing new cross-sectoral and cross-border industrial value-chains integrating technologies and know-how from aerospace and ICT communities to 4 key Blue Growth domains: Smart Port, Smart Ship, Smart Shipyard and Maritime Surveillance. Under the Voucher scheme, SMEs […]

Renewed partnership with the Southern Neighbourhood – A new agenda for the Mediterranean

Press release: EEAS (European Union External Action Service) | 9-2-2021 Twenty-five years ago the European Union and the Southern Mediterranean partners committed to turning the Mediterranean basin into an area of dialogue, exchange and cooperation, guaranteeing peace, stability and prosperity. The 25th anniversary of the Barcelona Declaration reminds us that a strengthened Mediterranean partnership remains […]

WestMED – BlueMed webinar focuses on strengthening ties and opportunities with Southern Partners

Context/introduction  The WestMED Assistance Mechanism is promoting a series of webinars in partnership with BlueMed initiative aimed at bringing stakeholders in the Mediterranean together to address common challenges and support the development of sustainable blue growth. The intention behind this collaboration is to create increasing synergies between the two initiatives. A first webinar was organised […]

WestMED National Event Morocco 2020

Economie Bleue Quels défis, opportunités et priorités pour le Maroc ? Objet de la réunion :  Présenter l’initiative WestMED, ces objectifs, priorités et les opportunités qu’elle propose. Grouper le réseau de l’initiative et discuter les priorités de l’initiative au niveau du Maroc. Principaux  Points abordés Synthèse des principaux points abordés. Présentation de l’Initiative Le hub national […]

Promoting Sustainable Transport in the western Mediterranean

Through the establishment of a cooperation framework within the western Mediterranean sub-sea basin, the WestMED initiative’s Technical Group on Sustainable Transport and Green Shipping aims to promote dialogue among key actors and contribute to the deployment of innovative solutions for clean maritime transport. Following the conclusions of the Steering Committee of Rabat in October 2019, […]

The WestMED initiative pushes for the Blue Economy in Spain, Morocco and Portugal

During the last quarter, two WestMED National Events have taken place online in Spain and Morocco, and a dedicated workshop on the initiative was held within the Business2Sea conference organized by Fórum Oceano.   WestMED National Event Spain | 23 September 2020 The event “Opportunities for the Blue Economy in the Western Mediterranean” was held […]

Towards the establishment of an efficient network of WestMED Maritime Clusters

Building upon a strong networking activity during its first two years of implementation, the WestMED Assistance Mechanism is promoting the organization of a closed meeting on November 30th to pave the way for the development of an integrated maritime clusters network within the Western Mediterranean. Maritime clusters are essential actors in fostering the aggregation of […]

WestMED underlines the importance of partnerships during Tourism, ICT and post-Covid event

The vulenrability of the tourism sector is a common challenge which requires joint solutions. There is thus scope in building partnerships in order to find effective solutions as well as identifying lessons as a means of building resilience. The webinar on the ICT services for post Covid-19 blue tourism (on November 10, 2020) in the […]